0 . CCNA BETTER NEWSPAPERS COMPETmON 2000 Bulk Foods Now Available food&drug //ltra ° Q 9 OLYMPICS Art kit creator VIEWERS GUIDE AGOing concern The arts SPECIAL PULL-OUT! No. 108 FRIDAY, SE PT E M BE R 15 , 2000 www.oakviliebeaver.com Fri., S ep t 15 KENNY V Upper Middle/8th Line A M etroland Publication 48Pages 75 C dltS (Plus GST) Param edic* hirings stalled by province Bw Im na SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER. Additional hiring for Halton's new in-house ambulance service has been put on hold for a while. It has been put on ice while the Region waits for the Province to come forward with its funding contribution, said Halton's Director of Ambulance Services Jim King. "We've held the hiring off a bit," he told the Region's Health and Social Services committee Tuesday. But equipment enhancements are being added on schedule, with many expected to be in place by Thanksgiving, he added. Halton Region took over the opera tion of ambulance services from the Province Aug. 15th. (See 'Province' page 13) Photo by Peter C. McCusker Cliff Birkett, of Kelsey's/Montana's Restaurants, kisses the moose head he purchased for $1,300 at the Country Squire Restaurant auc tion on Tuesday. The moose head, which hung in the Country Squire lobby, is headed for a Montana's restaurant currently under con struction in Tonawanda, New York. today' s paper Real Estate ............... .24 Entertainment..............27-31 Worship.___________ ____ .30 Sporis***M*M..... ....... .....33-35 U U O tl IVO J*«aeaaa»»e*ae«**»«»<....37-38 Business.........................__.37-38 Classified__________ ....39-45 S p e c ia l S u p p le m e n t s : MWnWOfjnijpw M khaeT * o f Canada, N ation al S port* Centre, Biway, S can, aoop pen u n ig .n an. Zeller*, The B arn, Partial DeSverg: Oakville Dynamic Arts, A&P, IGA, Home Hardware, M&MMeats, UltraMart, YMCA-YWCA, Enhridge Home Services, Kraft, Radio Shack C anadian P u b lica tio n s M a il P ro du ct A gree m e nt *4 35 -2 01 C o u n t r y S q u ir e m o o se h e a d b o u n d fo r U By Mary Collet SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Nearby Toronto may be overrun with a new species of fibreglass moose, but one of Oakville's last remaining moose is 'heading' stateside. The moose head, which for the last two decades has occupied a prominent position above the mantel in the foyer of The Country Squire Restaurant located at Dorval Dr. and the Q.E.W., recently went on the auction block. Cliff Birkett, representing the restaurant chain, Kelsey's/Montana's, ended up the high est bidder, paying $1,300 for the historic item. Though a multitude of restaurateurs had assembled to bid on more practical items such as glassware, cutlery, and china, Birkett was there primarily for the moose. "We're interested in artifacts, not kitchen equipment," he explained. Birkett, who arrived at the premises at 10 a.m., patiently waited almost the entire day for an opportunity to get in his bid, since the moose head was among the last auctioned lots. Following his successful bid, which was admittedly over the company's imposed limit, Birkett said, "I'm just glad we got it. You don't find a moose head like that every day- it's big, it's huge!" The moose head is destined for Montana's flagship location presently under construction in Tonawanda, New York. Birkett noted that Montana's prize porcelain pig had lately been nabbed when on display at the Burlington Ribfest. "I look at it this way -- we lost a pig, but we gained a moose", he quipped. (See `Som e' page 1T) VOTED BEST INSURANCE COMPANY FOR THE PAST 6 YEARS' , Th i O x v m z Beavtx Welcome to our new location. Please drop by to see us. Vince Tomenson Dickerson has its roots in Syd A. Vince Insurance, Est. 1953 Ho me Au t o VinceTomenson Dickerson IN SU R AN C E BROKERS LIM ITED The DOMINION OF CANADA G en e ra l In su ra n ce C om pany 1540 Cornwall Rd. Suite # 1 0 0 , Oakville, L6J7W5 Tel: . Fax: (905) 8 4 5 -9 1 4 9 Oakville Beaver Readers