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Oakville Beaver, 22 Oct 2000, p. 30

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30 Oakville Beaver W eekend Sunday, October 22, 2000 T h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r Classified { houses for sale FABULOUS brand new (Glen Abbey). Superb lay out, 3-bdrm. 2.5 washroom, huge kitchen w/fam.rm, open concept living space, unique wide lot. quiet cres cent. Extremely bright w/ lots of windows, neutral, tasteful decor, garage, door entry, many upgrades. Ex cellent builder. Relocating, $229,500. 905-848-7070 ALDERSHOT Paradise 3,000sq ft., 5 bedroom, 2.5 baths on 1 acre lot. 20x 50ft. workshop. Pool with large Florida room. Very private in prestigious Birdland. $460,000. Call 905466-5272_________________ BUNGALOW 2344 Redfern, Burlington. Brick, 3bedrooms, hardwood under carpet, sunroom. pool. Core area. $184,900. (905)6819081_____________________ WATERDOWN. $249,900 4 year old Fembrook home. 4bedrooms, 2.5 baths, premium court location. (905)690-0604 ___ ____ GLEN Abbey 4 bedroom, double garage, basement partly finished, family room, 2.5 baths. (905)8275829. BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ WWW. oakvillebeaver.com Circulation: 845-9742 The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 33 7-5 61 0 FAX: 6 3 2-8 16 5 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. · Real Estate 100-165 -Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 3 00-375 - A u to 4 0 0 4 6 5 -Help Wanted 500 -59 9 · Announcements6 0 0 -6 7 5 · Services 700-800 a m tcy, Fa /iy L livttH -. n if ·H O W TO SWRT YOUR OW N TRAVEL BUSINESS' Travel O rty . C A N A D A 'S P iw n e v Travel Com pany W « | 2 6 years e^ teh en x w fl b e o o n d u c iig a free sem n ar C U M B E R L A N D V IL L A G E 3270 Prospect S t · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking you are a ... \ · Young professional! · Couple., two income... starting out! · Senior... needing to join a community! YOU DESERVE A 1-2 or 3 BDRM APT. HERE @ BURLINGTON TOWERS | 2 S 3 Bedrooms Also Available Easy access to QEW * Close to GO station Magnificent Indoor Pool & Fitness Centre · Utilities & Parking Included · Fantastic Locator! Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited FRIDGE and stove- GE, almond, good working con dition, $350., brass livingroom lamps, $60 for all. 637-7273________________ FRIDGE, stove, washer, dryer, all white, full sized sofa bed, love seat with matching chair and otto man. cherrywood dining room china cabinet and hutch. 2 VCR's, Panasonic video cameras (need repairs) 842-5613___________ XMAS decorations, toys. Bicycles, books. Ski's poles, skates, furniture, kitchen chairs, lamps, bas kets, dishes, Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service. Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm;Sat-9-5pm; Sun12-4pm. ANTIQUE cherrywood 9 piece diningroom suite. Mahogany finish, immacu late condition. Asking $3,700. 336-1036_________ KENMORE washer 10 years old, good working condition. $100. 319-7624, leave message.____________________ KNITTING Machine. Singer 360, all accesso ries & books included. 637-7502________________ MOVING sale- Toshiba 27in TV & VCR. 1yr. old $700 obo. 905-331-8100 NORTHERN Lights Total Exercise machine. Brand new. $1,000 or best offer. 331-6903 evenings.________ OAK pedestal diningroom table. 4 chairs $600. Com puter P1-133, 32 mg. EDO 2.1 gig hd. 2 mg. ATI 3D 12xCD rom. SB32 with speakers, 15* flat screen monitor $500. 681-2663 1000'S of yards of carpet for sale. Call Scott (905)639-2200 ___ STEP-2 big climber with slide and swing. Fisher Price playhouse. Togethor or seperately. 905-3314624____________ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no GST! Love your furniture... hate your co lours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. Chairs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Quality Cus tom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090____________ THE Waterbed Gallery Store Closing Sale. 3350 Fairview Street, Burlington, Everything Must Go. 6395600. JACK Russell Terrier pup pies, friendly, fun loving. JRTCC Registered parents. Vaccinated, dewormed. Health . guaranteed. (905)689-6917____________ FREE. Loving home re quired for adorable black & white cat. Neutered & declawed Call (905)6328067 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 7:16 M L OAKVUE PUBLIC LIBRARY, NAVY/ LAKESHORE Ho Mo w t w r t l n H u n t in g f t Omtuctiom mvt Gnm T m * B o n e** C at h tttM O M 17 to < · * « * O + rio U a n m M o : OOKOn flats for rent ONE Bedroom Basement apartment. $750. inclu sive. Please Call (905)8271776.____________________ 2 bedroom in Oakville, close to lake. Available November 1st. (905) 825-3512._______ GEORGIAN Apartments. Nov./Dec. 1.263 Bedrooms. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Burling ton, 639-0456, M-F: 9am4pm & 6:30-8pm___________ B R O N T E -o n -th e -la k e : immaculate. 1-bdrm, sin gle executive, all inclusive: cable, parking, brand new appliances. $1,250./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1 Bdrm Apt Avail. Nov.lst - $680/mo. Includes utilities. Parking Available 3-BEDROOM with familyroom, 4 appliances, gas heat, Francis Rd/ GO, Bur lington. $970/mo. +utilities. Nov.15. (905)-560-6583. BURUNGTON: 3-bedroom from $1050/mo.+ utilities, Dec.1st. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. (905)3331190. HORSESHOE - 2 bed room condo, sleeps 6, Feb 16- 23rd, $1850, fireplace, laundry, TV/VC'R, kitchen, indoor / children's pool, exense, spa. (905)827-4267. K l j j f j items under $100. STANLEY garage door opener, push button $75. (905)844-6271.____________ BAKERS Rack, 3 pine shelves, brand new. $99 336-2078________________ DESK- great for student or computer. Small size Good condition. Oak color. $50. 336-6335____________ FREE old wood panelling, 30 sheets. 16x80. 10 sheets, 48x8. 634-0249 KENMORE dryer, 10 years old, good working condition $100. 319-7624. leave message.___________ MOVING Boxes, 5 war drobe and 10 others $45. 634-0249________________ SINGLE box and mattress with head and foot board, side rails. $85 331-0116 WATERFORD crystal large wine glasses. Retail $95. ea. Sacrifice, $100 per set. (905)637-7751_________ WINE making equipment, $85 Call 637-7705 WEDDING Photography, 100-115 prints, album, negatives, other packages available. Over 20 yrs ex perience. Reliable, rea sonable, with references. Picture- Perfect Wedding Photography. 639-6710 I cars for sale 1987 Olds Firenza134,000km. Certified. Drive clean. $1,300. call 257-6366________________ 1987 Honda Accord- auto, crusie & A/C, 180K, emis sions & certified. Great condition inside & out. Lady driven. $2,800. 8422573____________________ 1995 Dodge Caravan new transmission, new tires, well maintained, will certify. $6,500.827-8042_________ 1999 Windstar- Fully load ed, quad seating, rear A/C. $21,900. Call Paul 905319-0045_________________ 1996 Pontiac Sunfire- fully loaded, 82K, moving, bar gain @ $8,000. obo 905331- 8100______________ 1994 Grand Prix , 1-owner, black, loaded, Immaculate, well-maintained. V-6, Certi fied. 185.000kms $6800. 905-639-0480; 905-9216448____________________ 1989 Jeep Cherokee Laredo, white, 4-dr, Certified. E-tested. Well maintained. $3900. (905)849-6930____________ 1992 Cadillac FleetwoodNavy blue w/blue leather interior. Loaded. Excellent condition. 225,000 gentle km's. $6,900. Certified. 905-632-5407_____________ 1989 Ford Probe GT. minor front end damage. Driven daily. Offers. 905319-9021.________________ 1995 Nissan Pathfinder, beige, excellent condition, leather interior, fully load ed, immaculate. Dealer serviced. Phone included. 99K, highway driven. $17,500. Private 3327949____________________ 1994 Lexus GS 300 black, gold trim, leather, fully loaded. Immaculate. Dealer serviced, highway driven. $23,500. Private 332- 7949______________ 1989 Delta 88 Royale, Navy Blue. 145K. Excellent body, interior, etc. $3500. Moving. (905)690-1268____________ 1990 Plymouth Sundance, 117K, 4-door hatchback, 4 cyl., champagne interior/exterior, good inexpensive car. $875 obo. As is. 847-3090 1986 Toyota Corolla LE 238K, good condition, as is, or will certify. Certified $1200. 319-2049 after 6pm 1995 Ford Escort- 4-doorautomatic. am/fm cassette. Air, p.w., excellent shape/ immaculate interior, $8,500. 905-331-4516 1999 CIVIC EX. black. 5speed, 4-door, am/fm CD. air, power windows/locks. cruise. 65K, $17,777 6817927____________________ 1987 Honda Accord- 4 dr, automatic, 220Km, Asking $1,300. 905-336-8814 1987 Olds Mobile Cutlass156,000km. Good running order $850. call 681-8663 weekday. 637-7115 wee kends;___________________ 1988 Blue Mustang- Sun roof, good condition. 170K, $950 obo 844-2988 TO VIEW CALL (905) 639-8583 (905) 690-1896 BURLINGTON- Large 2 bedroom apartment in clean quiet building. Avail able Nov.lst. Call Sandra 905-634-5604_____________ BURLINGTON. Young fe male professional seeks same to share large 2-bdrm furnished apartment. Split $700./mo includes heat/ hydro. References. Call Angela. 905-319-2917 FURNISHED Burlington Lux ury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1,395/mo, all utilities includ ed. Immediate. (905) 6328354; (905)632-6189 ALDERSHOT by RBG. Large 2-bedroom base ment apartment, separate entrance. Cable, laundry. Available Nov.3rd. $800/ mo. inclusive. (905)5727013____________________ OAKVILLE- very clean. 1 bedroom basement apart ment. Nov.lst. $800/ +50% utilities. Days 825-3535, evenings 465-0589 OAKVILLE. Near all amenities. 205 Queen Mary Drive: 3-bedroom, Oct.1st; Utilities included. (905)8449670____________________ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 1&2 Bedroom avail able Nov 1st. From $795/ mo. (905)632-0129________ WATERDOWN: 75 John Street. Walk to Everything. New Appliances, Windows, Competely Renovated. 2Bedroom From $695/mo. Nov.lst. (905)690-4454 WATERDOWN: very large 2-bedroom apartment in quiet home. Private en trance. Fireplace, bay window, new carpeting, open concept. ` A home within a home*. No pets. Nov. 1st. $975/month indusive. 689-6497_________ PLAINS/ QEW (Burling ton). 2-bedroom, newer small building. Parking, laundry. Security. Nov./ Dec. 1st $769./+hydro. 905825-5539. B U R L IN G T O N TOWERS A P A R T M E N T S| A IR M IL E S · A IR M IL E S NEAR Burloak. 2-bdrms. basement apartment of du plex. 4 appliances, parking. $650/mo. Kerr/Lakeshore, ground floor, 2-bedroom of duplex $800/mo Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. (905)632-5690 DOWNTOWN Burlington. Large 1-bedroom apart ment. Available November 1st, $775/mo. Utilities induded (905)-330-9850 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. C all 6 3 9 - 9 2 1 2 BRAND new condo apart ment in River Oaks. 817sq.ft. of luxury. 2 bed room. 5 new appliances. 1 parking & 1 locker included. Balcony. Ceramic flooring +many more upgrades Asking $163,900. 416315-5208_________________ WE specialize in Condomini um Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 BACHELOR APT. DESIGNATED FOR LOW INCOME SENIORS ONLY Core Burlington Must provide own appliances. Available Nov.lst. $271/mo. + util, to Dec. 31/00; $279/mo + util, effective Jan. 1/01 Call (905) 335-7706 BURLINGTON. 383 St. Paul Street: 1-bedroom, S639/mo. Includes heat, hydro, parking. For ap pointment, 634-6903. Wellmaintained by Jordan & Geisel CANADIANA.Quiet, well maintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3bedrooms available De cember. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)6325486____________________ FRESHLY Decorated: 2& 3 Bedrooms- some 2-level! Nov./Dec. Low-rise build ing, Garden like setting Private landscaped patios (Burlington). 1460 Tyanda ga Park Dr. (905)336-0016 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0015____________ DOWNTOWN Burlington. 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts Available Nov/Dec. Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabi netry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call (905)637-0321____________ INEXPENSIVE warehouse space: Unheated 1000'. Heated, sprinklered, truck level doors, 60,000' or less d w 3 overhead cranes. 2100' & 1400'. Joe Luyk, (905)8457597, Ext. 242 2500 sq.ft, dock level ware house space in newly reno vated building. Prime Burling ton location at 1160 Blair Rd. For more information call (905)332-0163 ^ industrial /commercial space E X E C U T IV E L a kesh o re ranch, Burlington: 2+1 bedrooms, den, recroom, private yard, 6 appliances $2100/mo+ utilities. Credit ref. No pets, non-smokers. Nov. 1st. Susan Hilton, Re/ max Garden City Rlty. (905)-333-3500___________ ALDERSHOT. Older 2-stor ey 3-bedroom home. Main floor & second storey ap prox. 1400sq.ft. living space. No dogs please. $1,000/mo. Decist. Jack, (905)632-9637 EXECUTIVE Bungalow. Great 5-bedroom home, 2 full baths, 5 appliances, double garage, in-ground pool, private yard. Lakeshore near 4th Line. Immediate. $2,200/mo. 1413-585-0049, 905-8259621____________________ BRANT/Mountainside: 3-bedroom bunga low, Large fenced lot, 5 ap pliances. $1200 plus utili ties. No smoking/pets. Immediate. 319-1382________ NORTH Oakville, Brand new 3-bedroom semi. Hardwood, gas fireplace, ceramics. Prefer no pets. No smoking. N ov.lst. $1750/mo. L.Davies R.E. Ltd., (905)333-4347_______ STOP Looking! Need a home to rent in the $1500$3000 range? Call me! (905)333-1706, Ext.70. Kathy Murray, Sales Repre sentative. Active Properties Inc. EXECUTIVE townhouse. central Burlington, Near QEW/GO. 2-bedroom, C/A, C/V, sec. alarm, 2 gas fire places, 5 appliances, single car garage, rear deck. $1350/month plus utilities. 633-7816 or 777-9262 af ter 5pm. OAKVILLE- 2&3 Bedroom townhouses available Nov.lst. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 TTTTT LUXURY. New 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR. 6 appliances, stereo. 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Daily, Weekly, Monthly. From $1295-2995/ month. Visa. MasterCard. AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M BURUNGTON, Francis Rd. Private master bed room, well furnished, use of all facilities, free cable. $400Vmo. 632-4694 FURNISHED bedroom, share bath. Kitchen privi leges U tilities included. Pool, hot tub. $110./wkly. East Oakville. Non-smoker 829-5995 A AAAA BURLINGTON. 2-bed room condo available for rent.- $1250/mo. Available Nov. Call Tony. (905)8751110 ext 244 or (416)8038390____________________ BRONTE Harbour Club. 1 bedroom condo, ensuite laundry, all building ameni ties & 24-hr security. For N ov.lst. Asking $1,100./ month. No smokers/ pets. Credit check. Ann Shore, Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp, 905-338-9000 I houses for rent REBECCA/ Bronte. De tached 3-bedroom bungalow + basement apartment, quiet location. D ec.1st. $1240/ mi.+ utilities. Long lease preferred. Call (905)822-0119 OLDE Oakville. 2-3 bed room, finished basement, all appliances A/C $1700+ utilities. Nov. 1st. 8443663.____________________ S1800/MO. Spacious 4bedroom home in Rose- WEB Design: The Edge of Space and Time any web page design. Adam (905)847-0998, (905)-510-1306. OAKVILLE- Lakeshore/ Kerr; prime retail/ office space. 2 units at $1125/mo. each + utilities. (905)8423196____________________ WATERDOWN cafe/office space for lease. 1,0002,000 sq. ft. available. 35 Main St. North. Call 6894516 ask for Donna. ^ condominiums for rent GUELPH Line/ Prospect. Large furnished room in house, share facilities, TV, parking, $190./bi-weekly, Non-smoker. 905-639-3930. SHARE bright 3-bedroom townhouse. Large bed room. 2 closets. Nonsmoker. Third Line/" Rebec ca. Parking. $425/mo. First/ last. Nov 1st. (905)8456152 RESPONSIBLE, nonsmoker wanted to share small house, S.E. Burling ton. $350/month inclusive. Nov 1. Call 681-6352 WATERDOWN. Responsi ble person to share large country home. First & last. Flexible/ Immediate. (905)690-9988____________ STUDENT female pre ferred. $350. all inclusive. Near GO/ Sheridan. Mike (416) 719-6175___________ ROOMMATE wanted to share 2-bedroom apartment, Guelph/QEW, with non smoking 24 year old male. Immediate. $550 inclusive. 633-6844 SHARE townhouse, quiet area, all appliances, park ing, large bedroom, ensu ite. c/a. Female perferred. non-smoker. $575. plus half utilites. First/ Last. (905)315-8795. m shared accommodation BEDS, New- Complete: Double. $220; Queen. $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496____________ BLINDS, 76* x 85 1/2* & balloon drapes to match. Pink. Very reasonable. Please phone 905-8758425____________________ CREME Bauhaus sofa, high back colonial recliner, cof fee table. $400. 905-6339118____________________ OUTBOARD motor. 4HP Johnson, 1998, short shaft model. Low hours. Call Den nis, (905)633-9144, leave message_________________ DEILCRAFT cherrywood dining room suite 7 pieces, excellent condition. $1500 obo. 690-0488____________ DININGROOM table + 6 spindleback chairs, antique reproduction pine, dis tressed, $1,500., executive solid maple desk, cherry finish, $200., wrought iron queen bed, $500., JVC camcorder, $250., loveseat/ sofa-bed. floral pattern, $200. 905-689-3407_______ FREE Estimates... Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furniture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090 FRIDGE & stove $200, 27* console TV $100, brown sofat & chair $200, black coffee & end tables $60, white crib $80, trailer hitch $80. Steve 331-8236. $$ Government Funds $$. Grants and loans informa tion to start and expand your business or farm. 1800-505-8866. apartments & *J flats for rent Upper Canada Place 5 0 5 L o c u s t S t. BEAUTIFUL, Newly Ren ovated 3-Bedroom Apart ments. Some with lake views! Refurbished, Pres tigious Burlington Highrise. Immediate. Utilities includ ed. $1250/mo (905)6376701_____________________ WANTED All-China. Silver. Crystal, camera/ audio equipment, sewing ma chines... Doulton, Moorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watch es, dolls, paintings, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477____________ BETTER cash- Fast pick up for your fridges, stoves, washer/ dryers. Working or not. Call 905-549-1911 PAINTINGS, Antiques Wanted: Furniture, Glass, China. Silver Ring Boxes, Addison radios, Estates purchased. Karl (905)6816939-Burlington. I firewood GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. "Ontario's lar gest Firewood retail. Marc's Quality Firewood, (905)-257-6366 I pets, supplies AUSTRALIAN Sheppard puppies- CKC registered, health checked. Please call (519) 623-9955___________ FREE to good home, 1-1/2 year female Husky/ Lab. Healthy, friendly, good with children. (905)^631-7006 PHYSICIAN and family, non-smokers, no pets, re quires 3 or 4 bedroom home, short term lease, Clearview/ E. Oakville. Call 829-9115 1&2 Bdrms from $918 * Parquet Floors * All Suites have A/C * Convenient location downtown Burlington near all amenities. Tel: (905) 333-9008 DORVAL/ Lakeshore 2 bed room basement- Seperate entrance, share laundry, non-smoker, $980. inclusive. Nov. 1st 905-339-3666 2-BEDROOMS: $790 / mo. (U tilities included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Office Open 9-4pm, Mon -Sat. (905)639-5761 UPGRADED 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts with scenic views avail able at two prime downtown Burlington locations. Beautiful grounds. Professionally managed. 478 Pearl St. (905)632-1643; 477 Elizabeth St.. (905)634-9374 BURLINGTON: Beautiiful 1 bedroom plus den- avail able D ec.1st. 5170 Lakeshore Rd.. $1,045/ month inclusive. 905-681______________ 8338 BURLINGTON, On The Bay. 2-bedrooms from $895. Near Marina. Indoor pool. Doorman. A/C, hydro, parking included. Near GO. (905)632-1109 »i-V Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor tramSSM * Spacious and well main tained highrise Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 ` (2% disc, included) 2-BEDROOM, 1-1/2 baths. Available Dec. 1st. $975/mo. Lakeshore/ Appleby. (905)639-3301 Mariposa C o - o p · co - op living · 1Bdrm ` - $779* land on tree lined street. Available December. 2 2- Bdrm Irom $899* year lease preferred. Call Roger Cadorette, Sales Rep. Re/Max Garden City 333-3500 HOMES to rent w/option to buy. or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)6395258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOMES 1-1/2 Bathrooms 1150 Gable Dr,Oakville $1171/mo + utilities Available Dec. 1st. (905) 829-5294 OAKVILLE 3 bedroom townhouse, appliances, garage, available Dec J. $1250/month + utilities*! Newly decorated. (905)270-2693

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