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Oakville Beaver, 12 Jan 2017, p. 19

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19 | Thursday, January 1 2 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Take steps to protect your privacy continued from p.18 ments and agencies do not go out of business when they fail to live up to expected standards. This places more onerous on the government and our elected parliamentarians to provide strict and competent oversight to ensure privacy is maintained. The final component is you. Every Canadian has the responsibility to ensure their privacy is maintained. Be vigilant and watch for any areas where your privacy has been compromised. Take all neces sary steps to be proactive at protecting your pri vate information. Simple measures like not carrying your pass port or social insurance number with you on a daily basis, because that information is not needed daily and should be kept in a more secure place. Shred all personal information before it is disposed of in the garbage or recycling bin. As stated above, privacy is a big deal. All of us, including the government, busi nesses, and individuals, should work at ensuring private information is kept private. -- submitted by Peter Watson of Peter Watson Investments and Aligned Capital Partners Inc, MBA, CFP, R.FP, CIM, FCSI., Certified Financial Planner ADVERTISING FEATURE H e a r in g p r o p e r ly h as b ro u g h t b a c k m y c o n fid e n c e B rid g e -lo v in g H u g h P a lm e r fo u n d th a t an a p p o in tm e n t w ith M ira c le -E a r d id th e tric k w h e n it c a m e to d e a lin g w ith his loss o f h e a rin g W hen m y wife and I m oved a few years ago, w e didn't know anybody in the area. We quickly m et locals through our bridge club. Bridge is the ideal game because it gets you aw ay from the television and into the comm unity to m eet people and make friends. It is also good for the hard o f hearing because it is so visual. Mentally, it keeps the brain going w ith all the rules, calculations and systems. There are so m any things to think about and th at's w hy it's so challenging. It's unique in that respect. Bridge is very social and in that respect my new M iracle-Ear hearing aids have been an enormous help, allowing m e to enjoy the laughter and conversation at the table. M y other lifelong passion has been tennis and it was during an indoor tennis training session that I first noticed m y hearing was not quite right. There were about 15 people in the class but I was the only one w ho h ad to go right up to the coach to hear his instructions. It was embarrassing and I had to rely on others in the group to interpret what he was saying for me. In hindsight, I recognize that m y hearing had been gradually deteriorating over the years. It was particularly noticeable during m y monthly get-togethers w ith fellow ex-Round Table members at a local pub. They could be a noisy bunch and I often m issed w hat was being said because o f the background noise. I went into a nearby sports store one day to buy some tennis balls. There was a MiracleEar shop a few doors along the road from the sports store. The m ajor decision was for m e to w alk in through the door. M y confidence in M iracle-Ear was strengthened when I learned that it had access to hearing aids from m any manufacturers. The Registered Hearing Instrument Specialist explained to m e that the latest hearing aids were not only discreet, but give 360-degree hearing. Hearing loss creeps up slowly. Listening requires the brain to process all the dialects and frequencies, and for me, the consonants kept dropping out. W hen M iracle-Ear did m y first hearing test, I was asked if the problem was worse in one ear than the other. The follow-up visit revealed similar levels o f deterioration in both ears. It's important to explain your hearing problems to the hearing instrument specialist in exact detail and I was pleasantly surprised that what I heard through the earpiece could be im proved through tiny adjustments to the device. Indeed, m y current hearing aids have a nifty remote control that has various settings for blocking out background noise from human chatter and road sounds. M y wife and I enjoy classical music, so listening to a live concert in full surround sound enhances the experience. The service from M iracle-Ear was exceptional. It operates a customer-friendly, open-door policy, and the helpful staff often deals with problems on the spot. These days, m y wife jokes that she doesn't talk to m e until I 've got m y M iracle-Ear hearing aids switched on. Joking aside, though, the biggest change they have made is to my confidence. I w ould recom m end anybody to get their hearing tested. I don't understand w hy more people don't go. d£° i School Kindergarten « B o a rd Registration _ Register N ow School Year 2017-2018 Note: If your child is currently attending one o f our schools for Junior Kindergarten, do not register for Senior Kindergarten. Junior Kindergarten m u st b e 4 ye a rs old b y D e c em b er 3 1 , 2 0 1 7 Senior Kindergarten m ust be 5 y e a rs old by D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 7 To d e te rm in e y o u r d e s ig n a te d h o m e s c h o o l, re fe r to o u r w e b s ite www.hdsb.ca ( Find My Local School). C all y o u r d e s ig n a te d sch o o l to fin d o u t w h ic h d a te s have be en e s ta b lis h e d fo r K in d e rg a rte n re g is tra tio n . Please b rin g th e fo llo w in g o rig in a l d o c u m e n ts w it h y o u to re g is te r: · P roo f o f address: any tw o o f th e fo llo w in g c u rre n t d o c u m e n ts - lease o r de e d , car re g is tra tio n , u tility b ill, re sid e n tia l te le p h o n e bill, m o v in g b ill, p ro p e rty ta x bill, b a n k s ta te m e n t, c re d it card s ta te m e n t, co rre s p o n d e n c e w ith a g o v e rn m e n t agency. P roo f o f age: b irth c e rtific a te o r pa ss p o rt o r b a p tis m a l/fa ith d o c u m e n t fo r y o u r child. P roo f o f c itiz e n s h ip : b irth c e rtific a te o r p a ssp o rt, R ecord o f L a n d in g (IM M 1 0 0 0 ) o r P e rm a n e n t R esident card. P roof o f im m u n iz a tio n o r p h ilo so p h ica l o r religiou s e x e m p tio n fo rm s (co m p le te d m edical a u th o riz a tio n w h e re necessary). · · · If you are not the child's parent, or if you have sole custody, please bring proof of custody (court order). Parents should contact the Principal/Vice-principal if they require accessibility accommodations in order to register their child for kindergarten. Please register your child by February 3, 2017. A ccess t o th e schoo l lib ra r y is p ro v id e d o n c e re g is te re d . For further information, please contact: Phone: 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -3 6 6 3 Toll fre e : 1 -8 7 7 -6 1 8 -3 4 5 6 B u rlin g to n : e x t.3 2 9 4 H a lto n Hills & M ilto n : e x t.3 3 2 4 O akville : e x t.3 2 7 1 o r 3 3 0 7 W h y C h o o s e M ira c le -E a r? · Personalized Treatment Plans · Lifetime of aftercare · Qualified Registered Hearing Care Professionals · Benefit from cutting edge research and technology - with a wide range of options to suit each individual If you require language assistance registering y o u r s tu d e n t fo r school please c o n ta ct H alton M u lticu ltu ra l C ouncil (905) 8 4 2 -2 4 8 6 . Si necesita ayuda en su idiom a para m a tricular a su hijo/a, p o r favor llam e al H alton M u lticu ltu ra l C ouncil (C entro M u lticu ltu ra l de H alton) al (905) 8 4 2 -2 4 8 6 ` Id ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 - 2 4 8 6 f t 3 c l`0 frptra: S d 'fl-IH cid S'Hd U iW f cfm Hd'fycC tl'JWl cTO (905)842-2486 d'fWA HttcfloWtldW oft fftl Call Miracle-Ear Oakville today and make an appointment for a FREE hearing test. 289.813.0222 #2 - 2520 Postmaster Drive Oakville, ON L6M 0N2 ?ioi x iy °i * i i 2 mmm 9\m, eioi 3 1 ^ * 1 {9 0 5 )8 4 2 -2 4 8 6 ^ d to ·"7 a ^ C ilita jll ^ y llA 1 T l.^ r V i ( Halton j ih o i 2^1 u s o iA is mm TAA13 1 HlifLICh ^ jl* j )S) A d lh ll/^ illh ll . mw,. . . l ^^Miracle-Ear' 905 - 842 - 2486 : ^ S jll Multicultural Council )

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