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Oakville Beaver, 24 May 2000, D4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 24, 2000 Classified TO PLACE AN AD CALL apartments VJ & flats for rent T he Oakville Beaver BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ WWW. HaltonSea - FRI1 . 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. careers The site your community clicks on! 845-3824 OR 337-5610 SHORT-TERM Rentals. 3+ months. Spacious One Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor Pool, W ork-out Room. Burlington Towers. 6 39 8583 W w M rentals FAX: 632-8165 Morl SOFA'S, dressers, chairs, kitchen table, beer stiens, bikes, crutches, doors- in te rio r/ exte rio r screen/ shower/ bi-fold. ..records books, magazines. Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service. Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm;Sat-9-5pm; Sun12-4pm. SOFA, tan corduroy, matching loveseat, w/2 co ordinating plaid chairs w/ ottoman, excellent condition, $500 obo. 639-6431. TREADMILLS "Pacesetter" (2)$1000./each; Suntan ning beds (2) "Dr.Mueller", $2,000.each OBO. call 905-333-3646 Real Estate 100-165 ·Rentals 170-196 ·Leisure Living 200-265 ·Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 400465 ·Help Wanted 500-599 Announcements 600-675 ·Services 700-800 houses for sale $179,000. Must Sell. Win ston Churchill/ QEW. Lovely semi in family neighbour hood. 2+2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom s, A/C, in-law entrance, garage, new roof. Near GO, schools, parks (905)855-9588 OPEN House, Sunday 2 4pm. 4201 Arbourfield Dr. 4 Bedroom, all brick, 2 storey, beautiful landscap ing. Excellent condition Like new. M illcroft Area $359,000 (905)332-0037 OAKVILLE 1278 6th Line, next to golf course. 3-bed room detached, 2-storey 2 full baths, finished base ment. $199,000.905-844-5991 BUNGALOW - 3 bed room, with basement apart ment. 3136 Victoria Street, Bronte. $239,999 (905)8470413, (416)744-2300 or (416)402-7370. EfiEl careers EfiEl Burlington Towers The H o te l A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED · · · · F u rn is h e d D e s ig n e r A p a rtm e n ts F u lly E q u ip p e d K itc h e n s M a g n ific e n t I n d o o r P ool S a u n a & F itn e ss C e n tre 1285 Ontario St. F om /iy C im p / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 B e d ro o m s · 3 a p p lia n c e s s · E at-in Kit. B a sem en t · P la y g ro u n d · P a rk in g F O O D S E R V I C E Strano Sysco 1 TTT? FURNISHED Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm C orporate Condos Homes. 6 appliances, TV, VCR, stereo, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Daily, Weekly, Monthly. From $1295-2795 month. Visa, MasterCard, AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7368) L/M Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Customer Service Representative Trainees Mississauga & Surrounding Areas Strano Sysco Foodservice Limited is a Peterborough based, fu ll line, leading foodserviee distributor servicing Ontario and Quebec customers. Due to customer demand and territorial expansion, we have an immediate need fo r Customer Service Representatives. We are looking fo r energetic, responsive individuals to make deliveries to our customers on assigned routes in Mississauga and surrounding areas. You must have a proven record in working with minimal supervision. I f you are customer-oriented and get satisfaction from a bard day's work, then we are interested in hearing from you. A CLiss "AZ" driver's licence would be an asset, but is not required as we are certified to train. You must have a minimum o f two years' accident-fee driving. I f you are interested in exploring these exciting opportunities, please submit your resume no Liter than Monday June 5, 2000 in confidence to: Strano Sysco Foodservice L im ited Hum an Resources D ept., P.O. Box 6000 Peterborough, O N K9J 7BI (Fax 705-748-0244) No phone calls please. O nly those candidates selected for an interview trill be contacted. We are a n equal opportunity Employer. We wish to th a n k everyone who responded to this advertisement. 639 · 8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm Sat.: 10am-5pm Sun: llam-5pm w w w .o n t im .c o m · b t o w e r s @ la r a .o n .c a BURLINGTON M a ll- 2 bedroom, ground floor, 4 appliances. $820/mo. 6325690, A lbert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. FURNISHED room, share bath/ kitchen, $ 1 10/wk. Non-smoker. Queensway/ Glenwood area, walk to GO. Immediate. 639-3598. UPPER Middle/ Sixth Line. Large room in townhouse, near bus, walk to Sheridan College. 905-845-8693 ROOM in shared house. $400/mo. including utilities. Upper Middle Rd./8th Line. Im m ediate. 616-8439, 465-0396______________ ROOM for rent. Furnished room in executive home. Heated pool, all inclusive. R esponsible Individual . $400. Trafalgar/Upper Mid dle. 338-5956. shared accommodation WALKER'S/ Upper Middle. Share upscale townhome, Use of all facilities. Parking. $475/mo. inclusive. Immediate (905)331-0012. Walk to Spencer Smith Park on the Lake & JBMH Spacious 1&2 Bedroom Apartments From $725./mo. Available June 1st All freshly painted & carpeted with new windows and baths. No pets please. 480 Maple Ave., Burlington Tel: (905) 6 3 9-5079 $1Q/mo. extends your local calling area. Talk forever.... whenever! Share the long distance saving between friends. Ability Tel, since 1994. (905)842-3738, (905)631-8202__________ BEDROOM set- 7 piece, Cherrywood, all Dove-tail & metal glide drawers, 4 Poster Rice bed w/rails, tri dresser & m irror, chest, nightstand. Never used, still boxed. Cost $7,500., sell $3,500. 905-304-5573 FREE E stim ates... Got wobbly chairs...w eak springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Cus tom wood refinishing/ furni ture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 6329090__________________ AIR Conditioner- Goldstar, 9.5BTU; Freezer, Beaumark- 33in high & 23in deep, 22 wide, 34.8kwh per year; Indian area rug, 5 x 7 . 637-0214______________ ANTIQUES & Collectibles, Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/ Th/F-12-8pm ;Sat-9-5pm ; Sun-12-4pm. ANTIQUES. Best selection of beautiful diningroom^, bedrooms; accessory pieces, etc.+ Cafe! Garden Statuary. Rock Chapel Antiques & Statuary, Open Daily, Hwy.5, 1mi. W. of. Hwy.6 at Rock Chapel Golf Centre, www.rockchapel. net. (905)639-3639______ APPLIANCES- fridge. 2 door; Stove; autom atic washer & dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 BABY car-seat evenflo $50; Peg Perego stroller $30 Childcraft crib maple $100 crib mattress $35; hard wood rocking chair $50 bicycle child-seat $10 aluminum ext. ladder 16 $35; (905)337-8908 BABY Grand Piano- Ma hogany. Excellent condition. 905-227-9458______ BED- Queen, orthopedic mattress, boxspring, headboard, footboard & frame. New, in p lastic. Cost $1225, sell $550. Will deliver. (905)-304-7775 BEDS, New- Complete: Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)6819496__________________ BICYCLE, 'M udslider', brand new, never used. Won in draw. Asking $125. Phone 632-0068 after 6pm. BOLENS 17hp lawn trac tor, rebuilt Koler engine, hydrastatic drive, 4' mower deck, good condition. $1900. Phone 632-0068 after 6pm. SIT On It- Don't Sit In It! Replacem ent foam for cushions. R esidential/ com m ercial. Fields U pholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632-9090_________ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no GST! Love your furniture... hate your co lours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. Chairs from $199. Free Estim ates. Senior Discounts. Fields Quality Custom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090 CARPETS, Hundreds of Colours/ styles, Including "Stainmaster". Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad/ installation. 905510-0589.______________ CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 CRIB set, wood w/mattress, $100; 6 resin highback chairs, $40/all; Perego red stroller $60. 319-9165. DINING s u ite - 10pce., hand carved, ball & claw, chip style, $17,000 new, sell $6000. (905)892-8136 DININGROOM solid walnut, table, 4 chairs, hutch, buf fet. $1200; 5-drawer desk 5'x2.5' $50; student desk $20. 333-1668.__________ DISHWASHER, Maytag, al mond/ black, built-in, good working condition. $150. obo. 847-0262__________ ELECTRIC w heelchair power 9000, gently used, 9 years old. New Battery. New $3500, asking $500. Call (905)336-8680 after 6pm FRIDGE, 2-door; Stove, 30"; Autom atic W asher/ Dryer also apartment size. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)-549-1911 GREENHOUSE, poly. 32'x16' solid end, pre-fab latch door. Never used. Paid $2200, asking $1800. 257-4338.______________ LOVESEAT, hunter green, co-ordinating green floral couch & chair, excellent condition, $300. 689-3937. OAK bedroom set, captain's bed w/dresser, and desk w/bookcase, night table, leather top. Excellent condi-tion. $350. obo. 844-0122 after 4 p.m. SPECTACULAR Piano Sale- Only on May 25-26, 9am-9pm; May 27, 9am5pm. All Taxes included. Over 65 used Pianos and Grands by Yamaha, Kawai, Steinway +others. pianohouseburlington.com. 5205 Harvester Rd., Burlington. 905-631-9259 PREMIER XPK- 5 piece, natural birch lacquer finish with throne, Hi-hat, peddal, cymbals with cases. Beau tiful kit, immacualte condi tion. $1,550,332-9038 WE specialize in Condo minium Sales. Linda Da vies Real Estate Ltd., Real tor, 333-4347, 827-7728 I lots & acreages CONDO for rent, fully fur nished, 2-bedrooms, $1500/ mo. utilities included. North Burlington. (905)332-3031 BRONTE: Lakerfront Pent house condo, 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 private garage. 8 4 7 -6 6 76 or 847-1048, leave message. BRAND new 2 bed, 2 bath, end unit at Wedgewood. Approx. 1020 sq. ft. with appliances. Asking $11007 mo. plus utilities. Available June. No pets. Call Joel Plouffe, Sales Rep., W hitehouse Realty 6346873. I condominiums for rent WANTED All-China, Silver, Crystal, sewing machines... Doulton, Moorcroft, Quilts, Glass, Watches, dolls, es tates, Collectibles. John/ Tracy-905-331-2477 PAINTINGS, Antiques Wanted: Furniture, Glass, China, Silver Ring Boxes, Addison radios, Estates purchased. Karl (905)6816939 Burlington. ANTIQUES wanted- furni ture, glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes.......... Best cash! (905)-522-4727__________ K y i | 1 pets, supplies GOLDEN R etriever puppies. M-F, hips, eyes, heart certified. Available June 9 th /10 th . $600. 827-8372______________ W* \ iT l 1 cars for sale 1999 FORD Mustang Con vertible, V6, Yellow, black top, black leather interior, CD Mach System, standard.A/C, 30,000 km. Very well taken care of. Excellent condition. Oil changed al ways with Synthetic. Ask ing $25000 or best offer (905)333-9171__________ MAZDA Precidia V6, excel lent condition, extremely well m aintained, $6,000 firm. (905)633-8386. 1997 INFINITY QX4. Fully loaded. Sunroof, leather, balance of warran ty. Lease buy-out. $27,500. Call 847-9034.__________ 1997 HONDA Accord EXR4 - cham pagne, 4 door, 5 speed manual, 1 owner, fully serviced, load ed, leather, sunroof, alloy wheels, plus 4 m ounted Blizzacks on rims, safety & em ission done. $20,900 (905)827-5452.__________ 1991 FORD A erostar Cargo Van - from Califor nia. white. 3.0L, 150km, auto, very clean, no rust, air. Chrome rims, some body damage. No stereo $3,000. (416) 875-7721 Darcy 1986 AUDI 4000. Black, good condition, needs work, 5-speed manual, $700/B0. Geoff (evenings) (905)339-2855__________ 1996 SUNFIRE 5-speed, air, 40,000 kms.. $10,000. Call 319-0684,__________ 1992 Dodge C a ra va n 174K, good running order, needs some body work. $2000/obo. (416)817-9940 1998 Nissan Pathfinder LE only 21,500 kms., take-over lease til Sept./OO Buy back $27,500. Black w/tan leath er, loaded. Was $42,000 new. George, (9 05 )8 4 96532.__________________ 1995 W indstar GL, im maculate. all options. Ford maintained. New brakes. Non-smokers car. Certified. $9,550. 827-0437.______ 1991 O ldsm obile 98 TS, fu lly loaded, Excellent condition 178,000Kms. Asking $7,600 Call Days (416)798-6234, evening (905)337-7548__________ 1990 Mazda Protege SEAuto/ Air/ Rustroofed. One Owner. Lady driven $103,000km's. All servic ing done at Oakville Mazda asking $5,995. Ask for Ian or Steve 905-827-4242 CHEAP Lease. Assume rem aining 29 m onths of lease on 2000 C avalier Z24 with all possible op tions. Only $289./mo. Tax es included. Bob or Kim, 905-332-1174___________ 1993 FORD Taurus needs work. Sell as is. $2,000 obo- 847-8483.__________ 1995 Buick Park Ave. Ultra black, fu lly loaded, gray leather interior, sunroof, mint condition. $17,000 obo. (905)844-0804. 1986 Olds 98, grey, certified/emissions tested, air, power accessories, clean, runs well, top notch. $2,900. 335-8888 (Dennis, message please) W* [ | u | cars wanted ATTENTION Land Developers Available, 61 prime .1/2 acre lots in one of Brantfords most desir able areas. 5 mins from casino, 3 mins from 403. This subdivision is ready for excavation and construction could commence within 1 mo. Some financing avail. Serious enquiries only. Tel: 519-752-5915 Fax: 519-752-0374 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lotts · Studios · 1-Bdrm · 1-Bdrm + Den Information Systems Technician Reporting tp the Manager of Information Systems, you will be responsible for providing network administra tion services, installation of computer software and hardware, provided application support services, en sure the efficient operation of help desk activity, pre pare docum entation m aterials lo r inform ation systems, and provide training to staff. Successful candidates will have a university degree or college diploma & a min. of 2 years experience in the computer field. You must have a solid working knowl edge of Lotus Notes. Knowledge of Novell 4.1, NT, Access 97, and Visual Basic an asset. Please forward your complete resume, including ref erences and salary expectations by June 2,2000 to · · · · Ail 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access BURLINGTON SQUARE ( 905) 6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm A ll The Advantages of Condo Living BURLINGTON- Fairview St. 1650 sq.ft, w /overhead door & office. A vailable now. Ideal for warehouse, home reno, service shop, etc. $800/mo. -^utilities. 639-0500; after 6pm. 6392567. I industrial /commercial space 12w/solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! Avail. July & Aug. MATURE, non-sm oking male to share beautiful River Oaks home. Upstairs bedroom, full house privileges. Available June BDRM + DEN & & July 1st. $525/mo. 1st 905-257-1428.__________ BDRM SUITES MATURE, non-sm oking male to share beautiful Riv er Oaks home. U pstairs bedroom, full house privi leges. June.1st. $525/mo. 905-257-1428.__________ SHARE 3-bedroom house with professional male. All am enities. Non-smoker. Parking. $550/mo. inclu sive. College Park. 905842-9895.______________ BURLINGTONlarge house, 4 level, 2 fireplaces, private bathroom & parking heated swimming pool, Ja cuzzi bath, a/c. Profession al male. $600+ half utilities A vailable J u n e ls t (905)516-9041___________ ROOM in house, share all facilities, inground pool, c/ air. Non-smoker. $600/mo. North Burlington. Im m e diate. 335-4898. SHIPPER, RECEIVER/ DISPATCH For auto, parts whole sale. Knowledge ol keeping small parts in order. Good knowledge of Oak./Burl./Miss. Able to lift 50lbs. Call John Bloom, 2-4: Halton Auto Electric 281 Speers Rd, Oak. (905) 845-2118 ®416-390-6279® houses for rent LOVELY 3-bedroom bun galow, walk to lake & shop ping, large fenced yard, ga rage, laundry, all utilities for $1150/mo. for main floor only (basement separate), non-sm okers, no pets, available July 1/00. 8 25 3568.__________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)6395258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor 3-4 bdrm. QEW /Guelph Line. Close to Go station. $1100/mo. August a vail ability. Box 85400, Burlington, L7R 4K5.___________ EXECUTIVE 4-bedroom, 21/2 baths, 5 appliances. C/A, 2-car garage, woodburning fireplace, hardwood & carpet, landscaped lot with gazebo, playhouse and deck, $1800/mo.+ utilities. Active Management, (905) 333-5506, Ext.50.Call (906) 333-1706. Ext.29 for details on other executive rentals OAKVILLE- July 1st. 3 bedroom, 11/2 baths, 5 ap pliances, finished base ment. Immaculate $1700/ mo., utilities extra. (905) 847-4611 after 6pm APPLEBY/ New. 3-bdrm semi, large kitchen, livingroom, laundry, A/C, no basement. Fenced back yard. July 1st. $900/mo.+ utilities. 2 year lease.(905) 827-1682 after 7pm. GLEN Abbey: 3+1 bed room, double car garage, 21/2 bath, finished base ment. $1950./mo. July 1st. (905)825-9917. MODERN office for rent 1,500 sq.ft. Speers/ Third Line, Oakville. Call Joe Luyk, (905)845-7597, 1870SQ.FT of prime mod em office space. Clean, at tractive, ground floor ac cess, free parking. Dorval/ OEW $12 all inclusive. By Owner (905)338-3444 600 Sq.Ft. second floor of fice space, Mainway/ Walk er's Line area. Burlington. J|55® tm o. C a ll (9 0 5 )3 3 5 ' "2241 Human Resources, HALTON CHILDREN S AID SOCIETY, 5045 South Service Rd., Burlington, ON L7L 6M 9 Fax: 905-333-1844 e-mail: halton.cas@ sympatico.ca We thank all applicants; however, only those selected lor an interview will be contacted. P ainter & Paper Hanger Knowledgable in all aspects of trade. Some carpentry experience an asset. Reliable, bonded, own transportation. Full-time. Good wages. Also needed PAINTER'S HELPER. Royal Decorating (9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 -5 5 8 4 ACHIEVE SUCCESS! 16' Canoe Bluewater Pros pecter, carbon/ kevlar, $3400. Sacrifice $1900. 905-628-9056 items under $100. id U A G ourm et Fast Food C hain Now has opportunities for ambitious individuals seeking rapid personal growth and financial gain. H ost Fam ilies N eeded Host families needed in Oakville for foreign students this summer. $500/ month/ student. For Sale/ Lifestyle Fully equipped Espres so Bar/ Restaurant like new. Located in beautiful downtown Caledonia (Canada's fastest growing town), just 20 minuties from H am ilton. This restaurant, available for a fraction of the cost, was designed by a professional designer. B ring your own concept, stock & open the door. First to see w ill buy. Long lease available/ or possible purchase of building. Serious enquiries only. Tel: 519-752-5915 Fax: 519-752-0374 I mortgage, loans ACCESS Money -Private Financial Assistance, required to be approved $10,000 and up financing, R.R.S.P., Lira, Rif, Pension fund from Ex-employer. Call loll>>$ e; 1-888-657-1062, Toll Fre.e Fax 1-888-7031492, We act as consul tants on your projects. 7 days per week. CFM 2 Michelin winter Alpin tires very good condition. $100 for pair. 639-9908_______ 3 windows. Good for sunroom or cottage. 6;x3'. Dou ble glazed. $50./ec. 844-0201.______________ BABY crib, w /m attress, used. $76.639-5066. BABY M onitor, "Angel Care", brand new, $75. 331-2193______________ BEIGE couch & chair, very good condition. $100. 6399908__________________ BUG deflector/ rear cargo net, fits late Plymouth Voyager, $45. Bob, 6310308.__________________ COLLECTOR plates: "Mother's Day" & "Victorian Christmas" $40 for both. 631-5145.______________ DEHUMIDIFIER: works great. $90. 637-1225 after 6 p.m,_________________ We have positions available for: GENERAL MANAGER and A SSIST A N T MANAGER Candidates please apply in person or fax to: Please call (905) 785-9823 5200 Lakeshore, Burlington 2420 L ak esh o re Rd. W. O ak v ille, O N L6L 1H7 Fax: (905) 825-1016 QR submit resume after 2pm, M on.-Fri. S p a cio u s 2 -B e d ro o m A p a rtm e n ts w ith m a g n ifice n t viewfe o f th e lake! Busy Oakville body shop seeks experienced (905) 681-7126 Professionally m anaged byL.T. G reenw in Property Mgmt LARGE 2-bedroom- close to lake, Guelph Line/New St. area. Ju n e .1st. $760/ mo.+ hydro. No dogs. (905)634-0865__________ WHITE Oaks, O akville. Spacious 2-bdrm + den, $1190- $1290/mo.; Imme diate. W ell- m aintained complex, full rec. facilities including indoor pool, sunken livingroom... some with fire pla ce ! Call Jeannette, (905)815-1628 OAKVILLE. QEW/ Trafal gar. 1-bedroom from $779.; 3-bedroom from $959/mo. Parking included. Well m aintained building. (905)338-2276__________ QUIET, Convenient, WellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Very spa cious 1-bedroom .. One available Julylst. (905)6373921___________________ TOTALLY charming apart ment in century old home (Burlington) on The Bay. C om pletely remodeled, ideal for couple or single. Heat included. $1295/mo. Call(905)333-0868 Sales/Purchasing Coordinator For small manufacturing division of a multi-division company. The successful candidate will be an experi enced, self-confident person who enjoys being involved in all facets of the business including pur chasing, expediting, arranging transportation, admin istrations, sales, correspondence, support for engineering and production staff, etc. Basic knowl edge of MS Windows, WordPerfect for DOS 5.1 and MS Word for Windows is necessary. This position will appeal to a person who works well with minimum supervision and guidance and enjoys the opportunity to display initiative. Position available June 1/2000 or sooner Benefit package available. Salary negoti able. Resumes to: Frank Bollinger, Erectroweld Co. Ltd. 1195 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6L 2X5 Tel (905) 845-7597. No faxes please PREPERS & LIC. BODY PERSON Must be willing to work on heavy trucks & cars Call for appointment 905-849-1066 FAST growing tire and au tom otive repair facility seeks highly motivated in dividual for full-time posi tion in a completely unique concept. Experience an as set but not mandatory. Must have valid driver's license Apply in person to "Auto fun", 3280 Mainway, Bur lington. CLEANING company re quires part-time leading to full-tim e cleaning techni cian. Janitorial or carpet cleaning an asset, but will ing to train. Must be flexi ble. neat appearance and clean driving record. If you're energetic, eager to work, bondable. Call 905847-1693 PUGMILL Operator- full time. $10./hr +bonus. aver age wage $l3./hr. Must be self motivated. Job invol ves physical effort lifting 50lb bags continuously. Able to read clay recipes and meet deadlines. Apply in person: Pottery Supply House Ltd.. 1120 Speers., Oakville, L6L 2X4_______ ELIZABETH Interiors, Bur lington. Support Staff need ed. #1) Person Friday to assist sales team. Efficient, self- motivated, computer literate, multi- task capable #2) Warehouse Assistant Heavy lifting. Top wages C all for an interview: (905)333-6670, Fax: (905)681-6867__________ FOOD Service Manager (S traight days- no wee kends)- formal food service education, 5years man agement exp. multi-site ex perience an advantage Microsoft office skills man datory. Mississauga area P lease fax resume 905 388-8984______________ EAST Oakville, 3 bedroom, garage, fireplace, new car pet, QEW area, June 1st., $1200/mo. (905)274-2167. 2155 Duncaster. July 1st. Executive 1400sq.ft., air, fireplace, 3-bdrm s, 2.5baths, garage. $1350/mo.+ utilities. No pets/smokers. 335-6172______________ BURLINGTON: 3-bedroom from $1029/m o.+ utilitie s. A u g .1st. 3 app liances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190.________ LARGE 3-bedroom from $1l29/mo. (+ utilities), July 1st. 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)6810070__________________ EXECUTIVE Condo townhouse, North Oakville, 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fam ilyroom , 5 ap pliances. fireplace, air, ga rage, Julylst. $1675/mo.+ utilities. Trafalgar Property Management, Warren Hill, (905)338-1130__________ EXECUTIVE townhouse, 3bdrms, 1-1/2 bathrooms, 4 appliances, attached garage, C/A, near QEW/ H wy.5/ Guelph Line. $1150./mo. plus. No pets. July 1st. 827-5252 after 6:30pm.________________ O A K VILLE- 2,3&4 Bed rooms available July 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 DRESS formal, beautiful pow derblue, spaghetti, straps, Alfred Sung design. 7-8/9-10. Paid $250. Sell $90. 529-0616__________ FRIDGE- Beige. $100., very good condition. 639-9908______________ GLASS blocks, (14) 71/2"x8". $28. 844-0201. HALF Whiskey Barrel, ide al for planters. $15. Phone 639-3946.______________ KITCHEN set, in excellent condition. 2 years old $85.00 (905)639-0753 LITTLE Tykes 2-storey doll house. Excellent condition. $55. (905)845-0033. LUGGAGE, new 4 piec es, still boxed. Fifth Ave nue. Navy tweed $100. 637-0267______________ MEDIUM size deep freezer, beige, $100., very good condition. 639-9908 MICROWAVE oven, Pana sonic, 1 cubic foot, excel lent condition. $40. 6 37 0267.__________________ PATIO chairs, 4 red wood with fu ll cushions. Good condition. $50. 637-0267 QUEENSIZE bed, Serta Perfect Sleeper, $90. (905)335-5972__________ RETAINING wall stones, gray, $85/lot. 336-8483. SNOW blower, Toro, 12 H P. Hard starting. $100. 637-0267______________ SOFA and coffee table. Beige flo ral. Very good condition. $75. 637-0267. STAINED glass panels. 3'x3', Red and green. $50. 844-0201______________ STORM door, 34"x80" white aluminum with centre slider. Good condition. $75. 637-0267______________ STOVE, Moffat 30" electric, almond, like new, $90. Call 335-4701.______________ WASHER and Dryer, the set for $100. Phone 6322862 LUXURY apartm ents in downtown H am ilton, starting at $750./mo. 1&2 bedrooms, a vailable Junelst. A/C, fridge, stove, dishwasher, security, exercise room, above/ underground parking. Ouiet, clean, newly renovated. Call 905-523-7794. BRONTE duplex, 2-bed rooms, 1-1/2 baths, separate garage, driveway & backyard, laundry. $975/m o.+ 1/2 u tilitie s. Aug. 1st. (905)827-8571 WANTED immediately: as sume lease until Nov. 2000 Bronte. 2 bedroom apartment quiet, clean, ex cellent view of lake. 9th floor. $1175/mo. includes 2 parking, utilities. 905-5270337.__________________ REFURBISHED A p a rt ments. Downtown_ Burling ton. Elizabeth Manor, 477 Elizabeth Street. 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments with spectacular view. 634-9374 2-BEDROOM A p a rt ments $790. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11 -8pm. 639-5761 DOWNTOWN, Burlington . Available: One 1-bdrm, June; One 2-bedroom, July. Freshly painted with new cabinetry. Well maintained, quiet building. W alk to shopping. Hospital, Lake. 637-0321_______________ GEORGIAN Apartments. June/July/Aug, 1,2&3 Bed rooms. H eat/ hydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm BURLINGTON Downtown. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl Street. Newly decorated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments with scenic views. 632-1643______________ 1&2 Bedroom Suites avail able June. QEW/ Trafalgar Road. Indoor pool. From $850/mo. 844-1106 TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors from $689.* 1-Brirm from $779.* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 '(2 % disc, included) CAN A D IANA. Q uiet, well m aintained lakefront building. Very spacious l& 2-bedroom s available. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486 BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court Bachelor & 2 Bdrm Apts. Avail. June Ravine View! Includes ulililies. Parking Available a new w orld ai work. Adecccr IMMEDIATE GEN ER A L LABOUR POSITIONS VACANT IN OAKVILLE & W EST M ISSISSAUGA Temporary & Temp-Perm Positions $8.50 - $10/hr Various shifts available Must have work boots! University students WELCOME! Interested applicants must call Adecco 905-842-5173 Fax - 905-842-6468 (905) 690-1896 BURLINGTON- 3 bedroom apartment^sublet). Maple/ Ontario, indoor parking, se curity. indoor pool, gym. Au gust 1st. $1165/mo inclusive. 6 37 -8 3 03 , message.______________ BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom. Clean, quiet. wellm aintained. Excellent central location. Parking. From $720/mo. +hydro. June 1st. (905) 664-2659; (905)572-7631___________ OLD O akville- Beautiful building, very quiet, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 1bedroom from $925./mo.; 2bedroom from $1125/mo. Call (905)845-8254, leave message._______________ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 1&2 Bedrooms Available June/ July/ Aug. From $795/mo. (905)6320129__________________ BRONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: Oakville, immaculate, 1 bedroom, all inclusive: ca ble, parking, brand new ap pliances. $1,050./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. 2-BEDROOM, $995, free month rent, 1025 sq.ft., near Ontario/ Brant. Wellmaintained and secure. Call Vince Daigle, 905-8213200.__________________ BACHELOR basem ent apartment, $550/mo. Utili ties included. Guelph Line/ QEW area. Non-smoker A vailable J u n e ls t. 3 3 1 SI 48, evenings LARGE private furnished bachelor, all facilities/utilitie s included. C lose to am enities, firs t/ last, no pets/smoking. 319-7767 Waterdown 50 & 75 John St. W. Large 1 ,2 ,3 Bdrms All Renovated New appliances, etc Walk to everything Util. incl. from $695. (9 0 5 ) 6 9 0 -4 4 5 4 (9 0 5 ) 6 8 9 -1 6 4 7 A one bedroom basement apartment S/W Oakville. Private. Sunny. Utilities, A/ C, parking, laundry, cable, appliances. Huge lot. Walk to lake. July 1st. $725/mo. (905)825-0223__________ 403 A utoparts--- C ity of Burlington Business Lie. environmentally compliant. Scrap cars wanted. We pay cash. 905-637-2319 Pick-up/Drop-off. M-F. 8-5 WANTED Dead or Alive. 7 days - 24 hours. Call 8764594, (905)467-9484, Milton IU n careers MARKETING COORDINATOR National Franchisor requires in divid ua l with exceptional written & verbal communication skills, extremely organized. Proficient com puter s k ills w ith ability to quickly learn new graphics software program s. Recent U n ive rsity/ College graduate preferred. Fax resume IN D U S T R IA L S E W IN G & ASSEM BLY OPERATOR required fulltime to perform varied duties in our Oakville manufacturing tacility. We make industrial products that need skilled assemblers to cut, glue, assemble and sew or rivet betore they are shipped to customers around the world. IF YOU LIKE WORKING WITH YOUR HANDS AND NEED A CHALLENGING VARIETY OF WORK PROJECTS PLEASE FAX YOUR RESUME TO: (905) 842-7065 BEAUTIFUL, Newly Reno vated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments. Some with lake views! R efurbished, P re stigio u s B urlington Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo (905)637-6701 NEWLY Renovated 3-bed room tow nhouse m aiso nettes. 1 parking. Available im m ediately. $850- 900/ mo.+ u tilitie s. North Burlington. (905)319-9104 PARK like setting. 2-bed room tow nhouse near Tyandaga Golf Course. 11/2 baths, finished base ment, hardwood floors, fridge, stove. Available June/July. (905)335-3001. Student work $13.05 to start. 77 flexible positions to fill. No experience neccessary. Training provided Scholarships available. 905-389-9448 Hamilton. 905-949-0745 Mississauga workforstudents.com/on DEE Signs looking for full time production/ computer Sign shop experience an asset. Corel Draw experience necessary Resumes to: 439 Brock Ave., Burlington. ON L7S 1M8; fax: (905)639-8911__ FUTON builder required Full-time. Physically Fit. Able to lift 75lbs. Rate $8./ hour +benefits. Apply in person to Royal Mattress, 5041 Fairview St., Burling ton. Mon-Fri. 8am-4pm or fax resume 905-681-2294 FRESHLY DECORATED Tyandaga Terrace, Burlington! The Oakville Beaver Oakville's Award Winning Community Newspaper 2&3 Bedrooms Avail. Now & June. Private landscaped patios. Low-rise building in a garden-like setting. 336-0016*336-0015 ROOMS available, share facilities- kitchen, laundry. Responsible working male preferred, non-sm oker, $380/mo. North Burlington. (905)319-3398__________ ROOM available, $400/ mo./ South East Burlington. Everything included. Park ing. laundry facilities. (905)510-6649 905-847-6255 TWO Numark Direct Drive Turntables, excellent condi tion. Less than 1 year old. w/stanton 680 cartridges and needles. Slipmats in cluded. $750 OBO (905) 827-1799. STUDENT to work with au tistic child in Oakville for summer and longer. Train ing provided. (905)8449115. Has an immediate opening for a Part-time Driver. Day, Evening and Weekend hours available. Must have own vehicle. To apply please call Trudy Reading (905)845-9742

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