www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, March 2, 2 0 1 7 | 2 2 A FUSION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE CUISINE IN THE HEART OF O A K V l jH S C O U T - G U I D E W E E K Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers repre senting the 4th Tra falgar Scout Group of Oakville were at Town Hall Saturday, Feb. 25 for a flag raising in honour of Scout-Guide Week. Scout-Guide Week was introduced more than 40 years ago to celebrate the birthdays of Lord Robert BadenPowell, the founder of the Scouting Movement and his wife, Lady Olave Baden-Powell, the World Chief Guide.This year's Scout-Guide Week runs from Feb. 1 9 - 2 5 . For more information about scouting in Oakville visit www.facebook. com/oakvillescouting. ALL YO U C A N EAT DINE IN FOR ALL YOU CAN EAI L U N C HO RD IN N E R O A K V ILLE 28 0 North S e rv ic e R o a d W.@ D o rval 90 5-33 8-62 28 B u r lin g to n H a m ilto n S to n e y C r e e k B ra m p to n 10% OFF D inner only. C ash only & with this ad. | Quin Vertolli/Metroland B e y o n d K i t c h e n s & B a t h o n d ijo u r 1 S a fie c tc itio n & www .b e y o n d k it c h e n s .c a D esig n fully c u s t o m kitchens, vanities, w all unit, m a n tle , w a lk in closet, la u n d ry room , Bar, etc; n s ta , I r G ranite, Q u a rtz c o u n te rto p s Full re n o va tio n service Real estate service; (O akV ille Show room L ocation 466 Speers Rd,Unit 6-7 O akville, ON L6K 3W9 T: 905-338-8999 / 905-338-8199 F: 905-338-8099 in fo @ b e y o n d k itc h e n s .c a , Trades, realtors, builder available, please ask store for details;