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Oakville Beaver, 3 Nov 2016, p. 12

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w ww.insideHALTO N.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, N ovem ber 3 , 2 0 1 6 11 2 Finally a h earin g aid th a t p u ts you a s te p a h e a d Finally, a hearing aid m a d e fo r y o u r w o rld . W ith R eS o u n d LiNX^TM, y o u 'll h e a r soun d m ore naturally. Y o u 'll c o n n e c t d irectly to m usic, m ovies, television an d m ore. Y o u 'll n e v er feel a s te p behind , b e c a u s e th e s e hearing aid s just pu t you a s te p a h e a d . D eal a good one: Dias continued from p .l during a press conference at a Toronto hotel. "This collective agreement really takes care of our newest members. It has wage increases for our legacy members. It was about solidifying the footprint, enhancing the footprint, giving our members, in our most vulnerable operations, stability The 2016 negotiations, on behalf of our members, was an incredible success." Highlights of tentative deal kk Highlights of the agreement include a $700-million investment from Ford, the majority of which will go towards two Ford engine plants in Windsor, Ont. Jerry Dias Some of those funds will also be used to "refresh" operations at the assembly plant in Oakville. Dias said the bargaining committee has the primary builder of export vehicles ensured the agreement puts a framework in internationally He said he would not go into more detail place to get the assembly plant to its next major about the agreement as it has yet to be brought investment. before the Unifor membership. The gathering also addressed statements Critical members look at long term "It is critical to make our members understand made by Oakville Unifor Local 707 President that collective bargaining is not just about the Dave Thomas that the Oakville Assembly Local would not ratify a deal similar to those the short term, but about the long term," he said. "We feel comfortable we have put some of the national union recently negotiated with General pieces in place that are going to be necessary as Motors and Fiat Chrysler. Oakville workers had been looking for a we move forward in Oakville." Dias also announced that through the better deal that would shorten the amount of agreement, the Oakville plant would be see National on p.17 U n ifo r p re s id e n t This collective agreement really takes care of our newest members, it has wage increases for our legacy members. It was about solidifying the footprint, enhancing the footprint, giving our members, in our most vulnerable operations, stability.The 2016 negotiations, on behalf of our members, was an incredible success, p y Inscrivez-vous maintenant! r "French C a th o lic H ig h S c h o o l c a d e m ic E x c e lle n c e i Say hello to ReSound LiNX2 Introducing hearing aids that stream directly from your iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch®. \r~ v j srwtRange ySURROUND )) SOUND ' by ReSound Register now! ECOLE SECONDAIRE CATHOLIQUE ch m o res* Sainte-Trinite Soiree portes ouvertes O pen House M a rd i 15 n o v e m b re 2 0 1 6 F o r a lim ite d tim e g e t a s e t o f R e S o u n d L iN X h e a rin g a id s fo r ju s t 2 We're making these innovative hearing aids available at a significant savings for a limited time. If you want to hear more easily, please call us for a no-pressure consultation: d e 1 9 h a 21 h $ 1999! Miracle-Ear' * B a s ic h e a rin g a id s s ta rt a t $ 7 9 0 fo r tw o , $ 3 9 5 p e r d e v ic e . S e e c lin ic fo r d e ta ils . A ll p ric e s q u o te d a fte r g o v e rn m e n t fu n d in g . © 2 0 1 5 T h e G N R e S o u n d G ro u p , all rig h ts re s e rv e d . A p p le , iPad, iP h on e, iP o d to u c h a n d F a ceT im e are tra d e m a rk s o f A p p le , Inc., re g is te re d in th e U .S . a n d o th e r c o u n trie s . 2600, G rand O akTrail O a kville (O n tario ) L6M 0R4 T e l.: 905-339-0812 2520 Postmaster Dr Unit 2 Oakville 289.201.9361 la fo i \ dans ' le succes M onE coleS econdaire.ca M yF renchH ig hS ch ool.ca Conseil scolaire de district catholiqi Centre-Sud

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