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Oakville Beaver, 8 Dec 2016, p. 35

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3 5 | Thursday, December 8, 2016 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Lots o f H a lto n vo ices on n e w G o ld en H o rsesh o e C a u c u s Pam Damoff, Member of Parliament for Oakville North-Burlington has been named chair of the Golden Horseshoe Caucus, which was created to bring a strong, unified voice to the region. The Golden Horseshoe Caucus includes seven Liberal Members of Parliament, representing ridings across the region and meets regularly in Ottawa to advocate for issues, industry and initiatives in the Golden Horseshoe. Besides Damoff, Oakville MP John Oliver is also on the caucus. "I'm happy to be working with Member of Parliament colleagues from Burlington through to Niagara to represent Golden Horseshoe issues," stated Oliver in a press release. "The Golden Horseshoe region, which stretches from Niagara to Oakville, has far fewer representatives in Parliament than some smaller geographic areas do, but it includes far more industries, businesses, hospitals and universities than many," said Damoff. It includes some of Canada' s most productive farmland and advanced manufacturing facilities, as well as worldrenowned natural features, like the Niagara Escarpment and Niagara Falls. Economic engine in Ontario The Oakville North-Burlington MP noted the region is Ontario' s second largest economic engine, representing a diverse multitude of industries, including everything from steel and automotive production to world-renowned food and wine, biotech, aerospace and tourism industries. "In establishing the Golden Horseshoe Caucus, we felt it was imperative the region have a strong collective voice to ensure the best interests in the region and in Ottawa," said Damoff. The region is an international economic, agricultural and cultural hub. Home to 1.2 million people W ith a total population of 1.2 million, the Golden Horseshoe region is home to 12 hospitals, three universities and four colleges, according to the release. Other MPs on the Caucus include: Bob Bratina, MP for Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, Burlington MP Karina Gould, Vance Badawey, MP for Niagara Centre, Filomena Tassi, MP for Hamilton West-Ancaster Dundas and Chris Bittle, MP for St. Catharines. ...s in c e 1991 C rack In je c tio n R e p a ir S p e c ia lis t L ife tim e Fully T r a n s f e r a b l e W a r r a n t y Leaky Basement? Call Us! · W is e D ry In te rio r D rain S y s te m s · M a s o n r y /P a r g in g R e p a irs * t I will pay $15 for the kettle Make it $20 and its yours. Call U s .. . 905-510-9739 i il wayne@wisecracks.com Professional, Cost Effective Solutions fo r W et Basem ents www.HaltonW iseCracks.com WINTER DISCOUNT $50 OFF ON THE 1S TFOUNDATION CRACK AND 10% OFF ANY JOB OVER A $1000 Promotion runs from Dec. 1 ,2 0 1 6 to Ja n .31,2017. i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------: --------------------------------------- j A FUSION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE CUISINE IN THE HEART OF OAKVILLE! NEED MORE COUNTER SPACE? Tradyo is a m obile app that connects you w ith buyers and sellers that are nearest to you. Snap photos and post items you want to sell or chat w ith the sellers of things you want to buy. Really, it's that simple w ith Tradyo! So - What's inyour Tradius? tra d y o .c o m *m e tro la n d m e d ia & a tradye K e ttle ®13 $30 92 km HALTON WOMEN'S PLACE PRESENTS: B O O K YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY TO DAY Gala and Auction C o ck tail R ecep tio n , sit-d ow n d in n er, o p e n b ar, e n te rta in m en t, liv e & sile n t a u ctio n , a diam o n d draw , a c h a n c e to w in tw o tic k e ts an y w h ere A ir C an ada flie s, d a n cin g an d m o re! DINE iN FOR A LLYO U C A N EAT LUNCH OR DINNER S atu rd ay F e b ru a ry 25, 2 0 1 7 O a k v ille C o nference C entre 5 :3 0 p m re ce p tio n , 7 :0 0 p m d in n er $ 1 5 0 p e r tic k e t o r $ 1 2 0 0 fo r a ta b le o f 8 7 DAYS A W EEK W W W .A U G U S T 8.C A 280 North Service Road W.@ Dorval 905-338-6228 Come early to g et you r "Step & R epeat" photo taken! *P ay b e fo r e D ecem b er 3 1 st, 2 0 1 6 a n d re c e iv e a ta b le o f 8 fo r $ 1 1 0 0 ! F o r tic k e t in fo rm a tio n , p le a se c o n ta ct cb o z z o @ h a lto n w o m e n sp la c e .c o m / 9 0 5 -3 3 2 - 1 2 0 0 ext. 2 2 2 the <4 GREG Halton Womens Place H ea lth yR ela tio n sh ip s·H ea lth yC o m m u n ities E v en tS po n so r Kc h i MEDIA SPONSORS IMA team WE DO TAKEOu T! Burlington h a m ilto n Stoney C re e k B ram pton 10% off Dinner only. Cash only & with this ad.

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