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Oakville Beaver, 16 Aug 2000, A5

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Wednesday August 16, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 G O LFERS W A N TE D OAKVILLE KIWANIS Where: When: Program: Wyldewood Golf & Country Club Wednesday, August 30th 9:30 - 10:30 Registration Continental Breakfast 10:00 - 11:00 Driving Range 11:00 Shot Gun Start 4:30 - 5:30 Cocktails 5:30 - 7:30 Dinner, Auction and Awards Individual Play - Team Prizes Registration: $200.00/golfer (or hole sponsors) KIWANIS GOLF TOURNAMENT , Photo by Barrie Erskine FORE CHARITY: Child Find Ontario receives a cheque for $4,000 from the OPSEU Region 2's fourth annual Paramedic Charity Golf Tournament for Child Find Ontario held on May 27th at Richview. Shown from left are Halton paramedics Brian Dowd and Gord Armes; Betty Voigt, golf committee, Jim King, director of Land Ambulance Service, Halton Region; Noella English, golf committee, Holly Benson, executive director, Child Find Ontario; Dr. Bob Nosal, Medical Officer of Health for Halton; and Halton Regional chair Joyce Savoline. c/o Michael Smith, Integram Events Mktg. 329 Lakeshore Road East, Suite 201 Oakville ON, L6J 1J4 Phone (905) 339-2552 Fax (905) 339-2374 Proceeds to support OAKVILLE YMCA. and ROSE CHERRY'S HOME Torrents o f rain has region staffscrambling By Irene Gentle SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Halton staff are working to bail out from a severe May rain storm that buffeted the area. Torrents o f rain pounded Halton during the two-day thun derstorm, flooding creeks and homes and backing up sewer systems. `T h e storm was anywhere between a 25 and 50-year storm event but the flood levels that occurred was closer to a 100year event," said Halton's plan ning director Pat Murphy. Up to 85 mm of rain were recorded during the tempest, but higher levels may have been experienced in parts of Halton. The unprecedented flow has staff scrambling to investigate the causes of flooding as well as their own service procedures. H alton's infiltration allow ance -- or how much water the system can bear -- was calcu lated in the 1970s based on the worst case scenario available at the time. But the spring gusher over flowed that marker. `T h ere's no question that the storm event of May 12th and 13th was extrem ely taxing," said Halton's Director of Legal Services Mark Meneray. "In a normal year, our procedures work very well." The relentless rain was unforgettable, said Halton Chair Joyce Savoline. "I couldn't believe I was in Halton. It was unbelievable," she said. "It was good white water rafting on some of the creeks. Mother Nature did her work, let me tell you." Others who worked through the storm also had colourful memories of it. `T here were houses where cars floated away," said Murphy. `T here were houses where the water was up to the first floor window." But Oakville M ayor Ann Mulvale appeared glad the dam ages were all material. "We were extremely fortu nate we didn't lose a life," she said. A report on the flooding will come before Halton council, but it isn't clear how soon. The two-day deluge hit south Halton harder than the north and spawned 180 flood calls. It also triggered a review of the Region's ex-gratia grant fund -- literally translated as "act of grace." That's available to homeowners experiencing localized sewer back-ups. So far, $40,000 has been paid out of the fund, at an upset limit of $250 per household. But council approved increasing the grant from $250 to $500, retroactive to January. The wording of the fund will also be fine-tuned so people have a clearer idea of how it works, said Meneray. `T he original intent was to arrive at an amount which would provide homeowners with the insurance deductible," he said. Even with all that in place, residents should purchase flood insurance as a safeguard. IV lO R E th a n . $329.95 SALE ^ T Reg. $399.95 WOODS Selected Ladies' Apparel Haley, Tehama, Donald Jewell 25% Ladies' & Men' s O FF M en 's Ashworth, Tehama, Izod Golf Shoes G o lfS h ir t s 2 0 % OFF G o lf B ags $1499.95 2 0 % OFF G o lf C lu b s Callaway, Tommy Armour, Titleist 99 Demo 2 5 % OFF 3 0 % OFF N O W $ 1 2 9 9 . 9 5 IRONS For A ll That's Fine In G olf 128 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, ON One block north o f Lakeshore Rd. http://morethanagolfshop.com sales@morethanagolfshop.com An interactive conference with proven approaches that are key to managing the demands of work and family Friday, September 15, 2000 8 : 0 0a . m .- 4 : 0 0p . m . Toronto Centre for the Arts 5040 Yonge Street, Toronto (just north of Sheppard Ave.) 0 IG # T H IS M m. -M m . r M m The Company of Women Weeding Out Sale! .20% off original price One week only ~ Sat. Aug. 19 to Sat. Aug. 26 If you are a garde ner o r need a g ift fo r a gardener, com e and see o u r exte n sive selection o f tools, books, accessories, c lo th in g , fu rn itu re , ornam ents, seeds and g ifts. Gifts & Gear for Gardeners Presented by: M e tro la n d in a s s o c ia tio n w ith T o ro n to Business Times, CHFI & The C ity o f T o ro n to D e p a rtm e n t o f E c o n o m ic D e v e lo p m e n t Join us for a full day o f dynam ic speakers and networking opportunities! Hana Gartner, Conference Chair O n e o f C anada's to p jo u rn a lists a n d hosts o f th e Fifth Estate, Hana has e n jo y e d a d is tin s u is h e d c a re e r at CBC Television fo r o v e r 25 years. Negotiating your worth at work and home This session w ill h e lp y o u t o d e v e lo p th e necessary skills to successfully c o m p le te th e n e g o tia tio n process, w ith y o u r boss, y o u r c lie n t, p o te n tia l c u s to m e r o r fam ily m em ber Speaker: Sheila Heen Home & D esign C entre 2575 D undas S treet W est, Unit 26B, M ississauga (905 ) 607-3372 C arpet & U p h o lste r y S te a m C le a n in g Briefcase in one hand-- Guilt in the other B a la n c e s life o b lig a tio n s w ith a d e m a n d in g career. In th is session y o u w ill le a m h o w to a p p ly th o se te c h n iq u e s th a t w ill h e lp y o u m an age THE GUILT! S peaker: Ja n e t Lapp, Ph.D. The "Wonder Woman Syndrome" W orking w o m e n te n d to feel o v e r w h e lm e d b y th e c o n s ta n t stress o f th e ir d a ily lives. This session w ill te a c h y o u h o w to balance y o u r life b y p ra cticin g "th e a rt o f self-nur tu re ' . Speaker: A lice Domar, Ph.D. Offering high quality of service for today's industry FULLY IN SUR ED & B O N D E D Against All Odds-- Reaching Olympic Heights Vision, fo cu s a n d c o m m itm e n t are p o w e rfu l to o ls fo r realizing O lym p ic e x c e lle n c e a n d w h e n a p p lie d c o n siste n tly can e m p o w e r y o u to a chieve y o u r p o te n tia l. Speaker: Silken Laum ann Mix & Mingle M ix & M ingle w ith 1,000 like -m in d e d w o m e n , and re m e m b e r-- b rin g lots o f business cards! Architects of Change A dynam ic panel o f CEOs an d C elebrity Guests speaking frankly a b o u t th e ir personal experiences o n W ork/Life Balance. Call for Free Estiamte: < 4 1 6 )8 2 9 -2 6 5 9 Seniors receive i additional 10% Discount1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- a Mention this ad & receive additional C a r Interior tf Steam Cleaning ^ Detailing T ic K e t P r ic e : $ 2 4 5 + GST (in c lu d e s c o n tin e n ta l b re a k fa s t) S ig n atu re Sponsor: Special Group Rates: 10+ Tickets -- Metroland P rin tin g Pub lis h in g A D istrib utin g Ltd. M $ 5O F F Sofa Am iA A « 1Room Loveseat & Chair W e A c c e p t: VISA F o r tic k e t in fo r m a t io n c a ll: Visit our website: 005)5 0 9 - 3 6 2 8 (lo c a l to T o ro n to ) thecom panyofw om en.net Net proceeds go to the University o f Toronto Women's Scholarship Fund * 54.i»"=',54" i 1 1& 2 Bedroom s I I Living A m m A A >|4 Bedrooms' Hallway flMM 111 Fli8ht of Stairs *`Room k I v V 0 Q 9 9 t

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