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Oakville Beaver, 29 Dec 2016, p. 9

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9 | Thursday, December 29, 2 0 1 6 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Call for a national dementia strategy welcome with great optimism. "It' s wonderful. This is something that should cross all party lines," said Burnett, noting that Halton MPP Indira Naidoo-HarIronically, Mary Burnett wouldn't be person ris has also been a staunch advocate for more ally affected by dementia until long after join support for dementia care and support ser ing the Alzheimer Society' s Hamilton-Halton vices -- calling for a provincial government chapter. action plan. "Five years ago my father "It's not about politics. It' s started doing unusual things. a human rights issue. Sadly, My siblings thought `Mary you're there' s little supports in place seeing things because you're in It's not about until the later stages of the the business,'" recalled the CEO disease," said Burnett. "We of the Hamilton-Halton, Brant politics. It's a have a lot of work to do at and Haldimand-Norfolk chap the national and provincial ters. human rights level to respond to the huge Her suspicions proved valid. Dad was eventually diagnosed issue. demand ahead." Nationally, 1.4 million Ca with dementia and passed away nadians will have dementia two years ago. by 2 0 3 1 , according to a re Burnett knows all too well Mary Burnett port compiled by the Senate that her family's story is by no CEO of Alzheimer Society's Social Affairs Committee. means uncommon. Hamilton-Halton, Brant and "The findings of the report Haldimand-Norfolk chapters In Halton alone this year there are startling indeed, and pro are an estimated 8 ,7 0 0 people vides further proof that we living with some form of dementia. need a strategy to plan for the impact that "And that number' s going to more than this terrible disease is going to continue to double in the next 20 years. Age is the big have on Canadians," said Raitt. gest risk (of dementia) and we're an aging Echoing the Milton M P' s comments in population." Parliament, Burnett stressed how dementia W ith that in mind, the recent call by Mil doesn't just affect the person living with it, ton MP Lisa Raitt on Parliament Hill to es but their family and friends. tablish a National Dementia Strategy was met by Steve LeBlanc Metroland West Media "For every person living with dementia, there are 10 more people impacted by it." Among the top priorities of a National Dementia Strategy, Burnett said, should be more resources for education. "W e have one educator for Halton and she's run off her feet. Public education is so im portant," said the CEO, who character ized dementia as a "rupture of social rela tionships" -- where those affected can often be estranged from people and places that were once an important part of their lives. Burnett explained that in many cases an see More on p. 10 kk Need help with house-cleaning? Let us do it for you Discover cleaning service that's , affordable, reliable, and convenient. BBB Sunrise Cleaning Services C a ll u s to d a y f o r a fre e e s tim a te ! W 905-567-1199 C h e c k o u t o u r c u rre n t s p e c ia ls a t: www.Sunrise-Cleaning.ca Sunris e a « » n in g wishes everyone a festive holiday season and a very happy N e w Year! ·Recurring cleaning. ·One time cleaning. ·Spring cleaning. ,,§ ·Post renovation cleaning. ·Moving cleaning. ^ ·Gift certificates. Boxing Week Sale! *In stock m erchandise only Som e restrictions apply R E IN ER S OTTOM AN'S D o n 't m iss o u t. 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