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Oakville Beaver, 20 Aug 2000, p. 20

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20 Oakville Beaver Weekend · Sunday, August 2 0 ,2 0 0 0 Employment Opportunities - W arehouse Help T u r n ils (C a n a d a ) L td ., a d is tr ib u to r o f p r o d u c ts fo r th e w in d o w c o v e r in g in d u s tr y , is s e e k in g a fu ll- tim e W a r e h o u s e Person. Duties include: S h ip p in g / R e c e iv in g a n d F o r k lif t o p e r a tio n . S o m e h e a v y lif tin g is r e - q u ir e d . B ilin g u a lis m ( F r e n c h / E n g lis h ), a lth o u g h n o t r e q u ir e d , w o u ld b e a n a s s e t. F a x r e s u m e to : 905-469-9895 o r e - m a il: c h u r c h .tu r n ils @ o n .a ib n .c o m a v a ila b le righ t A major auto parts manufacturer with a state of the art facility in Milton requires: NORTH AMERICA'S MOST DYNAMIC CHAIN of salons requires Experienced HAIRSTYLISTS sOakville, Burlington, Waterdown W e o ffe r: S ta rtin g b o n u s $ 2 5 0 -$ 5 0 0 ; G re a t co m m is s io n s ; Career advancem ent th ro u g h o u t N orth A m erica; Flex, w o rk hours; S olid benefit program . FULL-TIME MEMBER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Experienced teller with good comm u n ic a tio n , s a le s an d s e rv ic e sk ills. Lending or mutual fund license would be an asset. This position is for a maternity leave from S eptem ber until June. Please send resume to: Oakville, Ontario Fax: 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -2 1 5 5 P ro d u c tio n /A s s e m b ly ° TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALL KYM: (905) 849-8808 Qualifications: 6 + m o n t h s o f fa c to r y /w a r e h o u s e O w n tr a n s p o r t a t io n is a n a s s e t e x p e r ie n c e LEADING FITNESS CENTER Looking for mature, reliable people to fill the following full-tim e / part-time positions ° * SALES CLERKS * We are expanding and have openings for Full-time & Pad-time o $10.00 - $12.00 an hour for short and long term assignments. This is an amazing opportunity - loaded with potential! It you m eet the qualifications, fax you r resum e im m ediately to: (416) 622-7258, or call: (416) 622-1427. · · · · · Reception Personal Trainers Kinesiologists M em bership Consultants M ain ten an ce For Burlington New Location FLOWERS BY THE DOZEN F T & P T P o s titio n s · E x c e lle n t w a g e s & b e n e fits fo r e x p e r ie n c e d fu lltim e . CARPET CLEANING TECHNICIANS Complete training provided previous experience not necessary. Only honest hard working people need apply. Must have valid driver's license. Floral Designers also Required! A P P L Y W IT H R E S U M E T O : Call 905- 333-8100 or fax 905- 333-1414 a leading manufacturer of Bandsaw Blades, Cutoff Saws, Production Saws, and a full line Distributor of industrial MRO Supplies and cutting tools to customers across North America. We are currently seeking proactive individual to assume the following challenge for our Burlington location: 80 0 Queenston Rd., Stoney Creek Tel: ( 9 0 5 ) 6 6 2 - 1 1 1 2 / Fax: ( 9 0 5 ) 6 6 2 2433 DoALL Industrial Supplies, BE A DOG WALKER IN O A K V IL L E Earn extra money doing something you love.1 CREATURE COMFORTS PET SERVICES is looking for responsible, mature individuals who love animals to provide daily dog walking, regular pet visits or inhome care. Must have a car and be available between 11am-3pm, Mon. to Fri. Minimum 6 month com mitment required. Adults only please. References re quired. · SERIOUS INQUIRES CALL (905) 2 7 8 - 9 7 3 8 · Call 905-681-6392 INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Id e a lly , y o u have 3 to 5 y e a rs e x p e rie n ce , s e lf-m o tiv a tio n , s u p e rio r c u s to m e rs re la tio n s , e x c e lle n t o rg a n iz a tio n a l, w ritte n and v e rba l c o m m u n ic a tio n , and c o m p u te r s k ills are e ssen tia l fo r success in th is p o s itio n . K now ledge o f HSS and carbide c u ttin g to o ls an asset. We o ffe r an a ttra ctive co m p e n sa tio n plan in clu d in g b enefits. Please reply by fo rw a rd in g y o u r detailed resum e o u tlin in g y o u r experience by fax to: HERBAL MAGIC Now Open in Oakville F/T HEALTH CO UNSELO R p o sitio n s availab le Provide weight management counseling & sell herbal products in a clinic setting. Sales experience preferred, excellent opportunity for advancement. B u r lin g to n P o s t MAILROOM A ft e r n o o n s h if t s a v a ila b le f o r M a tu r e P e r s o n s t o w o r k T u e s d a y to F r id a y fr o m 4 p .m . to 8 p .m : S a fe ty s h o e s re q u ir e d . A p p ly in p e r s o n t o L a u r ie a t: 4 0 5 7 F a ir v ie w S t., B u r lin g to n ( W e s t e n tr a n c e o f C le g g G la s s B u ild in g ) M o n d a y - F r id a y , 9 a .m . to 5 p .m .. DoALL Industrial Supplies Burlington Sales Manager · Fax: (905) 333-6918 No telephone inquiries. Only those candidates selected for an interview w ill be contacted. We thank all applicants for their interest. ACHIEVE SUCCESS! Call for further inform ation (905) 637-6019 ask for Lee. k ·AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS · PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST W ou ld you like deserved re co g n itio n and praise? W ou ld you like an e xciting, positive and supportive w o rk e nvironm ent? W ou ld yo u like to kn ow w h a t is happening in y o u r co m pa n y? W ou ld you like jo b se c u rity and above average inco m e ? * * W o u ld you like c o m p a n y paid "certificate" tra in in g p ro g ra m s? W o u ld you like to w o rk fo r a g ro w in g and p rog re ssive co m pa n y? * W o uld you like to w o rk fo r a lon g established fa m ily ow ned business? * W o u ld you like a career th a t you w ill e njoy fo r the long te rm ? * W o u ld you like excelle nt g ro u p b enefits and a R egistered R etire m e n t P ension Plan? M e a d o w v a le F o rd is lo o k in g fo r a u t o m o t iv e te c h n ic ia n s fo r th e day and night shifts. T h e s u c c e s s fu l a p p lic a n ts s h o u ld p o s s fe s s a u to r e la te d e x p e r ie n c e , g o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills a n d b e a b le to w o r k in a te a m e n v ir o n m e n t. * MEDICAL SECRETARY A G ourm et Fast Food C hain Now has opportunities for ambitious individuals, cheerful individuals seeking rapid personal growth and financial gain. Career Tramin F/T AND P /T STAFF ARE YOU TIRED OF WORKING IN A DEAD END JOB? Lick's now has opportunities for people who want to get ahead. F/T at Lick's can lead to Managemen Po sitions. Apply in person after 2pm at the following location: 3315 Fairview Street, Burl. Required full-time by K M H Cardiology & Diagnostic Centres, a com pany that prides itself in a philosophy and tradition that em phasizes efficient, high quality and caring diagnostic health services. Candidates must have excellent custom er service/written communication skills and be computer literate. C -ia ' 1C a n a d i a n Therapeutic College Professional Training Fax resume to Lynda at: (9 0 5 ) 8 5 5 -1 8 6 3 Registered Massage Therapist Sports Injury Therapist S ' Call 9 0 5 .6 3 2 .3 2 0 0 o r ^ - -- ( Toll Free 1 .8 7 7 .2 7 8 .8 8 8 8 Y ~ 760 Brant St., B u rlin g to n , ONy *·« _ P le a s e fa x r e s u m e to D a v e P a r tr id g e a t (9 0 5 ) 5 4 2 -1 7 8 7 S T E E L T U B I N G MACHINE OPERATORS Summo is a young, aggressive manufacturing compa ny. M in. Grade 10, good English communication skills and strong work ethic required. Duties include producing/ assembling 100% quality parts to produc tion standards, part inspections and accurate record keeping, p ro fit sh arin g , fu ll benefits and future growth opportunities. Submit resumes attn: Human Resources F a x 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -7 3 6 0 o r E m a il: ro b @ s u m m o .c o m S u m m o M a n u fa c tu r in g 1 2 0 0 B u r lo a k D r., B u r lin g to n , O N L 7 L 6 B 3 COMMERCIAL LINES RENEWAL UNDERWRITER Required in our OAKVILLE office. Duties include underwriting renewals and endorsements, broker correspondence and follow -up, policy preparation and issuance and other adm inistrative support as needed. Only candidates with previous commercial underw riting experience w ill be considered. Must have excellent technical skills as well as strong com munication and proven customer service skills. FORWARD RESUMES TO: Apply Now for Septem ber 2000 Financial Assistance Available (If Eligible) Email: ctcmassage@netaccess.on.ca. Website: www.netaccess.on.ca/-ctcmassage Meadowvale Ford 2 2 3 0 B a ttle fo r d R o a d M is s is s a u g a , L 5 N 3 K 6 E -m a il: fo r d @ n e tc o m .c a '6 consecutive Nodh American Customer Excellence Award Winner" 2000 Mississauga News "Readers Choice -Automotive Service" Award Winner BELL MOBILITY Cellular Plus Centre Seeks individuals for the following positions Christine Makuch, Chubb Insurance Fax: (416) 863-9571 · e-mail: cmakuch@chubb.com JO B O R IE N T E D T R A IN IN G S ' SEPT I C e r tif ie d C o u rs e s · Micro Computers MS Office Intemet/E-mail · Accounting · Office Administration · M edical/Legal Asst. · Dental Receptionist Pglice Foundations Diploma Store M anager Assistant Store M anager Retail Sales Representatives Receptionist - Full & Part tim e Administration Fax resum es to: 9 0 5 -6 2 9 -9 2 9 7 IMMIGRATION Canadian/ US Immigration Secretary needed for busy Immigration Practice. Experience needed on Cdn. Independent applications, Family Class Sponsorships and/or employment authorizations. Excellent comput er, telephone and research skills needed. Resume to: B R O W N S C A R F O N E H A W K IN S TRAVEL COUNSELORS R e q u ire d fu ll & p a rt-tim e fo r b o th C ru ise an d N o n -C ru is e D iv is io n s . For a p p t. ca ll Heather at 842-8650 o r s end re s u m e to : HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE (9 0 5 ) 6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 u 460 Brant St., Burlington c/o Helen Martin 120 King St. W., Ste. 1050 Hamilton, ON L8N 3P9 hmartin@bshlaw.on.ca Heather's Travel House, 635 Fourth Line Oakville, Ont. L6L 5W4 1 ^^ R e g is te re d Ministry of Education and Training (1982) REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY ORDER PICKERS F o r la r g e d is tr ib u tio n w a r e h o u s e in M ilto n . M u s t b e a b le to re a d , w r it e a n d s p e a k E n g lis h a c c u ra te ly . $11 ./h o u r to s ta rt. AccountsReceivable Clerk- Bilingual Wholesale pharmaceutical co. seeks an exp. Bilingual A/R clerk. Ability to work in a computerized environ ment, must have collection experience, communication & customer services skills. This entry.level position otters a competitive compensation package. O a k v ille B e a v e r LOADERS WANTED · M u s t be a v a ila b le to w o rk e a rly morning shifts · Som e heavy lifting · Safety shoes required Apply in person to: 427 Speers Rd., Unit 21 Tuesday-Friday, 9-5 Aesthetics Cosmetology Aromatherapy T m * - f w w w . L u b am era.com f T ® tr a in fo r ^ career APPLY IN PERSON MON. AUG. 2 1 ,10am to 2pm at i 90S 681-7882 1-888 809 5559 H RD C o ffic e H H M H H I SIS JOHN ST. BURLINGTON 310 Main St. E., Ste. 106, MILTON or call (905)681-7744 ' P le a s e b rin g v a lid S .I.N . & P h o to ID * Fax resume in confidence: (905) 560-7013 SCHOOL OF AESTHETICS & COSMETOLOGY LubaMera

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