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Oakville Beaver, 25 Aug 2000, p. 35

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Friday, August 25, 2000 articles for sale ANTIQUE Diningrooms & Bedroom s... V ariety of suites to choose from all beautiful and professionally refinished. Rock Chapel An tiques & Statuary. Open Daily, Hwy.5, 1mi. W of. Hwy.6 at Rock Chapel Golf Centre. (905)639-3639 ANTIQUES: 2-door m ir rored wardrobe; Victorian tiled fireplace insert, com plete; 3-tier nickel-plated crystal prism chandelier 3T drop. 845-1406 A P P LIA N C ES- fridge, 2 door; Stove; Maytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-6328 BABY items: Wicker baby bassette, $20.; Storkcraft white sweetheart crib w/ mattress $90.; White wood en change table, $20.; FP baby swing, $40.; Perego Stroller, $75.; Disney Ba bies giftset, (bumper pads, sheet, comforter) $20.; Little Tykes slide (ages 1-3), $15. (905)332-8601.________ BED, single size electric, for home use. 6 function, head/footboard w/mattress, purchased but not used. $500; power lift chair, bur gundy, used 1-year $450. Please call (416)686-7059 BEDROOM set; double bed frame with head & foot boards, double dresser with m irror & ta ll dresser, kitchen table w ith 5 matching swivel high-back upholstered chairs, girl's 6drawer dresser, white. All excellent condition. 6 3 2 9290 BEDROOM suite. dress er, mirror, chest, 2 night ta bles, double bed with head and foot boards. Good condition. $450.842-1269 BEDS, New- C omplete: Double. $220; Queen. $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)6819496 BICYCLE brand new. 15 speed. CCM Ecco, $120. New Bell Bicycle helmet <20 (905)339-3612.______ BOYS hockey skates, hel met, mask, gloves, shin pads & pants. Good condition- $80. (905)572-7166 COMPLETE kitchen, off white, oak trim cabinets, butcher block counter, builtin oven, down draft Jennair cook top Maytag dishwash er. garberator, double sink. $2,000. 639-8129 CORNER curio cabinet' D elecraft' .C herry; with litjfcis, for half the price. 905-331-4616 COUCH, love seat and sofa; navy with large white flowers. Good condition. $600 obo. 634-2830 DININGROOM set- 14 piece>solid Cherrywood, 92" double pedestal table. 8 C hippendale ch airs, lighted hutch, b uffe t & server, all Dove-tail & metal glide drawers. New, still boxed Cost* $14.500.. sacrifice $6000. (905)3045883. DRAPES- C habots & Swags to fit windows 3 @ 100' each. Navy & burgun dy. Padded valance 129* with matching drapes. 905844-6565 DRAPES - Swags a J a bots fit 9 ft x 5ft 6' Windows - 3 sets soft pinks/blues/ greens $300 per set. obo. (905)847-1050 FENDER Stratocaster SRV. 1-1/2 years old. still like new. hardly played c/w hard case. $1250/ firm . Call (905)333-5776, (905)3310077 FREE m home estimate of California shutters, blinds, draperies... ' Louvered Arched Special' (movable)3ft-$ 175. 4ft-$200. Glen (905)330-3211 FRIDGE, 25 cu.ft., side-byside; outboard motor Mer cury 20hp.. gas & electric dryers; O leander plant. 827-3340. FRIG IDAIRE Fridge white, 18 cubic ft. good con dition $120. Bell bike trailer seats 2, new $200 sell $120. Snowblow er Columbia 10 horse power. 33 inch $120. RCA 27 inch T V. console $40. Call (905)469-9850__________ FURNITURE, sofas, kitchen chairs, lamps, coffee tables, baskets, d ishes... Great deals! Reuse Centre. 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm ;Sat-9-5pm; Sun12-4pm. FU TO N - double, green metal frame & m attress. P erfect condition. $175. (905)333-4690 articles for sale KENMORE digital stove, like new, with m atching Kenmore fridge, rmd-size freezer. $425. fo r pkg. 319-9699. KENMORE heavy duty washer, dryer, $300/pair; credenza w /m irror $50; Kroehler recliner $50. Ex ce lle n t cond itio n. 3 3 2 3441. KING bed- pillow-top. or th o p ed ic m attress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675. (905)971-1777. LAW NM OW ER, M aster craft 3.8hp. 22' wide, used one season, $130.; Air con ditioner Citizen 6000BTUS, $170.; (905)634-2745 LAZY-BOY ROCKER, $50; card table & chairs. $100; kitchen table. 2 chairs, $175; wool carpets, 6x8, 9x10 $110/ea. air co nd itio ne r, 6000 BTU $110. 845-8032 LEATHER sofa- 1yr old, green, Palister, 7.5 ft, ex celle n t co nd itio n. New $2200 S ell $1400. (905)845-9862.__________ ENTERTAINMENT centre, dark oak. (fits 20" TV) $250; glass/ brass end tables $65/ pair; lamps; large pastel oil painting $50; framed pic tures. 844-8054. MAHOGANY Canadian Provincial four poster bed; double bed box spring 2 pcs.; Provincial 3 wing mirror. (905)845-6296 _____ MAHOGANY diningroom suite; 8 pierced ladder back chairs, extending table, ser pentine fro n te d reverse break front side board with 4 long draw ers, ce ntra l section cupboards & draw ers, bow fro n t server, 3 draw ers to the apron, cupboards below $5,000. 829-2568________ MATCHING m attress & box spring, double, Sim mons. like new. $275. 330-0440 MATCHING frid ge & stove- almond black front panels, excellent condition, $500./pair. (905)632-9619. FUTON: Solid oak, hand carved side panels. Extra thick mattress w/ one cover and bolster set in natural heavy cotton and one in taupe sueded cotton. Cost $1200. new, less than a year old. Sacrifice $800. Call (905)632-7405. MINK coat, china cabinet, desk, office chairs, drapes, steam presser, keyboard, restaurant tables & chairs, organ, stereo. 826-4283 MOVING: Barracuda, hardly used. $175. Sofa loveseat, excellent condition. $100. Single bed & boxspring, like new, $100. Washer/dryer. $125. 4 draw er m etal filin g cabinet. $30. (9 0 5 )3 3 2 7308 MOVING: Everything ex cellent & new. Futon, desk, queen bed. microwave, va cuum, household goods, etc.. Bargains. (905)3392665 N AU TILU S workout m a chine. almost new, $700; treadmill almost new, $500; chest fre e ze r $75. Call 336-8246 OFFICE desk, $75.; kitchen set. $175.; computer desk, $75.; golf bag, $20.; electric BBQ. $45.; w heelchair, $50.; lady's long-hair Bea ver coat, appraised $3500., asking $2200. All excellent condition... like new, rea sonably priced for quick sale. (9 0 5 )6 3 9-0 6 6 8. please leave message OFFICE furniture: desks, chairs, tables, printer, fax. cabinets, panel, M7310 phones, microwave, small a ppliances. (9 0 5 )8 2 7 3489. PIANO, beautiful Kimball console pecan wood finish, matching bench, outstand ing condition, $1900; Nor dic Trak WalkFit exercise machine, top-of-the-line, bare ly used. $550. (905)338-1822.__________ PIANO- upright grand pia no Needs tuning. $1,800. 905-631-7560 PIANOS Wanted. Apt. size to Grands. Will pay cash and pick-up. Steve, 1-800633-7088 SOLID oak bunk bed frame with book shelves, like new $575 or best offer. Karen 634-3954 THE W aterbed G allery Store Closing Sale. 3350 Fairview Street, Burlington, Every-thing Must Go. 6395600. articles for sale WEDDING dress, veil, headpiece, size 10. Excel lent condition. Asking $600. (905)331-5470 WOOD Stove, large Elmira. Excellent condition, perfect for cottage. $500/obo. Call (905) 469-5968 No delivery must pick up. auctions, sales THE OAKVILLE BEAVER auctions, sales 35 AUCTION Wed., Aug. 30 6:30pm Preview 5pm at Valley Community Centre 28 7 Old Guelph Road, Dundas off York Rd (1/4 mi. West of #6 Hwy) We have been commissioned to liquidate the contents ol a Toronto area store (due lo retirement) ol antique, m odem & related collectible items. Furn; Musical instruments- guitars . Cameras- Hobby en thusiasts- Simpson model boat with remote control built to scale; helicopter with remote; Canadian Coins; Great selection of power tools Recreation Coordinator (Tansley Woods) (JOB SHARE - 1 4 HOURS PER WEEK TO AUGUST 2001) Tansley Woods is a dynamic recreation centre in N.E. Burlington that strives to enhance and enrich the lives of community residents by creating and supporting opportunities lor lite-long learning and leisure. W orking with outside individuals and organizations lo provide programs has been a cornerstone ot Tansley Woods program development plan. This facilitated program delivery method has allowed Tansley Woods to be creative and leading edge in its service delivery. Reporting to the Community Centre Supervisor, the Recreation Coordinator has the responsibility to handle all aspects ol facilitated program delivery at Tansley W oods including new program planning and developm ent, delivery m ethod determ ination and im plem entation, budget preparation, contract m anagem ent, staffing and volunteer coordination. The coordinator works with many organizations, individuals and City staff to implement programs that meet the community's needs. The opportunity is for 14 hours per week (Thursdays & Fridays) with some evening and weekend work. The designated responsibilities for this position will focus on facilitated program delivery. The individual will actively recruit service providers, negotiate contracts, build strong relationships, foster program development and manage contracts. As well, the recreation coordinator will handle program evaluation development and implementation including statistical analysis and reporting for all programs in the centre, write newsletters and promotions tor programs and handle volunteer development & coordination. You are a self-starter who loves new challenges and working with all types of people. You have an entrepreneurial spirit that is keen lo seek out and forge relationships with new groups to foster innovative programs for Tansley Woods users. You have strong written and oral communication skills. This position requires a post secondary education with 2 to 5 years experience in the areas of recreation, com m unity planning, an d /o r m arketing/sales. C om puter sk ills are required. Experience working with recreational providers, volunteers, a Board and committees as well as proven skills in project management and partnership development are highly valued assets. The starting hourly rate is $18.91. Interested individuals are requested to submit an application form and/or resume by August 3 1 /2 000 to the City of Burlington, Human Resources Department, Attention Laura Boyd/Alan Isaac, 426 Brant Street, Burlington, Ontario L 7 ^ 3 Z 6 "A N E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y E M P L O Y E R " W e th a n k a ll a p p lic a n ts b u t a d v is e t h a t o n ly .th d s e c a n d id a te s to b e in te r v ie w e d w ill b e c o n t a c t e d . A s s is ta n t M e c h a n ic P in s e tte r A tte n d a n ts P in c h a s e r s Full & Pad-time Training Provided Retirees Welcome! 312 WANTED All-China. Silver. C rystal, cam era/ audio equipm ent, sewing m a chines. Doulton, Moorcroft.Quilts, Glass. Watch es. dolls, paintings, collecti bles. estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 PAIN TING S, Antiques Wanted: Furniture. Glass, China. Silver Ring Boxes. Addison radios. Estates purchased. Karl (905)6816939-Burlington. W ANTED N intendo 64 and games - will buy com plete package or individual games. Call (905)469-6761. APPLEWOOD AUCTION SERVICES 905-634-7217 Terms: Cash or Cheque Auctioneer/ Owner not responsible lor injuries or losses on day of sale Call Ruby or Rob (905) 681-2727 or drop off resume: Burlington Bowl 4065 Harvester Road Burlington, ON cars for sale 1988 Toyota Supra- White, automatic, loaded, immacu late, one owner, 100,000 km. C ertified. Rare opportunity. 905-469-0699 1988 Nissan SentraJCW 2 dr coupe. Best offer as is. Call Mike (905)689-6106 M c a ^ wanted trucks for sale 1988 Ford pick-up F150. Good running condition, good body. Asking $2200/ obo. Call (905)333-4398, leave message T im H o rto n 's BAKER ·e x p preferred but will train ·P a id training ·benefits ·N ig h t shift ·F u ll-tim e Apply in person 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville or phone/fax 338-1966 Attention manager 370 FREE to good home: 2 black cats, brothers, very frie nd ly, indoor/outdoor, m icrochipped, neutered. Reason: fam ily allergies. (905)631-9895._________ FREE to loving home: male & female purebred Himalayans. Extremely friendly indoor cats. Preferably to gether 1-yr. old child aller gic. Weekdays 631-7777 ext. 231; evgs., 639-6686 GERMAN Shepherd puppies, ready to go, CKC registered and shots. Males and females. 2575927 KITTENS: free to good home. Call Monday 331SI 83 FREE - need caring home fo r 'w h ite long h a ire d ' adult cat. Serious inquires. Call (905)847-8755_______ $0-55000.Reward- Cars, Trucks, Highest Cash Pric es Paid. Fast D eliveryFree Towing. Licensed Auto Wrecker Auto parts sold also! 905-827-8015 (O a k v ille )_____________ USED Ford car, certified. $10,000. (905)510-6669 1991 Plymouth Voyageur LE. fully loaded, emission test, good condition. 905332-3182____________ _ 1994 PATHFINDER, Trailboss loaded. New motor, plus, 2-1/2yr full warranty. Moving, priced to sell. 639-7667. T h e O a k v ille C lu b h irin g fa ll/w in te r staff Instant Storage Space S Y S T E M 55 INC. has th e p erfect an sw er. 4 5 ' o r 4 8 ' tr a ile rs , le a s e d b y th e m o n th o r y e a r . W e c a n d e liv e r im m e d ia te ly to y o u r s it e , o r if y o u p r e f e r , y o u c a n l e a v e t h e t r a ile r a t o u r fa c ility . E ith e r w a y , i f s a g r e a t d e a l! !! P r ic in g s t a r ts a t $ 1 5 0 /m o n t h . P le a s e c a ll · S ER VERS · B A R T EN D E R S · M A IN T E N A N C E / J A N IT O R IA L · K IT C H E N S T A F F Please reply by sending a resume to: 5 6 W ate r S tr., O akville, F ax -(905 )-8 45-318 6. BURLINGTON WHY NOT ENJOY WORK! a n d m a k e a d iffe r e n c e ! 400 JEEP YJ 1990. 6.0 cyl. automatic, hard & soft tops, PS, PB, well maintained, mint condition, recent full engine rebuild with 12 month guarantee. Face off Alpine stereo. $6,950. OBO. Pigby (905)815-9671 1994 PONTIAC Grand AM. 6 cyl. 178K, Hwy Emission passed will certify. Excel lent shape., no rust. $6750.. Call (905)465-0445- Days. (905)828-5635 - Evenings 1990 DODGE Caravan 240.K, Very good condition, new w ater pump, tim ing belt, roters. brakes. Call (905)465-0445 Days, (905)828-5635 Evenings 1998 SATURN SC1. 65.000K, green with tan in terior, air. Cruise, remote entry, PW, 5-speed, rust proofed. Asking $13,000. (905)849-7669.__________ 1993 N ISSAN Maxima 146K, good condition. $10,500. (905)847-7594. 1992 PONTIAC Sunbird. new brakes, rad & water pump. Good condition. $1700 obo. (905)257-4752. 1994 LHS (New Yorker) white, fully loaded, excellent condition, 130.000 km., w ell m aintained, black leather. Asking $11,250. certified. 639-3639 1992 Lincoln Towncar, loaded, grey, gray leather, very clean. Emissions test ed and certifed. 125K Call (905)842-3001 1979 Corvette- white, ex cellent cond itio n only 70,000 m iles. 350 V-8. Call 905-332-3614 1994 Pontiac Grand AM, SE, white. 3.1L, auto, am/ fm cassette, 139K, certified/ emissions. $7500. 338-6223 1989 Ford Tempo- 142K, ce rtified . $2,700. Good condition. 905-332-8281 1989 Chevrolet Cavalier122.000 km. 2-dr, p/s, p/b, certified, emission tested, excelle nt shape. $2300. 905-335-4487. 1996 Volkswagon Jetta GL Turbo Diesel. 5-spd, air. cruise, p/dl, ps/pb. alarm. A 1 . Reliable. Economical. Extended warranty. (905) 331-4630 1994 VW Golf GTI. black, excellent condition, roof, 8speaker stereo, power locks, alloy rims, 147K, reg ular servicing, 10K left on power train w arranty. $10,900. 905-319-8169. 1989 Plymoth Acclaim, 4dr, auto, air, cassette, hwy driven, a must see! As is. $2500. (905)847-9804 8 4 2 -6 8 0 0 ext. 242 o r 330-9272 500 career training 505 careers At YOUNG D R IVER S® ol Canada w e o ffe r th e b e s t d r iv e r t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m in th e co u n try. W e teach Collisionfree/TM D riving and w e re looking fo r drivers w h o share o u r passion fo r excellence. If you love to drive, enjoy people, w a n t flexible h o u rs and th e o p p o rtu n ity fo r a d v a n c e m e n t then D rive r T rain in g is th e ca ree r fo r you . The m in im u m re q u ire m e n ts a re 5 y e a rs d riv in g e x p e r ie n c e w it h a c le a n d r iv in g r e c o r d . C andidates m u st also be availab le to take a 5 w e e k Y D In s tru c to r T ra in in g C o u rs e b e fo re becom ing licensed. All g raduates are hired! Y o u r c a re e r c o u ld a ls o in v o lv e c la s s ro o m t e a c h in g , C o llisio n free/TM D r iv e r Im p ro v e m e n t P ro g ra m s o r y o u r o w n Y D franchise. N ew insurance disco u n ts fo r both Y D a n d Collisionfree/TM g r a d u a te s w ill create even m o re g ro w th in 2 0 0 0 . Please d ro p in betw een 10 a .m . and 3 :3 0 p.m . M o n d a y to Friday to fill out an app lication. Located in downtown Oakville at N O W H IR IN G · J O IN O U R H A P P Y T E A M ! Various positions, M on. through Sat., in the food service industry. F/T & P/T hours suitable lor parents with young children! High school & college students welcome! W e otter competitive wages and benefits. No experience necessary - W ill train! NO Fee! C areer E xplor ations is a 3-Week Course designed to help you plan your career. Funded by HRDC. For information/ to register call Grace (905) 333- 3499/ (905)878-1240 C.Y.W. positions available full or part-time at new and existing adolescent resi dential programs in Halton Region. Post secondary education in Child Care or related field required. Ex perience in residential set ting an asset. Fax resume to 905-878-1078 APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL: Luke o r M a ry -L o u , M-F, 9a m -5 p m , at B e a v e r F o o d s (a C a ra C o .) , at S h e r id a n C o lle g e C a fe te r ia · Oakville 1430 T rafalgar Road N. · (905) 8 4 4 -8 5 3 2 Computer Operator Procor Lim ited is the leading Canadian Lessor of specialized rail cars & services, in West Oakville. W e currently have an opening in o ur inform ation Services Department tor a Computer Operator. This position will be required to work day and afternoon shifts once training is completed. Principal duties in this position are Computer Operator functions on the IBM mainframe, HP 3000 system and Windows NT on PC's, which include: Perform quality control functions. Maximize throughput tor Users. Minimize downtime of Operating systems. Ensure hardware/ software integrity. Ensure security & intergrity of computer installations & data files. Minimize Computer room equipment down time, u Additional related duties as assigned. The incumbent should have at least one year of experience in Com puter Operations, with a sound knowledge of VM , VSE, CICS operations and JCL. A College Diploma or University degree (or equivalent) is required. Knowledge of Windows NT, Lotus Notes & Microsoft Office would be detinte assets. Effective communication and organizational skills, stro n g in itia tiv e and a b ility to w ork w ell under minimal supervision are also desirable. Resume's outlining education, experience and salary history should be submitted to: HERBAL MAGIC N ow Open in O akville F/T HEALTH C O U N SELO R p o sitio n s availab le Provide weight management counseling & sell herbal products in a clinic setting. Sales experience preferred, excellent opportunity for advancement. 235 Lakeshore Road East, S uite 104 Oakville (Lakeshore/ D unn) O ver 160 c la s sro o m s a cro ss Canada Call for further information (905) 637-6019 ask for Lee. YOUNG DRIVERS** C*a«u Your licence to survive. S& jSJ www.youngdrivers.coin O A K V IL L E B E A V E R professional 506 professional LOADERS WANTED ·M u s t be a v a ila b le to w ork early m orning shifts T R A V EL C O U N S ELO R S Required fu ll & p a rt-tim e fo r both Cruise and N on-C ruise D ivisions. For appt. call Heather at 842-8650 o r send resum e to: Heather's Travel H o u se , 635 Fourth Line O a kville , O n t. L 6 L 5W 4 · Some heavy lifting · S afety shoes required Apply in person to: 4 2 7 S peers R d., Unit 21 T u esd ay-F rid ay, 9-5 P R O C O R L IM IT E D Human Resources Department 2001 Speers Rd., Oakville, On L6J 5E1 E-mail: jobs@procor.com Fax:905-827-7735 B U R L IN G T O N PO S T F I T · P fT R E L IE F An Evangelical Christian organization is recruiting applicants with sensitivity, empathy and commitment to work with developmental^ challenged individuals in the Oakville/Halton & Brampton areas. Related edu cation & experience an asset. Must have valid driver's license and be w illing to work shifts incl. evgs & wknds. Resumes to: Coordinator of Services & Sup ports, Central District Office, 4375 Chesswood Dr., 2nd fir, Toronto,, M3J 2C2. Fax; (416)630-2579 510 general help wanted general help wanted REQUIRES B u rlin g to n P o s t A D U L T C A R R IE R S to deliver the Burlington Post door-to-door Gas allowance. MAILROOM A fte r n o o n s h ifts a v a ila b le fo r M a t u r e P e r s o n s to w o r k T u e s d a y to F r id a y fr o m 4 p .m . to 8 p .m . S a f e t y s h o e s r e q u ir e d . A p p ly in p e r s o n to L a u r ie a t: 4 0 5 7 F a ir v ie w S t ., B u rlin g to n ( W e s t e n t r a n c e o f C le g g G la s s B u ild in g ) M o n d a y -F r id a y , 9 a .m . to 5 p .m .. P le a s e c a ll 632-0588 Tara Ext. 294 We thank a ll that respond, but only those applicants who qualily lo r an interview w ill be contacted.

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