Friday, February 4, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 7 Cateto Dance fundraiser Feb. 25th "Care to D ance," the special fundraiser for the Halton Trauma Centre, is back on track for Friday, Feb. 25th. Students from across Oakville will unite at O tello's Banquet Hall for a video dance party - the first o f its kind involving a variety o f high schools, including T.A. Blakelock, St. M ildred's-Lightbourn, O akvilleTrafalgar, Queen Elizabeth Park and Iroquois Ridge. `T h e students are really keen about this," said Centre fundraising and spe cial events co-ordinator Susan Coyne. `T h e kids in this community are caring kids." The fundraiser works this way: admission requires that students gather a minimum o f $25 in pledges, although everyone is encouraged to collect as much as they can. Coyne says that prizes will be given out to top students and the overall school. The money - which be used to keep and even expand the Centre's services - is vital, since more than $200,000 is needed each year to keep the Centre in operation. A ccording Coyne, Sights and Sounds Entertainment will provide a pair o f video screens and two deejays. There will also be refreshments. Care to Dance had originally been scheduled for last October but was delayed until this month. Rather than see this as a negative, students took advantage o f the postponement to col lect more pledges. The Oakville Youth Advisory Committee is also now on board. The Halton Trauma Centre - for merly the Halton Centre for Childhood Sexual Abuse - has for 17 years pro vided com passionate treatment for children, their families and adult sur vivors who have suffered sexual abuse or assault. The Centre was formed in 1983 from a small body o f professionals and community-based services to develop treatment and support for those who had been involved in a situation-of childhood sexual abuse. The Centre's mandate has since evolved to include victims o f every type o f trauma - sexual, physical, psy chological and emotional. The program depended solely on volunteers until 1988 when permanent funding was obtained from the Ministry o f Community and Social Services. Volunteers still comprise 93% o f the people directly involved with the Centre. 30% 1 0 0 % ta x c r e d it CAPITAL REPAYMENT OPTION RRSP ELIGIBLE new millennium INTERNET VENTURES FUND In t r o d u c in g C a n a d a 's o n ly lab o u r sp o n so re d in v e stm e n t fund d e sig n e d to c a p ita liz e on the grow th p o te n tia l o f the C a n a d ia n Internet sector. Pud by Steve Nease Welcome to the New M illennium . For m ore in fo rm a tio n , please call D e re k Irw in -L e w is , c fp , c im , f c s i Financial Planning Advisor (905) 332-5988 Toll Free: 1-8 8 8 -5 8 8 -0 7 7 7 Financial Concept Corporation is a licensed mutual fund dealer F.C.G Securities Corporation is a licensed securities dealer and a member o f CIPF TRIAX Available only in Ontario Important information about New Millennium Internet Ventures Fund is con tained m ns prospectus Please obtain a copy from a duly qualified investment advisor and read it care fully before investing unit values and investment returns will fluctuate Ta* credits are available to eli gible investors provided mjt me shares are held for at least eight years from the date of purchase Fees for used automolNe product cfcposal may apply Most vehries. See detais in store. O ffers Valid Saturday, February 5 - Friday, February 11, 2000 UPPER OAKVILLE SHOPPING CENTRE A ccredited Test & R e p a ir Facility ROTH I DCATIONR Upper M iddle R d. ' &8th Line 849-8473 SEF1VICE HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 7:30am-9pm Sat 7:30am-6pm, Sun. 9am-5pm ^ ^1 OAKTOWN PLAZA a * a aaaa Kerr St. & 844-0202 Speers Rd. SERVICE HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 7am-9pm Sat 7:30am-6pm, Sun. 9am-5pm V ISA 77 M W r ih 'M H U M it lh r A V J M a . 'H M O il, L u b e & F ilte r Cleans - Fuel Injectors - Fuel Injector Rail - Air Induction System - Intake &Exhaust Valves Provides Enhanced Power &Increased Fuel Economy Regular $124.99 · · · · e v e ry 12 m o n th s o r Sale From reg. E M ainten ance tu n e -u p Perform computerized engine analysis with printout Inspect air filter and F 'C V valve Fiepiace spark plugs with Motomaster V-grocwe spark plugs Inspect dtetributorcap, rotor, ignition wires and coil 79.99 C o o lin g S y s t e m E le c tr ic a l * * N O TO R V A C H IG H PRESSURE FUEL IN JE C TIO N SERVICE w in te r Be prepared for m w o tjo T U N E -U P S F lu z ii & F ill