Friday, October 27, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER F o rm e r fo o tb a ll player ta c k le s p o litica l a re n a (Continued from page 1) Oakville in Ottawa," he said. "They don't want an MP who represents Ottawa in Oakville." During a question-and-answer session, Ferrone told the audience he is in favour o f stabilizing health care funding, opposed to the current federal gun registration program and pro-choice on the issue o f abortion. During his 12-year career with the Argos, Ferrone played on two Grey Cup winning teams. He is now married, with three children. Following the vote results, Richman, executive vicepresident and medical director of Assess-Med Inc., threw his support behind Ferrone. The Oakville riding encompasses the town from the lake in the south, Burloak Drive in the west, Winston Churchill Boulevard in the east and Upper Middle Road in the north. The remainder o f the town falls into the riding of Halton Centre, along with Milton and parts o f Burlington and Halton Hills. In an attempt to get a quick jum p on the election cam paign, Alliance lawn signs were handed out following the nomination meeting. Ferrone's campaign will hold an offi cial kick-off ceremony on Saturday from 10 a.m. until noon at 328 Kerr St. "It's so simple," said Ferrone, in his victory speech. "It's time for a change and we're going to do it." The WOSS auditorium was filled with Canadian Alliance supporters Wednesday night. Pud By Steve Nease 1 0 Y B R O L D £ A Y s -1 THE DEFIANT 57x w f X H A F T A G o T o BED YET' tz777>>* N O R T H EAST Chiropractic Care Centre River Oaks Professional Building 2-2169 Sixth Line Dr. R ichard G roim us Eagle Chiropractic Health & Wellness Circle 1235 Trafalgar Rd., Suite 413 Dr. N a d a Luburic Oak Park Chiropractic Centre 2530 Sixth Line Dr. D a v id W ilson Sunshine Chiropractic Clinic 575 River Glen Blvd. Dr. J.R. G ordon 338-5558 337-7047 O p tim a l S p in e E q u a ls O p tim a l H ealth GOOD POSTURE All your life, you have been told to "stand up straig h t. . . watch your posture." Hopefully, you have taken that advice. You will look better AND have more energy if you do. Actually, there is much more to posture than most people realize. Your pos ture is the position of your ligaments, muscles, and spinal bones, and the condition they are in. Your spine is the MOST IMPORTANT factor affecting your posture. In order to have the best possible posture (and health), your spine has to be in the best possible condi tion. Q However, when such stress overwhelms your body's natural defenses, it can cause your spinal bones to shift. That can result in an abnormal or "out of balance' struc ture. The bones are said to be "subluxat ed." Any spinal imbalance, where one or more bones have shifted out of position, will cause areas o f the spinal co lu m n to w ork harder in order to compensate for the area that is out of balance. Between the spinal bones, called verte EQUALS GOOD HEALTH That means that - from a rear view - your spine should be perfectly straight, with each of the 24 spinal bones stacked precisely on top of each other (see figure 1). Looking at the spine from the side, you should see three curves, each having a 60° arc (see figure 2). It's been observed in nature, engineering, physics and geometry that a 60° arc offers the strongest defense against the destruc tive forces of gravity and motion. brae, are nerves which transport messages from the brain to all organs, tissues and cells in the body. When the vertebrae are subluxated, the nerve passageway is blocked,and the life energy flowing through the nerve can be choked off. This interferes with your body's innate healing ability and lowers your resistance. If this condition is not corrected, your organs and glands cannot functon properly and this can create abnormal body chem istry, disease, and accelerated deteriora tion. WHAT IS VERTEBRAL SUBLUX ATION? When emotional, chemical, or physical stress is experienced, your body's inner wisdom strives to adapt and change so its defense mechanisms can maintain a high level o f resistance. ^ OPTIMAL FUNCTIONING SPINE AND NERVOUS SYS TEM EQUALS OPTIMAL FUNCTIONING HEALTH Chiropractic care is the art of gently removing the damaging pressure put on the nervous system by a misaligned spinal column. Using precision spinal adjust ments, the doctor of Chiropractic will reg ularly check and recheck your posture and other physical signs that would indicate any spinal imbalance and nervous system dysfunction. These painless and accurate adjustments will enhance your healing ability, performance, and resistance. LOWER RESISTANCE is the number one cause of all physical breakdown, and VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION is a major cause o f lower resistance in the body. It's no wonder the accumulative effects of gravity, motion, and daily stress can lead to illness and dis-ease through the damaging results of subluxation and NEUROLOGICAL DISTRESS. Learn to appreciate your body and the life force within it that controls all functions. There is no greater miracle in nature than the body's ability to heal itself. Encyclopedias are filled with knowledge on the human body and yet they can only scratch the surface of what your body will do in a peak state of health. If you or someone you know is not healthy, the cause must be eliminated so that health may be restored. Contact your chiropractor and have the doctor check for Vertebral Subluxation. The results begin immediately even if the misaligned vertebrae takes weeks or even months to finally correct. Our purpose is to create a SUBLUXATION FREE society by promoting Chiropractic adjustments, optimal functioning spines and nervous systems, and to educate people on the philosophy of Chiropractic so they can promote Chiropractic properly to others. 257-1133 257-7705 Trafalgar Ridge Chiropractic 257-0021 & Acupuncture 2387 Trafalgar Rd. Dr. Todd D e la m e re , Dr. M ark D eighton Upper Oakville Chiropractic Centre 1011 Upper Middle Rd. E. Dr. D a v e H e a le y 849-1400 SO U T H EAST Alliance Health Care Professionals 845-2291 232 South Service Rd. East (formerly Oakville Chiropractic Clinic} Dr. A rn o ld R oper, Dr. Brian H uggins Maple Grove Chiropractic Clinic 338-3732 5 11 Maple Grove Dr. Dr. J a m e s W ilson , Dr. P atrick Z a k Meyer Family Chiropractic Clinic 275 Trafalgar Rd. Dr. D iane M ey e r 845-2335 Moore Chiropractic Centre 845-5747 275 Trafalgar Rd. Dr. B rett M oore, Dr. R yan French Shaw Chiropractic Centre 586 Argus Rd. Dr. G reg S h a w 842-5489 Trafalgar Chiropractic and 338-1548 Wellness Centre 145 Trafalgar Rd. Dr. M a rk Fleet , Dr. P a v it K a p o o r SO U T H W EST Bronte Chiropractic Office 2368 Lakeshore Rd. W. Dr. Joyce A llm an Chiropractic First 2318 Lakeshore Rd W., Suite 1 Dr. F reddie So 827-1633 827-2444 Halton Chiropractic Clinic 844-9117 250 Wyecroft Rd., Suite 5 Dr. L arry Laughlin , Dr. Bill S ta c k h o u te Hassard Chiropractic Clinic 2361 Lakeshore Rd. W Dr. M u rra y H a ssa rd Oak-West Chiropractic Clinic 635 Fourth Line 847-2225 845-9777 Dr. D on ald J. H am m on d Dr. M ichele A rish e n k o ff N O R TH W EST Abbey Chiropractic 1500 Upper Middle Road Dr. Ron M cA lister Northook Chiropractic 243 N. Service Rd W ,, Suite 203 Dr. J a y B u m e ts Nottinahill Place Chiropractic Clinic 1131 Nottinghill Gate, Suite 205 Dr. S a n d ra Sim pson Oakville Chiropractic Life Centre 1500 Heritage Way Dr. S e b a stia n G u am accia Westoak Trails Family Chiropractic & Wellness Centre 2275 West Oak Trails Blvd. 825-1992 338-5951 827-4197 825-9529 465-2929 A public awareness program by your local chiropractic association. Chiropractic: adjusting subluxations since 1895. Dr. J o e y Shulm an