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Oakville Beaver, 9 Mar 2017, p. 4

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www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, March 9, 2017 | 4 Ontario Labour Minister and Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn announced the Ontario Liberal government's plan to reduce hydro bills by 25 per cent, during a press conference at Oakville Hydro Friday, March 3. | Graham Paine/Metroland Electricitycuts to sparkeconom y: Flyn n by Marta Marychuk O akville Beaver S ta ff Ontario will lower electricity costs for all residents by 25 per cent, beginning this summer, Ontario Labour Minister and Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn explained Friday, March 3, at a press conference at Oakville Hydro. The day before, the provincial government announced its plan to appease Ontario residents fed up with high electricity bills. It means the average electricity bill, between $125 and $135 a month, will drop below $100, based on household electricity consumption of 750 megawatts a month, Flynn said. "Electricity is not a frill," he said. The decrease, however, will be inclusive of see Everyone on p.15 LEASEA 2017r SER IES E IN Y O U ^ s ^ Dr. M a r i s a D 'A n g e l o D r. S h i v a n i S a g g a r x 3 5 0 F SPORTj FOR $399 BI-WEEKLY INCLUDING F SPORT CREDITS OF $2000 R epresentative lease exa m p le ba se d on a 2017 RX 350 s fx `G ' on a 39 m o n th term at an annual rate o f 1.9% and C o m p le te Lexus Price of $66,785. Bi w e e k ly lease p a y m e n t is $339 (in clu d e s $2,0 00 F SPORT Credit) w ith $4,950 d o w n paym ent or equivalent tra d e in, $0 s e c u rity d e p o sit and firs t b i-w e e kly lease p a ym e n t d u e at lease in ce p tio n . Total o f 8 6 b i-w e e k ly lease paym ents required during th e lease te rm . Total lease ob lig a tio n is $33,601. 52,000 kilom e tre allo w a n ce ; cha rg e o f $ 0 .2 0 /k m fo r excess kilom etres. C o m p le te Lexus Price inclu d e s freight/P D I ($2,045), Dealer fees, EHF Tires ($17.75), EHF Filters ($1), A /C charge ($100), a n d O M V IC Fee ($10). Taxes, license, registration (if applicable) a nd insurance are extra. Lexus Dealers are free to set th e ir We offer full Family Dental Services in our new modern office in a calm and relaxing environment.We are a paperless office and use digital x-rays.We welcome kids, teens, adults and seniors. NEW PATIENTS are welcome and we will accommodate your dental emergencies. We will directly bill your insurance company and offer convenient evening and weekend appointments. 2525 Old Bronte Road, Suite #130 Palermo Professional Centre ( g r o u n d flo o r ) 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -8 7 0 0 w w w .re fle c tio n s -d e n ta l.c a o w np rices, L im ite dtim eo ffers o n lyap p lyto re ta il custom ers at p articip atin gL exu sD ealers, D ealerord er/trad em ayb e re q u ired(b u tm ayn o tb eav ailab le incertaincircu m stan ces), O ffersare su b ject tochange orcan cellationw ith o u tn o tice, O ffers exp ire M arch31,2017 AIRE ONE MADNESS SALE! LEX U S O F O A K V IL L E 1453 NORTH SERVICE ROAD, WEST OAKVILLE, ON L6M 2W2 U P G R A D E Y O U R FU R N A C E FOR O N LY Starting from · 10 Year Factory W arranty *Call for details 9 0 5 .8 4 7 .8 4 0 0 · 1 .8 6 6 .L E X U S .6 6 FURNACE DIAGNOSTIC SPECIAL H IT HEATING & COOLING w w w .aire o n e.co m T FURNACE CLEANING . BOOK YOURS TODAY! Call fo r details. CALL M °W > QUAM TITIES ARE LIM ITED! ^ 9 LOCATiONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -4 9 9 8 1 888 827 2665

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