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Oakville Beaver, 1 Oct 2000, p. 20

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20 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, October 1, 2000 M a n n in g J e w e l l e r s GOLDSMITH & DIAMOND MERCHANT ----------------------- · Finest Quality · Reliable Service for 20 Years 125 CROSS AVE. · TRAFALGAR VILLAGE · 8 4 4 -2 6 6 8 Sports Editor. NORM NELSON Phone:845-3824, ext 255 Fax:337-5567 straight w ins over G lace Bay -- the only team that had beaten them -- for the title. T he first one w as easy, a 16-0 mercy. G ord Scott tossed the shutout. Scott Sm ith led the offence w ith a grand slam while other hom ers were chipped in by Brian Prouse and D aryl Hebert. T he final gam e, with all the m arbles on the line, how ever, was the exact opposite, needing extra innings for a thrilling 8-7 O akville win. Daryl H ebert w as the hero with a leadoff hom er in the top o f the eighth inning, after O akville had blow n a 7-3 lead after six innings. G ord Scott w ent the distance for the win. He ended up the tournam ent at 5-0 w hile C hris M cColl w as 1-1. Palerm o plans to attend the 2001 AA W orld S eries fastp itch to u rn am en t in H utchinson, K ansas next A ugust and then defend (and hopefully host) the eastern Canadians next September. C orporate or individual sponsorships are w elcom e and any interested parties should contact G rant Eves at 875-2850. T he team thanks Reg Sm ith for his co n tinued sponsorship support. M eanw hile, here's a look at the other tourney gam es, leading up to the tw o-gam e set w ith G lace Bay . · O akville 10, M oncton P laza Bow l 3 · O akville 7, M oncton K eiths 0 · G lace B ay 6, O akville 1 · O akville 7, H o y t S chooners (N ew B runsw ick) 0 · O ak v ille 5, T av isto ck M e rc h an ts (O ntario) 0 H ere's the team ro ste r th a t m ad e the trip ... B ill P ick ard , G o rd S co tt, T im L am ers, Jo e B e am ish , L arry W ith n ell, G ran t E v es, T om C h ater, T odd T ow n sen d , D ary l H e b e rt, M ik e B o u c h a rd , B ria n P rouse, C h ris M cC o ll and S co tt S m ith. A bsent: K evin O ld. Palermo wins eastern Canadians T he Palermo Athletics senior m en's fastpitch team are the Eastern C anadian cham pions. T hey returned w ith the coveted cham pi onship trophy from the tournam ent w hich ra q S ept. 8 -1 0 in M o n cto n , N ew B runsw ick. In the double knock-out tournam ent, P alerm o ju m p e d out to a 2-0 record, then lo st one to G lace Bay, N ova Scotia, and then fired o ff four straight m ust w ins, including the final tw o over G lace Bay for the title. W ith a 4-1 record, O akville found them selv es in th e p o sitio n o f n ee d in g tw o Aquinas student a t Nike camp T he third annual W om en's N ike A ll-C anada basket ball cam p is bringing together the country's top 64 fem ale high school basketball players -- including Alana Juzenas o f S t Thomas Aquinas -- for an intense five-day training cam p in Toronto, Oct. 4-8 at H um ber College. In addition to on-court skills, drills and w orkouts w itnessed by CIAU scouts, players will benefit from academ ic and life-skills sem inars from coaches, expe rienced players and guest lecturers to better prepare J)iem for life off the c o u r t . Basketball camp deadline this Friday T he sixth annual Loyola instructional basketball session will run W ednesday evenings, beginning Oct. 18 through until Dec. 6. R egistration deadline is this Friday (Oct. 6) and enrollm ent is lim ited. In stru cto rs in clu d e P at D aly, L oyola ju n io r basketball coach; Reno M alisa, ju n io r L o y o la b ask etb all coach; John Shaw, St. A ndrew 's basketball coach; and Brian A rsenault, L oyola phys. ed. departm ent head, T he sessions are open for boys and girls in grades three to eight and players are put in appropriate age divisions. E ach session involves skill devel opm ent and gam e tim e. L oyola stu dent-athletes are involved in the pro gram as team co aches. N o league sta n d in g s an d ch a m p io n s w ill be declared. C all L o y o la (8 4 7 -0 5 9 5 ) o r St. A ndrew 's (257-7102) for m ore info. Red Devils win a p a ir Oakville Trafalgar senior girls field hockey team posted tw o w ins this week: T h ey d efeated B lak elo ck 13-0. G oals to L isa Robertson (4), K atie Z w ir (2), Lindsey Stuart (2), C aroline K aars-S ijp esteijn (2), S arah Vogt, Steph G ulledge and Erin M aloney, A nd th ey d efeated St. T h o m as A quinas 4-0 on Thursday. G oals w ere scored by L isa Robertson (2), K atie Z w ir and Sarah Vogt. Good week T he Canron Oakville Rangers novice triple-A rep team had a great opening w eek, earning five o f six points. O akville 7, B urlington E agles 1: goals w ere scored by Travis Jam es (2 ), T y ler K ariu s, S co tt H enry, M ik e D eR en zis, M att M cK eow n and Joel Selinger. O akville 13, N iagara Falls 0: O akville capitalized on a sevengoal m iddle fram e. G oals w ere scored by B rad M orris (4), M att M cK eow n (3), M ike D eR enzis (2), B ryce M acR ae (2), Scott H enry and D aniel Purcell. O akville 4, G uelph 4: O akville held early leads o f 1-0 and 2-1 but then had to fight gam ely to erase deficits o f 3-2 and 4-3. T he final equalizer -- Joel S elin g er's sec ond o f the gam e -- cam e w ith ju st 42 seconds left and the O akville goalie pulled in favour o f an extra attacker. O ther goal scorers w ere M ike D eR en z is an d M att M cK eow n. Check out the disparity HALTON MEN'S HOCKEY LEAGUE 1N on-contact Prime time games ' 27th season o f operation 1 Sweaters/socks provided Trophies Balanced teams Excellent officiating Individual entries Team entry division available The ongoing battle between Premier Mike Harris, the school boards and the teachers have left the students as innocent victims. Reprinted from Friday's Beaver (and supplemental to the story elsewhere in this issue) is a look at the disparity of sports programs in our Oakville high schools... HIGH SCHOOL REPORT CARD: SPORTS PARTICIPATION Boys Volleyball Girls basketball Girls field hockey Boys football S e n io r J u n io r S e n io r J u n io r S e n io r J u n io r S e n io r J u n io r s IN F O R M A T IO N A N D /O R R E G IST R A T IO N m d BYPH O NE (905)849-9712 Applications at RIVER OAKS ARENA, GLEN ABBEY ARENA O R APPLEBY COLLEGE ARENA Aquinas Aquinas Aquinas Aquinas Aquinas Aquinas Aquinas Aquinas Loyola Loyola Loyola Loyola Loyola Loyola Loyola Loyola OTHS OTHS OTHS OTHS OTHS OTHS OTHS X (-1) X QEP X QEP QEP QEP QEP QEP (-2) 1QR X IQR IQR X X IQR IQR (-3) TAB TAB X X TAB X TAB X (-4) X X WOSS WOSS X X X X (-6) * OTHS (Oakville Trafalgar High School), QEP (Q.E. Park), 1QR (Iroquois Ridge), TAB T.A. Blakelock), WOSS (White Oaks Secondary School). * fu ll cross country confirmations unavailable, as o f press deadline. Pius tax © 2 0 0 0 McDonald's Restaurants of Conoda Limited. For the exclusive use of McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited and its franchisees. EVERYDAY.

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