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Oakville Beaver, 13 Oct 2000, p. 51

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Friday, October 13, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 51 Classified houses for sale SPACIOUS 12 year old 4+1 bedroom , 2.5 baths, S.E. Burlington. Approx. 2250 sq. ft. Quiet street, sunken fa m ily room w ith gas fir e place, main floor laundry. 4pce ensuite bathroom, par tially finished basement, dou ble car garage. $259,900. 905-308-6996 for appointment. NO AGENTS! OPEN House. Sun. Noon4pm, 3448 Bristol Dr., Bur lington. Excellent condition, 2 ,4 5 2 s q ft., 4 la rg e b e d rooms, master bedroom with ensuite, walk-in closet, main flo o r laundry & fam ily. 2.5 baths, double car garage with in te rlo c k in g d rivew ay. $274,900. (905)332-4297 BUNGALOW, Core Burling ton. 5 m inute walk to lake, schools & shopping. Mature, la ndscaped 50'x8 5' lot on quiet stre e t. R enovated kitchen and bathroom , fin ished basement. $179,900. Open House, Sunday, 1 pm4pm, 613 C lark Ave. 416________ 414-9236 E X C LU S IV E N e w port V il lage, S toney C reek, 3 years new. Losani-built. 3bedroom, C/A, premium lot, m any upg rad es. A ctio n priced $214,900. (905)-6436099______________________ OPEN House Sun. 2-4 Large home in Millcroft, $375,000. 2001 Parklane Cr. Burling ton. Flexible. 332-7437 TheO akvilleB eaver BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ WWW, oakvillebeaver.com Circulation: 845-9742 houses for rent The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. ·Real Estate 100-165 -Rentals 170-196 ·Leisure Living 200-265 ·Merchandise 300-375 - Auto 400-465 Help Wanted 500-599 - Announcements 6 00-675 ·Services 700-800 ATTENTION ALL LANDLORDS HOWTOSWTYOUROWN TRAVELBUSINESS' Travel O r#/. CANADA S Prem ier Travel Company w *h 26 years experience w i be conducing a tree sem nar FREE LISTING SERVICE FOR LANDLORDS IN HALTON H o u s in g H e lp C e n t r e C o m in g S o o n F r e e lis tin g a n d r e f e r r a l s e r v i c e fo r l a n d lo r d s r e n t in g a p a r t m e n t s , t o w n h o u s e s , o r r o o m s in H a lto n C o n ta c t: T h e R e g io n a l M u n ic ip a lity of H a lto n 1151 B r o n te R o a d O a k v ille , O n ta r io , L 6 M 3 L1 ( 9 0 5 ) -8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 A s k fo r e x te n s io n 7 1 4 2 o r 7 1 9 3 GEORGIAN APARTMENTS 1,2 &3 BEDROOM SUITES Available Nov/Dec. Heat/Hydro Included Parking extra. No pets W ESTOAK Trails or River O aks! 2200 s q .ft. 4 -b e d room, 2-1/2 baths, fam ilyroom, fireplace, 5 appliances. C/A. Immediate. $2,050/mo. C h ris C larke. T ra fa lg a r (Oakville) Realty Inc., Realtor, (905)338-1130_________ BR O N TE/ Chalm ers, near harbour. 2-storey, 3-bedroom updated home, garage, patio, fully fenced $1500/ mo. Nov. 1st. (705)684-8258. W A L K E R S / H w y .5. im m acu la te , cle an 2-bdrm townhouse, finished base ment. 5 appliances. $1100. /mo. plus utilities. Im m ed ia te . C e ll- 9 05 -46 4-24 66, after 7pm, 905-634-2549. LUXURY townhouse, North Oakville. 3 bedrooms, mas te r ensu ite, frid g e , stove, central vac, dishwasher A/C, g a ra g e .A v a ila b le Nov 1. $1,600 plus utilities. (416)573-7325 or (905)339-2061 O A K V IL L E 3 bedroom tow nh ouse, a p p lia n ce s, garage, available October 1. $1250/m onth + utilities., Newly decorated. (905)2702693 PERSONAL training avail able in a private fitness stu dio in Burlington. Excellent rates. P lease c a ll 6 3 2 3204 self-improvement ANXIOU S? Turn fear and panic into power 4 action. For app ointm ent/ in form a tion call Boyana 905-8441516 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 7 ,7 :1 6 p.m. BURLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, m w street N o inventory. N o receivables. Interesting Tax Deductions a nd Great Travel Benefits. Call 1-800-60&1117 to register Ontario License N o : 04316071 Burl · 639-0456 M-F: 9-4 & 6:30-8 FOR SALE Men s B a rbe r H a ir S ty lis t. W ell e s ta b lis h e d , good lo c a tio n in Oakville. Phone (905)8457399 after 6 p.m. U N LIM ITE D Success! L u c ra tiv e o p p o rtu n ity fo r a qualified few. Initial stock and initial client base included. Am azing return on in v e s t ment. Build your business as big as you like! Min. invest ment $16,800. For free info: 1-800-336-4296 HOMES to RENT w/Option to BUY apartments & flats torrent BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1 Bdrm Apt Avail. Dec. 1st - $680/mo. Includes utilities. Parking Available A IR M IL E S · A IR M IL E S B U R L IN G T O N .P a rk -lik e setting. Prestigious area near Tyandaga Golf Course. 1bedroom apartment available Nov./Dec. U tilities and ap pliances included. (905)3353001_______________________ PLAINS/ QEW (Burlington). 2 -b e d ro o m , n ew er sm all building. Parking, laundry. Security. Novembe/December 1st $795./+hydro. 905825-5539_________________ BURLING TO N- Central. 2bedroom a p a rtm e n t. New hardw ood. No pets, $650/ mo. +hydro, in cludes park ing. Nov. 1st. 388-5236; 6347088_______________________ B U R LIN G T O N - Large 2 b ed roo m a p a rtm e n t in clean quiet building. Avail able Nov. 1st. C all Sandra 905-634-5604______________ B U R LIN G T O N , On The Bay, 2-bedrooms from $950. Near M arina. Indoor pool. Doorman. A/C, hydro, park in g in c lu d e d . N ear GO. (905)632-1109_____________ BURLINGTON . downtown, 2-bedroom plus loft, no park ing. $725/month plus hydro. Immediate. First/last. Refereoces. 575-1582_________ O A K V IL L E : 190 K e rr, at Rebecca. Renovated. Large suites. W alk to Everything. 1-B edroom From $795. Immediate. (905)845-1777 (905) 690-1896 B U R L IN G T O N -b a s e m e n t apa rtm e nt. S eperate e n trance. $600./m onth u tili ties included. Guelph Line/ U pper M id d le Area. N o v .1st. 905 -84 7-08 80. 905-689-7438______________ FU R N ISH ED B u rlin g to n Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1,395/m o, all u tilitie s in cluded. Im m ediate. (905) 632-8354; (905)632-6189. O A K V ILLE bachelor base m ent, s e p a ra te entrance. N ear S h eridan C o lle g e / GO. No Smoking/pets. $650. Immediate. 905-815-1727 or Creative Financing Available to facilitate in Oakville! purchase ot home with (at 30 Speers Rd.) little or nothing down! Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Bachelor Irom $689* Broker (905)639-5258 1Bdrm Irom $779* Re/Max Escarpment 2- Bdrm Irom $899* Realty Inc., Realtor Spacious and well main E-mail: creativeoptained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some tions@primus.ca with lake view. EAST O a k v ille / O T High Liz: (905) 845-9502 School. 3 bedroom s, new '(2% disc, included) kitchen 4 bath. Large pri Tallest Building A N TIQ U E S & older items WANTED 1pc to full estate. Prompt confidential services. Please call S H AR E hou se. $40 0/m o. includes utilitie s. Laundry, p a tio . U pper M ld d le /8 th Line Im m e d ia te . N ear S h eridan. (905)616-8439 ; (905)465-0396_____________ BURLINGTON- A nice big. sp a cio u s room fo r rent. S hare accom m o d a tio n s. Near Bus/ Shopping. 905315-9953, 416-652-8665 BURLINGTON- Large room $575. cable, utilities, park ing, k itc h e n / la u n d ry included. Near QEW. Suit young professionals. (905) 681-7929._________________ UPPER Middle/ Sixth Line. Large room in townhouse, near bus, walk to Sheridan C o lle ge N o n-sm oker (905)845-8693____________ LARGE bachelor apartment with gas fireplace in house. Lakeshore/ Burloak area. In clu d e s p a rkin g , cable, laundry facilities. Furnished. $500./mo Non-smoker. No pets. 632-5740 ___________ FURNISHED room with bath. P riva te hom e. B u rlington Core. TV. cooking facilities. S uit a d u lt non -sm oker. (905)634-3766_____________ FU R N ISH ED room w ith kitchen. Separate entrance. East Oakville. Non-smoker. Call 849-9943 after 4pm Norm/Heather 905-703-1107 or 905-704-8519 A N T IQ U E Show & SaleBurlington- Royal Botanical G ard ens C e ntre. 680 Plains Rd.W., Oct. 13.14,15; F ri.-1 -9 p m ; S a t.-10 -5p m ; Sun.11-5pm . Daily Draw. Admin. $4 (905)-335-0511 B U R LIN G TO N 2 bedroom apartm ent. W ell- lo cated. quiet building. Near downtown, buses, highway, lake. Call (905)333-0869. vate lot. $2,100/mo. Doug W illia m s, R oyal LeP age 849-3322__________________ S P A C IO U S L a ke shore ranch, nea r B ronte: 2+1 bedrooms, den, reerm, pri vate yard, 6 ap p lia n ce s $2100/mo+ utilities. Credit ref. No pets, non-smokers. Nov. 1st. Susan Hilton, Re/ max Garden City Rlty. (905)333-3500 youarea... " 1 173 · Young professional! · Couple., tw o income... starting out! · Senior... needing to join a com m unity! rentals furnished OPEN House. Sat. 4 Sun., 2-4 pm, 2530 Northampton Blvd., #72. N orth B u rlin g ton. Im m aculate cond ition in d e s ira b le lo c a tio n . 2 bed roo m s w ith ensu ite bath, 5 a p p lia n c e s . +C /A in clude d. S ingle garage. $13 3,90 0. (9 0 5 )6 1 6 -2 7 5 6 to vie w p riv a te ly . No agents! YOU DESERVE A 1-2 or 3 BDRM APT. HERE @ BURLINGTON TOWERS * 2 & 3 Bedrooms Also Available Easy access to QEW Close to GO station TM Magnificent indoor Pool & Fitness Centre · Utilities & Parking Included · Fantastic Location! | LU XUR Y. New 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR. 6 app lia nces, stere o. 1-3 baths, health centre, s e c u rity . D a ily, W eekly, M onthly. From $1295-2995/ month. Visa, M aste rC ard , AmEx. C all 681-RENT (7355) L/M 2 p a ir o f sk iis w ith poles and boo ts. A lm o st new. $100 each. 827-3164 2-Y E A R old W hirlpool re frigerator and stove White. M int co n d itio n . $1275. 829-0105_________________ 3 a n tiq u e w a ln u t chairs w ith flo ra l ta p e s try prin t, antique temple woodcased radio 4 1830 chest of draw ers. enriched with birds dye maple fronts. Loads of antique books. 332-5889 4 a p p lia n c e s in exce lle n t condition. + bedroom fumiture. 639-0893_____________ A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e . 2 doo r; S tove; M aytag a u tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartm ent set. Under W ar ranty. (905)637-8328 Why Pay Rent? We have several properties on rent-toown basis starting $120s to $225s. These great values won't last Call Kathy Freeman/ Karen Merrick, Sales Reps., Whitehouse & Whitehouse Really Inc. (905)634-6873 ttv jir w ir UPG R AD ED 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts with scenic views avail able at two prime downtown B u rlin g to n lo c a tio n s . Beautiful grounds. Profess ionally managed. 478 Pearl St. (905 )6 3 2 -1 6 4 3 ; 477 Elizabeth St., (905)634-9374 IN -LA W s u ite , 120 0sq.ft. Private entrance, shared ga rage. 2-bedoom ensuite, 2 full bathrooms, sunroom, familyroom w/gas fireplace, C /A , C /V p riv a te patio , backyard. Immaculate con dition. 3 years old. Beautiful location, Carlisle. Suit pro fessional couple, no children, no pets. Utilities, cable ineluded. (905)-689-5109 LA R G E base m en t a p a rt ment in Oakville. Available Nov.1st. $750./month utili tie s in c lu d e d . P a rking available. 842-6073________ 3020 G lencrest Road, Bur lington. 142 Bedroom avail able Nov 1st. From $795/ mo. (905)632-0129_________ W ATE R D O W N ; 75 John Street. W alk to Everything. New Appliances, Windows, C o m pe tely Renovated. 2Bedroom From $695/m o. Nov. 1st. (905)690-4454 |1 7 5 apartments & flats wanted TO VIEW CALL (905) 639-8583 WE specialize in Condomini um S ales & R e nta ls. C all Linda Davies Real E state Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 BURLINGTON A P A R T M E N T S COUNTRY rural area apart ment wanted. Responsible female teacher, non-smoker, no pets. Phone (905)-5027749 INEXPENSIVE warehouse space: U n heated 1000'. Heated, sprin kle re d , truck level doors. 60,000' or less d w 3 overhead cranes. 2100' & 1400'. Joe Luyk, (905)8457597, Ext.242 ^ industrial /commercial space ONTARIO STREET AT MAPLE m A IR M IL E S · A IR M IL E S W "G R AN D E R e gency' G or geous penthouse 1-bedroom w ith balcony, pan ora m ic views, 5 appliances, marble whirlpool tub. No pets, no sm oking. N o v .1st. $1200/ mo. inclusive. Call L.Davies R.E., (905)333-4347________ BRONTE H arbour Club. 1 bedroom condo, ensu ite laundry, all building ameni ties 4 24-hr security. For N o v .1st. A sking $1 ,1 0 0 ./ month. No sm okers/ pets. Credit check. Ann Shore, Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp, 905-338-9000________ SPACIOUS adult-living in North Oakville. Immediate. 2+1 bedroom , 1.5 baths, fireplace. Immediate. $1550 inclusive. (905)337-0858 I ! i T l houses for rent ALDERSHOT older 3-bedroom home $1,000 plus utiItiies D ecem ber 1st. C all Jack 632-9637_____________ M AIN flo o r of 3 bedroom bungalow , la rge fam ily room extension, available O ct. 15/00, $1300 in c lu sive, no s m oking / pets (905)827-8308. ___________ UPPER level bungalow, 3bedroom. $1300 plus utilities O akville Place area. Decemtoer 15. Call 823-2328 BU RLING TO N, Burlington M all area, bungalow , 3bedroom , S tove, washer, dryer. Im m ediate . $900 plus u tilitie s . F irs t/L a st. 631-1677__________________ SOUTH Burlington- 2 bed room, appliances, parking, $850./m o n th . A v a ila ble Dec. 1st. Kathy Chiu. Sales Rep, Sutton Group Results Realty, (905)-332-4111. T Y A N D A G A E xe cutive 4bedroom with den, double garage. 2 fireplaces, all ap pliances. Jacuzzi, lawn sprin kler system. Available end of October. $2100/mo. Refer ences. N on-sm okers. (905)333-5506, Ext.50 I condominiums torrent 190 townhouses torrent PV^Wshared K L I accommodation B U S IN E S S p ro fe s s io n a l. mid-30's, single, non-smoker, m ale, to share your North Burlington/ O akville home. References. 905-338-9191 NO R TH EA ST O akville. 4bedroom condo. Laundry, cable, $550/mo. Mature fe male, non-smoker. W alk to S h eridan C o lle ge, on bus route, 842 -53 13.___________ SHARE 3-bedroom house, furnished. Guelph/ New. All a m e n itie s. S u it w o rkin g sin g le . Im m ediate . $59 0/ mo. in c lu s iv e . C e ll: 416678-0576, leave message N O N -S M O K E R to share large home, Bronte on Lake, la rg e deck, A/C, la undry, $525./mo. inclusive. (905) 827-7311 3-Bdrm 2-Level NEW · GE18 cult. Fridge & stove $1,249.00/set · New Dishwashers from $379. APPUANCES PLUS Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement. 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted B U R LIN G T O N ; R e tail 1000-1200 sq. ft. S uit m edica l, re s ta u ra n t, etc. Office 850-1500 sq. ft. Call D avid Jo hn son R e/M ax G arden C ity R e a lty 3 3 3 3500_______________________ O FFIC E space a p p ro x im ately 960 sq. ft. $73 6/ m onth, in c lu d in g p roperty taxes and w a ter. Q EW / Trafalgar (905)849-3521 Downtown Burlington 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts Available Nov./Dec. Freshly painted, some with new kit. cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shop ping, Hospital & Lake! Call ( 905) 637-0321 S P A C IO U S 1.2&3 Bedroom s. F re s h ly painted, b rig h t. C o m p e titiv e rent. B u rlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient loca tion. (905)333-9846, Noon8pm_______________________ O A K V ILL E East. 392 Pine Ave. Renovated. Near GO. Downtown. 1-Bedroom (Jr.) From $ 7 5 0 ./m o . N o v .1st. (905)337-0910 ____________ 1 4 2 bed roo m apa rtm e nts in well-located, quiet build ing n e a r dow ntow n B u r lin g to n , buse s, etc. C all (905)634-3635. ____________ O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: 2-bedroom , Nov. 1st. 3-b e d ro o m , O c t.1st.; (905)844-9006; 205 Queen M ary D rive: 3-bedroom , Oct. 1st; U tilitie s included. (905)844-9670_____________ A L D E R S H O T , A1 2-room bachelor apartment. On bus route, private entrance, new flooring. Suitable for single, non-smoking working male or female Available end Octob er. R e asonable at $ 14 0/ week. Including heat, hydro & cable. Cal Steve McKechme at Re/Max. (905)333-3500 L q M -Bdrm«1-B(1rm+Den»?-B(1rm« Garden Suites · · · · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy, access Call 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 2-STO R E Y, 3-bedroom townhouse. fenced yard. 2 parking included. $1099/ mo.+ utilities. C entral B ur lington. Nov. 1st (905)6343160.______________________ O A K V IL L E - 243 Bedroom tow nh ouses a va ila b le Nov.1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 319-8484 2033 Mount Forest.. Burl AMERICAN DirecTV Sateiite Systems. 900 free channels including NHL Centre Ice and NBA Centre Court, $950. ipstalled. Cards programmed $10. Call (905)867-7277 A N TIQ U E 9piece D ining Room s e t- lig h t w alnut. Asking $2000. -332-3232 A P P L IA N C E S : 30' E range. S.C. oven. 3-door S/ S fndge. Maytag dishwasher. 4 B/l microwave w/exhaust All clean, and working, al m ond. $850 all. 905-6399040______________________ BABY Grand Piano, Lester. Ebony. C o m pletely refu r bished 4 restored. $5,800 905-608-0422_______________ B A R B IE M ansion. $100.. L ittle Tykes C ozy Coupe, sand box 4 doll crib. $15/ ea. G irl's bike 4 Noma wagon, $10/ea. 847-8008 BE DR O O M , suite, an tiq u e -lo o k fin is h , la rge dresser, tall boy. 2 night ta bles. hea d b o a rd , rails. $600/obo. 333-1147 BE D S , New- Com plete: Double, $220; Queen, $240 Complete with frame. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496 BIKES, girls 5-spd. $50/ea , two sets sofa 4 chair. $100/ ea.; p o rta b le dishw asher. $150.; ping pong table, $75. 849-0395 BURLINGTON SQUARE (905)639-4677 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm W ATERD OW N Core: Bachelor apartment. All in clu sive. No pets. Nonsmoker. Available November 1. 689-2121 9-5 Mon-Fri. DECEMBER 1ST 2-bedroom $975. 1.5 baths. Lakeshore/ Appleby. 639-3301_________ 2-BE D R O O M A p art m ents $790. (U tilitie s in c lu ded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open11-8pm. 639-5761 2-BEDROOM bright, above around basement apartment, O akville Ideal for profes sional single or couple. $875 inclusive. 339-2209________ B A SEM EN T. 1 bedroom , nice and cle an, sepa rate entrance. G len Abbey area. (905)847-3751. BR O N TE -O N -TH E -LA K E : im m aculate. 1 -bdrm , s in gle executive, all inclusive: cable, parking, brand new a pp lia nces. $1,2 5 0 ./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. CAN ADI AN A .Q u ie t, w ell maintained lakefront building. Very spacious 143-bedrooms available December. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486 TYANDAGA 2&3 Bdrm - Nov./Dec. (Some 2 Level) New appliances Freshly Painted Low-rise buildings Large, private patios 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905)336-0015 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0016 1-BEDROOM Suites among re fin e d tenants in lu xury building close to Burlington M all. C all 'T h e P rin c e s s ' , (905)639-8009_____________ E .B U R LIN G TO N - 2 -b e d room , fire p la c e , laundry, parking, backyard. C/A, ca ble. Non-sm oking profes sio n a ls . No pets. $800/ month. Immediate. (905)333-6895__________________ O A K V IL L E - On the LakeSublet- 2 bedroom- $1175/ all inclusive w/parking Im m edia te. 905 -46 5-33 36 evenings/ weekends BRONTE VILLAGE MALL Well established indoor shopping mall in West Oakville with 35 stores incl. Sobeys, BiWay, Pharma Plus. 945 sq.ft, for lease Suitable for ladies fashions, toys, hobbies, footwear, etc Tel: (90S) 825-0719 Upper Canada Place 505 Locust St. 1&2 Bdrm s IromS 918 * Parquet Floors * All Suites have A/C * Convenient location downtown Burlington near all amenities. Tel: (905) 333-9008 P IN E D A LE E states. 2Bedroom apartment, imme dia te . $13 00/m o No smokers/ pets. Ian McSporran. Assoc. Broker, Coldwell B a nker B u rn h ill R ealty, (905)639-3355.____________ N E AR B u rloak. 2-bdrm s. basement apartment of du plex. 4 appliances, parking. $650/m o. K err/Lakeshore, ground floor. 2-bedroom of duplex $800/mo Albert McD onagh Ltd. R e altor. (905)632-5690 *>*. *.**+. NEW R enovations- 3-bed room tow nh ouse m a is o nettes. 1 parking. November. Starting $900./mo.+ utilities. North Burlington. (905)3199104______________________ O A K V IL L E : D u ndas/ Eighth Line executive townhouse on mature ravine, 3bedroom, 2.5 baths, upgrad ed fin is h e s app lia n ce s $1500 Immediate 905624-3953__________________ BURUNGTON: 3-bedroom from $1050/m o.+ u tilitie s , D ec.1st. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near s ch o o ls, shop ping Park-like setting. (905)3331190.______________________ EXEC U TIVE tow nh ouse. cen tra l B u rlin g to n , New QEW/GO. 2-bedroom, C/A. C/V, sec. alarm, 2 gas fire places. 5 appliances, single ca r garage, rear deck. $1350/m onth plus utilities. 6 33 -78 16 or 777-9262 a f ter 5pm. - W A N TE D . S/W F lo rid a rental. Oakville retired couple seeks accom m odation fo r month of Feb'01. (905)8273184______________________ F LO R ID A - S. of M iam i- 2 bedroom condo. $850/.US/ m onth. A va ila b le Dec. 905-331-7904. Golf. Clubhouse, security._____________ C O LLIN G W O O D . 3-bdrm cond o w /gas fire p la c e , hom e th e a tre system . J a cuzzi. N ear g o lf, hikin g , biking. $450/wk. (905)4652922.______________________ FLO R ID A , Indian S hores/ St. Pete's, m inutes walk to beach. 2-bedroom/ 2-bath room cond o fo r rent. All amenites. Sleeps 45. 845-5605. $35,000 investm ent makes you $100,000 plus/ year. Re sidual reoccurring revenue fo r 20 y e a rs. N a tio n a l residential alarm com pany needs dealer for this area. C ant keep up with demand. Very unique m a rke tin g program will dominate market place. Call Gary McDoneil. 1800-964-8805, (204)228-7466 STA R C R A FT Tent tra ile rsle e p s 8. aw ning , screen porch, in d o o r/ o u td o o r stove, ice box. $2,200. 634-3364

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