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Oakville Beaver, 25 Aug 2000, p. 34

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34 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, August 25, 2000 Classified houses for sale houses for sale TheO akville B eaver BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ WWW. oakvillebeaver.com The site your com m unity clicks on! :RI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 MON. - F apartments & flats for rent houses for rent HEADON Forest E xecu tive Detached Rental, 3 beds, 2.5 baths, spotless condition, fresh p ain t/ decor, new appliances. Ja cuzzi, available Septem ber 1, $1850/mth. Call Ron Allan, Sales Rep. Century 21 M iller R E. Ltd. (905) 510-0918. ___________ OCTOBER 1, 3 bedroom home in central Oakville, large fenced yard, garage, 5 appliances, central air, no pets, no sm oking. $1500/mo. (905)469-8464. BURLINGTON (Aldershot)3-bedroom bungalow, large lot. 4 appliances, close to shopping & schools, on bus route. October 1. $1100 plus utilities. 331-7857 BRAND New Bungaloft. .. 1882sq.ft. 3-bedrooms. Be the firs t to move in.... $1600/mo.+ utilities. Near all amenities... 3 minutes to M apleview Mall. Simon Jackson Evgs: (905)3381783; Days (905)849-4700 R eal E state 100-165 ·Rentals 170-196 ·Leisure Living 200-265 ·M erchandise 300-375 ·Auto 400-465 ·H elp W anted 500-599 ·Announcem ents 600-675 ·Services 700-800 . 2-4, 33 98 H a n n ib a l R d ., B u rlin g to n sun OPEN HOUSE, Beautifully maintained all brick 2-slry home situated in cozy bend in popular Palmer area. 3-bdrm s, upgraded 1.5 baths, custom blinds, window valances, C/A, C/V, Irg eat-in kit. w /3 appliances, bright, spacious liv.rm w /bay w indow , huge tam .rm w /g as F.P. & w /o to lovely sunroom & private, fully fenced backyard. 1 1/2 car garage. (Agents Welcome). 6 9 . . ......... j T u e s . A u a . 2 9 . 7 :3 0 pm H o lid a y Inn E x p re s s Stoney Creek QEW & Centennial Parkway TRAVEL IS BOOMING LAKEFRONT Burlington! Large clean 2-bedroom apartm ent available O ct.1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. Call (905)681-8938. ALDERSHOT. Basement bachelor apartment. Near Plains Rd & GO. $450/mo. includes all utilities. Jack. 632-9637.______________ BRANT/ Ontario Streets: Large 142 bedroom apart ments available im m ed iately. C/A, w all-to-w all broadloom and balcony. (905)403-1050 f~ a m ffy / / 'v -in fi / b e c o m e p a rt o f th is e x c itin g a n d g ro w in g in d u s try b y o w n in g a n d o p e ra tin g y o u r o w n H O M E B A S E D T R A V E L B U S IN E S S E xa m in e t h i s T u r n K e y B u s in e s s O p p o r t u n it y w it h n o in v e n t o r y , n o re c e iv a b le s , in te re s tin g ta x d e d u c tio n s a n d g re a t tra v e l b e n e fits ! T R A V E L S O U R C E N E T W O R K C a n a d a s N u m b e r O ne h o m e ba se d tra v e l a g e n c y w ill b e c o n d u c tin g fre e in tro d u c to ry s e m in a rs on -i r CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 B edroom s · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · P la yground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited $1 7 5 ,9 0 0 · (9 0 5 )3 3 5 -7 0 3 7 2174 Parkway Drive. Burl ington. Spacious detached 3+ 1 bedroom bungalow. Attached garage New custom kitchen, fu lly finished basem ent with workshop & office. Many features'. Open House Sunday. Aug.. 27th, 2-4pm or call 331 -8100 GRACIOUSLY updated, all brick 4-bedroom home. 21/2 baths, wood flo o rs, skylights, modern kitchen, separate diningroom , 2 familyrooms. New windows & gas furnace. Double garage. Near McM aster Hospital. $285,000. Private. (905)526-8257__________ BURLINGTON Core. 2-*-1 bedroom bungalow w/ character & charm Private yard w/perennial garden, inground pool. Private sale. 537 W oodland Ave. $181,900. (905)634-3401. S/E BURLINGTON Beau tifu l 4 level side-split on mature treed lot, lots of hardwood and ceramics, d a, two gas fire pla ce s. $364,900. (905)632-1143 or (905)301-6984.________ PRIVATE sale -Kaneff Bar rington, Glen Abbey, 2,340 sq.ft., with 9' ceilings on main level. 4-bdrm. 3-bath. Mam flo o r den. M aster w/ensuite. Family room with gas fireplace, open to kitchen/breakfast area. $315,000. 1501 Sandpiper Rd(Oakville). Please call for Appt. (905)827-4938 __ RIVER Oaks Home. 118 ^W estchester Rd, 2,680 sq. ft. 4 bedroom s, 2 b a th rooms powder room, kitch en, laundry living and dining rooms. Pool, $389,000. Call (905)257-5915. T h u r s . S e p t . 7 t h . 7 :3 0 pm H o lid a y Inn S t . C a th a rin e s North Service Rd. & QEW - F O R LEASE - R .S . V . P . to ll-fre e 1 -8 7 7 - 4 7 1 - 8 7 6 1 to register and receive a $50.00 T S N Travel Coupon Ont. Lie. N o, 2 1 22 091 LUXURY. New, prestigious Glen Abbey 3-4 Bdrm Hom es/ 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos. TV, VCR, stereo, 1-3 baths, 6 appliances, health centre, security. Daily, Weekly, Monthly. From $1295-2995/ month. Visa, MasterCard, AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M PRIME RETAIL SPACE Hamilton Rd. N. WATERDOWN Available Immediately Approx. 1500sq.lt. REGISTER NOW AS SEATING IS LIMITED apartments & flats torrent apartments & flats tor rent apartments & flats tor rent FURNISHED Room with sitting room for rent. Share kitchen and bath, On bus route. West O akville. Sept. 1. $425/per month. Call (905)847-2059 after 6pm _________ UPPER MIDDLE/ Dorval. large furn ish e d room, private home, share bath. $400./mo. Non-smoker. Im mediate. First/last (905) 847-5040_______ _______ CLOSE to Ford Plant. P leasant room in home. Private bath, parking. Nonsm orker. Good for tra v e lle rs / com m uters. 905-845-6374___________ O A K V IL LE - 3rd Line/ Upper M iddle. Kitchen, bath, laundry. No parking. $350. (905)825-2941 ROOM availa ble . $400/ mo./ South East Burlington. Everything included. Park ing, laundry facilities. Nonsm oker p referred. (905)510-6649_________ _ BR O N TE/ Dundas. Includes H ousecleaning, u tilitie s , cable. Shared kitchen. Private entrance, parking. No smoking/ pets. $300. (905)847-5603 MATURE, employed nonsmoker to share a lovely large home in Headon For rest. Im m ediately. 3 3 2 1079__________________ NEAR Upper O akville Shopping Mall. Share house. Pool, A/C. $350./ month. A vailable Imme· diately. (905)337-3848 BRONTE/ Lakeshore. Newly renovated large bedsitting room w/kitchenette, private entrance/ bath. Prefer mature gentleman. First/ last. (905)822-9272; (905)469-0823.__________ WATERDOWN Large room in new home unfurnished w /cable, non-sm oking. House features c/a, c/v, gas fire pla ce , fin ish e d recroom, $450/mo. Available September 1st. (905)6892782 BURLINGTON- female to share lovely 2 bedroom condo apartment near Ma pleview Mall & The Lake, security, rec-facilities, On bus route, near GO. Please call (905)639-3823._______ FEMALE professional/ ma ture student/ older adult to share house with single mom, 2 children. Basement room. Upper Middle/ Walk ers. Prefer non-smoker, no pets. Sept. 1. $400./mo. first/last. (905)469-4353. ROOMATE to share 3-bed room townhouse. Burloak & Lakeshore. Young professional. Underground parking, laundry, pool, S eptem ber 1. $550 inclusive. (905)-633-7081 TOWNHOUSEN.W. B urlingtonclose to amenities. $500-./month includes utilities, laundry, parking. Sept. 1st. (905)331-5036. 170 170 (905)526-8481 Ext. 238 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted 1 Bedroom Suites Available October WANTED Im m ediately!!! Hostesses and Consultants! C hristm as Around the World is here! Confirm your atte n d an ce fo r our Aug. 29th event! Call (905) 3159440 for more information! Free Gift valued at $25 for all Guests. FAMOUS millionaire mak er w ill teach you about wealth and success. This number w ill change your life and income. Call now 888-822-1445. www.successfulpeople.com /m em bers.veland I franchises MRS. V A N ELLIS, Fresh Italian Foods. Food Court Franchise O pportunity. Burlington Mall, new food court. Opening November 1st. 337-7777 ext. 255 OLD Oakville. 1-bedroom basement apartment. W alking distance to hospital. GO. downtown, on bus route. $550/mo. Available Sept. 1st. (905) 339-3594______________ BR ONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: immaculate. 1-bdrm, single executive, all inclu sive: cable, parking, brand new appliances. $1,250./ mo. Evenings (905)8272266.__________________ 1-BEDROOM apartm ent available im m ediately. Hydro, gas, fridge, stove included. No pets. Nonsmoker. Separate entrance. $600/mo. Call John Pilling. Sales Rep., Coldwell Banker B urnhill Realty, (905)639-3355__________ PINEDALE Estates. 2Bedroom apartm ent, O c t.1st. $1300/mo. No smokers/ pets. Ian McSporran, Assoc. Broker, Coldwell Banker Burnhill Realty. (905)639-3355._________ STUDENT accomodation available, room and board in home or separate 1bedroom basement apartment. 825-9544 · · · · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 lull baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access EMPRESS 700 Dynes Rd. large 1-bedroom, living, din ing, laundry, locker, hydro included. Non-smoker. No pets. $900/month. November 1. 336-2337_________ "THE Palace' 1-bedroom, solarium , 5 appliances, stunning view of bay & escarpment. Pool, security. No pets, no sm oking. $950/m o. incl. O c t.1st. L.Davies R.E., (905)3334347 ________________ LUXURY brand new 1bedroom , 5 appliances. North Burlington., under ground parking. $950 plus u tilitie s. Septem ber 1. 332-8552____________ __ THE Sands' 2-bedrooms. 2 baths, C/A, 5 appliances, balcony, pool. No pets. No smoking. $1250. Sept. 1st. L.Davies R.E., (905)3334347__________________ BURLINGTON luxury con do, lake view, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, solarium , balcony, pool, across from hospital. (905)827-8929.__________ VILLAGE Square, Lovely2-bdrm, 2 bath, 6 applianc es. a/c, jacuzzi. 1 parking. $1400./mo. Sept. 1st (905)643-3556. houses for rent TOWNHOME for rent ' The Orchard' 1650 sq. ft. with walk out basem ent, a/c, central vac. non-smoker. $1400/m onth Great for family. Immediate posses_ sion, 331-6026_______ _ O A K V ILLE - 3-bedroom townhouse, 4 appliances, broadloom , garage, fin ished basem ent, near schools and transportation. $1,250/mo. 905-270-2693. TWO-STOREY, 3 bedroom townhouse, fenced yard. 2 parking included, S ept em ber 1. $1150 plus utilities. 634-3160 NEW townhouse, Appleby/ Fairview, 3-bedroom s, 2 bathrooms, garage. $1200/ mo. -Futilities. Oct. 1st. No pets. 631-0006._________ NORTH O a k v ille - very bright. 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, spacious backyard. 4 appliances. (9 05 )8 2 7 5252, after 6pm BURLINGTON: 2 -be d room from $926/m o.+ u tilitie s , O c t.1st. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190.________ BURLINGTON North im maculate 2-bdrm, 3 levels finished, 5 appliances, $1275/m o. plus u tilitie s. Sept. 1st. (905)331-2235. BURLINGTON townhouse. Lakeshore/ Burloak. 3-bed rooms, 2-1/2 baths, 5 ap pliances. B uilt 1999. A vailable Sept. 1st. $1650/mo. (416)806-9663 BURLINGTON. Executive end unit townhouse near Fairview GO. 3-bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, fireplace, C/A, 5 appliances, garage, deck. $1,140. + utilitie s. Oct.1. (905)681-5527__________ NORTH Burlington, nicely decorated, 3 bedroom flat. 2 appliances,C/A, parking, laundry, suit non-smoking couple. $825/month plus half utilities. First & last. N ovem ber 1. 335-4564 after 6pm_______________ NORTH-EAST Oakville 3 . bedroom + separate den. On ravine 21/2 bathrooms, eat in kitchen, A/C. Avail able Oct. 1, $1700 plus utili ties. Call (905) 257-5465 housing wanted to rent URGENT! M ature, non smoking & no pet family to rent for Sept 15 or Oct 1, 3+ bedroom . (905)8496550 BURLINGTON SQUARE (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 M on-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm A IR M ILE S · A IR M ILES B u r l i n g t o n T o w e r s 1950 25 HP E vinrude, e le c tric start outboard Partially disassembled. All parts available. $200/best offer. 829-2568__________ DINGHY: 8`6' Zodiac. 4hp motor, seats 3-4 Marine plywood transom and floorbaords. Paid $3000., Sell $900. (evenings) (905)844-3198 or (days) Betty (905)845-1923 1285 O ntario St., (at Maple) Exceptional 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts I (Some furnished suites avail, short-term) Magnificent Indoor Pool · Sauna Complete Rec Facilities · Utilities Incl. M From $855. L7I 6 3 9 *8 5 8 3 BASEMENT apartment. 3bedroom, Oakville, parking separate entrance. Imme diate. $800/month. Call 849-1946 ______ OAKVILLE, Spacious, fully furnished 2-bedroom base ment apartment. Separate entrance. Im m ediate. $1000/m o. No pets. (905)827-6027. 304 antiques & art Mon-Fri: 9-9 Sat., 10-5; Sun: 11-5 www.ontim.com btowers@lara.on.ca Downtown Burlington BURLINGTON- Immacu late adult co-op across from Spencer Smith Park on the Lake. B e a utifully m ain tained 1 bedroomapartment with balcony. Low monthly fee. Ideal for seniors. Open House: Sunday. 1-5pm. Asking $94,000 For details call John S lonetsky at Royal LePage 1(800)7486789 _______________ A IR M ILE S · A IR M ILE S BACHELOR-BRONTE fire place, private, no pets, $515./in clu d e s parking, utilities. Call (905)842-7315 2-BEDROO M A p a rt ments $790. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Openl 1-8pm. 639-5761 TWO bedroom, October 1, Bronte, excellent condition, pool, tennis court, under ground parking, $1200/mth utilities included, Brad Mill er, Century 21 Miller Real Estate Ltd., (905)845-9180. LARGE 2-bedroom apart ment, blocks away from downtown Oakville. Pool. Available Oct. 1st. $11507 mo. inclusive. Lots of seniors! (905)844-1934______ WALK to Downtown Oak 1.2& 3 Bdrm Apts Available Sept./Oct. Freshly painted, some with new kit. cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shop ping, Hospital & Lake! Call (905) 637-0321 2 bedroom apartment. Quiet adult building. $900/mo S ept/O ct. 1st. Call (905)634-0697 BURLINGTON, downtown, on lake, very large bachelor, September 1. All inclusive $720. Steve 639-0304______________ M ILITA RY m em orabilia, brass music stand, "Wagon Train' guitar, records, 1978 WHA hockey set. (905)8274096. 306 computer/ electronics NORTH Burlington Semi- 3 + 1 bedrooms, 2 baths, fire place, c/a. Available Sept 1st. $1300/mo. -Futilities. (905)331-8989.__________ LEASE to buy Burlington, Lakeshore/ Central. tral. Large treed lot. 3-bedrooms, fire places, sundeck. Sunroom w /separate entrance. $1250/mo. (905)822-8477 MACISTOSH Powerbook 1400cs, floppy/ 8x CDROM module. $800. (905)6340404. 310 articles for sale TYANDAGA 28,3 Bedroom - Oct. 1st (Some 2 Level) New appliances Freshly Painted Low-rise buildings Large, private palios ^ in d u stria l /commercial space INDUSTRIAL Units (2) Ap prox. 1500 & 2700 sq.ft. Ideal for e ntrepreneurs. Great Burlington location. (905)634-6334 Tallest Building in Oakville! 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0015 O A K V ILLE DowntownLakeshore/ Trafalgar area in attractive Mews. Office/ retail/ commercial units for lease Various sizes. Con tact. 905-337-7135 or 416923-6345 _________ O A K V ILLE - Lakeshore/ Kerr; prime re ta il/ office space. 2 units at $1125/mo. each + utilities. (905)8423196 ___________ OFFICE space a p p ro x imately 960 sq ft. 5736/ month, including property taxes and water. QEW / Trafalgar (905)849- 3521 1460 Tyandaga Pk D r (905) 336-0016 (at 30 Speers Rd.) ville. Renovated: 2-bdrms. Kerr/ Speers/ QEW $808/mo.+ hydro. Sept. 1st. Small building. Laundry. 1Bdrm from S779* Parking. Security. 825-5539. BURLINGTON- Brant & 2 - Bdrm trom $899* Prospect- 2 bedroom Spacious and well main LAKESHORE/BURLOAK apartment, adult lifestyle in 3-bedroom, detached, rec tained highrise. Most 6-plex with parking includ room, den, garage, $1550/ ed. Prefer couple. 10 min. newly decorated! Some month. Call Syl 905-820- - walk to Go. $780/mo inclu with lake view. 2032 or 905-897-9555 sive. Oct 1st. Call (905) Liz: (905) 84 5-9502 630-6920______________ HOMES to RENT w/ Option to BUY o r Creative Financing Available [o facilitate purchase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Broker (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -5 2 5 8 Fte/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor E-mail: creativeoptions@primus.ca 3-BEDROOM. River Oaks Excellent condition. 2-1/2 baths, finished basement, 5 appliances, C/A. short term rental 6-8 months. $1500/ mo. Available October. (905)845-3869 BURLINGTON: Palmer area, 4-bdrm, main floor family room, 1-1/2 bath, ga rage. above ground pool. $1295/mo. Oct. 1st. (905) 336-3411.______________ QUIET non-smoking reno vated main floor 3-bedroom bungalow Guelph Line/ Upper Middle. Utilities in cluded. $1,200/mo. (905)331-6071 ROOMS in shared, fu r nished 2-bedroom apart m ent, beside S heridan College. Sept 1. First/ Last $325/$425. (905)845-5602. SHARE with professional adult in large home, south Oakville, available imme d iately, $650 inclusive. (905)842-5484,__________ DOWNTOWN O a kville Share house with 3 profes sional females. Laundry, parking. $400/mo. inclusive. Available now. 338-3658 NEW listing: 1-bedroom main flo o r (large home safe B urlington court) Share kitchen, bathroom livingroom w/single 37-yr. part-time Dad (homeown er). H eat, hydro, cable laundry, parking included Near QEW / s to re s/ bus $400/mo. Suit quiet work ing fe m a le / single Mom Septem ber. References Dave, (905)332-4942. LARGE room- furnishedNorth Burlington. Clean, responsible person. $370./ incl., cable. Pool. 331-7758 or (905)616-0879. I shared accommodation -M IELE" Cooktop, power vertical exhaust fan, white double ovens w/cabinet, hardly used, $2,000. retails $7,000.+; Pool table- slate, oak laminate, many acces sories, $750. retails $2,500. 905-855-3987___________ CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 BEAUTIFUL, Newly Reno vated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments. Some with lake view s! R efurbished, P re stigio u s B urlington Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo (905)637-6701 '(2 % disc, included) BRONTE: 1 bedroom, ground floor Oct. 1st. $820 includes heat, hydro, parking, locker. Q uiet building. 827-8228______ S U BLE T: 1-bedroom apartm ent, Burlington. Guelph/ New. "Queensbury Court' $800/mo. all inclu sive. Days, (905)842-9494; evgs. (905)278-4567. NEAR Burloak. Duplex. 3bedrooms, ground floor, 4 appliances, parking. $825/ mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. (905)632-5690 C AN AD IAN A.Q uiet, well m aintained lakefront building. Very spacious 2&3-bedroom s available October. 5220 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington. (905)632- 5486 BURLINGTON. ' Bluefields' Large, clean 2-bedroom. Hardwood, patio, fenced yard, laundry. No dogs. Sept./Oct. $805/mo. (905) 336-7207______________ BURLINGTON: small 1bedroom, suit older gentle man, everything included. $550/month. Immediate. 333-1141 after 6 p m ___ 142 Bedroom apartments available Sept.1st./Oct. 1st. Spacious & bright in a small quiet building near downtown Oakville. Heat/ parking included. $675/mo. & $775/mo.+ hydro. (905) 815-0768______________ APPLIANCES PLUS Wanted late model appliances. 7yrs or newer.white or almond CASH PAID Lowest prices- new Highest quality recon ditioned appliances GEORGIAN A PA RTM EN TS 1,243 Bedroom Suites available. QEW/ Trafalgar Road. Indoor pool. From $850/mo. (905)844-1106 SPACIOUS 1.243 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. C om petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellm aintained. Convenient location. (905)333-9846, Noon-8pm______________ OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Elmwood Rd. Newly renovated 2-bed room. Large, spacious apartm ent! A vailable afterSept 15th $850./mo. inclusive. 1 parking. (905) 338-0491. 319-8484 2033 M ount Forest.. Burl 1998 Toshiba Laptop, 233 MMX Pentium , 2.02 GB hard-drive, 32mb ram, 56 K modem, Windows `98, perfect condition. 847-9497 AMERICAN DirecTV Satel lite Systems, $900 installed, cards programmed. $10. in cluding 400 free channels. (905)867-7277 1,2 &3 B EDROO M SUITES Available Sept./Oct. CANADA S Hottest New Ijome Party Plan "Christ mas Around The W o rld ' needs consultants! Busy season ahead Great Pay. Free Trips! Toll- Free 1866-225-4038 Q '& Q '& Q UPGRADED 1&2 Bdrm Apts with scenic views available at two prim e downtown Burlington loc ations. Beautiful grounds. Professionally managed. 478 Pearl St. (905)6321643; 477 Elizabeth St.. (905)634-9374 Heat/Hydro Included Parking extra. No pets B u r l' 639-0456 M -F: 9 -4 & 6:30-8 B U R LO A K / Lakeshorefurnished room w/kitchen privileges. Suit male nonsmoker. $550/mo. inclu sive. Sept. 15. 631-5884 evgs

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