6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday February 4, 2000 T h e Oakville B eaver Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver, Associate Publisher Norman Alexander Editor Kelly Montague, Advertising Director Martin Doherty Circulation Director Te n Casas Office Manager Mark Dills Production Manager Riziero Vertolli Photography Director Metrotand P rirtng. Pubfchrig & Q s trtx in g Lid., ncludas: Ajax/Pckemg Nesivs AcKrertoer. A lston H erakiO xjner. Bane Advance. Barry's Bay The Week. B olon Enterprise. Brampton Guarden. Burtngton Post. Burtngton Shoppng Ne^vs. C ly Parent. Coingwood/W asaga C o rre ctor!. East York M btot. Ern A dsocalaC ouitry Routes. BoOcoke Guarden. Ramtxxough Post. Georgetown Independent/Acton Free Press, Hurone Busness Tmes. K ingston This Week. Undsay The Week. Markham Ecnom et & Sun. M idland/P enetanguishine M irror. M ilton Canadian Cham pion. M ilton S hopping News. M ississauga Business Tim es. M ississauga News. Napanee G ude, Newmarket/Aurora Era-Banner, Northumberland News, North York M rror. O akvite Beaver. O akvile Shopping News. Oidtimers Hockey News. O riia Today. OshawaAMvlCy/Oarngton Port Perry The Week. Owen Sound Tribune. Petertxxough This Week. P eton County Guide. Richm ond HiB/Thom hil/Vaughan Liberal. Scarborough M irror. StoiifviaA Jxbridge Tribune, Forever Y otng. City c<York Guarden RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY: THE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: 0 % he © ( 9 n k p ille for business excellence 467 Speers Fid., Oakville O n t L6K3S4 (905) 845-3824 Fax; 337-5567 Editorials Bright light People helping people. It's the noblest o f sentiments and one that reflects the efforts o f the community to get the town's first hom eless shelter up and running. - yWhen the Salvation Arm y's Oakville unit * 7te L ig h th o u se IS th e told the Town there was a need for a shelter k i n d o f p u b lic here, con cern ed in d ivid u als cam e forward in itia tiv e th a t is with both donations and offers o f help. . F o llo w in g an appeal in the B ea v er for re q u ire d It furniture, bed lin en s and other h ou seh old m u n ic ip a litie s a re to necessities, the Salvation Army reported that d e a l w ith th e ir m o s t they were "overwhelm ed" with donations. The result is T h e Lighthouse' on Old Mill " vu ln e ra b le re sid e n ts Road, that officially opens on February 14th. But the 10 beds have already been put to good use by those who need this kind o f accommodation most. And interestingly enough, all the users o f the facility will be local men, women and adolescents who have, through circumstance, found them selves without a roof over their heads. T he L ig h th o u se is the kind o f p ub lic in itia tiv e that is required if municipalities are to deal with their most vulnerable residents and it speaks w ell o f the future for Oakville. W ith the future o f O n tario's healthcare and so c ia l serv ic es still a question mark, it's clear that w e'll have to m obilize more o f our human resources to aid the less fortunate. This pilot project w ill be review ed after six w eeks to determine the future o f The Lighthouse and any similar programs that might subsequently evolve. Our congratulations and gratitude to all who contributed. ...if you drop into one o f the M&M Meat Shops in town today, you'll see staffers sporting red noses...it's simply a ploy by the company to make people lighten up as we hit the winter doldrums...no ulterior motive, just for a laugh....kind o f refreshing.... Pages of the Past M P w anted p o w e r restriction s on cars 40 years ago The Oakville G olf Club Ltd has voted in favor o f retaining its present Sixth Line course and clubhouse by a whopping 76 per cent majority-at least until something more attractive is offered. It was announced at Monday night's annual meeting a mere 76 members favored selling the club's assets in favor o f another location, while 209 disapproved o f such a move. "Leave the present golf course as it is and let the m illionaires look elsew here," declared one member-reflecting the general attitude toward any move. Executives from both the golf and curling clubs had been attem p tin g to n eg o tia te a m erger throughout 1959 when Linbrook Estates Ltd., offered to donate and build a fashionable country club, which would be surrounded by a $ 15-million high class residential project featuring homes in the $45,000-$50,000 bracket. vehicles. Whiting's charges are the latest in a series o f attacks on the supercars which critics claim are adding heavily to the death toll on the highways. The L iberal M P sa id he w o u ld fa v o r an am endm ent to the b ill w hich w ould "e v o lv e around a lim itation o f horsepow er for public automobiles." "W e do not need faster cars; W e need safer cars and safer drivers," he said. X I ...over the next four weeks, commuters will be seeing billboards and transit ads sp onsored by the p ro v in ce's teach ers....th e m essa g e? ...... `G reat expectations+Great teachers+Government support=Great results '...Phyllis Benedict, president o f the Elementary Teachers' Federation o f Ontario, explains the m ove.... "Our members are working hard to help students achieve high expectations. Government support is critical to our success. Without adequate funding, enough classroom resources, smaller classesparticularly for young children, and appropriate professional development for teachers, w e cannot ensure great results."..... `nuff said.... X) ...seen on the back o f a fiery red Sunfire zooming along on the QEW, the license plate M A X SPR - maximum speeder? LQ ...here's your sociology lesson for the day, courtesy o f the University of Toronto... "Young girls internalize the language o f teen magazines but find it too embarrassing to say aloud, Pre-teen girls find terminology such as "scoping out the dudes" or "jonesin' for a hottie" acceptable on the pages of teen magazines yet would not dare utter those phrases for fear o f ridicule from other g irls, sa y s A nne U rbancic, a p rofessor o f sem io tics and communications theory at Victoria College... "Much o f this secret language deals with attaining the ultimate prize-a boyfriend-one so idealized and vulnerable that he couldn't possibly exist in real life. Those girls who do verbalize these phrases in front o f their peers are the ones most likely to b elie v e that they not only can be im proved but that they need to be improved."...... .you go girl! -Daily Journal-Record, Feb. 4, 1970 20 years ago Although the Lorenzetti Group has not said so, many high-ranking town officials feel the 15-yearold Park 16 project is doomed. The tow n's mayor, director o f planning and director o f buildings, along with the project's architect, George Farrow, have not heard from the Park 16 developers for several months. "We should be looking at changing the Official Plan and rezoning that site," said Mayor Harry B arrett. "Y o u c a n 't take a p e r so n 's rig h ts completely away, but council should take a look at rezoning the property and take a long look at the best use." -The Oakville Record Star, Feb. 4, I960 30 years ago H alton MP Rud W h itin g has urged the governm ent to lim it the pow er o f autom obile engines. H e made the proposal during debate on a g o v ern m en t b ill to esta b lish m otor v e h ic le standards. Whiting told the commons that super-powered cars are involved in accidents representing 50 per cent greater insurance loss than normally-powered -Oakville Beaver, Feb. 6, 1970 Taken from the arch ive s o f the O akville Beaver including stories from The O akville Record-Star, The O a k v ille - T ra fa lg a r J o u rn a l, th e O a k v ille J o u rn a l Record and the O akville Beaver. Psssssst... is a compendium o f observations around Oakville and w e're open to contributions from the public at large too. Just fa x us at 337-5567 attention to Pssssssssssst...