9 | Thursday, D ecem ber 2 2 , 2 0 1 6 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Police officer helped firefighters get residents to safety continued from p.1 % T g g M K Sl i | 1SF - ilZ i 1 I i ---i -- * r [ __1 i 1 r , It ? I ! .iJ H L 'm m quickly escalated as the elderly male was bedridden and his wife, after calling 911, would not leave his side, remaining in the rear of the home by a window. Once located, firefighters led the woman to safety as the Halton officer assisted the husband out of the house. Both occupants were assessed by Halton Region paramedics on scene, and transported to a local hospital as a precaution for possible smoke inhalation. Halton Police Sgt. Mark Dienstmann identified the officer who was first to respond to the fire scene, rushing in to locate the trapped couple and help rescue the male occupant as Const. Ian Weir. N o firefighters or the police officer assisting with the rescue required any medical attention. Five fire trucks and 18 firefighters responded to the call. They still remained on scene in the early evening, ventilating smoke and checking for hot spots. Fire officials say it' s too early to determine a damage estimate, but expect smoke damage to be significant. Oakville firefighters and a Halton Regional Police officer rescued a senior woman and her bedridden husband Sun day (Dec. 18) after they were trapped in a bedroom when a grease fire broke out in their kitchen | Graham Paine/Metroland P IC - A - D E L I (^WeeklySpecials: $ 9 9 9 $ 9 Thursday Nights: Domestic Pint & 1 lb of Wings Daily special: Large 3 item UPTDM Ukprnn F2PD 670 Fourth Line (9 0 5 ) 339-1905 Pizza" Dine In & Pick up only Featuring Best Montreal Smoked Sandwiches All Day Breakfast. Hours: M on da y - Saturday 7 a m -1 am C losed Sundays. all prepared and easy to warm up Halton District School Board B o a n l Financial Statements Available School *' terrace take-away (Homemade Ukrainian Food 905.337.1400 x 116 w w w .terracetakeaw ay.ca St. Joseph's U krainian C a th o lic C h u rc h 300 River O aks Blvd. East (a t Trafalgar) O a kville ON it The Halton D istrict School Board has posted th e 2015-2016 financial statem ents fo r th e fiscal year ended A ugust 3 1 ,2 0 1 6 , on th e Board's w ebsite a t w w w .hdsb.ca. (Search: fin a n cia l statem ents) The 2015-16 audited financial statem ents include: M anagem ent Report Independent A u dito rs' Report Consolidated Statem ent o f Financial Position Consolidated Statem ent o f O perations Consolidated Statem ent o f Cash Flows Consolidated Statem ent o f Changes in Net Debt Notes to th e Consolidated Financial Statem ents &