Friday, August 11, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 41 T he O akville B eaver Classified TO PLACE AN AD CALL houses for sale BO N US! A ll classified ads appear @ WWW, The site your com m unity clicks on! 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 MON. - F :RI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 100-165 ·Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200 -26 5 · Merchandise 300 -37 5 Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500 -59 9 -Announcements 6 0 0 6 7 5 Services 700-800 houses for sale apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent . 2-4, 3398 H a n n ib a l R d ., B u rlin g to n su n Beautifully maintained all brick 2-stry home situated in cozy bend in popular Palmer area. 3-bdrms, upgraded 1.5 baths, custom blinds, window valances, C/A, C/V, Irg eat-in kit. w/3 appliances, bright, spacious liv.rm w /bay w indow , huge lam .rm w /gas F.P. & w /o to lovely sunroom & private, fully fenced backyard. 11/2 car garage. (Agents Welcome). OPEN HOUSE, A IR M I L E S · A IR M IL E S GEORGIAN APARTMENTS 1,2 & 3 BEDROOM SUITES Available Sept./Oct. Heat/Hydro Included Parking extra. No pets B u r l in g t o n T o w ers 1285 FURNISHED Brant/ Prospect. Adult lifestyle. 6 plex, parking, no pets, walk to GO. Bachelor (2 big rooms). Available Sept 1st. $620 inclusive. Call any time. 905-639-6920_______ Famify APPLIANCES PLUS / W anted late model appliances. 7yrs or newer.while or almond CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 P r o s p e c t St. · 632-2601 3 B e d ro o m s · 3 a p p lia n c e s s · E at-in Kit. B a sem en t · P la y g r o u n d · P a rk in g CASH PAID Lowest prices- new Highest quality recon ditioned appliances Ontario St., ( a t M a p le ) ^ condom inium s for rent Exceptional 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts | (Some furnished suites avail, short-term) ' M agnificent In d o o r Pool · S auna C om plete Rec F acilities · U tilities Incl. f c j From $855. E a Burl · 639-0456 M-F: 9-4 & 6:30-8 $178,000 · (9 0 5 )3 3 5 -7 0 3 7 1300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms. 5 appliances, a/c, 2-indoor parking spots available. Falgarwood area. Sept /Oct 1st. $1300/mo. 845-0462. PROFESSIONAL, mature women to share lovely 2 bedroom condo with same. S e cu rity/ R ecreational fa c ilitie s . $650./m onth. Please call 905-639-3823 I houses for rent OAKVILLE 3 bedroom, fin ished basement, double ga rage. close to Bridge Rd. $1,2007 mo. Call 825-2901 EXECUTIVE home: over 2,700 sq. ft., 4-bdrm, main floor den, fenced yard. Glen Abbey location. $2000./mo. Immediate possession. Call Victor Saric. (905)842-7000 RENOVATED 3 bedroom bungalow on Cedar Springs Rd. Acre lot with pond. A vailable Sept. $1,900/mo. 905-659-3363 Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited BRONTE: C om plex on lake. 3-bdrm , Balcony, Walk-out in familyroom w/ NEAR Sheridan College. fireplace, A/C, new furnace, P rivate bedroom , share new carpet/ paint. $1600/ kitchen & bath. Prefer non mo. -^utilities. A u g .15/ Sept. 1. References. (905)- _ smoking female. $350/mo. 337-8508; (905)616-6165. 4 6 9 -4 2 81 , Agents w e l come!___________________ BASEM ENT apartm ent, fire pla ce . separate BRANT:large 2 bedroom entrance. $600/m o. and with basement and balcony, room for rent. $500/m o. fridge & stove. $850+ Near S heridan C ollege u tilitie s . O ctober 1st. (905)337-2498 332-0935________________ 3 bedrooms. 3 baths, Ga rage, F/P, C/A, Available immediately. Walkers Line/ Hwy 5 area. $1.400-+utilities. Lou-905-512-5245 ARBOR LANE HeadonForest, terrace townhome, 3bedrooms. 2-1/2 baths. 5 appliances, gas fireplace, garage, window coverings. Sept. 1st. $1125 plus utili ties. Anne Duff, Broker, Pride Realty Ltd., 332-9705 or 825-3505_______ ______ 319-8484 2033 Mount Forest.. Burl AIR co nd itio ne r 10,000 BTU 120V . excellent work ing condition, $200 obo. Call Steve, 634-0400, ANTIQUE oak corner cab inet; Simons hide-a-bed. (905)842-6134,___________ ALMOND kitchen table with six chairs (4 swivel chairs with arm rests)) in excellent co nd itio n. Table size 42` x 4 2 \ extends to 6 0 ' $350. (905)-332-7183. AMERICAN DirecTV Satel lite Systems. $900 installed, cards programmed. $10. in cluding 400 free channels. _____ (905)867-7277 ANTIQUES. Best selection of beautiful diningrooms, bedroom s. accessory pieces. etc.+ Garden S tatuary! Rock Chapel Antiques & Statuary, Open Daily, Hwy.5, 1mi. W. of. Hwy.6 at Rock Chapel Golf Centre. (905)639-3639___ A P P L IA N C E S - fridge. 2 door; Stove; Maytag au tomatic washer, dryer Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 PIAN O - BABY Grand` Ebony*, Like new. $3,200. 905-608-0422 BEAUTIFUL birch 3/4 inch hardwood flooring, approx. 400 sq.ft $500/obo. (905)339-2529___________ BEDROOM cherry planta tion four poster w/acanthus carvings 6pc $7,450.. sell $4,470. New from model home. 905-336-0786_ _ BEDS, New- C om plete: D ouble. $220; Queen. $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)681-9496___________ C ARPETS, Hundreds of Colours/ styles, Including 'Stainmaster*. Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad/ installation. 905510-0589.________________ COVENTRY Ensign p u r chased from Brick 1yr. old. Paid $900. asking $500. 905-631-8402____________ CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. 639-2902 DESK- 30* x 60" double pedestal. Credenza & brown tweed chair. $250. 905-633-1256____________ DININGROOM set- 14 piece, solid Cherrywood. 92" double pedestal table. 8 C hippendale chairs, lighted hutch, buffet & server, all Dove-tail & metal glide drawers. New. still boxed. C ost $14,500.. sacrifice $6000. (905)3045883.____________________ DININGROOM oak table with 2 leafs. 6 chairs, hutch, new. never used. $4000 obo. 331-2859. ELOQUENT kitchen/ dining room lam inated table (60*x36*) with 4 highback chairs, beige. $400 ; Sofa68* long. 2 matching chairs, beige, great shape $450 : evenings/ weekends 905829-0572________________ FREE m home estimate of California shutters, blinds, d ra p e rie s ... 'Louvered Arched Special* (movable)3ft-S 175 4ft-S200. Glen (905)330-3211 HOME BUYERS 3 ways to buy a home fo r less $ $. C a ll fo r your FREE special report c a lle d "H om e B uyers How to Save Thousand of D o lla rs W hen You Buy'. MODERN office for rent 1,500 sq.ft. Speers/ Third Line. O akville. C all Joe Luyk, (905)845-7597. O A K V ILLE D owntownLakeshore/ Trafalgar area in attractive Mews. Office/ retail/ commercial units for lease. Various sizes. Con tact. 905-337-7135 or 416923-6345 639*8583 M on-Fri: 9-9 Sat., 10-5; Sun: 11-5 w w w .ontim .com btow ers@ * Q & Q '& Q UPGRADED 1&2 Bdrm Apts with scenic views available at two prime downtown Burlington locations Beautiful grounds. P rofessionally managed. 478 Pearl St. (905)632-1643; 477 Elizabeth St.. (905)6349374____________________ OAKVILLE. Kerr/ Deane. 2bedroom apartment, A/C, laundry, parking. $800/mo. hydro. (416)492-9989. BASEMENT apartm entSeparate entrance. 1-bed room, laundry, utilities. Tra fa lg a r/ Upper Middle. $800/mo. Sept. 1st. 905339-3711________________ O A K V ILLE - Basement apartment, seperate en trance, parking. Nonsmoker, Students welcome. Near bus route. Sept 1st. (905)-849-1232 A IR M I L E S · A IR M IL E S 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned A Carpeted 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites Available September · · · · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access 1-800-966-7821. I D. #1014 24/7 Glen Yearsley, Sutton Results Realty OPEN House: Sun., Aug. 13. 2-4 p.m.: Kaneff Bar rington, Glen Abbey. 2,340 sq.ft., with 9` ceilings on main level. 4-bdrm, 3-bath. Main flo o r den. Master w/ensuite. walk-in closet. Family room with gas fire place, open to kitchen/ breakfast area. $315 000. Appt. (905) 827-4938. 2174 Parkw ay Drive, B urlin g to n. Spacious detached 3+ 1 bedroom bungalow . Attached garage. New custom kitchen, fully finished base ment w ith w orkshop & office. M any features. Open House Sunday. Aug., 13th, 2-4pm or call 3318100____________________ M A p 'tX V IE W M all area Open House- Sun- 2-4pm809 Miriam C rescent. 2 storey, 3 bedroom, Finished basement with den. C/A, gas F/P, P ro fe ssio n a lly decorated. $214,900. 905639-0693________________ CARLISLE. Half acre lot. 4+1-bdrm sidesplit, 2-1/2 baths. U pdated. F ire places. Hardwood, ceram ics, deck. $319,000. Open House Sunday. August 13th, l-4pm . 345 Carlisle Rd. 905-690-2425.________ GLEN Abbey. Mattamy W ideLot approx. 1900 sq .ft., open concept, 3bedrooms +den. 2.5 baths. Many u pg ra d es/ extras. $265,900. Open House Sat/ Sun. (905)469-6955. DESIRABLE W Mountain detached 3+1 bedroom bungalow . C/A, garage, many upgrades, inlaw po te n tia l. $172,900. (905)525-2446__________ O AKVILLE E ast- private executive 4 bedroom on court/park. By appointment only no agents, 2264 Daffodil Court. BUNGALOW 3-bedrooms, near^ Burloak & Lakeshore. C om pletely renovated, large lot. $172,000. Toll Free: 1-877-501-9995 m shared accommodation B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 MRS. B'S GIFTHOUSE Store Franchises Turnkey Operation Financing Avail. OAC M on-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm APPLEBY/ New Large, bright, basement 1-bdrm. Air. F/P, No pets, Suit ma ture adult. Sept. 1st $75Q/iocl. (905)634-2741 S/E Oakville. BBQ, private patio, trees, 2-bedrooms, appliances, garage. Walk to lake. Oct. 1st. $1020/mo. P rofessionals. 905829-5754________________ OLD O akville- Beautiful building, very quiet, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 1bedroom $945/mo. Call (905)845-8254, leave mes sage____________________ B U R LIN G T O N .P ark-iike setting. Prestigious area near Tyandaga Golf Course. 1-bedroom apart ment available Oct. 1st. Util ities and appliances included. (905)335-3001 BURLINGTON- 1 bedroom apartment. Well- located, quiet building. Near down town, buses, highway, lake. Call (905)333-0869. 1,2&3 Bedroom Suites available. QEW/ Trafalgar Road. Indoor pool. From $850/mo. (905)844-1106 1 & 2 bedroom a p a rt ments in well-located, quiet b uilding near downtown Burlington, buses, etc. Call (905)634-3635.________ _ 2-BEDROO M A p a rt ments $790. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11 -8pm. 639-5761 1-BDRM & bachelor apartment. East Hamilton. Suit adults, utilities paid. $450 & $325.905-547-8148 ONE bedroom basement apartment, very nice area. Private. $450/month in cludes everything. Immediate. 315-8529 ____ O A K V ILLE - 1-bedroom basement apartment, sep arate entrance. Share bath/ kitchen. Near Sheridan College. $450/mo. (905) 845-1989________________ BURLINGTON- Central. 2bedroom apartment. New hardwood. No pets. $650/ mo. +hydro, includes park ing. Sept. 1st. 388-5236; 634-7068________________ SPACIOUS 1 bedroom basem ent apartm ent, seperate entrance, monitored security system, large kitchen/family room. C/vac, A/C fridge and stove. No laundry. No pets. Nonsm oker, singles only please, available Sept 1st. $800 inclusive. 905-8498451 (River Oaks) B R O N TE 2-bedroom apartments from $920/mo. Sept. & Oct. Includes heat, hydro, parking, locker. Q uiet building. (905)827-8228 _______ _ BRANT/ Prospect- 2 bed room adult lifestyle. 6-plex, parking, utilites included. No pets, walk to GO. Avail able Oct. 1st. $780. Call anytime. 905-639-6920 BRONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: immaculate, 1-bdrm, sin gle executive, all inclusive; cable, parking, brand new appliances. $1,250./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. HOMES to RENT w/Option to BUY or Creative Financing Available to facilitate purchase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Neliigan, Assoc. Broker (905)639-5258 Fte/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor E-mail: BURLINGTON near Lake/ schools/ bus. Large home. 2 kitchens, 2 baths $1500/ mo. available Sept.1. 6336822. ________________ DETACHED 4-bedroom home, T ra fa lga r/ Upper Middle area. Available Aug. 15th. $2300/mo. Call (905)844-6641___________ QUIET non smoking reno vated main floor 3 bedroom bungalow. Guelph Line/ Upper Middle. Utilities in cluded. $1,200./mon (905)331-6071________________ ALDERSHOT, Burlington. W ell-appointed semi. 2bedrooms, near amenities, $975/mo. -*-utilrt»es. No pets. Call (905)681-0262. O A K V ILLE , south of Lakeshore Rd./ 3rd-Ln. 5bdrm executive home, inground pool, A/C, 1/2 acre, steps to lake/ park. Sept. $3,2007mo. 465-2596 FEMALE professional (or mature student) to share new townhouse with 2 fe males. 3-bdrm. 2-1/2 baths, gas fireplace, 1,500 sq.ft (cable/phone in bdrm s) Dorval/Upper Middle. Sept. 1st. $450./mo. ( in c l) , first/la st. (905)469-4353 after 6 p.m,______________ BRANT Street- townhouse, non-smoker, clean, no pets, references required. $450/ mo. (905)336-0846_______ PRO FESSIO N AL n on sm oking male to share apartm ent. $400/month. First & last. B urlington. September 1st. 639-4200 NORTH B urlin g to n- Fe male, townhouse. master bdrm. ensuite bathroom, laundry. $425./m o. + u tilitie s . Sept 1st (905)332-0066.___________ OAKVILLE. Large master bedroom, share top floor, pool. BBQ/ utilities included $450/mo. First/ last. 905510-3183.________________ ROOMMATE w anted to share semi. Non-smoker, no pets. River Oaks area. Tony 257-5548___________ SHARE Townhouse -N.W. Burlington- close to ameni ties. $550- ./month includes utilities, parking. Sept. 1st. (905)-331 -5036. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 2 Bedroom Apts A vailable October 1-800-561-5947 WOODWORKING business & house for sale. North of O akville. A ttra c tiv e p ro ducts. Will also sell busi ness only. Owner retiring. (905)876-4355.___________ WANTED Im m ediately!!! Hostesses and Consultants! C hristm as A round the World is here! Confirm your attendance fo r our Aug. 29th event! Call (905) 3159440 for more information! Free Gift valued at $25 for all Guests. NEW Renovations- 3-bed room to w nh o u se m a iso nettes. 1 p a rk l*^. Sept./ Oct. Starting $850./m o .+ utilities. North Burlington. (905)319-9104____________ BURLINGTON: 2-bdrm from $926/m o.+ utilitie s. Oct. 1st. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190. DOWNTOWN Oakville. 2bedroom loft. 5 appliances, air. September 1. $1600 inclusive. 338-9905_______ SPACIOUS, luxurious townhome in park-like set ting near Lake and A l dershot GO, 3-bedrooms, familyroom, 3.5 baths, C/A, C/V, 2 gas F/P, patio, bal cony, skylights, garage. 6 appliances. O ctober. $ 1 ,650/m o.+ (905)6597826 Includes utilities. Parking Available (905) 690-1896 WEST Burlington, 2-bedroom, indoor pool, sauna, exercise room, security, un derground parking, cable, no pets, $850/mo. inclusive. 333-9436-_______________ O A K V ILLE DowntownLarge 2 bedroom renovat ed luxury suite in small quiet adult building, 2 baths, seperate dining, fire place, 6 appliances & more. $1,860/mo. all inclusive. 2yr. lease available. 905274-5778________________ 2-BEDROOM available immediately. No pets. Ref erences Speers Rd. & Kerr area. (905)842-2153 Downtown B u r lin g to n 1.?&3Brirm Ants Available Senl./Oct. Freshly painted, some with new kit. cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shop ping, Hospital & Lake! Call (905) 637-0321 ONE bedroom apartment on Kerr St., O akville, a vailable Sept. 1st., $800mo. C lean, sm all building. 905-844-7843 OAKVILLE. OEW/ Trafal gar. 2-bedroom from $879/ mo. Parking included. Well maintained building. Nellie, (905)339-2028. C A N A D IA N A .Q uiet, well m ain ta in ed lakefront b uilding. Very spacious l& 2 -b e d ro o m s a vailable S eptem ber. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486__________ LARGE bright 2-bedroom basement a partm ent, Bronte. Private entrance, parking. $995/mo. inclu sive. Sept. 1st. First/ last. 847-0997._________ BRANT/PLAINS RD. Ren ovated 1 bedroom in 6plex, available Immediate or Sept. 1st. $580/mo. plus hydro. Near OEW, GO. R eferences. 1-905-2765816 (leave message) GORGEOUS 850 sq.ft 1bdrm. basement apt. Pros pect/ Drury. Separate en trance, full kitchen, lots of outside light. Includes 1 parking spot, heat, hydro, laundry, a/c. cable Great landlords $825/mo. Avail. Oct. 1st. 333-5064________ BRONTE Walk to Lake. 2bedroom apartment in 6plex. Immediate posses sion. $860/mo. -^utilities. Parking . (905)847-1138. NORTHSHORE Towers. 1Bedroom, Nov. 1st. $750.; 2-Bedroom, Oct. 1st. $850. Utilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane. 9am7pm. 681-1307* Burlington 220 NEAR Upper O akville Shopping Mall. Share house. Pool, A/C $350./mo A vailable Im m ediately. (905)337-3848____________ QEW/ B urlington- fu r nished separate entrance, w/o to large deck, fridge/ m icrow ave/ BBQ, A/C, parking. No smoking/ pets. September 1st. 634-1201 ROOM in large clean, 4 bedroom house in Waterdown. Mature, responsible, non-sm oker, share all am enities including C/A. parking, alarm system. Pri vate bath, large yard. $550./mon 905-690-1409 BURLOAK & Lakeshorefurnished room with kitchen facilities. Suit male nonsmoker. $550 inclusive. Sept. 1st. 631-5884 after 6pm_____________________ BURLINGTONLarge room, $450/mo.. cable, util ities, parking, kitchen/ laun dry included. Near QEW. Suit young professional. (905)681-7929.__________ WALK to B urlington Mall. Separate entrance. Suit w orking fem ale, nonsmoker. $395/m onth. 333-8865________________ BURLINGTON / Oakville- 1 bedroom/ 2pc bath and 1 bedroom / shared bath. Happy w orking person $400*$500/inclusive. 3318799 or 842-7428 campers trailers BEAUTIFUL, Newly Renovated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments. Some with lake views! R efurbished, P restigious Burlington Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo 905-637-6701 NEW 4-bedroom basement apartment. Glen Abbey. Separate entrance. Parking. $1150. Immediate. 847-9107 TYANDAGA One 1-Bdrm & Two 2-Bdrm. Oct. 1st New appliances Freshly Painted Low-rise buildings Large, private patios 1973 Lional trailer, 19 ft. sleeps 6. Canopy, stove, fridge, furnace, new tires. Gord 319-3899 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0016 Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW Bachelor from $689* 1-Bdim from S779* Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0015 PALM ER/ Guelph Line area. 3-bedroom, finished rec-room, 1-1/2 baths, ga rage, pool, playground in complex. No appliances, $1100/mo+ utilities. 3324472 18 ft. aluminum boat and trailer. 90hp Mercury mo tor. Electric trolling motor. Fish finder. Downriggers. Live well. Many extras. $9.000/best offer. Paul 332-3957 BURLINGTON CO-OP, 2bedroom ^French door to sun room. Back corner. Lots of windows. 824 Brant St. Walk to lake. GO & 3 malls. $255. maintenance fee incl. taxes. $85,000. (905)634-4499: (905)5417243 3-Bdrm 2-Level LOOKING for an Executive Renta! in the $1500 to $5000 range? We can help! Several to choose from. (905)847-5095'. E xt.70. Kathy Murray, Salesperson, Active Properties Inc. (Broker)_________________ Townhomes 2418Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. C a ll 6 3 9 - 9 2 1 2 SHERIDAN C ollege- 4 bedroom. 1 1/2 baths, patio, finished basement. Sept. 1st or earlier. (416)-4108322, prepconfirm atjon@netscape.net________ BURLINGTON- Luxury townhouse @ 3480 Upper Middle Rd. $1200 + utilities. Sept. 1st. 905-387-5110 POOLSIDE Swimming Lessons: Quality lessons, affordable prices. All lev els. Private/sem i-private, your pool or ours. 827-0463 I industrial /commercial space ` (2% disc, included) 1+ bedroom in Aldershot, A/C. cable, laundry, patio, no-smoking/ pets. $650./ mo. plus hydro. Sept. 1st. 631-0122________________ SPACIOUS 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. C om petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellm aintained. C onvenient location. (905)333-- 9846, Noon-8pm INDUSTRIAL Units (2) Approx. 1500 & 2700 sq.ft. Ideal for entre pre n eu rs. Great Burlington location. (905)634-6334 T T T T T LUXURY. New, furnished, prestigious Glen Abbey 3-4 Bdrm Homes and 1-3 Bdrm C orporate Condos. TV. VCR, 6 appliances, stereo, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Daily, W eekly. Monthly. From $1295-2995/ month Visa, MasterCard, AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M $10/MONTH extends your local calling area. Talk for e v e r... whenever! Share savings with reverse call ing. Ability Tel, since 1994. (905)842-3738, (905)6318202____________________ 1930'S 9 piece walnut din ing room suite. Original fin ish & hardware. Good con d ition for age. Asking $1750. 905-825-0960 after 6pm_______ t_____________ 5PCE. Mediterranean bed room set. Good condition. Call (905)333-5815 DOWNTOWN Oakville for lease. Avail, immediately. $550/mo. Call Forbes 416420-3952 or (905)842-9275