BEAVER | Thursday, December 29, 2 0 1 6 | 26 Advertorial Give your house a vintage modern mix with DIY tips Perfecting the trending look of vin tage m odern d ecor is all about striking the right balance betw een old and new. A lthough gorgeous versions of this style can be found everyw here, it can be dif ficult to know w here to start. Get ideas for y o u r n ext p roject with these creative ways to fashion vintageinspired d ecor from Sharon G rech, colou r and design exp ert for Benjam in M oore. the hardware on cabinets or coffee tables -- brass, nickel or rubbed bronze finishes will keep it classic. Focus on the bright side N othing says vintage like the right colou r hues -- but be careful n ot to go overb oard . G rech recom m en d s ad orn ing the walls in W yth e Blue H C -1 4 3 or Fern w ood Green 2 1 4 5 -4 0 to m ix vintage exu berance w ith m od ern appeal. If you prefer neutral walls, add pops of colou r w ith bright retro chairs, patterned rugs, o r art-d eco inspired artw ork. | OAKVILLE Antique it Adding antiques or vintage furniture to y o u r collection will w arm up the clean, m odern lines in con tem p orary design. "Buying vintage doesn't have to break the b an k ," Grech confirm s. "Antique m arkets or garage sales are som e of the best places to find older tables, cabinets o r chairs. O nce y ou 've found you r pieces, give them new life w ith a fresh coat of paint and new fabric if necessary." You can create a w eathered look with paint by sanding away any peeling or high gloss paint and picking a co lo u r that w orks well for antiquing, like w hites and brights. Use w aterborne in terior alkyd paint and a high quality synthetic paint brush. G rech recom m en ds a paint from Benjam in M oore, w h ich is ideal for furniture proj ects because it's self-levelling and has a longer dry tim e, allowing you to achieve a high-end finish. For the p erfect w eathered textu re, Use vintage game and hobby pieces Use vintage pop art to bring the family together and add to the them e. "Right now, it's all about 1950s-insp ired furniture and gam es. R ecord players, retro bikes, and ping p on g tables are great col lectibles, but are also fantastic for enter taining," says Grech. "Old picture frames, light fixtures, and antique jars, vases or bow ls will also help add finishing touches to y o u r ro o m ." Learn m ore about antiquing y o u r fur niture at w w w .benjam inm (N C ) allow paint to dry and then sand som e o f it off using 8 0 -g rit sanding paper. F o cu s on the legs, draw ers, and edges. D on't w o rry about im perfections, w hich will m ake the furniture look like it aged naturally. F o r a finishing tou ch , update $3,800, $3,288, $2,399,800 SAM MCDADI REAL ESTATE INC.,BROKERAGE M C D A D I .C O M ' -W Glenn Weiss mansion. Over 6,000 sq ft. 5+2 bed rooms, 6baths. Finished basement. In-ground pool. TEAM MCDADI S E L L SA HOM E EVER Y6 fibURS* Let us show you how we can sell SAM MCDADI your home for E 3.Sc., M.B.A. | top dollar! Sales Representative >FMAY 20T i E E s Build y o u r ow n dream e sta te . 144 a cre s in the sh a d o w o f th e N iagara E scarpm ent. Once in a lifetime opportunity to build your dream home! 73.2 gorgeous acres. Situated close to major cities. Caledon. Muskoka living closetothe city. 13.7Acres. 6 bedrooms, 5 baths. Finished basement. In ground pool. .rH HM in ia !! i S 3 HV 3 s H 3 li It I J TJ [ FT Custom built. 4 bdrm, 5 bath home. Separate entrance to basement. Gourmet kitchen with servery and W/I pantry. Brand new approx 3,200 sqft. Extensively upgraded. 4 bedrooms. Hardwood. Stunning upgraded dream kitchen. C arlisle. Custom built. 120 x 180 ft lot. Ideal fo r 2 fam ilies. O ver 7,000 sq ft. Finished basem ent. Bronte Creek. 2 A cre parcel. Tons o f potential. 3 bedroom bungalow. Your Muskoka in the city. $899 $850, 0i DIRECT 4 1 6 .8 0 1 .2 4 0 0 S A M @ M C D A D I.C O M NORTH OFFICE 905 . 502.1500 SOUTH OFFICE 905 . 823.1500 Completely renovated. 1+1 bedroom.Slateand Hardwood floors. Finished walkout basement. Approx 1200 sq ft Gorgeous semi. Double car garage. Hardwood floors. Open concept. Spacious kitchen. Walk outto patio. 1+1 bedroom condo, 2 baths. Open concept. Hard wood. Crown moulding. Underground parking + locker. Corner Unit. Approx 1000 sqft. One level 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse. Privateterracewith BBQ connection. Sales Representatives:Abraham Azraq,Ahm ad Shehab-Eldin,Alvin Tung, Ben Sadeg, Bill McFarland, Craig Yaffe, FadiAbou-Chalha, Helen O'Brecht, Isaiah Bayley-Hay, John Athanasiou, Julie Jones, Kayla Ie, Leanne Binsell, Lisa Lee, Marcello Marchese, Mark Powell, Marwa Nadr, Maryam Kermani, Marzena Ciecielag, Mase Rasti, Michelle Delemos, Mike Azraq, M onaAzraq, Norm Wilkie, Obie Khwaja, RJ Shahi, Ron Barlay, Sam McDadi, SaraAzraq, Sean Johnny, Shannon Bowen, Sue-Maya Hawass, Tom Gusic, ZaheerShaw, Zareer Divecha. Brokers: Ashkan Khaleghi, Harry Nanda, Jim Yurchuk, Leonard Howell, Sabrina Nagar.