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Oakville Beaver, 9 Dec 2016, p. 30

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w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m | O A K V ILLE B EA VE R | Friday, D e c e m b e r 9, 2 0 1 6 | 3 0 Masonry & Concrete Masonry & Concrete TE R R A FIR M A G e n e ra l C o n tra c tin Basements, Sheetrock (tape/ paint), New Door Installation, Finishing, Kitchens, Flooring (wood/ laminate/ tiling) Installations (lighting/ fixtures), Bathrooms & Roof Repairs! Let us m ake y o u r house Y O U R D R E A M H O M E! g a ra g e s a le s s h o w s -b a z a a rs Garage Sales Garage Sales news co l O b itu a r ie s l O b itu a r ie s l In M e m o ria m s McLEAN, Ross Beatty It is w ith p ro fo u n d sadness th a t w e a n n ounce th e passing o f o u r beloved husband, fa th e r, g ra n d fa th e r and frie n d , on D ecem ber 2, 2016. A fte r a v a lia n t b a ttle w ith cancer, Ross passed aw ay peaceful in his 88th year, w ith his d e vo te d w ife and best frie n d D orie, at his side. He was preceded in de a th by his parents A rc h ib a ld and L illia n McLean, firs t w ife K athleen, brothers Hector, John, and Bruce and sisters R uth Ramsay and Ruby C ooke. Loving fa th e r to Judy (Sid) L e th b rid g e o f Sarnia, and David (A nne-M arie) o f O a k ville ; s te p -fa th e r to Sylvie (Jeff) Lovell o f K itchener and B rent (W endy) P ickering o f G uelph. S on-in-law o f Grace Inglis o f Dundas. P roudest and cherished grandpa o f C hristine, Daniel, M ichelle, K athleen, C onrad, Ben, Jack, Em m a, and C h a rlo tte . He w ill be missed by his m any de a r nieces and nephew s and e xtended fa m ily mem bers. F o llo w in g his re tire m e n t fro m his StateFarm Insurance A gency in O akville, you could fin d Ross e n jo y in g tim e w ith frie n d s, tra v e llin g , d o in g ca rp e n try projects b o th a t hom e and church, re a d in g o r g o lfin g . The fa m ily appreciates th e e xce lle n t and com passionate care received fro m Dr. Steve Traplin, th e G uelph G eneral H ospital, th e O ncology te a m a t C a m bridge M em o ria l H ospital and th e Bayshore nurses, B onita and M a rg a re t S. a long w ith m any caring PSW's. A C e le b ra tio n o f Life service to h o n o u r Ross w ill be held a t First B aptist Church, 255 W o o lw ic h St. in G uelph, D ecem ber 30th, 2016 w ith v is ita tio n a t 11:00 fo llo w e d by th e service o ffic ia te d by Pastor M ichael B arton. In lieu o f flo w e rs, th e fa m ily w o u ld a p preciate d o n a tion s to th e Juvenile D iabetes Research F o u n d a tio n , (w w w .jd rf.c a 1-877-287-3533), th e G uelph G eneral H ospital, (w w w .g g h fo u n d a tio n .c a 519-837-6422), o r th e c h a rity o f y o u r choice. BROWN, D. Jean (nee Hepburn) Passed aw ay p e a ce fu lly w ith her lo vin g husband by h er side, on D ecem ber 6, 2016 a t Ian A nderson House, in her 9 0th year. Jean, beloved w ife o f Ron B row n fo r 61 w o n d e rfu l years. Dear m o th e r o f D oug (Carolyn), G erry (Deb), A rle n e (John), Glen (Brenda) and David (Diane). Cherished nana o f Trevor, Steven, Sarah, Lindsay, Amy, N athan, O livia, Kevin, M a tth e w , Ian, Chris, Jason, E lin o r and Zoe. Loving sister o f Don (Joan) H e pburn o f Red Deer, A lb e rta . Predeceased by her e ld e r sister Joyce. Jean was an active m e m b e r o f St. Paul's U n ite d Church fo r 47 years. She w ill be dearly missed and lo v in g ly re m e m b e re d by fa m ily, frie n d s and all w h o kn e w her. A m e m o ria l service to ce le b ra te Jean's life w ill be held on M onday, D ecem ber 12, 2016 a t St. Paul's U n ite d Church, 454 Rebecca Street, O akville a t 11 a.m . In Jean's m em ory d o n a tio n s m ay be m ade to St. Paul's U n ite d Church M e m o ria l Fund o r Ian A nd e rso n House, O akville. You may sign o u r g u e s tb o o k a t w w w .k o p riv a ta y lo r.c o m . SAUNDERS, Roy Passed aw ay on Tuesday, Decem ber 6, 2016 a t th e age o f 73 w ith his lo vin g fa m ily by his side. Beloved husband o f B etty fo r 51 years. Cherished fa th e r o f F. Glenn Saunders (Yvonne). D evoted grandpa o f A lexandra and A njo u lin a . Roy is survived b y his m o th e r H a rrie tt o f N e w fo u n d la n d and w ill be missed by his b ro th e rs and sisters. Roy w ill be fo re v e r rem em bered by m any e x te n d e d fa m ily and friends. V is ita tio n w ill be held a t Glen Oaks Funeral Home, 3164 N in th Line, O a kville (403/Dundas) on Friday, D ecem ber 9, 2016 fro m 5-8 p.m . A Funeral Service w ill be held a t The A n g lica n Church o f th e Incarnation, 1240 Old A bb e y Lane, O akville on S aturday D ecem ber 10, 2016 at 1 p.m . w ith b u ria l to fo llo w at T ra fa lg a r Lawn Cemetery. In lieu o f flo w e rs d o n a tion s to th e Canadian Cancer Society and The Canadian D iabetes A ssociation w o u ld be a p p re cia te d by th e fam ily. O n lin e g u e s tb o o k can be fo u n d at w w w .glenoaks.ca Waterdown CALL TODAY! 6 4 7 -7 0 1 -7 5 0 7 2380 Royal Windsor Dr, Oakville, L6J 7Y2 ATTENTION! ART SHOW / SALE Sat., Dec. 10th ~ 10 am - 3 pm 157 Mill Street North Grace Anglican Church ~Sharon Smith's Inspirations~ Explore the imagination of the late Sharon Smith's work through her fantasy, aboriginal and animal inspirations. Limited prints will be available. If you are interested in Sharon Smiths work and cannot attend this art sale, please feel free to contact her daughter Melyna at 905-220-4778. call an expert home services LG T( Home Improvements Local. On Time. On Budget. Professional home improvement & small renovation services for the Halton region. · Bathroom | Kitchen | Basement Renovations · Painting & Decorating · Flooring Installation (Hardwood & Laminate) · Drywall repair & much, much more! ^ 1 5 % off all orders taken in December and January! Call John (289) 244-7598 www.burlingtonhomeimprovements.ca info@burlingtonhomeimprovements.ca community notices Announcements ' J Announcements * * B U R L O A K ** P A IN TIN G S ea so n S pecial Book now & $ave up to 35% off!!! Prep & Paint Specialist Sam's MOVING & DELIVERIES Big or Sm all M oves Physical Help Also Donation Trips & Decluttering 20 Yrs Experience Oakvile Reaver IS CALLING ALL KIDS! We are currently hiring Carriers! Residential, com m ercial & industrial O ver 23 yrs exp. FOLEY, Neil Edward O cto b e r 14, 1973 - D ecem ber 5, 2014 Two years have passed since th a t sad day They say th e re is a reason They say th a t tim e w ill heal B ut n e ith e r tim e n o r reason W ill change th e w ay I feel N o one know s th e heartache T hat lies b e h in d m y sm ile No one know s h o w m any tim es I have bro ke n d o w n and cried I w a n t to te ll you s om ething So th e re w o n 't be any d o u b t Y our so w o n d e rfu l to th in k o f B ut so hard to be w ith o u t U n til w e m e e t again. ~ Love y o u r p ro u d M om Call Jake for Free Estimate 905-330-9968 CALL or TEXT 905-633-6880 C all us to see if y o u r s tre e t is a v a ila b le - it ju s t m ig h t be! HARDWOOD FLOOR INSTALLER $1 per sq. ft. LOST & FOUND L 6H Strawfield Crt, Owen Crt, Ridge Rd, Howell Rd, Kristie Crt, Avondale Dr, Edgeware Rd, River Glen Blvd, Eighth Line, Towne Bl, Grand Bl %} I k J J s L l/k Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Call 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165 email: classifed@ metrolandwest.com Also does stair work. 25 Years Experience L6J Gable Dr, Wakehurst Cres, Sir David Dr, Caradoc Lane, Chedboro Cres, Bishopstoke Way, Hazel McCleary, Greenaus Rd, Teak Cres, Beechnut Rd. Sheridan Garden Dr. Call 416-906-7528 L 6L Seabrook, Saxon, Vyner, Sandlewood, Warwick, Maplehurst, Sovereign, Stanfield, Worthington, Honeyvale, Trowbridge p e d u o e p e o s ® L 6M : Kaiting Trail, Colton Way, Culp Trail, Masterman Cres, Sixteen Mile Dr, Skyvalley Call Circulation 905-631-6095 p r OakvieBeaver T heO akville Beaver w ouldliketo express sincereand heart-felt condolences tothosew ho havelost their lovedones. NO TIME FOR CARDS T H IS Y E A R ? . C t t V j |C i * 'P j, 1 Place a greeting in OUR CHRISTMAS GREETINGS SECTION and wish all your family, friends, neighbours and co-workers well this holiday season with one quick phone call or email! YOU CAN ADD: * A d d itio n a l w o rd in g . k A) ^ '.' J J j 1 ' -* for *2 per line · A photo for a *25 fee ·· A A Christmas Christmas graphic graphic for for *5 *5 exl extra Email you Christmas Greeting to classifieds@ metroland.com with your wording, your nam e, address and phone number. Please call or email us for further details and publishing dates: 1-800-263-6480 or · classifieds@ metroland.com ii !i i

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