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Oakville Beaver, 6 Aug 2000, p. 23

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Sunday, August 6, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 23 Hfttiuuj a Gcoiaqo Sah? NIGHT Shift Coordinator East O a kville - Advance ment potential, experience in Transportation/W arehousing. Previous super visory experience, comput er literate. MS Office and Excel, Wages $14/hr OT. Contact: J.P. Anderson & Associates careers @jpanderson.com Fax: (905) 6343850_____________ INTERNATIONAL Pool & Spa C e n te rs - Here we grow again! O n ta rio 's largest Pool & Spa Dealer is looking for short/long term staff. P ositions a vailable for: ' Service Tech's. SVC/Assistant & Managers. Retail Sales & Sales Person. Please fax resume to: (905) 849-7721 INSTALLER experienced in fishing wires- alarm, voice, co-ax, Cat5, fulltime. Ability to work in confined spaces, flexibility with hours/ travel, good communication skills and the ability to adapts to different work environments all required.E-mail resumes to: resumeQcancable.com. PIZZA delive ry drivers needed immediately. Hourly plus in high volume stores Local area. Call (905)9791231.__________________ AHR requires immediately: General Labourers. Temp, to Perm, positions a vail able Call (905)333-5011 GRAPHIC designer- on going part-time opportunity. Call (905)842-4474 ADMINISTRATOR/ Co-ordmator Full-time, Part-tiem Adminstrator for busy sales office needed Must be computer literate and have a friendly, outgoing person ality. Must be able to work weekends Please send resume to: Tribute Commu nities 905-420-7697 or email: sallw orth@ tributecom m unities.com No phone calls, please EXPANDING .natural health clinic seeking highly energetic individuals with 6 arms and 6 legs for fulltime front desk & part-time pro motions assistants. Must be m ature, career oriented with good telephone and clerical skills. Call by Aug. 9th: (905)257-6792. 2pm5pm daily OFFICE personnel needed with experience of trucking industry. Must be computer literate in Excel and Word. Duties include billing, light payroll, monthly reports and general office duties. Milton area. Fax resume to Peter Thomson at (905)693-1803. RECEPTIONIST required immediately for busy Bur lington office from 8:30am5pm. Please fax resume to: (905)335-8756 attn Dena ^ G olden G r id d l e F A M ILY RESTAURANTS Servers P/T Cook F/T Dishwasher Please apply in person: Mon., Tues., Wed., ONLY between 2pm-4pm 100% QUALITY Pro Painters = 100% sa tisfaction guaranteed Interior, exteri or. (905)334-2571 or (416)793-3339 BEFORE/ After school care in my home. Mon.-Fri. start 8 a m. 3 children. L i censed/ references. Days (416)366-9688. ext 2074, eve. (905)847-1147 LIVE-IN/OUT Nanny for 2 children, ages 6&4. North Oakville. Light housekeep ing, Mon - F ri., fulltim e , some evenings Previous experience & references required. Non-Smoker. 339-3376 NANNY required for 2 girls (5 & 7 yrs. old) light house keeping Call (9 05 )8 4 41509 CAREGIVER for 2 children 8 & 11 needed 3:30pm-6:30pm weekdays, in our home. S.E. Oakville, car required Starting September. (905)844-4126 JIM 'S Moving & Storage Local & long distance. Flat rates available. Call Jim, (905)659-4064, AESTH ETICIAN- exp & reliable person for downtown O akville Spa. Call (905)842-4474 EXPERIENCED Hair Stylist wanted for Verdi Hair Design in Trafalgar Village, call 905-844-8772 HAIRSTYLE Assistant re quired fu ll tim e for The Beehive Hair Studio, Oakville. Call 905-338-6193 HAIRSTYLIST & Make-up Artist. $350-$550 per week for new concept salon in Central Oakville. Call 8479504 Golden Griddle Family Restaurant 125 Cross Avenue, ON Trafalgar Village Mall CUSTOM Drapery, Acces sories Installation Re-upholstery & S lipcovers Workmanship guaranteed Reasonable rates Judy 335-2535 References supplied_______________ W m ifM daycare available LET them romp and roam here in my home, they'll run and play and learn all day. Qualified English Nanny. 3 1 9 -9 9 4 9 B rant/U pper Middle.________________ ECE Mom with 14-yrs ex perience including day care dire cto r and Preschool teacher has two full-tim e spots for children 1 to 5 years for lots of preschool fun- art, music, reading, com puter, big backyard, playroom Call 319-3018 EXPERIENCED ECE avail able in my home. Appleby/ New area, 6mos. to preschool. Call (905)633-9166 EXPERIENCED, hard-work ing, reliable, live-in Filipino nanny from overseas, seek ing employer to sponsor. Please call Lisa (416) 4960562_______ _____ THE neighbourhood's fa vourite mom has spaces available for 3+. First aid, CPR, large fenced yard, playroom, crafts, walks & outings. Lots of fun. Before & after school care for JK/SK B rant/ Upper Middle. Call 905-319-3875 SHARE our N an n y- or home / yours, Upper Middle & G rosvenor. C all (416) 801-1008_______________ THE Halton C hild Care Providers Association off ers support and a chance to network with other pro viders through workshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents. Burlington 331-9372; O akville 8476595 LIVE-OU T- Loving, non smoking nanny, full-time, in our home. Care of toddler ECE diploma or equivalent full-time experience. Refer ences required. Drivers li cense/ own car an asset. (905)634-6439 LIVE-IN Nannies/Housekeepers. in P hilipp in es seeking em ploym ent in Ontario Min wage, no fee to employers. Call O.E.A (416)699-6931 SEEKING live-m Nanny, experienced, with re fe r ences. English speaking, m inimum wage, light housework. (905)631-9954 T U ttH c tt& n i NOW HIRING · · · · · Full-time positions Flex hours Paid training Shift premium Benefits Apply in person 5051 Harvester Rd., Burlington QUEBEC NANNIES Caring, competent & trustworthy live-in Nannies available year round. Thoroughly & idivieweu. personally interviewed. ACQUIRE Cash $$$$$ Take advantage of you In vestm ents. R.R.S.P, L.I.R.A., L.I.F.. or A Pension Fund from an ex-employer of 10k required to be approved. Free C onsul tation. ` Private Financial Assistance. 24 hrs. Call Toll Free 1-888-800-0085 R & 1-877-754-5251. S ta rt w ith a C la ssifie d A d in o u r G a ra g e S ale s e c tio n in F rid ay s O a k v ille B e a v e r a n d re c e iv e sig n s a n d in f o r m a tio n o h h o w to r u n a su c c e ssfu l G a ra g e S ale. C all C la ssifie d A d v e rtis in g WAREHOUSE Person--- required F/T- Shipping/ receiving/ packaging etc. Good command of English. Good m anual d exte rity. Basic math skills and ability to lift over 60lbs required. (Oakville Company). Call 905-842-5035, fax resume 905-842-5329___________ HALTON R e n ta l, 375 Steeles Ave. E. Milton- Full time positions: Mechanic, small engine and light con stru ctio n equipm ent. M anager/counter person willing to train. Salary and benefits. Fax resumes to (905)878-5750 or call (905) 878-5740_______________ EARN $200., $300., $500., or more per week, Assem bling product in the comfort of your own home. Send a self addressed stamped envelope to: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St.. W., Suite 541, Ref: 628, Mississauga, Ontario, L5K 2 R 8 _______ U -H AU L Now hirin g for part-time Customer Service Rep>/ Counter help. Please apply in person with re sume to: 478 Woody Rd.. Oakville. No Phone Calls Please! An equal oppor tunity employer. SEARS O akville P lace currently looking for full-time Facilities Lead & 3 part-time full availability receivers. Please apply in person at Sears Oakville Catalogue Dept or call 842-9410 ext. 410___________________ RVT required fulltim e for busy small animal hospital in Oakville. We are looking fo r team oriented individuals with a minimum of 2 years experience as a tech. Fax resume to Ginny Demeny: (905)844-7351 PLAY It Again Sports3055 Dundas St. West, in Mississauga requires im m ediate fu ll-tim e Sales help. Training provided. Flexible hours. Please ap ply at store with your re sume. POSTAL Clerk- Full-time, evenings and weekends. Experiece with ROSS an asset. Apply: Shoppers Drug Mart, Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St. Oakville, Fax, (905)-827-8170 FULL-TIME- Days- MonFri., Weekends off! Reli able & mature. Benefits/ training/ transportation pro vided. (D.L. required). Call Molly Maid. 905-681-7484 Not suitable for students. REQUIRED Im m ediately Seamstress/Tailor. Join our team in M apleview Mall inside the Bay Store. FT/PT. Great remuneration for qualified person. Call Grace (905)681-0030, ext.227________________ KENNEL Assistant- parttim e O a kville location. Flexible hours, evenings and weekends. Experience an asset but not required. Fax: 842-3373, Mail: Box 907, Oakville L6J 5E8. PERMANENT p art-tim e, Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm (flexi ble). Telem arketing in friendly Oakville office. Will tra in. Call 9am-3pm weekdays, ServiceMaster (905)847-9216 HOSTESS position avail able for weekends. Back ground in Interior Design preferable. Please call Tracy @905-829-7718. FULL-TIME R etail Sales Manager required. Sales experience an asset. Full training provided. Please call Sophia 905-469-0119 Busy car dealer ship requires a 2nd/3rd Year Apprentice Mechanic For an interview call Ivan Cain, Service Manager (905)681-2162 Oakville Beaver 845-3824 Deadline: Wednesday, 6 p.m. cars for sale 1989 Chevrolet C avalier2-dr, p/s, p/b, auto, 4cyl., 122,000Km. Certifed, emmission, must see! $2700. (905)681-8565__________ 1990 Ford Tempo GL, auto, CD, pdl, ps. 156K. $2290./ best o ffer. Runs great. (905)510-1143.________ MUST Sell. 1988 Buick LeSabre, 2-dr, T-type, fully loaded. Minor rust. $2500. obo. Mike, 905-330-0340. 1993 Mazda 323 hatchback SE~ 5 speed, original, own er, mint, certified, emission tested, 205,000Km, $3500. 331-1963______________ 1989 Jeep Cherokee Lare do- Blue, 220K, 4 door, 4WD. auto. A/C, good run ning co nd itio n. Needs some bo^ty work. $2,000 as is obo. 905-331-3232 1988 VW C ab riole t Karmann 141K, auto, A/C, white on white. CD player, $6,000 obo. 905-331-3232 1996 Saturn S C 1 - dark green, excellent condition, low km's, $9o00.. ( (905)257-- 1804_______________ 1992 Buick R oadm aster orig ina l owner, power equipped, immaculate con dition. safety/ emission cer tified. Private. $6,700. obo (905)845-0346. ________ 1986 Grand Am- $999 obo. 335-9665______________ 1997 Ford Taurus Wagon, 69K silver, exceptional condition plenty of options certified and Drive Clean tested. 6 mo. limited power train w arranty. $12,600. Fairview T ire days (9 05 )6 3 2-8 1 5 1, evg. (905)317-6515.__________ 1993 Ford Taurus, 159K, loaded with options. Silver and spotless, clertified and Drive Clean tested. 6 mo. limited power train warran ty. $6,600. Fairview Tire Days (905)632-8151, evgs. (905)317-6515.__________ 1992 PONTIAC Sunbird, 174K, new tire s , tim ing belt, ce rtified and e m is sions passed, Alpine ster eo system, $4950. (905) 330-7531.______________ 1992 MERCURY Topaz GS, 4-door, silver. V6, a/c, auto, 120K, e-tested, certi fied. oiled $3,500. (905) 844-6175.______________ W* i l U b cars wanted S0-S5000.Reward- Cars, Trucks, Highest Cash Pric es Paid. Fast D eliveryFree Towing. Licensed Auto Wrecker. Auto parts sold also! 905-827-8015 (Oakville) I career training NO Fee! C areer Explorations is a 3-Week Course designed to help you plan yo ur career. Funded by HRDC. For infor m a tion / to re giste r call Grace (9 05)333-3499/ (905)878-1240 INSIDE Sales Representa tive needed. Must be out going, friendly, sales-oriented, with excellent Eng lish language skills. $10./ hr., Full-time/ days. Call Michelle at 905-827-8230 to apply. ASSISTANT Manager and Fulltime Sales Associate for novelty/ gift store in Burling ton. Must have retail experi ence Fax resume to: (905)634-3551 TRAVELODGE Burlington QEW now hiring full & parttime front desk. Flexibility of all shifts is required. Please fax or drop resume to: Nancy Delaurier, Assis tant General Manager. 950 W alker's Line. Fax: 905639-6900 No phone^palls. Equal opportunity employer. SERVICE Staff. Join our team this fall for full and part-time positions. Training Provided. Apply in person... Emma's BackPorch and The Waterstreet Cooker, 2084 Lakeshore Rd.E., Burlington. THE D icken's requires Night Cooking Supervisor and Kitchen Manager trainee. Call Rick Suitor between 3-5pm (905)3334991 or drop off resume to 423 Elizabeth St., Burlington HOSTESS- Full-time M-F.. & Servers, Bus Persons, Cooks. Apply- Nickels Restaurant- 2345 Trafalgar (Hwy.5). Oakville. ph:(905)257-9888, Fax: (905)-2571615__________________ FULL-TIME mature relaible persons required. Days/ afternoons. Apply in per son: Tim Horton's, Oakville Place Mall, 240 Leighland Ave. $9-$15/HR. Line Cooks, ex perienced, required fulltime. The Abbey Grill, 270 North Service Rd. Oakville; Tel: (905)338-5800__________ TREATS requires full-time Baker & full-time Counter Service Worker. Apply with resume: Treats (located in Oakville Place). Gini Caring Helpers Since 1989 MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee:(905) 631-0600 (416)812-9290 A-1 Credit Repair. We fix bad credit. Guaranteed!! 905-709-6275 ext.35 Burlington F airview Nissan BURLINGTON firm looking for a job shop scheduler/ customer service liaison. Outstanding people skills, organizational skills, and m eticulous attention to detail necessary. Salary negotiable with experience. U niversity education preferred. Fax resume to HR Mgr, at (905)335-5994 EXPERIENCED Shipper/ Receiver/ Inventory Con tro lle r required for Burlington firm. Outstanding computer/typing skills and customer service required. Salary negotiable with experience. Fax resume to HR Mgr, at (905)335-5994 QU ALITY conscientious company (Milton) seeks de pendable person for assem bly work with good m echanical a bility and experience with hand tools. Some heavy lifting required. Reply by fax only: (905) 875-4729______________ EXPERIENCED Transmis sion Swingperson for busy Burlington area shop. E lectrica l diagnosis an asset. Call (905)336-3779 or fax resume (905)3329401__________________ CABINET Maker with mini mum 3-5 years experience. Working with high pressure laminate required. Please call (905)822-0068_______ t y i l f office-clerical Busy ca r dealership requires energetic ^ general help wanted OFFICE MANAGEFI/ SECRETARY required for growing specialty practice in Burlington. Prior exp. in medical office required. Dictation skills an asset. Looking lo r candidates that are personable, efficient with excellent work ethic. FAX RESUME TO: (905) 315-9998 Attn: Janyce Ronson CHIROPRACTIC Office requires mature part-time As sistant. Must be comfortable working with com puters and have a knowledge of accounting. Previous m edical office experience an asset but not required. Please fax your resume to: (905)337-7044, Attn: Dr. Nada Luburic PHARMACY TechnicianExperienced. Full & parttime. Required immediate ly at Shoppers Drug Mart. Must be available all shifts. Competitive wages. Reply with resume to: Laurie Doyle, 470 Appleby Line, Burlington, L7L.2Y2, or fax 905-639-8890__________ CHIROPRACTIC Health Assistant/Medical Secretary or equivalent required for im-mediate full-time and/ or part-time position at a Multi disciplinary Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Clinic in Bur lington. Please fax resumes to (416)783-9853________ SECRETARY required for Oakville Doctor's office, 2 days/ week, (possibility of extra hours). Experience preferred. Please fax resume to: (905)842-8001 HYGIENIST required parttime one day/ week to start. One year experience mini mum. Oakville. Please fax resume: (905)844-4763 DENTAL Assistant required part-time, (evenings & alter nate Saturdays) in Oakville. Fax resume to: 905-8470988__________________ DENTAL Assistant. (Level II required) full-time in North Burlington office. X-ray cer tified. Fax resume to: 905332-5240____________ CERTIFIED Dental Assis ta n t- experienced s e lf starter, super attitude, peo ple person. 20 hrs/wk. Bur lington. (905)333-5553 P insetter Attendants Pinchasers & Cust. Service Full & Part-time Training Provided Retirees Welcome! Community Notices. Deaths N O O N A N , D o n a - (P ast Diocesan President of the C .W .L ., Ham ilton) Peacefully on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in her 87th year. Dona, beloved wife of the late Pat. Loved mother of Dona and her husband John Reid and Dennis and his wife Lynne. Cherished grandmother of Mark, Nancy, Marney, June, Jamie and great-grandmother of Nicki, Blake, Kieran and Brianna. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9pm Sunday. Funeral Mass 11:00am. Monday, August 7, 2000 at St. Andrew's Catholic Church, 47 Reynolds Street, Oakville. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. For Appointment: Call Ruby or Rob, (905) 681-2727 or drop off resume: Burlington Bowl 4065 Harvester Road Burlington, ON ENROL IM M EDIATELY 15 Mos. to 6 Years Professional, qualified staff. Complete educa tional daycare experi ence inch computers, beautiful large country playground. 6:30AM-6:00pm. Transportation avail. Leasing Consultant Perfect part-time professional position. Weekends and some evenings. Are you outgoing, personalbe and interested in a sales career? Fax resume to: E.C.E. resumes now being accepted from mature, ex perienced individuals. Resumes to: Crescent Nursery School, 404 Mofrison Rd. Oakville. ON L6J 4J9; Fax: (905)842-8328. We thank all applicants but advise only those selected for interview will be contacted. ACADEMYP reschool 3049 Guelph Line (at Hwy.#5) 335-0515 LOVING care in my River Oaks home. Full-time, Oyrs. to pre-school, references. (905)842-0636 BABYSITTING available immediately in my home. Full and part-tim e. Blue Forest H ill Street, Burlington. (905)333-8519 W m L ^1 daycare wanted PROVIDER for 1yr old boy 3days per week. 8am4:30pm, my home. Riveroaks area. Reliable, loving, trustworthy. References re quired. 338-8534 AFTER school daycare re quired fo r 7yr. old boy. Sept - June. Orchard area. A ppleby/ Upper M iddle. 3311112____ ___ TEACHER seeking live-out nanny fo r Sept, for twin boys age 2 & 3yr. old girl. Driver/ non-smoker. Refer ences required. 905-4692841__________________ R ELIA B LE caregiver needed part-time (Wed-Fri) for children. Sept.-June Drop-offs and pickups at St. Timothy's school required. 332- 8 3 0 8 ___ CARING energetic person required for sisters 3 & 5yrs old. 1-2 days per week in our SE O akville home 849-4936_____________ CAREGIVER required, one toddler, before/ after school care for older child. Our home, North B urlington. (905)319-2082 (905)639-0996 ACCOUNTING CLERK B ookkeeping back g rou n d & stro n g recon cilia tio n skills required. Dealership experience preferred. Please fax o r d rop off^ resum e w ith hand w ritte n co ver letter: VISTAMERE Oakville's Premier Retirement Residence requires mature, permanent part-time PROFESSIONAL cleaning lady will clean your home Spic'n Span. Special rates for seniors. (905)645-4892; (905)631-1306__________ EUROPEAN Lady to clean your house. Refer ences available upon re quest. Call Debbie (905)845-1814. I hayrides HAY/ Sleigh Rides, Horsedrawn. Groups, Birthdays. Families, Party Room. Un cle Porky's, 1/2-Hr. from Burlington. 1-800-2039093 l t v ! u i ,ost & found FOUND; Watch & key- 7/ 27/00. Francis Rd. Park area. 632-3440 to identify. FOUND: Parrot, Aug. 2nd, Tyandaga R d./B rant St. Grey, green, yellow and orange. (905)637-5369. FOUND: Bike, Aug. 1st. Chartwell/Cornwall area. Call to describe. (905)3993040.__________________ LOST: Cat. Strayed from home near Maplegrove & Lakeshore. Thick blue/gray fur, needs regular medica tion, generous reward! 3390200 WAIT STAFF Mon-Fri., 8am-2pm Previous experience necessary. Please apply at: 380 Sherin Dr., Oakville BURLINGTON TOYOTA RUBATSCHER, Walter Emil Taken suddenly on July 17, 20 00 , in Saudi Arabia, Age 47. Happy to be home near his loving sons Justin and Jonathan. Will be sadly missed by Lona and always in her heart. Friends will be received at the W ard Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, on Tues day, August 8, 2000, until time of serv ice in the Ward Chapel at 11:30 a.m. Cremation. Interment at Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. In memory of Walter, dona tions may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. "Forever With Us" HAVE A FLAIR FOR DECORATING? M ature person required fo r 1249 Guelph Line Attn L. Neville Fax: (9 0 5 )3 3 5 -4 0 4 8 BURLINGTON based Financial & Group Pension/ Benefit Consulting Firm has immediate position for Ad ministrative/ Office Clerk. Knowledge of Microsoft Office98, excellent communi cation & organizational skills a must. Bookkeeping, group pension/ benefit ex perience an asset. Fax re sume: 905-632-9003 or em ail: WPBC@ manynations.com LEGAL Secretary experi ence preferably in family law with strong computer and English skills required. Fax: Bridle & Bridle. (905)333-4787 Funeral Directors FULL-TIME SALES Flexible hours. D rop o ff resum e at: O a k v iew FUNERAL H O M E COVERS 275 Hays Blvd S.of Hwy.5 /Trafalgar Our family serving your family 56 L A K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL L E F un eral D ire cto rs · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville ·John Murphy · Patrick McDermott OAKVILLE SCHOOL Photographer re quired by Jostens Canada. Energetic, enthusiastic, car ing person with experience w orking with children required fu lltim e . Own transportation required. Will train. Fax resume: (905) 634-2999 TYPING /W .P. Services available. Resumes, Re ports, Spreadsheets, Pre sentations. copying, etc. Please call Linda (416) 251-1392. NEW York Fries- Hiring- for day shifts. Apply with re sume O akville Place location call M ichelle at 842-8583 ________ FOUND: Dwarf white albi no bunny, on Fothergill, Burlington. Call (905)3338830 842-2252

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