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Oakville Beaver, 27 Aug 2000, p. 20

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20 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, August 27, 2000 A WHOPPER OF AN OPPORTUNITY! N O W HIRING for 2 Oakville Locations EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE Kerr Cadillac, Pontiac, Buick GMC is lo o k in g for CANADA CARTAGE CREWMEMBERS FULL-TIME PAYS Competitive Wage Flexible Hours Excellent Training Meal Discounts Free Uniforms Excellent opportunities for professional & personal growth To join the Burger King winning team. TWO SALESPEOPLE! Our 29 year history has given us an outstanding reputation and an increasing market to work with. If you have retail experience we would like to talk to you. You have a desire to excel and build a career with a top performing com pany in an exciting ent Call Jack R udnicki or Bob Paul a t (905) 845-1681 T R A C T O R T R A IL E R D R IV E R S R e q u ire d by C a n a d a C a rta g e S y s te m Lim ited F u ll/ P a rt T im e Positions A va ila b le Im m e d ia te ly ---APPLY NOW--Class AZ License, Dangerous Goods C ity / H ig h w a y - F lat D e c k / V an s D a y s /N ig h ts - S o m e h a n d b o m b in g req u ired . A pply Canada Cartage System Ltd. Come in and APPLY TODAY! Applications are now available at: 2460 Winston Churchill Blvd. (near Dundas) OR 1289 Mariborough Court (White Oaks Plaza) Working T ogetherTo Be The Best! 1561 The Queensway Toronto, ON M8Z 1T8 or call for appointment (416)259-5454 JOBS AVAILABLE NOW! PRO DUCTIO N TECHNICIANS · Full-time Temp to Perm. · 12.50-S13.25 Hour · Days & Afternoon Shifts · Fast-paced Safe Environment · Uniforms/Training Provided Fax: (905) 876-7212 C a ll: (905) 876-7214 ATTN: RECRUITING 8205 PARKHILL DRIVE M ILTO N, O N L9T5G 8 CANADA [CARTAGE] Administrative Assistant A s s e r t iv e in d iv id u a l r e q u ir e d f o r a c o n s tr u c tio n firm . D u tie s in c lu d e A /P , A /R , d a ta e n tr y , s a le s a n d o p e r a tio n s s u p p o rt, a n d re c e p tio n . C a n d id a te s m u s t h a v e e x p e r ie n c e w ith W in d o w s 9 5 /9 8 , W o rd , E x c e l, a n d e x c e lle n t w ritte n a n d v e rb a l c o m m u n ic a tio n s . A n a p titu d e fo r f i g u r e s a n d m in im u m o n e y e a r p o s t s e c o n d a r y e d u c a t io n in B u s in e s s is re q u ire d . C a n d id a te s , p le a s e m a il re s u m e s w ith s a la ry e x p e c ta tio n s to : c o n t r U js SON EXPERIENCED AND LICENSED BODY REPAIR PERSON required by: CANADA CARTAGE SYSTEM LIMITED We require an experienced, licensed body repair person for our Rexdale body repair shop. Experienced in truck and tractor repair for collision and rust repair. If you are interested in this position, please apply at: 1561 The Queensway, ETOBICOKE or call ^gr NOW H IRIN G Kitchen Supervisors & Line Cooks (Min. 2 years exp.) Flex hrs./staff benefits Apply in person C anR oof C orp ora tion Inc., an established rooting m anufacturer, s> requires p eo p le for its B ram pton plant. T h e plant produ ces industrial roofing insulation in a fast p ac ed , highly a u to m a te d environm ent Joe D o g 's G asbar G rill 531 Brant Street Burl. ph#632-5110 O ffice A dm inistrator P.O. Box 61031 511 M aple G rove Road O akville, O ntario L6J 6X0 C O N TR AC T DRAFTSPERSON T h is is a 3 to 6 m onth contract position. W o rkin g in a te a m environm ent, you a re ab le to c o m p o se reports an d corresp ondence. Your A u to C A D skills will be app lied p reparing com plex original draw ing s, layouts, and d iag ram s You a re a re c e n t g ra d u a te of a re c o g n iz e d e n g in e e rin g te c h n ic ia n p ro g ra m w ith practical m ech a n ica l aptitude Your w orking k n o w led g e o f IS O 9 0 0 2 standards will be a n asset. S e n d res u m e s to: NOW HIRING MANAGERS & FULL-TIME STAFF (Downtown Oakville) 4 Lakeshore Rd., W A C H IE V E SUCCESS! HomeeunGeas's ic e cneam Eric P rydatok H.R. C o o rd in a to r C anR oof C orp o ra tio n Inc. Fax: 416-461-2926 Visit our w eb site w w w .iko.com O nly p eo p le sele c te d for interview will b e contacted . N o te le p h o n e calls p le a s e G o o d s ta rtin g ra te a n d frin g e b en efits. & ( Bronte Location) 2441 Lakeshore Rd. W Apply in person: A G ourm et Fast Food C hain N o w h a s o p p o rtu n itie s fo r a m b itio u s , c h e e rfu l in d iv id u a ls s e e k in g ra p id p e rs o n a l g ro w th a n d fin a n c ia l g a in . NEW HOM E SALES Seize the opportunity to join a team ol transportation protessinals. As part of our team you will bring with you a high enregy level cemmitment to excellence and a strong desire to succeed and grow within the or ganization. The Tandet Group is a diversi fied transportation management company that provides integrated distribution services, long-term full service vehicle leasing, truck rental, maintenance and logistics. Our "Oakville" location is currently seeking a .... Energetic and enthu siastic person for new home sales in Milton. Experience desirable but will consider bright trainee. Lie. not re quired. Excellent op portunity to earn high income and build a re warding career. Reply with resume by fax to Sales Manager at 905-681-6260 TCBY logo & SUBWAY logo H idden Lake G o lf Club 1137 No. 1 Sideroad, Burlington F /T STAFF & P /T STAFF A re y o u tire d o f w o rk in g in a d e a d e n d jo b ? L ic k 's n o w h a s o p p o rtu n itie s fo r p e o p le w h o w a n t to g e t a h e a d . F u ll-tim e a t L ic k 's c a n le a d to M a n a g e m e n t P o s itio n s . Visit us in person after 2pm at the following locations: 548 Trafalgar Rd. (at Cross S t.) and 2420 Lakeshore Rd. W. (E. of Bronte Rd.) OPEN HOUSE · CREW · SHIFT SUPERVISORS · MANAGEMENT IS NOW HIRING F/T W aitstaff Apply in person with resume to Paul or Kelly Ph: (905) 336-3660 Drop by any of these Oakville Locations on Wed., Aug. 30 9am - 11am or 2pm - 5pm 3rd Line/QEW (905) 465-3989 2355 Trafalgar Rd. (Dundas/Hwy 5) (905) 257-0071 Ford Drive & Royal Windsor (905) 844-2200 · Competitive wages/salary · Benefits package for all full time employees · Opportunity for advancement /jftL A . · Flexible hours · Free Uniform " If unable to attend, please call for interview at your earliest convenience. Shop Assistant Reporting to the Service Manager this position is re sponsible for maintaining the appearance of lease and rental equipment, lease and rental customers, main taining shop/ yard areas for appearance and safety. Candidates should possess secondary education with interest in the technical field, leading to apprenticing as a mechanic. We offer a competitive wage, group benefit package & good working conditions. Submit resumes to: The Tandet Group, Attn: Human Rsources 3365 Harvester Rd., Burlington, L7N 3N2 or fax (905)681-3499 BROOKLYN Bar & Grill at Burlington Bowl Hiring mature parttime NOW HIRING · JOIN OUR HAPPY TEAM! Various positions, Mon. through Sat., in the food service industry. F/T & P/T hours suitable for parents with young children! High school & college students welcome! We offer competitive wages and benefits. No experience necessary - Will train! APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL: Luke or Mary-Lou, M-F, 9am-5pm, at R eal Estate S ales Person REQUIRED FOR NEW CONDO SALES. LICENSE REQUIRED. fflsinys OLD FASHIONED Call LINDA DAVIES R.E. Wait Staff & Buspersons Call Moira, 2-6pm tor appt 68 1 -1 0 0 0 . HAMBURGERS Beaver Foods (a Cara Co.), at Sheridan College Cafeteria · Oakville 1430 Trafalgar Road N. · (905) 844-8532 a new world at work. / (905) 333-4347 Adecccj OuW Carr Ctr*rr ELECTRONIC SERVICE TECHNICIAN W e a re a G e o r g e t o w n b a s e d c o m p a n y a n d a re lo o k in g to expand our S e rv ic e D e p a rtm e n t. T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill b e s e rv ic in g m ic ro p ro c e s s o r b a s e d U H F /V H F ra d io re m o te c o n tro l p ro d u c ts . E x p e rie n c e w ith tro u b le s h o o tin g a n d re p a ir to c o m p o o n e n t le v e l re q u u ire d . A ls o g o o d c u s to m e r a n d te a m re la te d s k ill needed. EXC ELLEN T O FFIC E O P P O R T U N IT IE S Adecco is currently recruiting for qualified candidates searching for contract and temp-perm positions. FILE CLERKS: $9-$10/hr. Organizational skills required. DATA E N TR Y CLERKS: $11-$13/hr. min. of 6000 keystrokes. Word and Excel is an asset. A/P CLERKS: $11-$14/hr. Must know Word and Excel. RECEPTIO N IST: $12-$13/hr. Must know Word and Excel. ADM INISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: $12-$15/hr. Must know Word and Excel. M in im u m s ix m o n th s e x p e rie n c e re q u ire d . A ll in te re s te d a p p lic a n ts m u s t fa x re s u m e to A d e c c o . Has openings for permanent part-time employment and also Supply Staff Contact Sue or Suzanne at COMCARE H E A L T H S E R V IC E S 842-7303 OAKVILLE HONDA has position available in our Sales Dept as a: RECEPTIONIST Full-time Suitable candidate will have exceptional people and communication skills along with an outgoing, friendly personality. Reception and general office duties. Please apply in person to Tariq Alam: Please forward resume with salary expectations to: Cattron Controls Ltd 150 Armstrong Ave., Unit 5 & 6 Georgetown, Ont. L7G 5G8 Email: wfreed@cattron.com Fax: (905) 842-6468 Phone: (905) 842-5173 191 Wyecroft Road, Oakville or fax resume: 905-844-8005 Accredited by the Canadian Council on Health Accreditation Services is NOW RECRUITING: PSWs · HCAs HSWs Lvl 1,2 & 3 RNs · RPNs Those interested in tak ing Corneare's Home Suppod Lvl 1 Course quality tor employment with Comcare. 1355 Plains Rd. E. Burlington, L7R3P7 Tel: (905) 637-5271 Fax: (905)634-4661

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