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Oakville Beaver, 14 Jun 2000, A3

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W e d n e s d s a y J u n e 14, 2 0 0 0 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 $ O A K V IL L E G > 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 C o u n c il & S t a n d in g C o m m it t e e Monday, June 19,2000 C ouncil M eeting C ouncil C h a m b e rs 7:30 p.m. M e e t in g s Monday, June 26,2000 P lanning & D e ve lo p m e n t C ouncil C o u n cil C ham bers 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 27,2000 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Bronte Room Tuesday, July 4,2000 C ouncil M eeting C ouncil C ham bers 7:30 p.m. C o u n c il & C o m m it t e e T ouchto ne P hone L in e 815-5959 Photo by Peter C. McCusker Anorexia haunts Catherine Dunbar in a T. A. Blakelock play about eating disorders. The play raised over $250. for the Oakville Hospital. Carli Heuther plays Anorexia, Kim Oughtred as Catherine, Alison Preece plays the m other and Jackie Fisher plays Catherine's sister. OAKVILLE TRANSIT OPERATIONS STUDY OAKVILLE GO STATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE The Town of Oakville is carrying out a study to address operational needs at the Oakville GO Station including: · Improve the opportunities for buses to access and leave the `bus only' area of the Oakville GO Station at Cross Avenue; Improve the operations of the 'bus only' area of the station during the immediate short term; and Improve the capacity of the "bus only' area to accommo date bus demands that are expected over the next 15 years at the station. Play about evils of anorexia strikes chord with students B y Sc o tt M acA rthur SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER As approxim ately 225 T.A. Blakelock students filed out o f the school's auditorium last Friday morn ing, some with tears in their eyes, it was clear they had witnessed some thing quite moving. After only a month of preparation, teacher Jan Barrett's Grade 11 drama class perform ed a slightly NorthAm ericanized version o f M ark W heller's British play. Hard to Swallow, which tells the true story of Catherine Dunbar, a woman who passed away after a lengthy battle with anorexia. "We changed a couple of things, like w eight m easurem ents from stones to pounds so that our viewers would understand better," said Barrett. "We also changed the dates to make it more current, since Catherine Dunbar passed away in 1984." In the play Dunbar, played by Kim Oughtred, stops eating at a young age and spends her teenage years in and out of different hospitals as doctors look for ways to cure her anorexia. Her family, particularly her mother Maureen (played by Alison Preece), is on the verge of self-destruction as her weight decreases to as little as 42 pounds. Emotions run high at the end when, shortly before her death, Dunbar tells Maureen she stopped eating to save her mother from her father John (played by Ryan Andrews), who had a bad temper. The performers were touched by the play, admitting that during the first reading and many of the rehearsals the class broke down in tears. Anorexia is something that has affected many of the students' lives. "It was tough because I've known people who were struggling with it (anorexia)," said Oughtred. "W hile the play was difficult to perform , we felt it was necessary, especially after we lost a friend of ours to anorexia a couple of m onths back," said A ndrew s, who ad m itted th at po rtray in g the brutish father required him to tap into anger he never thought he had. M ary Forhan, an occupational therapist for the Eating Disorder Program at O akville T rafalgar M em orial H ospital (O TM H ), attended the play and was im pressed with the perform ance. "I was am azed with how accu rate the students' portrayal o f the eating disorder w as," she said. "They included anorexia and a lit tle bit o f bulim ia, w hich was im portant, and dem onstrated how these diseases affect family, work, leisure, and health." OTM H Paediatrician, Dr. Lynn Hierlihy, believes the play will help raise aw areness about the debilitating nature of anorexia. "Over the years, recognition of this disease has increased greatly," she said. "Plays like this help stu dents learn signs o f anorexia that can allow them to help anyone who m ight be going through it, which is very im portant." · · A public information centre has been arranged to present the study findings and preliminary proposals for the station 'bus only' area improvements and expansion. The information centre is scheduled for: PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Date: Tuesday, June 20,2000 Time: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Place: Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road Trafalgar Room The purpose of the public information centre is to receive public comments about the proposed improvements at the station. The information centre will be an informal dropin centre where those who attend will be able to discuss the study with representatives of the Town of Oakville and the consultants, and provide comments. Anyone with an inter est in the study is invited to attend and participate. With the exception of personal infor mation. all comments will become part of the public record. If you cannot attend and would like to provide comments, please forward them by June 30. 20CO to: Ms. Joanne Phoenix Oakville Transit P.O. Box 310. 480 Wyecroft Rd. Oakville. Ontario L6J 5A6 Tel: (905) 338-6601 (ext. 3504) Fax:(905)338-4166 E-mail :iphoenixfiHown.oakville.on.ca Mr. Neil Ahmed, P. Eng. McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way Mississauga. Ontario L5K 2P8 Tel: (905) 823-8500 Fax: (905)823-8503 E-maiknahmed'f/mrc.ea Fall forum on hate crimes planned Only weeks after the successful com pletion of their Victim-Less community policing conference, organizers have already set their sights on next year's event. Subtitled "Hate-Less," the September 2001 forum will focus on hate crimes and to that end speakers and people with expertise on the subject are needed to participate. Those interested in taking part or who have ideas are encouraged to contact Sgt. Ray Hendry at 825-4747 ext. 5064. The event is designed to bring togeth er citizens, police personnel and commu nity stakeholders to focus on the physi cal, emotional and economic impact of violence on its victims and society in general. Halton Regional Police hosted the first conference in conjunction with CAVEAT (Canadians Against Violence Everywhere Advocating its Termination), Halton Rape Crisis Centre, Halton Regional Health Department and the Community Consultation Committees of Halton. Following the public information centre, the preferred alternative will be reviewed in light of comments received. 1225 TRAFALGAR RO AD · OAKVILLE, O N TARIO · L6J 5A6 Alzheimer seminar Tuesday Members of the public are invited to attend a free seminar entitled " U n d erstan d in g A lzhe im er Disease" on Tues. June 20th, at 7 p.m. at The 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall at 475 North Service Rd. West The seminar is being presented by VON Halton, Halton Healthcare Services and the Alzheimer Society of HaltonWentworth. The seminar is intended for indi viduals who have a family member or friend with A lz he im e r Disease. To reserve a seat, call 338' 4379. 0% FINANCING ON ALL / CARAVANS!!! · 87 CUTLASS CALAIS 4-DR. I Automatic. The option list on this dandy isn't very long but I please read on. Its buroundv: looks and runs like brand new | and has only 109.000 km s on it!!!! It's one of a kind! 98 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN LE I Full, full, full load! rear heat, air too! Quads too! Best color! Best K's! Best Condition! Best Price! Need we | say more! Don't delay! $0 ( 1 n n n 92 VOLVO 940 GLE 4-DR. I Not one single option m issin g ! Leather too! Big & truly immaculate V olvo's usually cost over $20.000! This one's | under $10,000! 94 INFINITI Q45 I Every single option known to mankind! Only 76.000 one I owner km!! A maaniticent automobile! Believe us, the I description really understates how gorgeous this beauty is! " See for yourself! S O O O f lf l Full price only &!U,«7LNJ Full price only *8,999 Full price only £ £ ,9 U U Full price only *2,490* 97 FORD ESCORT LX SPORT 4-DR. Automatic! Air conditioned! Low, low K's! Gorgeous Escorts | under $10,000 with automatic, air & low K 's sell fast anywhere, but they iust flv off the lot here in Oakville! Hurry in! 92 FORD AER0STAR XLT 7-PASS. I V/6, auto, A M FM cass., air, cruise, tilt, p/w, p/l, nothinn's I m issin g !! You should check this one out because, sim ply | | said, it has it all!!!! . . _ _ _ 93 ACURA INTEGRA GS 14-dr., auto., AM/FM stereo cass., air, cruise, tilt, pw, pdl, and even a I slider too! This gorgeous little low mileage luxury import is the best color (champagne), is absolutely in the best condition. And you can surely see | | its f t best prigs anywhere!! Please compare! $ * n n n n 95 MAZDA MX3 PRECIDIA I 3-dr. hatchback, auto., A M /FM cass., air, rear wiper and I more. Oh yes, there's one more option! How about only I 4 0 .0 0 0 original k m ? ? ? It's an absolute knockout! [ Full price only *9,900 Full price only 4 ,9 9 9 Full price only IU , 9 9 9 '13,900 w 94 FORD TAURUS GL 4-DR. I V/6 auto, am /fm c a ss., air, cru ise , tilt, p/w, p/l, i t s I really load ed! T he n e w s g e ts better. T h is all o rigin a l o n e - o w n e r beauty h a s o n ly 9 1 , 0 0 0 k 's o n it a n d | s im p ly said, perfec t !! t n OOO it Full price only 94 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4X4 IV 6 , auto, AM/FM cass., air, cruise, tilt, p/w, p/l, p/seat, the I full load! It also has leather interior and the running board package and an absolutely irresistible summer price! !i I W ouldn't you agree?!! $<f n A n n 96 CHEV SP0RTSIDE PICK-UP I V6 engine! Air conditioning! 5-soeed! M a g s! Only 41.000 original K's!!! ] Don't wait! Red! A s new! How about this beauty? . . _ _ _ _ 94 DODGE CARAVAN I V 6 engine! Automatic! air conditioned! 7 passenger! Well I below average K 's! Far far below average price! Please dare | | to compare with this one! [Sea today! it's 0 ,0 0 0 Full price only llJ,9UU Full price only * 1 5 , 9 0 1 ) Full price only *7,999 As traded Q.E.W. Speers Rd. 4th Line E W JM D o d g e I D o d g e T ru cks n a n in i i f n t m e r r h b v s m h i - ir a > w CHRYSLER 646 4th Line, Speers Road, O akville ________ w w w .o a k v ille d o d g e .c o m 1 & M (v , N ow y o u h a v e th e a p o w e r to n u m b e r c h o o s e y o u r e le c tr ic ity fro m o f c o m p a n ie s . C A L L 1 - 8 8 8 - 6 6 8 - 4 6 3 6 Visit ou r website at www.est.gov.on.ca o r Email: fyi@est.gov.on.ca © O n t a r io 4 Dorval Dr

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