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Oakville Beaver, 24 May 2000, A4

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M THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday May 24, 2000 N $10,000 T U n M c tte H A presents Raffle tickets available at Can Cafe at Oakville GO, Com plete Party R ent-Alls, Otello's, and community groups in the Oakville area. Oakville C an ad ian a rc h e rs Rob R usnov an d D ave Dalziel give M inister Jo h n Snobelin po in ters on arch ery a t B ronte C reek P rovincial P a rk ann o u n cin g this location fo r arch ery if T oronto wins th e ir O lym pic bid. Photo by Peter C. McCusker B id u n d e r re v ie w E N N IS C L A R E IN T E R IO R S A T r a d i t i o n of E l e g a n c e (Continued from page A1) * ST O R E WIDE S P R IN G SALE o n ly 2 w e e k s left! Stunning accent pieces for every room in your home H and-carved Louis XV lounge chair. Starting grade. Reg. price, $ 1 7 6 9 . C ^ le * 1 2 9 9 Snobelen echoed the statements of Mulvale, saying that the involvement of the entire Greater Toronto Area in die bid will give the Olympics a true community spirit "I had the opportunity to attend the Pan-American Games in Winnipeg last year," he said. "One of the things that struck me about those games was how the communities in and around Winnipeg got excited and involved and I think that the same thing can happen here in 2008." Along with the competition, those receiving medals in archery will have them presented at Bronte Creek, making Oakville the only site outside of Toronto where medals will be handed out Sandra Levy, a framer two-time Canadian Olympian in field hockey and current TO-Bid official, is confident that Toronto has a good chance of getting the games. `Currently there are 10 cities bidding for the 2008 Games and by the end of August that will be reduced to a list of candidate cities," she said, adding that International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Juan Antonio Samaranch had stated that Toronto's bid looked strong. `With the changes occurring in the IOC right now, it's impossible to know anything further as of this point" Improvements to the park are necessary should the bid be suc cessful. Some of the gravel roads that wind around the park will have to be paved and transportation issues, which have yet to be discussed, must be dealt with. Aside from the archery area being blocked off during Olympic competition, the entire park would remain open to the public. Norther recreation centre $2 m more than budgeted H and-carved French bergere chair. Starting grade. Reg. price, $ 2 0 1 9 . < ^ le $ 1 4 9 9 Full view curio. 2 8 .5 " w ide x 1 6" deep x 7 5 " high. Reg. price, $ 2 0 1 9 Corner curio. 2 8 " wide x 15" deep x 7 8 " high. Reg. price, $2 3 9 9 . < ^ le $ 1 5 5 9 A sF8e * 1 2 9 9 Serpentine front secretary Reg. price, $ 4 5 7 9 . d& *2999 The perfect g ift that's always welcom e ENNISCLARE INTERIORS 1 0 7 5 N O R T H S ER V IC E RD. W EST, OAKVILLE. Tel: (9 0 5 ) 8 2 5 -2 4 5 0 S TO R E H O U R S : M o n ., Tues., W ed . & S a t.1 0 :0 0 am to 5 :3 0 pm Thurs. & Fri. 1 0 :0 0 am to 9 :0 0 pm . Sun. N oon to 5 :0 0 pm S a le p ric e s a re in e ffe c t u ntil J u n e 4 th , 2 0 0 0 The eyes of north Oakville will be on Town Hall tonight as Council wrestles with the future of the Iroquois Ridge Community Centre (IRCC). Staff are recommending that councillors award the $10.5 million tender to the Jasper Construction Corporation and approve the $12.4 million revised budget (which includes cash for land acquisition and other items) -- $1.9 million more than anticipated. Given the long and sometimes frustrating history of the facility - not to mention the hot construction market Council will have to decide between several options: not proceeding with the project, re-tendering it sometime in the future or going ahead and funding the $1.9 million bud getary shortfall. When first tendered in 1999, the Town did not accept the low bid which was substantially over-budget. At the time it was felt that the tendered price was an unusually high anom aly in the market. In February, the project was put back out to tender with modifications such as fewer skylights and windows, changes to wall surfaces and more. Although Jasper Construction came in with the low bid, the four top bidders were all within $500,000 of each other - a clear indication, says Parks and Recreation Director Bob Perkins, of today's current market value. C o ffe e sale s fo r c a m p e rs 2 * 0 * 0 * Today, May 24th, is Tim Hortons' annual Camp Day, the single largest fundraiser for the Tim Horton Children's Foundation. A D 0521 Buy a coffee and E xcellent em p lo ym e n t o p p o rtu n itie s are now available at Ennisclare Interiors _____________________________ help give eco nomically disad vantaged children a camping experi ence they'll never forget. On Camp Day, all Tim Hoitons' stores donate their coffee sales for Journey w ith us - i t ' s fun a n d easy... M M ^ M. 0 this 24-hour peri od, as well as funds raised through other events and activi ties, to the C h i l d r e n 's Foundation. Last year, Camp beginning at 9:30am at Glen Abbey Rec. Centre from your neighbourhood, Day raised $2.75(I4l5 3rd Line at Upper Middle) and enjoy a day full o f fun, family, friends, school, church million, and more from 8:30 9:30am on than 6,000 chil celebration and rewards that and/or work, or sponsor dren benefited Saturday, June 10th... will last many lifetimes. yourself... from a camp experience. We have limited edition T -s h irts for all registered hikers The Children's Foundation cur R an d om D r a w s* Incentive Rewards · S n ack s · Entertainment · N a tu r e H ik e rently operates four camps across Our thanks go to you and our sponsors for celebrating life - and this event - with us. Canada. The first camp opened in Parry Sound, The Oakville, H ilto n and an D istrict iLoblaws Ontario in 1975; 1EIL ESTATE BORE the second in g jg ROYAL B A N K T a ta m a g o u c h e , The O akville Beaver Nova Scotia in 1988; the third in Kananaskis Pledge forms available at: OMDREB, Re/Max aboutowne offices, Royal Banks, Loblaws locations, County, Alberta in The Oakville Beaver, Joshua Creek Furniture, Oakville Libraries, Town Hall and retailers with LIFE HIKE posters. 1991; and the fourth in Quyon, For more information, pledge forms or to volunteer call the LIFE line at 905 257-0007 Quebec in 1994. This year, the f^ u tiv L v L n ^ Celebrating LIFE & preparing for the future C h i l d r e n 's LIFE HIKE proceeds support research and awareness of group A strep bacteria and Strategies for Foundation has resulting illnesses indudingscarlet fever, cellulitis, strep thraot, acquired a second and the too-often fatal flesh eating disease and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. camp in Ontario. . Take a h T k F ^ GET SPONSORS REGISTER TAKE A HIKE m O t LIFE

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