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Oakville Beaver, 4 Feb 2000, p. 22

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22 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, February 4, 2000 S.W .F. A ttractive , clean Tow nhouse in Meadowvale, 15 minutes from the airport a t Glen Erin and Derry Rd. Furnished room and share use of house. Parking spot. Non-smoker $500/m onth (905) 814______________ 8787 LARGE farm, 98 acres to share. $550/mo. + utilities, First/ last. Flexible posses sion. W aterdown. 6 9 0 9988__________________ 5-MIN. walk to Sheridan C ollege, use of e ntire house, stu d e nts okay, im m ediate possession. $450/mo inclusive. 338-6934________ SOUTH/ East Burlington. Lakebreezes, bus/ GO ro ute. all amenities shared, inclusive, responsible nonsmoker. $500/mo., (905) 631-1112________________ EAST Burlington seperate bedsitting with shared kitch en, laundry & bath, on Go & Bus Route. No pets, female preferred. $450/m o. (905)637-7718___________ FEMALE to share Townhouse, fully furnished. Ap pliances, cable, parking. Full house privileg e s, Close to Burlington Core/ Bus Lines. Im m ediate, Kathy, 1-888-845-7366 MATURE, non-sm oking male to share b eautiful home in River Oaks. Up stairs bedroom, full house privileges. Im m ediate. $500/mo. 905-257-1428 O A K V IL LE , Upper Glen Abbey new home. Kitchen,. Laundry and parking avail able. Unfurnished room. Responsible non-smoker. March 1st. $650/ month (905)469-1063___________ SEEKING non-smoker fe male to share large 2 bed room apartment, (2nd floor of q uiet b uilding). 1.5 baths, Parking. $425./ inclusive. 905-637-3430. EAST Oakville- furnished rooms in Executive home, ( laundry, A/C, parking, ca ble. Immediate.. $450/mo inclusive. F irst/la st. (905)844-2111 ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE HOPEDALE MALL QEW then exit 3rd Line South to Mall SOFA- sectional with pil lows, Green, burgundy, beige. Excellent condition, asking $650/obo. (905)6338531____________________ TEAK dinning table, 6 chairs $100; creame bedroom double suite; 2 dressers, night table, comer shelf vanity, $400. (905)332-8881____________ CROSS country ski's, ski boots, skates, toboggans, Roller skates, old windows, easy chairs, sofas, house holds, records, pictures, Reasonable prices. The Reuse C entre, 3335 N .Service, Burlington. Wed/ Thurs/ Fri- 12-8pm; Sat- 9-5pm; Sun- 1-4pm. TIRES- Bridgestone- Blizzak Studless Winter tiresused one season. 215 / 6SR15. asking $200. 905336-3240________________ WASHER, Dryer. Moffat, extra large, less than 1yr old, 3yrs protective warran ty left. $850./set.; Storm door with dead bolt. White 34"w x80"Hx1-1/4"depth. $150.; 905-3336777 after 5pm WEDDING gown. 15/16. Long sleeve, off shoulder sweetheart neckline, $350. OBO.; Computer 486, fax modem, games, programs, more. $150. OBO. 905845-2466________________ WESTINGHOUSE 13" co lour TV with VCR 4 month old $185 for the pair. Motor ola cell phone $50 (905)333-4665___________ WHITE self-cleaning stove, excellent condition, $175; Microwave, $30.; Oven fan hood $10. 905-681-3860 Exceptional Estate Auction Mon. Feb. 7. 6:30om · Preview:4:30pm A t Valley Community Centre. 287 Old Guelph Rd Dundas, B Martin Auctions (905) 628-6116 Over 300 Lots of Quality pieces of furniture, glass, china and collectables tram the last 100 years. AUCTIONEERS: B. MacKAY & J. ANDERSON. Dir: 1mi. S of Clappison's Crnrs, (#5&#6), 1mi N of #403,1/4mi W of #6, via York Rd cars for sale 1997 Neon, loaded. Balance of 7 year warranty. Call Andy (905)634-7371 1990 Acura Integra LSRed, excellent condition, loaded, sun-roof & A/C. Sporty, new tires, certified, emission tested. $5,850. 847-3060_______________ 1997 Honda Civic LX Se dan. blue, grey cloth interi or, standard, A/C, AM/FM cass., split seat, 75K, 4 blizzak snows installed, 4 summer tires included. Very clean inside & out. $13,500. firm. 815-1840 1995 Dodge Neon- 4 door, $7,200. Certified. (905)631 -8032 call after 5pm 1990 Ford Ranger. Safetied & drive clean. Certified. $2,000. 659-0433 1998 Plymouth Neon EX150hp., manual, green, with A/C, balance of warrranty, $11,500. 330-7052 Wed. Feb 9 to Sun. Feb.13 * Start spring cleaning now * Great Valentine's * Day Gift Ideas WE know where the jobs are! Trades and Computer Technology! Ind u strial E lectricia n / M echanic; Women in Trades; C on struction or Com puter Technical; Software Spe cialist; Network Administra tor...! Courses start in Fe bruary/ March. Call The Centre, (905)333-3499 to join a free info session! Personal Support W orkers are needed by the health care professions--NOW/ The Centre has 38% more training time and a work placement for real experience! Have you worked in health care? Take our P-T course & be certified! Credit given for work experience. Part-Time Program Starts February 15 Full Time Program: Starts March 20. Register for an info session! Call Isabel Webb at 333-3499/B7B-1240 ext. 310 articles for sale 310 articles for sale r J {o c h r ( fh a p c l ANTIQUE MARKET & G AR D E N STATUARY MARKET Research person needed ASAP. FT/PT flexi ble. Hourly rate plus bonus. Join one of Canada's most dynamic companies! For in terview call Derek Swan at (905)847-5990 ext.237 or email dsw an® lasernet works.com COMPUTER Training. Don't know what you should take? The Centre offers many courses and certification programs. Find out what is new at our Free February info, sessions. C all (905)333-3499, Ext. 101 to register! 121. M The Centre Skills Development 4 ThxMng 505 careers 505 careers 505 Open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 10 am to 5 pm! Unique selection of Antiques & Collectables DM C-2 C anada C o rp o ra tio n , a m e m b e r o f th e D egussa-Huls g ro u p , is a w o rld leader in th e m a n u fa ctu re o f a u to m o tiv e catalysts. Location: B u rlin g to n , On. The com pany is currently acce pting ap p lica tio n s fo r th e fo llo w in g positio ns in th e o p eratio ns group: PRODUCTION OPERATORS FIRST LINE SUPERVISOR CHEMICAL TECHNICIANS / CHEM ICAL TECHNOLOGISTS ELECTRO TECHNICIANS CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTS COME AND SEE WHAT WE'VE FOUND FOR YOU! Preseason Garden Statuary Sale February 11th to 28th 1 0 % discount on G a rd e n S ta tu a ry o rd e rs tak en befo re Keb. 28 in tim e fo r delivery by E a s te r W eekend. Q ualifications: · For technical positions, candidates m u st possess re q u ire d a ccre d ita tio n in chem ical, electronics, electrical o r m echanical program s · For o p e ra to r positions, co m p le tio n o f a 2-year c o m m u n ity p ro g ra m is a d e fin ite asset · A t least tw o years o f w o rk experience in a p ro d u c tio n e n v iro n m e n t, preferably in a process industry, is a m in im u m fo r all positions. Preference w ill be given to individual w h o are m u lti-skille d w ith a proven record o f above average p e rfo rm a n ce and achievem ent. · A w o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f statistical process c o n tro l and experience in q u a lity systems preferred. Hwy #5 at Rock Chapel Golf, 1 mile w est of Hwy #6. (905) 639-3639 BED King plush mattress & box, new in plastic, warran ty, cost $1500., sacrifice $625. 905-567-9459 BED- Queen iron canopy bed, orthopedic mattress/ box, new, unused, cost $1200., sell $490. 905-5674042____________________ BEDROOM C herry with sleigh bed, 7pc $6,644., sell $3,796. New from model home 905-336-0786 BEDS, New- Com plete: D ouble, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)6819496____________________ KITCHEN din e tte set. $275. Glass table & end tables, $175., blue sectional sofa bed with recliners, $625. 332-6921__________ CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 D/R & bedroom - solid cherry/ Mahogany- D/Routstanding 13pc Chipendale, Ball & Claw with 10* table, 10 chairs, $4,450.; Bedroom suite- exquisite french Chipendale +others, $2,250. &up. Cash/vi/debit, delivery. 905-227-9458 DINING Set- Duncan Phyfe double pedestal solid wal nut table w/leaf-seats 6: 4 carved chairs & china-cabi net, $1700/set. 2 carved hardwood frame chairs w/ arms & n eu trally uphol stered seat/back-brand new, paid $1000/each, asking $600/each. Match ing camelback sofa, paid $1300, asking $900. (905)331-6589________________ DINING-ROOM, Cherry. 13 piece Queen Anne, 8` dou ble pedestal table, 8 Chip pendale chairs, b u ffe t/ hutch, never opened, cost $1400 sacrifice, $5,000. 905-567-4042____________ L-shaped computer desk, filing cabinet and bookshelf. Gray w. black trim $100/for all. (905)632-6968________ FRIDGE side-by-side, Kenmore, almond $250. Pair Lazy Boy swivell-rocker-reclin e rs, new dusty rose $325 ea. Recliner sofa dark blue, nearly new $675. (905)632-1333___________ FRIDGIDAIRE 36' halogen electric 5 burner cooktop $450, AUBE electronic thermostat. $50. (905)842-5807 FROSTMASTER, commer cial fridge. 2 glass sliding doors. Model RE45 56X31X74. Compressor 1 year old $650; General E lectric stove "Talism an Royal" $100 (905)639-7053 FUR coat: 3/4 length beaver, excellent condition, size 10 asking $200.00. W edding dress and Crinoline: siz 13, extra long train, decorated with lace applique and beads, long sleeves, made to fit 5ft 6in tall. $200. (905)6379686 _ FURNITURE for sale: ask ing, Mason & Risch piano, $1000. Bed chesterfield, double. $200. Loveseat, $150. Lazy-boy chair, $125. 331-0420________________ GIANT sale- appliances 3 years, desk, double bed, baby items/ crib, wall unit, bike/ rower. (905)681-9173 HOSPITAL bed, electric, $500. Large lift chair w/ heat/- vibra to r, $650. W heelchair. 16", $400. 637-9887 after 6pm IOMEGA 100MB zip drive sta rte r kit 5+2 coloured discs, drivers, parallel port drive + cables $125 (905)336-9187___________ KENMORE W asher & Dryer, $825./set; Kenmore freezer- $400.; Piano- full size upright, $580.; OBO's 905-631-0757____________ LITTLE Tikes R oadster Toddler bed with high qual ity mattress. $185.; Sofa bed, double, green, very good condition, $235.; (905)332-1258, after 7pm LOVESEAT and 2 chairs, light beige background w/ rosewood, blue floral. Excellent condition $200 after 4pm (905)331-0788 MAYTAG heavy duty white stackable washer/ dryer, com puter touch access, $750.; chest freezer, white, $125. 634-8247__________ MOVING sales: dryer, fridge, micro wave, table with 6 chairs, bedroom set, sewing machine, livingroom ch airs and table; desk; o ffice chairs; rowing machine; water skies; kids bike, pool table; 286 and 386 laptop. Prices to go. (905)319-7815___________ PIANO- Yamaha, profes sional upright grand. Full sostenuto, beautiful teak, orig ina l owner, m oving. $6,800. 905-945-2155. ROMANCE framed prints, private. Please call 6 39 3402____________________ ROYAL Doulton figurine, $295. Hummel figurine. $125. Please call (905)5261610____________________ SNOW mobile suit (2pce), Choko, unisex, adult small, $200. Wedding gown, one of a kind, size 13, $400. Toddler bed w /crib size m attress, like new, $50. 634-4730________________ SOFABED, with two matching chairs, white w/ peach. Asking $450. 637-7048 ANTIQUES Wanted! Es tates, China, Shelley, Royal Doulton, 221 or 222 port able Singer sewing machines. (905)-639-0976. GOLF Antiques- (clubs/ wooden shafted, balls, books, trophies, anything old in Golf). For appraisals or sell bring to "Memorabalia Fair" Glen Abbey G.C., Feb.20.- 10am-3pm. For in formation (905)-336-0436, Ian._____________________ NHL All Star tickets Feb. 5th or 6th. Call Joe 3352834____________________ ANTIQUES, China Want ed. Best cash.... Doulton, Moorcroft, Beswick, Watch es, dolls, estates, Collecti bles. John/ Tracy (905)331-2477________________ ANTIQUES wanted- furni ture, glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes.......... Best cash! (905)-522-4727___________ PAINTINGS Wanted- Older Art. Antiques of all kinds: Addison radios, Estates purchased. Karl (905)681-6939 Burlington CASH for scrap. Wanted Dead or Alive. 7-days. 24-hr. Call (905)876-4594. Milton; (905)467-9484, Oakville. $0-$5000. Reward- Cars, Trucks, Highest Cash Pric es Paid. Fast D eliveryFree Towing. Licensed Auto Wrecker. Auto parts sold also! 905-827-8015 (Oakville)________________ K lf ll trucks for sale · Knowledge o f database and spreadsheet applications as asset. · Effective co m m u n ica tio n skills and a d e m o n stra te d a b ility to w o rk w e ll in a tea m en vironm ent. · Experience in w o rk in g shifts, an asset fo r O p e ra to r, E lectro Technician and First Line Supervisor positions. These positions o ffe r an excellent o p p o rtu n ity to w o rk an d learn in a dyn am ic hi-tech global com pany. Salaries are co m p e titive a n d a com preh ensive be n e fits package is available. Interested applicants should send th e ir resum e o n o r b e fo re February 17 th to : I y I FLORIDA. West Coast. St. Pete's Beach W aterfront Aja. available from Mar.1/ 00. Call 416-230-8974 for info. 1987 F150 - Asking $2400. Excellent shape. Call after 6:30pm (905)8498598. WILL give oil painting less ons daytime for beginners. $6 per hour. 632-5937 I items under $100. FREE 24 cubic ft. chest freezer in working order. Must pick up. 844-9020 GRACO double s tro lle r $85 335-4135 IOMEGA zip drive. 100Mb, parallel port. $75. 3 3 1 7171____________________ PLAYSTATIO N NEW stealth 3 Mod chip. $20 (905)574-7727. 1997 White Dodge Grand Caravan SE- Immaculate, loaded, captains chairs, CD player, 92KM $16,900. 905-331-6348 Manager, Human Resources, DMC-2 Canada Corporation P.O. Box 5097, 4261 M ainw ay Drive, Burlington, ON L6R 3Y8 Fax: (905) 319-4183 · E-mail: shirley-dodman@ degussa-huls.com SEARCH ASSOCIATE C om m itted to perform ance excellence and driven by the desire to be one of the m o st successful search firm s in Ontario. P/T M AINTENANCE OFFICER $10.68/ph - 20 hours per week Duties include general maintenance and some janitorial. Valid driver's license and ability to work fle xib le hours. Traveling w ithin Halton may be required. Please response by: Fri., February 11th, 2000 to: Halton Adolescent Support Services, CONNORS, LOVELL & ASSOCIATES INC. < BEAUTIFUL 3 board. 7ft. pine harvest table, circa 1880, $3100. Drag leaf oak table with 4 upholstered bttairs circa 1925, $650. (905)278-0384 FIREWOOD. 100% Dry Seasoned Mixed Hard woods. $65/cord (32cu.ft.)2/or more $59./each. Tax/ delivery included. "You can check the rest, but if you're smart you'll stick with the best!" Satisfaction Guar anteed. Parkside Farms. 905-465-0576 Oakville GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. "Ontario's largest Fire wood retail because we're O ntario's Best". Marc's Q uality Firewood, (905)257-6366________________ is looking to expand our team of generalists fo r our new Burlington Location. We are focused on co ntin u o usly tra inin g o u r associates using expertise developed by the m o st advanced r e c r u i t i n g ^ ^ ^ specialists th ro u g h o u t N orth Am erica. Only those individuals w ith a strong desire to excel w ithin a fast grow ing, sales driven organization w illbe suitable fo r o ur requirem ents. Take charge of y o u r career and explore th is exciting industry. CONTACT LYNN BEECHEY, MISSISSAUGA (905) 566-4051 Ext. 222 or Email to: lynn@conlov.com 720 Guelph Line, Suite 301, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4E2 Attention: Executive Director F a x : 3 3 3 -9 8 4 9 COMPAQ com puter 180mhz Pentium 1.2 gig HD, 16 mb, RAM, includes printer, m onitor & CPU. Asking $700. Call Jamie 639-3134,after 4:30pm. IcBLANC U.S. HR ADMINISTRATOR A n e m p lo y e e o w n e d te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s c o m p a n y b a s e d in O a k v ille h a s a f u ll tim e o p p o rtu n ity fo r a H u m a n R e s o u rc e s A d m in is t r a t o r . T h is , in d iv id u a l w ill b e re q u ire d to a d m in is te r th e U .S . G ro u p B e n e f it s P r o g r a m a n d m u s t h a v e a m in im u m o f 3 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e in U .S . b e n e fits . M u s t b e f a m ilia r w ith O S H A L o g s , V e ts 1 0 0 R e p o r t in g a n d E E O R e p o r t in g . C a n d id a t e s h o u ld b e p r o fic ie n t in M ic ro s o ft W o rd a n d E x c e l a n d h a v e g o o d o r g a n i z a t io n s k i ll s . C e r t if ic a t e in H u m a n R e s o u r c e s a n a s s e t. 0 0 0 1 9 9 9 2 R 0 0 T S 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 ROOTS CAREER FAIR Saturday, February 5, between 10 u n . and 4 p in . |C f/|J pets, supplies ADORABLE Bichon/ ShihTzu puppy, 10 weeks, all shots, happy, healthy, play ful. $400 w/new crate. 905-331-3026____________ W* 11111 cars for sale R 0 0 at the H o lid ay bn ii B u rim g to n , just seuth o f the Q E W at G uelph Line and H arnett Id. Roots Canada is entering the mflemium offering m ore uppertunity, m ore growth and m ore advancement potential than any other Canadian Retaler. W e are expanding across the CTX with a new Roots Kids chain, expansion of our Outlet stores and more great tradttional Roots locations. W e provide a full range of benefits, competitive salaries, generous dotting discounts, managem ent incentive programs and outstandmg reward and recognition programs. W e have immediate openings mthe folowing positions in the Greater Toronto Area: 5 piece pearl drum set plus a cym bals asking $500. (905)689-7702____________ A-1 W asher and Dryer"Kenmore" color w hite. $300./set. Excellent work ing condition, call 905633-9839 APPLIANCES Fridges, stoves, washers/dryers. BEST PRICES New & ' Re-conditioned 1998 Ford W indstar GL, 79K, $14,950; 1998 Mer cury Mystique GS, Sport, 64K, $10,950.; 1998 Ford Contour GL, Sport, 62K, $10,450.; 1997 Ford Taurus GL 4-door, 76K, $10,950; 1996 Ford. Fully Loaded. W arranty. Fairview Auto Depot, (905)637-1044 1997 M ercury Sable, 25 month old! Only 19,000km, loaded- including leather, moon-roof, all power. Lady driven, balance of new car w arranty, stunning! $18,999. 842-8988_______ 1995 blue Honda Civic, 2 door hatch back, 5 speed, well maintained, air, cas sette, emission tested, new tires, rust proofed, 103,500Km. Under w arranty. $10500. (905)257-2720 905 319-8484 Open Sundays ALMOST new mink coat with fox trim. Light colour, beautiful style, small. Make an offer 332-7698 Please send resumes to: V.P. Human Resources LeBlanc Ltd. P.O. Box 880 Oakville, ON L6J 5C5 Fax: (905) 844-8837 We thank a ll applicants for their interest, however only those granted intenriews w ill be contacted. T www.roots.com Store Managers Assistant Store Managers If you are interested injoining a inly unique Canadian company where chalenge and progression are at every turn then join us and find out what great retai m anagem ent opportunities await you. K you are unable to attend e-m ail us at H um an Resurces groweroots.com or fax us at (416) 7814331 W e thank el wtn aepb. but only those selected far an ertarriew wil be contacted LeBlanc is an equal opp ortu nity em ployer S

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