Friday, February 4, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 13 Nottinghill Co-operative Preschool .O tflf O O W U lw vV\\C »-«P «i Ur' ? ' t 0 * T H ( i i s i T O M O ItO * Finally, something that fits your whole family. Families come in all shapes and sizes But one thing everybody can enjoy together is the fun of Family Channel. Like Family SIZE movies, every night at eight. So tune us in O PEN H O U SE for th e 2 0 0 0 /2 0 0 1 school Offering 2 Mornings, 3 Mornings and Afternoon JK/SK Programs F E B R U A R Y H IG H LIG H TS Nottinghill Co-operative Preschool 1469 Nottinghill Gate (in Glen Abbey United Church) Nottinghill Gate & Upper Middle UP, UP AND AWAY f k* A NEW DISNEY MOVIE PREMIERE: February 6th at 8pm February 18th at 8pm · February 22nd at 9:45pm THE SECRET OF N.I.M .H. 2: Timmy to the Rescue PREMIERE: February 13th at 12pm ·February 26th at 8pm ^ 4 , RONNIE AND JULIE February 14th at 8pm 905-827-1442 HaltonSearch.cpi . . ju A t 'O s - d ic h 'C u v a y ! . A fa m ily.c a FAMILY POWER Turn it on. R A D E M A R K O W N E D B Y T H E F A M IL Y C H A N N E L IN C Is Com ing To Oakville T he Barn M a rke ts set th e s ta n d a rd fo r "FRESH ". V isit o u r new lo ca tio n o p e n in g soon in O akville and experience T h e Best of Everything T h at Crows. · W e m ake a t least 2 produce shipm ents a day to each Bam M arket. · O u r w h o le w h e a t bread is FRESH baked on-site 3 tim es a day · O u r aw ard w in n in g salad bar is prepared FRESH, from scratch, everyday. · W e take p rid e in o ffe rin g FRESH O ntario poultry, exclusively. \ · W e ca rry th e Best Canadian Beef, taste th e diffe re nce , i "Barn Best Beef" makes. 280 N o rth Service Rd. W. At Dorval Drive (Oakville Towne Centre 2)