Wednesday, July 19, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D1 YOU WOULDN'T TRUST JUST ANYONE TO DRIVE YOUR CAR, SO WHY TRUST JUST AMT COMPANY TO INSURE IT? A ndrew H eidem an SSKMeeSBlST 8 2 9 -0 0 1 8 Sportslfetecto You'll eat up our new menu! CHECK IT OUT! 844-8703 dot* · ftqEW LIVE ENTERT!AINMENT Every Friday An O akville B eaver Feature Editor: NORM N ELSO N Phone:845-3824, ext 255 Fax:337-5567 E-mail:nnelson@ Black day for White Ruling `robbed' White o f victory, says father By Rod Jerred O A K V IL L E B E A V E R S TA F F There are many ways to lose a race. On Sunday afternoon in the Canadian (FI600) Formula Ford Championship at the Molson Indy, Oakville's Matt White experience one of the worst ways. White, who had led the way for most of the 20-minute support race, did not lose by a fraction of a second at the finish line; nor did he lose because of engine trouble or running out of gas; not even a last minute pile-up cost him the race. Nope, a decision (an erroneous one, according to White's camp) by an unnamed, faceless official cost him the race. In the waning moment's of the Exhibition Place race, White was black flagged for allegedly jump ing a restart in the final moments of the race. The ruling ended what had been a remarkable race for the Oakville driver. "He was robbed," said his father David. "He didn't pass any body." White had begun the race on a high note capturing the poll posi tion with a qualifying time of Photo by Barrie Erskine Oakville's Matt White drives his Van Deiman around a curve in the Canadian Formula Ford Championship race. 1:20.57. That time leapfrogged him all the way from the 19th poll position to the leader of the pack. According to his father, White's Van Deiman car received a new engine Friday night, and he was saddled with breaking it in during the earher qualifying rounds. On his final qualifying round on Saturday, however, White was able to drive at full speed and won the lead periling position. J ' ,, Photo by Barrie Erskine Matt White waits in his car before the start of Sunday's race. crew chief ordered him to stop the race. "He was devastated because he knew he had the race in the bag," said his father. " He was in control of everything. That's a great feeling." To add insult to injury, White had to stand on podium after the race with the eventual winner Jonathan Marci, of Gormley, because he had won the fastest qualifying event White's next F I600 race is a double-header event in Three Rivers, Quebec. The second race is a replacement for a rained-out contest earlier this season in Shannonville, Ontario, Photo by Barrie Erskine Robin Buck was forced to the sidelines while his pit crew try to solve the problem with his car. Car trouble cuts Buck's race short Car trouble prevented Oakville's Robin Buck from defending his Molson Indy CASCAR (Canadian Association for Stock Car Racing) title at Exhibition Place in Toronto on Saturday. Saddled with car problems, Buck spent much of the race on the sidelines as his pit crew tried to fix his car. The Oakville driver finished 26th after completing only 16 laps of the 30-lap race. Buck, who is sponsored by UAP/NAPA, entered the race in a brand new car -- a Pontiac Grand Prix 2000. Kevin Dowler, of Edmonton, won the race and became the first western CASCAR driver to win an eastern Super Series event. The 41-car race was marred by an eight-car pileup on the first turn which resulted in a 20 minute delay that forced race officials to add 10 minutes extra running time to the event to make v o tir d a ?! DEALS LIKE NEVER BEFORE... 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HAMILTON HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE 1 0 7 1 S P E E R S R O A D (Just West of 4th Line) 2i I R oyil W lndjoi O r. r ii " l a m 905-845-7791 2388 R O Y A L W I N D S O R DRIVE, O A K V IL L E 90S-845-7575