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Oakville Beaver, 22 Oct 2000, p. 22

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22 Oakville Beaver W eekend Sunday, October 22, 2000 Cash for Class adds food drive campaign A s part o f the C ash for C lass prom otion, O akville P lace has in tro d u c e d a F o o d D riv e cam p aig n , aim ed to help the com m u nity and h elp sch o o ls boost their points in the cam paign. S im ilar to the Cash for C lass prom otion, students, p aren ts, g ran d p arents, friends and neighbors, are all invited to bring in an item for the Food Bank from now to Oct. 28th to O akville Place. All item s that m eet the FareShare require m ents w ill be collected at the C oncierge Desk and will be convert ed to points (1 item = 25 points) and allocated the schools total. N on-perishable foods such as; peanut butter, cheese whiz, tuna, canned m eals, cookies, pudding cups, tetra pack o f juice, small cans o f fruit jam , cereal, pow dered milk, and canned fruit would be appreciat ed. F areS hare F oodbank has been helping needy fam ilies in O akville since 1988. A large portion o f their food com es from the E aster and T hanksgiving food drives, and on going don atio n s from churches, schools, businesses and superm arket donation bins. Cash for C lass is a great opportu nity for schools to get their fam ilies involved in a fundraising project to help put som e cash back in the schools. The Cash for C lass Food Drive is one opportunity for schools to help give som ething back to the com m unity w hile h e lp in g to increase their points. W ith one week left in the Cash for C lass cam paign, there are over 50 schools p articip atin g in the event. A t the com pletion o f the pro m otion there will be three w inners; the first place w inner will receive a cheque for $5,000; the second place w inner will receive a cheque for $3,000; and the third place w inner will receive a cheque for $2,000. The prize m oney can be used to w ards special p ro jects fo r the school such as p u rch asin g new equipm ent, funding fo r a school trip, sponsoring a guest speaker, or w orking on a special project in the com m unity. PRE-SAIL SALE 10 D a y C ru ise fo r th e p rice o f a 7 D a y Celebrity Cruises Caribbean Sun & Luxury Cruise Fun S U M M IT November 2-12, 2001 V isit the ports of: St. M aarten, St. Lucia, B arb ados, St. K itts, St. T hom as Escorted by Barbara & John Lam bier Inside Cabin Outside Cabin Balcony Cabin Holland @ America FIVE-STAR PREMIUM CRUISING 7 day Southern Caribbean Veendam · Nov 3 ,1 0 , 17, 24 & Dec 1, 8, 15/00 San Juan, Santo Domingo. Barbados, Martinique, St. Maarten, St. John/St. Thomas, San Juan from 10 day Southern Caribbean Volendam · Nov 2 .2 2 & Dec 12/00 Ft. Lauderdale, Antigua, St. Lucia, Barbados, Guadeloupe, St. John/St. Thomas, Nassau. Ft. Lauderdale from s739 S 1259 Cdn pp $1,419"" $1,722"" $2,309"" Ol Cdnpp Mountsberg pumpkin cawing contest The Mountsberg Conservation Area is holding a pumpkin carving contest on Oct. 28th and 29th. Judging for the event takes place at 2:30 p.m. each day and you can also check out the birds of prey pre sentations at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. There are also many displays and a discov ery room. Cost of the pumpkins is $2 each. Mountsberg is open weekends and holidays from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. and is located on Millborough Line, 5 km. west of Campbellville, just south of Hwy.401. For more information, call 905854-2276 or visit the website at www.conservationhalton.on.ca Rates are cruise-only and indude port charges. Many more ships and dates are also available - call today! Call the CruiseShipCenters nearest you: Don't miss out! A fully refundable deposit of $675 CAD per person will hold your cabin. Book now while cabins are still available at this extraordinary price. Unless otherw ise noted a ll prices are p er person, based on double occupancy. Cabins are on a G uarantee basis. P ort charges (905) 338-8083 Visit ou r w ebsite at w w w .cru is e sh ip ce n te rs .co m ^ included R oundtrip a ir a n d Gov'tfees are extra. O ffers are capacity controlled a n d m ay be w ithdraw n a t any tim e w ith o u t fffff cruis* i centers. q notice. O ther restrictions m ay apply Each store independently owned and operated. Rates are per person, in SC<fo based on double occipancy for category Y. Departure charges and semce fees are additional. Rates and space are subject to axalaMrty at tim e of booking. Valid on new, individual bookings only. Airfare from select Canadian gateways is available, o/a SIGNATURE VACATIONS / Encore Cruises O n t Reg #01748075. _ j CRU!SEl VHOUDATSL 221 Lakeshore Rd. E. (905) 337-2228 www.hookedoncruising.com To Bring Business ir Community Together in Celebration o f Small Business Week Raffle Prizes: · U ndo Lundsirum " LaPorka- C oat · V ia R ail Tickets · O a k v ille C entre Theatre Tickets & m ore... The Business Women's Network of The Oakville Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with HaltonSearch.c4n ...jiiti'& d ic b tu w ji! y Royal Bank of Canada presents Canadian Recording Artist A C O N T I N U I N G SERIES P R O F I L I N G T H E S TAFF OF ' C A N A D A ' S BEST C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R " f l^ lu k c ir k as guest speaker on Lynn Blaik Lynn B la ik re c e n tly jo in e d the Beaver team as a C u sto m e r Service rep rese ntative w ith T he O a k v ille Beaver C irc u la tio n th e B eaver "p a re n t p a p e r" (The Journal la te r b e c o m e th e Beaver). Lynn e n jo ys th e in te ra c tio n w ith B eaver cu sto m e rs and c o -w o rk e rs . W h e n n o t sa tisfyin g custo m e rs at th e O a k v ille Beaver, Lynn is busy s p e n d in g tim e w ith h e r 5 g ra n d c h ild re n a n d 6 a d u lt c h ild re n o r e n jo y in g re a d in g , g a rd e n in g a n d cla ssic cars. Wednesday, October 25, 2000 Topic: U n s u n g H e r o 's D e p a rtm e n t. Lynn liaises w ith Beaver sub scribers, parents and ca rrie rs to p ro v id e tim e ly and e ffic ie n t d e liv e ry o f C anada's Best C o m m u n ity new sp ape r. Lynn was raised in O a k v ille and g re w up re a d in g and e n jo y in g th e new spaper. She p re v io u s ly w o rk e d fo r th e cla ssified d e p a rtm e n t o f O a k v ille Journal Recori Proceeds to: Breast C ancer S upp ort Services W e ilsp rin g & O thers A w om an fin d in g h er place in the w orld. Supported by: Platinum Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Basket Designs ~ Oakville Computechniques Cost: $ 5 0 .0 0 pe r person Maximum o f 3 0 0 tickets Location: O te llo 's B anquet H a ll 2 2 7 3 R oyal W in d so r D rive ROYAL BANK T h e G \ k v il l e B e a v e r Country Inn Gem Limosine Goodbrand Graphics Cash Only Bar: 6 :0 0 p.m . Gold Sponsors Howard's Second Generation Huttons Images Dinner: 7 :0 0 p.m . "The Business R(jfenra O rg anizatio n Macdonald Scott Consultants Mary's Keepsakes The Native A rt Gallery VIA Rail W illowtree Customer Service Training (Speaker to follow) Silver Spo nsors The Enterprise Centre Linda Lundstrom G a ll & Associates O ptom etrists The Oakville Centre (or the Performing Arts Otello's Banquet Hall Master of Ceremonies: H er W o rsh ip M a yo r A n n M ulvate Tickets available from: The Oakville C ham ber o f Com m erce - (905) 845-6613

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