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Oakville Beaver, 1 Oct 2000, p. 27

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Sunday, October 1, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 27 cars wanted S 0-S 5000.R ew ard- C ars, Trucks. Highest Cash Pric es Paid. Fast D e live ryFree T ow ing . Licensed Auto W re cker. Auto parts sold also! 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -8 0 1 5 (Oakville) LOCAL com pany requires mature person for part-time outbound sales. Approx. 20 hrs/wk. Interested applicants should fax their resume to: (9 0 5 )8 2 5 -0 3 7 5 or e-m a il: kspurrell@aimco.ca PA RT-TIM E 3-4 shifts per week, s p o rts m inde d p e r son, suit student or retired person. Phone 332-4652 C L E A N E R S needed im m ediately fo r retail depart ment stores. Heavy and/or lig h t d u ty e x p e rie n c e d cle a n e rs . V a rio u s s h ifts . O akville/ Burlington areas. Call Sue 1-800-565-3756 Customer Service/ Shipper Receiver Oakville plastics distributor has an immed. requirement tor a sett-starting individu al. Some experience with shipping receiving beneficial as well as data entry skills & customer service know-how. Resumes to: 2538 Speers Rd.. Unit 7, Oakville, or Fax: (905)825-2919 HELP wanted at 'A ' horse show bam, Mon. to Fri. from 8am - 12pm to clean stalls and other misc. jobs. Please call (905)-827-2234 or (905)466-4421.________________ CO SM ETIC IA N- required Part-time for evenings and weekends'. E xperience an asset but w illin g to tra in . Apply Shoppers Drug Mark, 520 Kerr St, Oakville._______ I telemarketers AN established Burlington firm is seeking an e x p e ri enced DBA (O racle , MS, Novell) with DOS/ Windows N T /95/98 and Netw ork tro u b le s h o o tin g e x p e ri ence. Send resume w/ sal ary expectations to: dbaopportunity@yahoo.com______ L y l r l office-clerical REC E PTIO N IS T: F/T, O akville office. Ideal can didate responsible for an sw e ring phones, g reeting clients, adm inistrative du ties. Experience with Norstar Meridian phone system and MS O ffic e an asset. Resume with salary expec ta tio n s to: Box 6301, c/o O a kville B eaver, 467 Speers, Oakville L6L 3S4 RECEPTIONIST/ Secretary for leading Valve & Control com pany in B u rlington. Experience, knowledge of M icrosoft Office preffered. Start im m ediately. P leas ant w o rking enviro nm e nt, com petitive salary, e xcel lent benefits. Forward re sume by October 6th: Box 1795, Burlington Post, 2321 F airview S t., B u rlington, L7R 2E3_________________ MISSISSAUGA based prop erty management/relocation firm has F/T position avail able for Int./Sr. bookkeeperfull set of books, A/R and A/ P. Minimum 4 years experi ence, su p e rio r com puter skills . Fax 416-499-7408 emaihef rands @interiog.com NOW hirin g a C u stom er S ervice M anager who is looking for a career in retail. Competitive wages. Apply at: The Office Place, 1250 Brant St. Burlington._______ ORDER Desk C le rk s ........ required fu ll/ part-tim e for O ak v ille com pany. Fax resumes attention Agnes to 905-339-2286____________ BUSINESS is Booming! We have im m ediate openings fo r production people, de liv e ry van d riv e r, driv e rs he lp e r (w ith occasional driving) plus 2 entry level su p e rv is o ry p ositions. C o m pe titive rates, good ben efits. Send resum e Royal Mattress, 5041 Fairview, Burlington- Mon-Fri. 8am-4pm or fax 681 -2294. RECEPTIONIST(S) required full & part-time to start im mediately for day spa located in North O ak v ille . Fax: (905)847-9325____________ SERVIC E A ss is ta n t- For tune 500 company. An ex citing position for the right person. Basic com puter s k ills , exce lle n t people skills, well organized, me chanical aptitude an asset. Send complete resume to: 1796 c/o B u rlington Post, 2321 Fairview St. B urling ton, Ont L7R 2E3 DENTAL A ss is ta n t- for specialists office. 30-32hrs/ week. S e eking an e x c e p tional team member If you are enthusiastic, caring and dep endable we have an excellent position for you. All enquiries kept confiden tia l. Fax resum e (905)849-8428________________ DENTAL Receptionist. Our modem, progressive practice has F/T & P/T p o sitio n s available. We require warm, people oriented individuals with experience in dental and com puters. Fax resum e: (905)897-1384____________ M EDICA L S e cretary re quired 3 days/wk fo r busy fem ale phys ic ia n 's office, solo practice. F riendly a t mosphere. good remunera tion. Resumes to: 172 Plains Rd.E., Burlington, ON L7T2C3 R E C E PTIO N IS T required for evening and occassion al weekend w ork in busy Oakville medical clinic. Our friendly team would love to meet you. Fax resume to: (905)-338-3731___________ M EDICA L T ra n s rip tio n is t required , p a rt-tim e two days, for O akville surgical practice. Experience in a m edical fa c ility using MS W ord. Fax resum e 905842-5558________________ RN, RPN's, Laundry AideCome join our LTC team at O ak v ille L ife c a re C entre p a rt-tim e p o s itio n s a v a il able. Fax resume 905-8459950, call 905-845-9933 DENTAL O ffice Floater. Oakville. Approx. 15 hrs/wk, Mon - Thurs. D.A. or dental re ception e x pe rience required. Fax (905)827-8651 DENTAL H yg ienist - M on day & T hu rsda y only. D ow ntow n O ak v ille p ra c tice. Please call 905-8448454____________________ BUSY Burlington dental of fice seeking part-tim e H y gienist for evenings. Please call R achel or Barb, (905)639-5592 EXPERIENCED live-in careg iver fo r e ld e rly coup le. C anto nese s p e a kin g an asset. Assistance with dai ly liv in g , h o u sekeeping, cooking. C all 905 -20 60199 9am-5pm. M ATURE liv e -in gen era l housekeeper required im m ediately. 3 school aged children. Glen Abbey area. References. 847-5865 CAREGIVER, Third Line & Dundas looking4or 2-3 year olds to care for, e ffe ctive O ct. 15. P lease phone (416)-450-5166, excellent references, nutritious food only. I daycare wanted BA B Y SITTER req u ire d in my hom e fo r 2 ch ild re n 3:00 pm to 6 pm. M onday to F rida y. Som e lig h t house cle anin g. S tuden ts w e lcom ed. B ronte area. (905)827-7031____________ BJ'S Daycare- Full & Parttime staff required. Fax re sum e to: 331-3004 or d e liv e r p e rso n a lly to: 2160 Headon Rd., Burlington NANNY M ature English s p e a kin g no n -sm o ke r reuired im m e d ia te ly fo r ·akville co up le w ith 2 children. Some light house keeping. Excellent references required. Please call after 6pm. 905-825-9785 or fax 905-815-8560____________ S 1998 FORD W indstar GL. low m ileage 63K, c h a m pagne, A/C, pow er locks, C e rtifie d . M int. $16 ,800 . 469-6451 L IV E -IN /O U T Nanny/ housekeeper. 2 school- aged children. Drivers license, references. (905)847-5170 LIVE-IN Nanny required for 3 active boys, ages 11, 9, 5 and one dog. Must be willing to do flexible hours and some weekends. Housework and cooking required East Oakville. 849-9582___________ LIVE-IN Nanny needed to care for my 2 children. River Oaks area. Starting October 16. 257-7373____________ MRS. Doubtfire. step aside! 3 adorable children want to give Mom a break. If you like inquisitive minds, provid ing loving care and helping Mom with household chores, this job is for you! 469-1^>0 ENERGETIC, caregiver re quired for our four children, tw o sch o o l aged, in our ce n tra l B u rlin g to n home. E xp e rie n ce d , ECE, nonsm oker preferred. Drivers lice n se an asset. Phone 634-4463._______________ ENTHU SIASTIC , m other s helper wanted 3-5 afternoons per week to provide support to m o th e r w ith high fu n c tio n in g special needs c h ild re n aged 6 & 8. Experience with ADD and/or PDD prefe rre d . W ill train. 815-1779 TRAILER storage. W interall year $20/month. 5578 Ninth Line (at Britannia Rd.) (905)-826-4186___________ W AN TED - garage or s u it able dry space fo r w in te r storage of sm all car. 905891-1856 I career training NO Fee! Career Explorations is a 3-Week Course designed to help you plan your career. Funded by HRDC. For infor mation/ to register call Grace (9 05)333-3499 / (905)8781240 lUtthfcttow s. STOREFRONT Day. Night Shift PERM AN ENT even ings. Burlington call centre. No c old c a llin g . No sellin g. S e ttin g a p p ointm ents for our re p re s e n ta tiv e s . Full training provided. Call Mrs. Kane 333-8180 PROFESSIONAL cleaning lady w ill clean your home Spic'n Span. Special rates for seniors. (905)645-4892; (905)633-7464____________ TO have your hom e cleaned the way you would like by e xtre m e ly clean, hard working European la dies, ca ll 6 3 4 -2 6 4 6 R e a sonable rates! I hayrides HAY / Sleigh Rides. Horsedrawn. G roups, Birthdays, Families, Party Room. Un cle P o rky's, 1/2-H r. from B u rlin g to n . 1 -800-2039093. I personals SLIP & Fall. Anyone w ith any information regarding an accident involving a woman on June 12, 2000 inside the A&P located at 168 Plains Rd.W., Burlington is asked to contact Chris Argiropoulos at (905)523-1333 I lost & found FOUND- Watch in the park ing lot of Canadian Tire at Upper Middle/ 8th Line Rd. call to id e n tify 842 -80 60 ask for Jamie_____________ LOST cat, black and white spotted, black nose & chin, short black 1-2' tail. Answers to Vic. Lost in QE park area. (905)827-6727. BAKERY Nights · Paid training · Free uniforms · Valuable experience Apply 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville DRIVER FULLTIME. With G Lie. Able to drive std. & auto transmission. Able to lift 50 lbs. Must have good driving record. W ill consider car & driver tor local deliveries, both Oakville and Burlington branch RE C E P TIO N IS T- P/T re quired for Salon/ Spa. Must have exce p tio n a l people skills and some computer. Please call Shelly 681-2582 Hairstylists - FT/PT Burl./Waterdown/Mil. ' Min. $8/hr Guaranteed > C o m m is s io n s startin g at 4 0 % > Exc. Benefits >Flex. Schedule · Busy lo c a tio n ? · O n-going A d van ced T ra in in g , HO M EM AK ER for busy household. C ooking, la u n dry, d rivin g , c h ild ca re . Good driver, references. Af tern oons/ e ven ings/ some m orn ings. M on-F ri Lake shore/ A ppleby. 9056 8 1 -6 7 9 6 ______________ NANNY- L ive -in req u ire d im m e d ia te ly fo r 3-1/2 yr. old. F le xib le sch e d u le . O a kville area. C a ll 905467-7421_________________ LEGAL, loving, trustworthy, flexible, energetic, nanny/ housekeeper w anted for 2 school-aged children and 3 year old. 829-1635 BRIDAL SALES ASSOCIATES N ow Hiring! · 4 days/wk >2-3 days/wk >Weekends Call: John 845-2118 or Alex 637-2727 Halton Auto Electric SH U TTER S U n lim ite d is expa nding aga in! We re quire an e x p e rie n c e d In s ta lle r fo r C a lifo rn ia s h u t ters, 2-3 days/wk. Carpen try e x p e rie n c e a d e fin ite asset. P lease ca ll fo r an appointment. 634-4869 OAKVILLE Ceram ic Tile & Kitchen Showroom has im m ediate o p e n in g s ; P/T S a les $ 1 0 ./h r; F/T W are house $10./hr; F/T Foreman fo r q u a lity in s ta lla tio n s of K itc h e n s $16 ./h r; E x p e ri enced Tile Setter minimum 5 years experience. D riv ers License a must $16./hr. C a ll A d rie n n e 905 -84 58288 _____________ INDEPENDENT contractor required for snow removal for townhouse complex in Bur lington. for details call before W ed. O ct. 4th: T rish, (9 0 5 )6 3 3 -9 7 2 0 or Ray (905)637-1338____________ F U LL-tim e 4 m en/ women and la b o u re rs law n m ain ten a n ce p o s itio n s a v a il able. Own transportation a must, call 905-690-0314 G EN E R A L w a rehouse help- $8/hr. part-tim e/ fu ll tim e w o rk- som e m orning and afternoon shifts/ hours vary. Fax resume 905-3317472 Attn: Noralyn. (Mainway/ Appleby)_____________ F U LL-TIM E & P a rt-tim e p o s itio n s a va ila b le fo r a new Tanning Salon ope n ing Nov.1 at Maple Grove Village. M ust be depend able and have a po s itiv e and friendly attitude. Full tra in in g p ro v id e d . C all Debbie 905-842-1716 SA LES P E R S O N , parttime, ladies accessory dept, at w e ll know n dept store, B urlington Mall. (905)3352080, leave message DRY cle a n in g p la n t re q u ire s fu ll-tim e co u n te r help. Must be able to work Saturdays. Apply in person Star Cleaners, 451 Guelph Line (Roseland Plaza)______ EARN $200., $300., $500., or more per week, Assem bling product in the comfort of your own home. Send a s e lf a dd resse d stam ped envelope to: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St., W.. Suite 541, Ref: 628, Mississauga, On tario, L5K 2R8 MARKETING ASSISTANT National Franchisor in Oakville seeks individual with exceptional w ritten & verbal communication skills. Highly organized W aterdow n Fax: 905-689-8436 U -H A U L Now h irin g fo r part-time Custom er Service Rep/ Counter help. Please a pp ly in p e rson w ith re sume to: 478 W oody Rd., O a k v ille . No Phone C a lls P le a se ! An e q u a l o p p o r tunity employer. (905) 319-3155 HAIRSTYLIST wanted with dientelle to rent chair or work commission, downtown Wa terdown. Call Audrey 6896886 or 628-1299. Main St. Salon. QUEBEC NANNIES Caring, competent & trustworthy live-in Nannies a va ila b le year round. Thoroughly & personally interviewed. G in i C a rin g H e lp e r s and able to m ulit-task. Desktop publishing with 3-5 years w o rk e xp e ri ence in Marketing. Please fax resume & salary expectations to S U PE R IO R Hom ecare Service: highly qualified ref erences availab le. Please Call (905)631-9073. 905-847-6255 o r em ail jlamb@mollymaid.ca GENERAL Laborers/ Inspector required full-time for plastics com pany in O akville, fax: 905 -8 2 7 -8 6 1 2 or e m ail: hroak@mac.qc.ca LICENSED Hairstylists & Apprentices Full and Part time for busy salons located in Oakville. Shift Supervisor & Asst. Mechanic F/T. Training provided. Bowling exp. an asset. Since 1989 (4 1 6 )8 1 2 - 9 2 9 0 L IV E -IN N a nnie s/H ouseke e p e rs, in P h ilip p in e s seeking employment in On tario. M in.w age, no fee to e m p lo ye rs. C all O.E.A.(416)699-6931 M ON EY P roblem s? G a r nishees? T oo m any p a y m ents? O p tio n s to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee:(905)631-0600 Call Ruby or Rob (905)681-2727 or drop off resume. W AL-M AR T O a k v ille now hiring F/T Unloaders shifts 3 :3 0 -m id n ig h t, w e ekends in clude d. P lease a pp ly in person to: Courtesy Desk, 235 Hays Blvd., Dundas @ Trafalgar.________________ OOOK, fu lltim e fo r lu xury retirement residence in Bur lin g to n . 35 h rs/w k. S tart: $14/hr. Successful applicant must have minimum 3 years experience and a Red Seal C e rtific a te . In te re s te d & qualified applicants fax re sume^ Diane Young. Manag er Food Servioes: (905)3330596____________________ TE LEC O M S. W e are seeking (3) Customer Serv ice R e p re se n ta tia ve s. Candidates m ust have ac cess to ca r and p ersona l com puter. E x c e lle n t in come. C all 800-889-9858 ext.602 Burlington Bowl 4065 H arvester Rd Call Kim at (905) 849-7655 or Suzanne at (905) 847-0855 LEDOME Banquet Halls Hir ing Part-time Weekend: Wait S ta ff- Must be 18 years+; Kitchen Help; B a rtendersExperienced. Apply; 1173 North Service Rd.E., O ak v ille . Tel: (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -8 7 7 0 Fax: 905-842-8772________ PA R T-TIM E K itch en and Dining room staff needed. F le xib le hours and Good wages. C all N ancy/ or Bogdan, O liv e r's R e sta u rant. 905-845-9391 (Downtown Oakville)____________ SERVERS & Line CooksE xp erienced- P a rt-tim e. Nickels Restaurant, 2345 Trafalgar (Hwy.5), Oakville. p h :(9 0 5 )-2 5 7 -9 8 8 8 , Fax: (905)-257-1615___________ W AIT Staff & Cook, full & part-tim e, Experience pre ferred. C all 6 34 -88 13 or apply in person Sotiris Shishkebob House, 437 Rains Rd. E, Burlington KITCHEN help/ dishwasher and app ren tice cook required part-tim e/full-time, for restaurant. (905)8457396 betw een 2pm -5pm , leave message.___________ COP Shop Cafe Oakville re quires Bartender/ Wait Staff. Part-time weekends. Experi ence. A pply w ith resum e (905)847-8595____________ C O G N ITO 'S R e stau ran t. Now H iring fu ll/ part-tim e Dish Staff & Prep Person. Apply: 221 Lakeshore Rd.E., Oakville Tel: (905)849-0971 AD M IR A L Inn B u rlin g to n requires pa rt-tim e d in in g room wait-staff. Fax resume to: 905-639-1967__________ SERVERS fo r prestigious hotel located in Paris, On tario. Experienced please fax resume: (519)442-5733 PART tim e w a it sta ff (breakfast and lunch) for ca sual Italian restaurant. (905)469-4566 or (416)-231-1733 CUSTOM ca b in e ts, F ire place m antels 905 -25 70861____________________ 20% D is c o u n t- End of Season S p ecial. DECKM AN's P rofessio nal S e rv ice. All decks stripped and re fin ish e d to new . C e dar Specialist! Free Estimates. Lim ited B o oking s. C all Now. (905)632-1074 A-1 Credit Repair. We fix bad c re d it. G uaranteed!! 905-709-6275. D o n 't F o rg e t L akeshore Place R etirem ent Resi d en ce is c u rre n tly h iring Classified Deadlines Mon., 6 pm for Wednesday paper Wed., 6 pm for Friday paper Thurs., 6 pm for Sunday paper H ousekeepers ( P a r t T im e ) Apply in person: 5314 Lakeshore Rd., Burl, or fax resume to: (905)333-3103 Attn: Human Resources. SEWER and/ or C utter re quired, experienced with vinyl upholstery. Please call Takara Co. Canada (905)-8220068.___________________ BRICKLAYERS & Labourers required fo r steady work. Immediate. Good wage with exp e rie n ce . A fte r 6pm. (905)-826-0611 or 905-8902522.___________________ GAS Fitter and warehouse helper required by leading Union Energy company. Full time positions. Competitive salary and benefits. Gas fit te r w ith e xpe rience and licence. Fax resume (905)844-1919, indicating position of interest. RELOCATORS: E xce lle nt service, starting $45/hr. in clu des 2 p ro fe ssio n a l movers, truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733.________________ JIM 'S M oving & Storage Local & long distance. Flat rates a va ila b le . C a ll Jim , (905)659-4064, Elizabeth Interiors/ Thomasville Home Furnishings Store requires experienced No phone calls BUSY Courier com pany in B u rlin g to n nee ds D riv e rs with vans for local deliver ies. A p ply @ 3329 M a in way Drive., Units A & B or fax 905-335-9544. Also re q u ire a n ig h tp e rs o n fo r warehouse duties between 4pm-midnight_____________ LOT p erson re q u ire d im m e d ia te ly . M on-Fri. 8:3 0 a m -4 :3 0 p m . Some weekends. W orking inside and out. Must have excel lent driving record. Fax re sume to Sean Draper 905844-4472 DESIGNER for sales position; also, Part-time RECEPTION evgs & weekends Call: 333-6670 or lax resume: 681-6867 ® J/·* * /* > xx*L 1 \V. CUSTOM Drapery, A cces sories. Installation. Re-up h o ls te ry & S lip co ve rs. W orkm anship guaranteed. Reasonable rates. Judy 3352535 References supplied. daycare available ·Customer Service Rep; ·Shirt pressers/ Pant pressers ·Alteration/ Seamstress, etc. S o m e B e n efits. E xp e rien c e h e lp fu l but w illin g to tra in th e rig h t p erso n . Drop y o u r re s u m e off to: 495 W a lk e rs L in e , B u rlin g to n or la x 905-333-6374 M m li m D ig ital Electric Inc. REQUIRES AB C's & 123's in R iver Oaks. Loving care for your 1+ ye a r old. R e ference s. Jennifer. (905)842-0636 MATURE responsible Mom has spaces available, 3 or 4 full days, mornings, or 5 full afternoons per week. Excel lent references. W alker's/ New area. 333-6379_______ DA YCARE a v a ila b le in safe lo vin g enviro n m e n t, any age. East B u rlington, QEW/ Burloak. Call Julie, 634-5640________________ DAYCARE available. Three fulltime spaces. Infants wel come. Chalmers and Riverview area. Call MaryAnne, (905)847-2394____________ PRIVATE hom e childcare; established 17-years. Quali fie d exp e rt care. We love c h ild re n . Full days, a fte r hours, evenings, nighttim e care, overnights &weekends available. 632 -8 5 7 5 , 6325735____________________ THE H a lton C h ild Care Providers A sso ciation o ff ers support and a chance to netw ork with o ther p ro vid ers thro ugh workshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents. B u rlington 331-9372; Oakville 825-6409 CHILDCARE available im mediately in my home for 3 full-tim e. Appleby M all lo cation o ff P ineda le. (905)333-8519 Community Notices Funeral Directors O a k v ie w FUNERAL H O M E 2ND / 3RD YEAR APPRENTICE lor Industrial Construc tion & Maintenance. 535 hospital, medical, dental DRIVERS Fulltime & Part-time Earn $80 to $150/shift take-home! Apply in person Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm: LABOURERS WANTED W ilby Tree Surgeons requres 2 PANEL BUILDER/ ASSEMBLER with 3-5 years exp. Competitive wages & benefits. ·L IV E - IN CCW/ HOUSEPARENTS · LIVE-OUT -CCW for overnight & afternoon shifts to work with deyelopmentally handicapped children in Oakville. Exp, applicants only. Fax:905-338-6719 Our family serving your family 56 LAKESHORE ROAD W EST O AKVILLE Funeral Directors · D o n C la r k e · G r e g o r y S id o r a · T in a Q u e n n e v ille ·J o h n M u rp h y · P a tr ic k M c D e r m o t t Mature person required lor busy multi-task re ta il o utlet M u s t be f rie n d ly o u t going, w ith the a b ility to handle various situa tio n s as needed. Graphic design know l edge using Corel Draw, W o rd Pertect, M ic ro soft ottice 2000, Pho toshop an asset. This p o s itio n w ill s ta rt at 5hrs/day and may lead to full- tim e please lax your resume to BURLINGTON/ DELUXE TAXI 1364 Plains Rd.E. Burlington M ARTHAA L a n d in g -- B u rlin g to n 's p re m ie r re s i den ce fo r in d e p e n d e n t Seniors is currently recruit ing fo r the follo w in g p o s i tions: Resident Service At te n d a n t (m eal se rvice , h o u s e k e e p in g , re s id e n ts needs.) Kindly fax your resume to 905-333-2659 $3 0 0 ., $500. or m ore per week assembling jewellery at home. No experience need ed. Send a self addressed stamped envelope to: Bucci, 6-295 Q uee^ S t.E ., Suite 274, R ef. 120, B ram pton, ON L6W 4S Groundspersons Please contact Fax resume to: (905) 335-4454 No phone calls please David 905-335-2553 ADULT Carriers to deliver door to door early mornings 7 days a w eek. R e quired fo r O a k v ille & B u rlington. Excellent delivery com m is sions. Vehicle is required. Please call (905) 829-3670 8 a m. to 1p.m ., Mon. to Thurs. Ask for Mr. Brad Lucas C LEA N IN G p o s itio n ........ R iv ie ra M otel is now a c cepting application for parttim e c le a n e r. $ 8 .2 5 / to s ta rt. A p p lic a n t m ust be able to w ork w eekends. E xperience not necessary w illingpto tra in . B rin g re sume in person Riviera onth e -la k e M otel, 2048 Lakeshore Rd.. Burlington WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL Full-time positions tor a growing Industrial Fastener distributor. It you are committed to good customer service we want you on our team. We otter: competitive benefit package. Please reply to: ARE you a dynamic, ener getic individual w ith great people s k ills ? Join our B u rlin g to n O ptom etric practice! Receptionist/ As sis ta n t position available. Some evenings and some Saturdays. Eye care or re ta il sales expe rience an asset. Fax resum e and hourly wage expectation to 905-315-8809____________ ADMINISTRATIVE Support Person- C a ndid ate w ill handle a variey of duties. G ood c om unication and com puter s k ills required, Own transportation a must. Know ledge of d en tal in dustry an asset. Apply in person U nit B-40 461 North Service Rd., Oakville, or fax resume 905-465-2236 842-2252 MUSIC te a c h e r fo r p re school w ith K o daly b a ck ground, part tim e for Oak v ille S uzuki A sso ciation . Call (905)844-8718.________ RO THERG LEN S chool, a private M ontessori School located in North O akville, requires a part-time French te acher to teach c h ild re n aged 3 1/2 to 6 years old. Please fax resum es to: Claire at 905-338-9599 ECE W ANTED: Full tim e tea ch in g p o s itio n s a v a il able. B e nefits provid ed. Please call Building Blocks Child Care Centre, Burling ton. 905-315-8477 FamilyServices Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you w ant to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 M ailboxes etc. 905-332-4499 SPECIALTY BOLT & STUD INC. Fax: 905-567-3894 Attn: Steve Muise

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