THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, September 15, 2000 V S u n d a y m a rk s 2 0 th `Twenty Years and Running' is an appropriate catch phrase for the year 2000 Teny Fox Run. The Oakville Teny Fox Run com mittee, co-ordinated by Ralph Robinson, is looking forward to Sunday's 20th annual run. From the beginning, 20 years ago, the Oakville group still has two of its original committee members actively involved. Karen Atmore, one of the original group says, "The year 2000 should set an all-time attendance record of 1,000 participants." Other long-time Oakville committee people include Nan Lonsdale and Mary Schrenk. The anticipated attendance of 1,000 people will start registering at the south-end of The Glen Abbey Recreation Centre, at 9 a.m. on Sunday with Peter Gilgan of Mattamy Homes, event and T-shirt sponsor, fir T e n y F o x R u n in O a k v ille ment directed by master of ceremonies Dan Ferrone. Tim Duffy Disc Jockey Services will start things off at 9 a.m. and at 9:40 a.m,, the count-down will begin with Oakville's Dream, five teenage girls who sing for charity, performing `Ready To Run.' Participants will be `warmed-up' with Tracy Pridham of the Oakville Club. Pledge sheets are still available at 7-Eleven, Bank of Montreal, Canada Trust, Cineplex Odeon, HMV, LCBO, M&M Meats, Scotiabank, TD Bank, YMCA, Canadian Cancer Society office, Oakville Town Hall, and at Bill Hill's Lakeside Marketeria in Bronte. ing the starting pistol at 10 a.m. Participants will follow a 5-kilometre route along Pilgrim's Way and Nottinghill Gate. The organizing committee urges everyone to come early. There is plen ty of parking, but the first 500 to regis ter will be given a 20th anniversary Terry Fox Run T-shirt sponsored by Mattamy Homes. In addition to the freebees, snacks and beverages, there will be entertain * O akville m o to rcyclist serio usly injured in co llision An Oakville man remains in serious condition at Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital following an earlymorning motorcycle accident yesterday in Milton. Robert Penney, 34, was riding his Kawasaki motorcycle at 7:45 a.m. when he became involved in a collision with a compact car at the intersection of Regional Road 25 (Bronte Road) and Lower Base Line. Police believe an eastbound Nissan was crossing the intersection when it collided with a northbound motorcycle. The motorcycle driver was thrown into the east ditch by the impact. The injured man was taken to Credit Valley Hospital and later transferred to Sunnybrook. The driver of the car, a 38-year-old Waterdown man, was not injured. M e e t th e T e a m An evening at the Air Canada Centre for 4 people including food & refreshments in the coveted "Box Seats". Saturday Nov. 25 vs. Ottawa Senators See the Leafs game In style! 3 lucky couples to be drawn or m ss# « £ of s now or usoo vomcto from GMnlovon Chryslor L im ite d tim e o ffe r/ % TM * ON ALL CARAVAN CARAVAN AND COUNTRY Lisa C a p u t i has been the Advertising and Marketing co-ordinator for the North News, The Oakville Beaver north Oakville zoned publication, for the past 6 1/2 years. Servicing both North News and Oakville Beaver clients, Lisa enjoys helping local business prosper as a result of the advertising campaigns she has implemented. Lisa is a graduate of the Sheridan College advertising program and has lived in Oakville all her life. She has recently settled in North Oakville with newlywed husband Dominic, her Loyola high school sweetheart of 13 years. Lisa enjoys the company of her friends and family, who B m also B § lL 1 live in Oakville, and has been spotted patronizing many local merchants, shopping being a favoured hobby "You can never have too m any shoes". A sense of community is important to Lisa in her work and her home life, making Oakville's community newspaper the ideal employer. "W hen D o m in ic and I w ere looking fo r a n ew hom e w e d id n 't consider settling anyw here b u t O a kville- a great p lace to live, w ork and e njo y CANADA'S BEST C O M M U N ITY NEWSPAPER ^ 2000 C CN A Better Newspapers Competition m m thi r | [ f!r.i Ij|;[r T H E T L U N G A S S O C IA T IO N | H alton Region Purchase .Financing zr&Jror\Ji-Pe- loaded, 4.0L., learner, CD stacker, sunroof, ABS. keyless, p.w., p.d.l., pow er seats & more. Cab forw ard design, 2L SOHC 4 cyl., 5 speed manual, p.s. p.b., air, six speaker, AM/FM stereo/cassette, tilt steering. 2000 C H R Y S L E RIN T R E P ID 10 lease $2500 Down ftS " S298» 20 km trek begins at 10:00 a.m. 5 km trek begins at 10:20 a.m . BBQ to follow S u n d a y , S e p te m b e r 2 4 th , 2 0 0 0 R e g is te r b e tw e e n 9 - 9 : 4 5 a .m . 17" wheels, leather, p. sunroof. 3.5L. V6. AM/FM stereo, cassette. CD. 2.7L, DOHC V 6 .4 speed, automatic trans., air, p.w., p.d.l. p. mirrors. AM/FM stereo cassette, keyless entry. ·Combination of Chrysler RDA and dealer discount Call before Sept. 22 to reserve a spot (905) 8 4 7 - 1 0 3 3 for information Thanks to our r r a r ,, community sponsors._________ * s -- ^ ~ r - -- G len lev en C h ry sler 2 3 8 8 ROYAL W IN D S O R DRIVE, O AKVILLE 90S 815 7 5 /S