1 5 | Friday, D ecem ber 9, 2 0 1 6 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Oakville contribution to nuclear project delivered by Julia Le Oakville Beaver Staff A multimillion-dollar tooling system required to advance the mid-life refurbishment of Ontario Power Generation^ (OPG) Darlington Nuclear Generating Station is being delivered from Oakville to Bowmanville this week. Representatives from nuclear, energy and power companies dropped by Oakville' s Promation Nuclear Ltd. Tuesday (Dec. 6) to congratulate its team on completing the essential accessibility platform trolley (APT) ahead of schedule and under budget. It gave representatives a chance to see the APT, commissioned by SNC-Lavalin and Aecon, in action. Built to provide nuclear workers with access to inspect the nuclear reactor during refurbishment, it is one of a series of key deliveries underpinning the green energy project' s success. "The APT is one of the first major tools that will be deployed in the held, following defuelling and bulkhead removal," said Mark Zimny, president of Promation Nuclear, located on Brighton Road. "The whole Promation team is committed to doing its part to ensure the RFR (retube and refurbishment) project goes smoothly." He said the company is proud to deliver the tooling system ahead of schedule. "Promation is setting an example for all RFR Oakville's Promation Nuclear Ltd. is delivering a multimillion-dollar tooling system to Ontario Power Generation's Darlington site, ahead of time and under budget. Promation VP and GM of operations Darryl Spector demonstrates the accessibility platform trolley that allows nuclear workers access to inspect the nuclear reactor during refurbish ment. | Nikki Wesley/Metroland and other related major industry projects to be ahead of delivery and under budget." The APT is a series of eight modules. Each is individually lowered into the fuelling duct onto fuelling duct rails, through the bulkhead opening, where they are joined in pairs and put in place using remote human machine interface (HMI) controlled drives. The four pairs are connected to create a solid working platform beneath the calandria (nuclear reactor) for workers to safely perform their job. Darryl Spector, Promation' s vice-president and general manager of operations, noted there was a lot of pressure to get this particular inspection tool done because the defuelling was done ahead of schedule. "If we missed the date on this, there were guys ready to use it and they wouldn' t have the equipment," he said. The original completion date was Dec. 15. Promation delivered the tooling system a week early so the operators can train on it early "The important thing is we have always strived very hard to set a standard for early delivery and under budget," he said. "We committed a team to it and we were able to be successful at it." Preston Swafford, chief nuclear officer and executive vice-president of SNC-Lavalin, said the successful delivery of the APT system is a great example of what can be achieved when companies work together. "This partnership with Promation that the Aecon-SNC Lavalin team has put together is just one of the critical elements of pulling off the first refurbishment up in Darlington," he said. Once complete, the four Darlington CANDU reactors will produce safe, reliable, affordable and low-carbon energy for Ontario for 30 years. A study, conducted by Intrinsik Environmental Science, showed continued operations of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station will see Nuclear on p.16 EXPER IEN C E TH E HALTON VACUU :S: D IFFER EN C E BOXING DAY STARTS NOW! Great Value B O X IN GD A YP R O M O Performer b e a m · 500 Air Watts of power · Powerful enough for average homes · Basic Electric Power head and Hose kit Complete set of attachments 7 year warranty Limited quantities available. Sale ends December 30,2016 O NSALENO W ! BEAM ELECTRIC POWER HEAD AND HOSE KITS. STARTING FROM ONLY... PROMO PRICE SAVE $400 · Beam Classic Power performer · Electric power head and hose kit · 6 0 0 air watts of power · 7 year motor warranty · Gore Tex filtration ' Reg M.S.R.P $1,249.99 M o d el # S C 2 7 5 A O n ly $ M o d el # S C 2 0 0 A 5 9 9 9 9 Accessories on Sale iTEM M.S.R.P. NOW SAVE M o d el B I-0 9 9 6 0 1 · Garaae Kit · Hose cover · Mop Head M o d el B I-0 9 9 6 0 1 H ose C over G arage K it Vac Pan C om boT ool Stairwisk $52.99 $49.99 $54.99 $29.99 $49.99 $42.99 $39.99 $49.99 $24.99 $39.99 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 BEAM B U IL T -IN V A C U U M S · SALES · SERVICE · SELECTION 2 3 7 9 T r a fa lg a r R d ., O a k v ille · a Electrolux PORTABLE V A C U U M S (905) 257-6145 · QUALITY BRANDS · INSTALLATION Visit o u r s t o r e fo r a full s e l e c t i o n M O N - TH U : 1 0 - 5 / F R I, SAT: 1 0 - 3 C L O S E D S U N A N D H O L ID A Y W E E K E N D S w w w .h a lto n v a c .c a