THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23, 2017 KVILLE * metrolandmedia AUTOPRO OAKVILLE 2212 W yecro ft R o a d ,O akville 905-469-2442 autoprooakville.m $ 1 .0 0 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM 48 pages Group to assist human trafficking victims A new Halton collaboration aims to provide more support to victims of human trafficking. According to the Canadian Women' s Foundation, Ontario has become a sig nificant hub for human trafficking and sexual violence in Canada, with most survivors being underage girls and young women. In Halton, for example, trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation frequently occurs in hotels along the Hwy. 401 and 403 corridors. To raise more awareness of the is sue and support victims, the Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Ser vices (SAVIS) of Halton received fund ing from the Status of W omen Canada to manage the Halton Collaborative Against Human Trafficking (HCAHT) pilot project. see New on p .24 Youths tune in to music OAKVILLE 905 842-6030 - Oakville 2017 heann work Page 3 Music for Minors, an interactive concert for children and toddlers, was held Feb. 12 Sunday at St. Paul's United Church. Kate Gunter, 5, has fun twirling a ribbon, during the ribbon-and-scarf audience participation segment of the concert. For more photos, see Spotlight on p.6. | Graham Paine/Metroland Age is no barrier Sports SAU N D ER S, S A X T O N W IN T E R C 4 JP,e9ac¥ o.f¥Lrce//enC e~ L 1 & 136Church Street,Suite IB - Oakville,ON | 905.845.1223 | sswteam @ Wendy Saunders Sales R epresen tative Kim Saxton Sales R epresen tative Ruth Anne Winter B ro k e r The Mayfair Residences ~ $ 859,900 to $ 1,619,900