16 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, September 15, 2000 LA-Z-BOY Car enthusiasts flock to Bronte Park this weekend Bronte Creek Provincial Park is hosting two cars shows this weekend. On Saturday, the park is home to the 12th Annual Centennial Car Show and Swap Meet. This is the first time that Bronte Creek has hosted this event. "Cruise-in 2000" is orga nized and run by the Centennial Street Rodders, and features cars and trucks from the year 1975 and earli er. The show takes place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and swap space is available for just $15 per vehicle. For more information on the show, contact the Centennial Street Rodders at 416-280-6144. On Sunday, the park hosts the 17th Annual British Car Day -- an event that is now the largest one-day car show in North America! The British Car Show is organized and run by the Toronto Triumph Club. The show starts at 10 a.m. and voting ends at 2 p.m. Awards will be given out at 3 p.m. There will be "Participants Choice" voting, door prizes, and a prize for the best club display. The event runs rain or shine. There will aiso be a swap meet with lots of parts and British Car suppliers. For more information, call the organizers of this event at The Toronto Triumph Club, 416-410-4882. On both days, lunch, in the form of hamburgers and hotdogs, can be purchased at the Nearby and Natural Cafe in the park. Admission into the park is $4 for adults (18+) and $2 for youth (4-17), up to a maxi mum of $12 per carload. Bronte Creek Provincial Park is located 1 km north of the QEW, on Burloak Drive. The event will be taking place in the north end of parking lot 'A.' For further information on the park, call 905-827- 'e s tiv a l See our flyer in today's Oakville Beaver (homes only) 'Montana' Occasional Chair Now earn AIR MllfS® reward miles for all Sales & Services! A Fingerstyle G uitar W orkshop with D oyle D ykes G rand O le O pry Favorite, F ingerstyle V irtuoso , R ecording A rtist Matching Ottoman We service all makes and models of furnaces, boilers, central air conditioners and gas fireplaces 'N O DOWN ' PAYMENT NO INTEREST FOR 1 YEAR V SEE STORE FOR N . DETAILS y PAYMENTS FOR 1 FULL YEAR* OR WE PAY THE GST O A C s e e Dealer for details This workshop/mini-concert Is for the intermediate to advanced player or enthusiast, and trill cover fingerpicking and " chiming" techniques, 'tricks n ' licks," alternate tunings, DATE: " ' t ** Monday, September 25, 7 p.m. LOCATION: M e r r ia m M u s i c BURLINGTON POWER CENTRE Q.E.W.& BRANT S TR E E T 2359 Bristol Circle Oakville, Ontario L6H 6P8 ADMISSION: FREE* · Advance reservations are recom m ended as seating is lim ited Please call fo r m ore inform ation: (905)331-7600 Mon.-fri. 9:30 om-9 pm, Sat. 9:30 am-6 pm. Sun. 10am -5pm O n ly C e r t if ie d S to re in H a lt o n . and Doyle' s unique " right-hand dynamics." i i Horntfc g d tU rC -td W a A n , Select Energ (between Appleby & Walkers Line) VISIT OUR SHOWROOM MON-FRI9-5, SAT 9:30-4 4361 Harvester Rd. (905) 829-2020 M E R R I A M Sch ool o f M u sic ( 9 05 ) 6 32-1377 ® TM Trademark, of AIR VOLES International Holdings N.V. Used under license by Loy< Management GrotmCanada, Inc. and Enbridge Services Inc. Now earn one AIR MILES rew; for every $20 spent on eligible products and services with Enbridge Home Services. 2 3 5 9 B R IS T O L C IR C L E , O A K V IL L E (on Winston Churchill, 1 light South of Dundas) (9 0 5 ) 8 2 9 - 2 0 2 0 www.intelligentfiin.com B eg in n er to A d v a n c e d S in g ers ROOF W INDOW S AND SKYUGHTS All Levels Welcome Teaching th ose w h o s in g fo r th e ir ow n en jo ym ent, to those sing ers on an educational o r career path. S ig h t reading th e o ry & m u sicia n s h ip tu to rin g available. Please call M s. Howell * * M s . H o w e ll is a c la s s ic a lly tra in e d s in g e r w ith a M a s te rs o t M u s ic D egree & an e x p e rie n ce d te acher. FUTURESHOP CORRECTION NOTICE In ou r Se p te m b e r 13-19, 2 0 0 0 flyer, the following error occurred: pmnMfeM ome ju jitjx jn oLm l showroom *« 4 W w j im The HP 6735 Intel Celeron Processor 663 MHz on the front page was advertised in error. It should have been advertised with a Processor of 633 MHz. K « i|M s S ri» « , O s i . i f i t (O S tt *** WIN OUR TOP OF THE LINE SKYLIGHT For information on this event, please call (905) 829-0280 ext.119 or for product info, visit our wedsite at www.velux.ca 111 *** C k .r tk ffl 5 « « lk ) We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.