2 Financial consultant fined $28,335 for tax evasion incom e tax evasion and one charge o f G ST evasion. T he fine is in addition to any amount o f taxes ow ed by Alexander. A ccord ing to a Canada Custom s and R eview A gency (form erly R evenue Canada) investigation, Alexander, who operates an investm ent coun selin g b usin ess known as D oug A lexander C onsulting Services, failed to report-more than $115,000 in business and THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, February 4, 2000 A n O ak ville in vestm en t co u n selo r has been fined $2 8,335 for tax evasion. D oug A lexander w as levied the fine after pleading guilty in the Ontario Court o f Justice, M onday, to tw o charges o f O C O M E ^ T O T ) , P R E -O W N E D H E S O V E H IC L E S U R C E personal incom e tax for the 1994 and 1995 taxation years. In failing to report the incom e, Alexander evaded $ 22,000 in federal incom e taxes. Alexander also pleaded guilty to one count o f failing to file GST returns for his business resulting in non-remit tance o f GST in excess o f $6,100. Under the E xcise Tax A ct, anyone w ho fails to file a G ST return, as and w hen required, is g u ilty o f an offence. On sum m ary co n v ic tio n , the guilty party or corporation is subject to a fine o f betw een $ 1 ,0 0 0 and $2 5 ,0 0 0 , or both the fine and im pris onm ent for up to 12 m onths, for each count. PROGRAM FEATURES fo rd Q ualify Certified Program Overview Vehicle ESgM ity - I A! Ford, tincoh, or Mercury vehicles _1 less than 3 years/60,000 km for Ford and Mercury vehtdes and Ugh! Truck _ l less tfon 4 yeces/BO.OOO km for Lincoln vehicles _ i Includes both passenger cars and hgh! fnxks _ l Good condition - no frame damage - no unknown Mometies - no body modrtkofons -i Musi pass Quality Certified IGQ-poml Vehicle inspection Customer benefits FAMILY PRACTICE DOCTOR Sm a r t RisK presents S i HEROES PLAN T O ATTEND A FREE PERFORMANCE Monday, February, 21,2000 7.00 pjtL Oakvfle Centre far the Performing Arts NOWACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS F lu e n t i n A r a b ic D r. M a g d y G ib a ra Please c a ll fo r a p p o in tm e n t j A Quality Certified pre owned vehicle endorsed by ford of Canodo _j 12-month/2Q,0CQ km Quality Certified Untied Warranty tack-an to original manufacturer warranty _i 24 hour Roadside Assistance - 1 3-doy/500km money bock guarantee from dealer _1 Ford. Uncain, M erary-traned dedership safes Bid service support Buckle Up. Drive Sober. Look First. Wear The Gear. Get Trained. 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -7 0 0 7 The Doctor's Office 1011 Upper Middle Rd. E. Oakville, Ontario (Conveniently located in the U pper Oakville Shopping C entre) #1 QUALITY CERTIFIED DEALER IN CANADA FOR 1 9 9 9 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE N O ADMINISTRATION FEES A L i TRADES WELCOME 1 9 9 9 MERCURY G RAND MARQUIS L5 V -8 pow er denote control, rem ote entry, 24,500 lem s, quality certified w arranty up to 80,000 km s included! E xtra dean. S lock#A 059t SIZE DOES MATTER BIGGER IS BETTER! 1 9 9 8 FORD EXPLORER XLT l ow ner, 4x4,36 000 km s, S.0.H.C E FIV -6, privacy glass, leather seats, pow er equipm ent group, wants a home, money baa guarantee. S tock#O N O l 5B Sport group, outo, power equip, group, A/C block neater rear spoiler, Fora quality certified warranty up to 80,000 kms. incl. S tock#A 058l 1 9 9 8 FO R D C O N T O U R T N ew Expanded Facilities. Same great quality menu, but more selection! O P E N F O R B U S IN E S S M O N D A Y , FEB 7 T H L> U lt DAUER L JA U trs 1 9 9 9 FO R D ED D IE 5.01 E F IV-8,al w heel ch ive, leathersp ort bu ck ets, m um -dec C Dcharger, pow er m oonroof, only22,000 km s, ju st B ee new ,f F o rdexec dim do anyw here, anytim e. Slack#A0S85 19 9 8 FORD WINDSTAR l ow ner, quad bucket seats, privacy , 3.8L E HV -6, cast alum , wheels, 5,600 km s., remote entry, quality cer tified warranty up to 80,0u0 kms ind. M oney back guarantee. S lock#9W 440A 485 MB NO A D M IN IST R A T IO NF E E S , PR O T EC TO RP L U S IN C L U D E D All T R A D E SW ELC O M E. QEW MKW O ak-Laid 3 8 6 IR O Q U O IS Rl o a k V il l e 8 4 5 -7 9 3 7 % IROQUOIS SHORE vj _l · < QEW a d C A K -L A N D FORD LINCOLN 5 7 0 TRAFALGAR R O A D . OAKVILLE a t the www.oak-land.com