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Oakville Beaver, 21 May 2000, p. 31

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Su'f^ay, OftKv*(te 8feav©r 'Weekend 31 Deaths DAVISON, M arion Frances (nee W ood) On May 10th, 2000 in her 94th year, at Oakville, Ontario. Beloved wife of the late Canon W illiam Holmes Davison (1955). D e ar m o th e r o f Dr. B a rb a ra B irk e tt (R ic h a rd ) and C a no n P e te r D a vison (Sabine). Also survived by her sister Helen W h ite w a y. P red ece ase d by her sis te r Margaret and brother Edward. Loving and loved gra n d m o th e r of K athryn, Sarah, Victoria, Patricia, Christopher, Justin and T im o th y . A lso s u rv iv e d by six g re a t grandchildren. Crem ation, followed by a Requiem Eucharist at St. Jude's Anglican Church, Oakville on May 12th at 4:00 pm. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be m ade to: C h u rch o f St. Jo h n the Evangelist, 137, rue President Kennedy, Montreal, QC; or Primate's World Relief & D e velo pm e nt Fund, 600 Jarvis Street, Toronto, ON., M4Y 2J6; or Physicians for Global Survival, 145 Spruce St., Suite 208, Ottawa, On., K1R 6P1. Deaths SULLIVAN, Colin Randall (Member of the Oakville Legion Branch #114). It is with deep sadness that the family announces the passing of Colin peacefully at his home on Friday May 19th, 2000. Colin beloved husband of Pamela Scaplen and the late Irene Ella Sullivan (1991). Loving father of V a la rie and h e r husba nd M alcolm Paterson; Pamela and her husband David Young; Lenard Sullivan and his wife Anne; Randall Sullivan and his wife Barbara; C olleen and her husband Mark Nower; Richard Sullivan; Sharon and her husband D a nie l R uth. D ear g ra n d fa th e r of 19 grandchildren and great-grandfather of 3. F rie n d s w ill be re ce ive d at the W ard Funeral Home "O a kville C h ap el", 109 Reynolds Street on Monday from 2-4 & 7-9 pm. Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel on Tuesday May 23th, 2000 at 11 :am. In memory of Colin donations may be m ade to the H e a rt and S tro ke Foundation. ZAHALAN: George (Member of Lions Club, Grand Cayman) Peacefully on Thursday May 18, 2000 in Miami. George in his 69th year. Beloved husband of the late Patricia Bolger. Dear father of Rashada, Pauline and Mary-Lu. Father-in-law to John and Chris. Loved gra n d fa th e r of C h ristian , Elias, Kayla, Rachael and Samantha. Brother of Paul and Madeleine. Visitation at the Kopriva T a y lo r C o m m u n ity F une ral Hom e, 64 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 pm S un da y. F une ral M ass 11am M onday M ay 22, 2000 a t St. Jam es C h urch , 231 M orden Road, O a k v ille . Interment St. Jude's Cemetery. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Diabetes Association. Card of Thanks The fa m ily o f the late M rs. M arion Davison th a n k a ll th o se w h o h a v e e x p r e s s e d sym p a th y, D r. M ichael M cC ulloch fo r his compassion and care over m a n y years, the s ta ff at O akville Senior C itizens Residence, Dr. Sudhir Pandya fo r his recent help, the n u r s in g s t a f f o f 4 c e n tr e a t O a k v ille T r a fa lg a r M e m o r ia l H o s p ita l f o r th e ir professionalism d u rin g her last fe w days, and Greg Sidora o f O akview Funeral Home. F or FAST FAX service, your classified ads. If you can't afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post/Oakville Beaver fax line. Indicate ad size, classification and the days and newspapers you would like it to run in. We will take it from there! If you have any questions about faxing your ads, call us at 632-4440 today! Funeral Directors O akv iew FUNERAL HOM E Our family serving your family © O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME 56 LA K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL LE Funeral D irectors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville ·John Murphy · Patrick McDermott HERON: Paul V ictor Born March 2nd, 1908 in Paris, France. Inventor, Automotive Engineer and Citizen of Canada. Died peacefully in his sleep on Friday May 19, 2000. Survived by his wife M ary P ic k e rin g (H a m m e r) H e ron ; his children, Chuck and his wife Kathleen; Bill a nd his w ife J in n y ; S uza nn e and he r husband Dolf; a devoted niece, Victoria Heftier and her husband Peter Penz, both of whom are affiliated with York University, T oronto. C rem ation and private funeral arrangem ents for the im m ediate fam ily o n ly ha ve been e n tru s te d to K o p riv a Taylor Community Funeral Home, Oakville. PLEASE no flow ers. As a sym pathetic gesture to Mary and his children, anyone w is h in g to h o n o u r P aul m ay make m em orial con tribu tions to the Victorian O rder of N urses, H alton Branch, 2370 Speers Road, Oakville, Ont. L6L 5M2 842-2252 Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's yo u r b u sin ess If you w ant to quit, T h at's O urs! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 FAX: 632-8165 Clean out your closets! Make room in your garage! Sell those unwanted items! Put your Garage Sale ad in the special Garage Sale section of Fridays Oakville Beaver and receive your Complete Garage Sale Kit with signs and information on how to have a successful Garage Sale. Call Classified Advertising 845-3824 Ask for Loraine or Linda

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