w w w .insideH A LT O N .com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, F ebruary 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 | 10 W om en's Centre gala will help build up women and comm unity by Abigail Cukier Special to the Beaver Staff at the W omen' s Centre of Halton believe if you "build a woman up, you can build a family. If you build a family, you can build a community." And to thank their supporters who help to do this, as well as to raise much needed operating funds, the W omen' s Centre is holding the Love Does gala, Saturday, Feb. 18 at the Oakville Conference Centre. While the Women' s Centre receives project grants from the Ontario W omen' s Directorate and the United Way, it does not receive any operating funding. N eed h e lp w ith h o u s e -c le a n in g ? L e t us do it fo r you! Discover cleaning service that's , affordable, reliable, and convenient. BBB Sunrise Cleaning Services Call us to d a y fo r a fre e e stim a te ! 905-567-1199 ( J C heck o ut our curren t s p ecials at: £9 r Servicing Oakville for over 20 years! w w w .S u n rise -C le a n in g .ca ·Recurring cleaning. ·One time cleaning. ·Spring cleaning. ·Post renovation cleaning. ·Moving cleaning. ·Gift certificates. Enjoy yo u r life and leave the cleaning to us! That all comes from fundraising. "Sometimes we run a program but then funding requirements change and so we have to change or take away programs. But if women have come to rely on that program, I don't feel we can take it away. We need to fundraise to ensure they continue on," said Martha Barragan, executive director. " The W omen' s Centre provides peer support for women in crisis, transition or distress of any kind. It also runs support groups, provides employment counselling, legal support and education programs, income tax clinics and self-esteem workshops. "If it is big enough of an issue to keep you up at night, it is big enough for us to listen," said Barragan. "No issue is too big or too small. We don't want women to walk through life alone." Barragan notes the centre has seen an increase in women seeking help due to violence, as well as depression and anxiety. In response, staff have added an extra day and night of service, as well as expanded its violence against women program. The centre is also opening more programs to satisfy wait lists, which it has not had before. "Staff and volunteers are equipped in so many areas, such as addiction, violence, mental health, employment. But it would be an injustice to just focus on one area," said Barragan. "As well, what often happens is a woman will sign up for employment help and then, as she feels more comfortable, she will open up that her issue is violence against women," said Barragan. "We want to serve our community the best way possible. But not having the operating costs means we have to stretch every dollar to do so." That is where the gala comes in. The evening will include a red carpet, a free 4 x 6 photo of your group, five-course dinner, late-night sweet table and pizza, DJ, dancing, open bar and 50/50 draw, as well as a silent auction with items including two tickets anywhere WestJet flies. "The love theme is because it comes after Valentine' s Day but also the love the community has shown the W omen' s Centre for 2 7 years," said Barragan. "It is difficult to do what we do. How have we done it? With generous community support. Having all of our supporters in one room and celebrating together will be showing what love looks like in action." The gala will take place Feb. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Oakville Conference Centre. Cost is $110. Tickets must be purchased by Feb. 15 by calling 9 05-847-5520, emailing admin@ haltonwomenscentre.org or visiting haltonwomenscentre.org to find the link to its Eventbrite page. Does you r financial ad visor know you r life g o als? Sales lol S ervice 1 6 1R entals IS Events Walkers · Wheelchairs · Lift Chairs · Stair Lifts · Porch Lifts ·Aids for Daily Living Adjustable Beds · Compression Stockings · Incontinence · Bathroom Safety · CPAP & More Marc Nutford Financial Advisor 2387 Trafalgar Road Unit E2 Oakville, ON L6H 6K7 905-844-4043 a c c e s s a b ilit ie s I v -*l | 549 Bronte Rd I Oakville www.edwardjones.com/marc-nutford Y o u r a b ilit y s to re . O u r p a s s io n . info@ accessabilities.ca w w w .accessabififies.ca Licensed M edical Devices Establishment A uthorized ADPIW SIBI VAC V en dor O ur frie n d ly , k n o w le d g e a b le s ta ff w ill h e lp w ith y o u r m o b ility a a c c e s sib ility needs. Edw ardjones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING M em ber - Canadian Investor P rotection Fund Follow us on Tw itter - ®abil