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Oakville Beaver, 17 Nov 2016, p. 10

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www.insideHALTON.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, November 17, 2016 |1 0 Remembrance D ayhonours meaningful to veterans continued from p.6 Dias said it is important to her to remember her fallen comrades. She is hopeful Canadians will remember Canada' s war veterans and war dead and avoid repeating the many painful lessons of history. As the 11th hour approached, four soldiers from the Lorne Scots Peel, Dufferin and Halton Regiment, took up positions at the four corners of the Cenotaph, heads bowed, rifles pointed downward in remembrance. Finally, the faint sound of drums and bag pipes could be heard, growing louder until a parade of Canadian soldiers, followed by Halton Regional Police officers, Oakville fire fighters, RCMP officers, Knights of Colum bus members, Scouts, cadets and local digni taries -- all made their way to the square. Those w ho could stand, did so for the sing ing of O Canada and a m oment of silence dur ing which a bugler played T he Last Post. Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Gwyneth Lorimer recited In Flanders Fields, followed by a wreath-laying ceremony. One wreath was laid for Col. Geoff Parker, 42, of Oakville, w ho was killed in Afghanistan on May 18, 2010 w hen a suicide car bomber blew himself up beside the International Se curity Assistance Force (ISAF) convoy Parker was travelling with. The service featured multiple flyovers by Second World War-era aircraft. Earlier in the ceremony, four fighters could be seen flying in formation above George' s Square. Later, two vintage Second World War bombers flew over the crowd followed by a more modern Canadian Hercules. Oakville resident and Second World War Veteran Richard Jamieson could be seen rais ing his arm in celebration as the bombers passed. He praised the ceremony and the resident turnout. "It makes me w eep," he said, choking back tears. "I'm just so happy about everybody being here." Jamieson served on a Royal Canadian Navy corvette, which was tasked with escorting convoys during the Battle of the Atlantic. He remembers the cold and the dread "what was out there," which came from the fact that attacks by German U-Boats (subma rines) could come at any time. W hile he loved dolphins the friendly crea tures terrified him on more than one occasion w hen they approached the ship because at a glance they looked like enemy torpedoes. W hile Jamieson' s ship survived the war he noted that many others did not. "Thank you so m uch for coming today," said Jamieson to those around him. P Q O A K VILLE Take our Transportation Demand M anagem ent and Pedestrian Safety surveys by December 9 and help shape th e fu tu re o f travel choices in Oakville. Join us in D ow ntow n Oakville on Friday, November 18 at th e tree lig h tin g ceremony or on Saturday, November 19 at the Santa Claus parade to learn more. To com plete th e surveys online, go to the Public Engagement Hub at oakville.ca. oakville.ca Interested in altern atives to g e ttin g around tow n? Share you r input! Help us provide safe, accessible and efficient travel options W e're looking fo r ways to ease tra ffic congestion and make w alking, cycling, public tran sit and carpooling a b etter choice. O fficial Plan Review - Public Open House and W orkshop The tow n's five-year Official Plan review is underw ay and w e need you r input on some key studies! Urban Structure Review -- Where and how should Oakville grow ? The Town o f Oakville is at a m om ent in tim e w here it must consider w here and how to grow. Instead o f developing outw a rd over greenfield lands, the to w n needs to determ ine how best to manage developm ent w ith in its boundaries. The Urban Structure R eview isatow n-w ideexam ination o f natural heritage and open space lands, as w ell as mixed use, residential, commercial and em ploym ent lands. Urban structure is th e pattern o f b u ilt and u n b u ilt areas and is im p o rta n t because it sets o ut w here w e live, w o rk and play. Urban structure is a m ajor fa cto r in com m unity livability. The to w n is seeking public input to help assess if changes are necessary to accommodate required g ro w th and to ensure com m unity infrastructure is available long-term . There are fo u r o pp ortu nities to participate, each fo llo w in g th e same fo rm a t and covering th e same m aterial: open house at 6:30 p.m., presentation at 7 p.m., and roundtable w orkshop u ntil 8:30 p.m.: · Novem ber 22 - River Oaks Com m unity Centre, 2400 Sixth Line, Com m unity Room B · November 23 - Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, 2302 Bridge Road, Black Box Theatre In support o f th e study, a d ra ft Discussion Paper has been prepared. To review, please visit th e Agendas and M inutes page at oakville.ca and search fo r the November 1,2016 Livable Oakville (O fficial Plan review) agenda. This paper provides th e background to be reviewed at each m eeting. If you w o u ld like to attend a m eeting, please email plan@oakville.ca and indicate a preferred date. Review - Summary Report. Visit oakville.ca and search "E m ploym ent and Commercial Review" to view the Summary Report. Please jo in us to hear about how the to w n is planning to accommodate local jobs, shopping and services to m eet long-term needs. If you have any accessibility needs, please contact ServiceOakville a t 905-845-6601 (TTY: 905-338-4200), email serviceoakville@oakville.ca, or fill accessible feedback fo rm on oakville.ca. Kirk Biggar, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner, Policy Planning Planning Services, Town o f Oakville 905-845-6601, ext. 3698 kirk.biggar@ oakville.ca Duran W edderburn, MCIP, RPP Policy Planner, Policy Planning Planning Services, Town o f Oakville 905-845-6601, ext. 3042 duran.wedderburn@oakville.ca out the Em ploym ent Commercial Review A t each event listed, you w ill also have an o p p o rtu n ity to provide in p u t on the Em ployment and Commercial R e g istra tio n is n o w o p e n ! Register in person until Novem ber 25 Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road - ServiceOakville counter M onday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Only $97.97 ($86.70 plus HST) fo r the season! For m ore in fo rm a tio n , co nta ct ServiceOakville at 905-845-6601 or visit oakville.ca and search "w in d ro w clearing." D riv e w a y S n o w W in d ro w C le a rin g P ro g ra m If you are 65+ or have a physical disability or medical condition, you may be eligible fo r th e Town o f Oakville's driveway snow w in d ro w clearing program. Our w in te r service w ill clear the snow pile le ft at the end o f your driveway a fte r th e road has been plowed. Pick up an application fo rm at Town Hall, any Oakville library, com m unity or seniors' centre. You can also dow nload a fo rm at oakville.ca.

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