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Oakville Beaver, 20 Aug 2000, p. 2

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2 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, August 20, 2000 Contract negotiations start Thursday (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e 1) In the meantime, the union has contract talks scheduled for Thursday with the school board and Chud's hoping progress can be made. "Workload and compensa tion were the two biggest issues cited when we surveyed mem bers," he said. Chud has previously noted teachers haven't had a raise in seven or eight years. As for workload, the Provincial funding formula could require boards to ask sec ondary teachers to handle seven classes per year instead of six. The extra class requirement was staunchly opposed by teachers in 1998 contract talks, who noted it would increase work and cut preparation time. And under Bill 74, extracur- riculars (after-school academic help, coaching and supervision of other activities) can be made mandatory at the Education Minister's discretion. Janet Ecker has offered to hold back on this requirement, provided teachers do not with draw extracurricular services during bargaining. Teachers unions have not responded to this offer. Ford provides $200,000 for high school workplace health and safety program Ford of Canada President Bobbie Gaunt Ontario Minister of Labour Chris Stockwell announced a new workplace health and safety education initiative for Ontario high school students, on Thursday 'Live Safe! Work Smart!' is the title for the new curriculum support materials being provided to high schools this fall. It's also the message that the two gave to young workers while touring the Canadian National Exhibition - one of Ontario's largest employers of youth every summer - the day before open ing. "Young workers, like the thousands here at the CNE, must always remember that health and safety is the first priority," said Stockwell. "Because of their inexpe rience, they often aren't aware of poten tial hazards in the workplace. That's why young worker health and safety is a top priority for this government. "We are putting a lot of effort and resources into ensuring that young peo ple know how to work safely. And we're getting full support from business, labour and our health and safety part ners. We intend to make Ontario one of the safest places in the world in which to work." `Live Safe! Work Smart!' brings this important discussion into high school classrooms, giving teachers comprehen sive support materials on the new health and safety education requirements con tained in the Ontario high school cur riculum. The materials are comprehensive, informative and designed with classroom teaching in mind, offering class plans, overheads and handouts. Stockwell thanked Gaunt for Ford of Canada's generous support o f the provincial program. Ford of Canada has committed $200,000 to support the launch of the program, as part of its growing roster of partnerships committed to youth injury prevention. "The 'Live Safe! Work Smart!' pro gram is a perfect fit with Ford of Canada's commitment to educate and raise awareness among youth about safety and injury prevention," said Gaunt. "Training youth to avoid serious injuries is a cause that touches us both emotionally and rationally, as an employer and as individuals. "We are delighted to be able to sup port the program directly, as well as with the expertise of two of our partners in youth injury prevention and safety edu cation - SMARTRISKTM, a national non-profit organization dedicated to youth injury prevention, and Young Drivers of Canada, the nation's leading driver education organization," she added. Stockwell also announced the cre ation of the Young Worker Health and Safety Advisory Panel, a broad-based group including students and parents. Its on-going job is to recommend to gov ernment, labour, business and workplace health and safety groups the best ways to prevent death and injury among young workers in Ontario. Attend this free breakfast seminar to learn: W ith Jerry W h ite C anada's Forem ost F in a n cia l Expert Jerry W h ite is the syndicated host of M oney Talks Coast To Coast, The N a tio n a l RRSP Report, and Family Fortune. He is also editor & co-author of the bestseller D eath & Taxes. . Charitable & Planned Giving for tax-free income and tax write-offs · Multi-generational tax-free management of mutual funds and other assets · How to maximize income with a mutual fund Systematic Withdrawal Plan · Tax-advantaged mutual fund investing · Simplify your financial life with a core and satellite mutual fund investment portfolio Insurance Products provided as a Life Insurance Agent through Transamerica . How to cut taxes and probate fees with Investment Holding Corporations & Trusts F R E E S E M IN A R ! Presented by: Thursday, August 2 4 th , 9 :3 0 a.m Glen Abbey Golf & Country Club C a n a d ia n O p e n R o o m 1 3 3 3 D o rv a l Dr, O a k v ille Tim Trian, CFA, Director, Senior Investm ent Advisor & Branch Manager, and Laura Trian, CA, CFP Investm ent Advisor Dundee Securities Corporation 2 0 0 -2 9 0 8 South Sheridan Way, O akville, ON (Q.E.W. And Dorval Dr.) Continental breakfast w ill be served. To Reserve Your Free Seats, Call: 9 0 5 - 8 2 9 - 0 6 0 0 (2 4 hrs) THE FACTORY MAY HAVE MOVED, BUT THE BEAM STORE IS STILL HERE TO SERVE YOU! H u rry in , o n ly a h a n d fu l le ft a t th is p ric e ! First come first served BEAM CLASSIC M odel # 35 3 Z A Z Z Y TH E M U S IC A L ^ CLO W N! J M ON DAY - SUNDAY 12NOON - 4PM BACK TO THE BOOKS · Pow erful 107" W a terlift canister · Designed for the averag e hom e · C om plete w ith Butler electric Pow erhead and electric hose & attachm ent set S ID E W A LK ^ SALE! 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