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Journal (The Home Newspaper of Oakville and Trafalgar) (Oakville, ON), 27 Jun 1957, p. 7

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G o d 's S te a d fa s t Love ILLU STRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON -Scripture-- Genesis 39-41.- By A lfr e d J. B u t * c h * r A. W. MASON AND COMPANY 0 Experienced - Dependable · Local · SEWERS · DRAINAGE P. W. THOMPSON, EDITOR 60 Orangemen March To St. Jude's Church About 60 members o f Oakville Orange Lodge and the Ladies' Or ange Benevolent Association held a church parade to St. Jude's Church at 11:15 a.m. Sunday. They w ere accompanied by the Trafalgar Boys' Band. The sermon was by Canon J. A . M. Bell, headmaster o f Appleby College. The Anglican Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies o f Oakville and district w ill parade to St. Jude's Church for the 9:45 a.m. service this Sunday, as part o f the Centennial program. St. Jude's church school has been discontinued until Sunday, September 8. Parents are asked to bring their children to the 9:45 a.m. service during the summer. There w ill be no sermon at this service. A n historical sketch of St. Jude's Church by A. H. Lightbourn has been published in booklet form. Copies are available at the church office. A Youth Service was held at St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church, Ninth Line, at 9:45 a.m. Sunday. The lessons were read by Paul Knowland and Michael Slacer, and the sermon by Rev. J. H. B. Rye, dea con in charge. John Farnham and Mark Farnham o f Knox Presbyterian Sunday school have received certification fo r eight years' regular attendance. Twenty-one certificates and 31 seals were presented to Sunday school pupils fo r regular attend ance throughout the past year. The junior congregation o f Knox Church w ill be discontinued for the summer months, but the in fant nursery w ill be held each Sunday. A baptismal service is being held at Knox Presbyterian Church this Sunday at 11 a.m. Members of the Masonic Order w ill attend the service. 75 Firem en March Firemen of Oakville, Trafalgar, Nelson and Milton brigades, to the number of about 75, paraded from the Oakville fire hall to Knox Presbytehan Church Sunday evening. They were accompanied by the Oakville Citizens' Band. George Kemp, drill instructor o f the Oak ville brigade, was in charge of the parade. Service was conducted by Dr. C. K. Nicoll. J. McClurkin of Galt w ill be guest speaker at this Thursday evening's meeting at Oakville Gos pel Hall, at 8 o 'clock. The L o r d s Supper w ill be observed at 11 a.m. Sunday. There w ill be no Gospel service in the evening. Starting this Sunday the 9:45 a.m. service at St. John's United Church is being discontinued until the first Sunday in September. The June meeting of the W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary of St. John's United Church took the form, of a picnic at Lakeside Park. Beginning this Sunday and con tinuing throughout July and A u gust, boys and girls under 10 who go to Maple Grove United Church will leave part way through the service to attend the junior con gregation. Those over 10 w ill re main for the entire service. Suffolk Park Speaker Rev. David W ren of Burlington w ill conduct this Sunday's service at St. Paul's United Church. During July Capt. the Rev. C. D. Nickerson of Ortona Barracks w ill be in charge. Services w ill be at 10 a.m. and there w ill be no Sunday -school. British Baptist Union members who are newcomers to this district are welcom e to attend Central Bap tist Church in the W. H. Morden School. Men of Central Baptist congre gation w ill meet at the new church, Morden Road and Rebecca A fter Joseph was sold to Potiphar, captain of the king's guard, Potiphar trusted him so much that he made him overseer over all he had, because he saw that the Lord was with him, and Joseph was prosperous. Potiphar's wire was attracted to Jo seph, but when he refused to do as she wished, She was furious. She lied to her husband, accusing Joseph of misconduct, and Potiphar had him Imprisoned. The king's butler and baker offended Pharaoh, and he had them put in prison. Each had a strange dream which they told Joseph. He inter preted the dreams, and his phophesies came true. Taken before Pharaoh, Joseph inter preted his dream as seven plenteous years, then a famine. Under Joseph's direction, much food was stored against the time of famine. MEMORY VERSE--I John 4:7. Victor 5-0591 VISITING B R IT A IN THIS YEAR? Going to Britain this year? If you are, keep in touch with home news -- sports, finance, politics, and cur rent events. C A N A D A Weekly R E V 1 E W -- the only Canadian paper edited and published in Europe is on sale at leading hotels and newsstands. Fast cable news gives you a weekly report on Canadian affair* DISTRICT CHURCHES ANGLICAN ST. A ID A N ' S ______________ Q ueen M ary D r., Rev. John B othw ell 9th L in e, Canon F. C. Jackson ST. C U T H B E R T ' S _____________ ST. J U D E ' S -- ________________ T hom as St. S., Canon F. C. Jackson ST . L U K E ' S , __________________ _____ P a lerm o, Dr. T . H. Stew art 6th L ine, C anon F . C. Jackson ST . SIM O N ' S ______________ E P I P H A N Y ,________ T rafa lga r St. N., B ron te, Dr. T . H. Stewart A.M.E. T U R N E R C H A P E L . . C olb orn e St. W ., Rev. W a ller G oodlette, building. The church is expected Street, at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 3, fo r work in and around the to be finished about the end of August. Dr. A lbert C. Jacobi, President of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod o f Canada, preached to a large congregation at Grace Lutheran Church last Sunday. His sermon theme was " Laborers Together With God." The occasion was a day o f re-consecration to the task of building the church. It was an nounced by the Pastor that the prelim inary plans were approved by the Board of Am erican Mis sions. Mrs. Kenneth Rahm of Bur lington and Mr. Lloyd Anderson o f Oakville w ere confirmed. The fifth annual picnic was held at Coronation Park Sunday after noon. Messrs. John Rahm and John Brasher were in charge o f games, while the prizes were distributed by Mrs. Herman Paulson and Mrs. C lifford Titford. Next Sunday Rev. Grosz w ill preach the sermon at the cem etery decoration service of his form er congregation at Heidel berg. On Friday o f this week, the Oak ville Corps o f the Salvation Army w ill unite with other Lakeshore Corps to hold an Open-Air Service at the Mall shopping Plaza. There w ill be no Friendly Hour on Sat urday, but an Open-Air meeting w ill be held on Colborne St. at 7:45 p.m. On Sunday, Lieut, and Mrs. S. W alter o f the Salvation Army will conduct special Centennial services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. O n'W ed. at 8 p.m. the regular Prayer Meeting Joseph in terpreting Pharaoh's dream. w ill be held. The Sunday School picnic w ill be held on Sat. July 13. "L e t us love o n # a n o th e r; fo r lo v e ii o f G od ."--I John 4:7. Children are reminded that the Sunday School meets every Sun day at 2:30 p.m. Two delegates from the ladies' They are Mrs. Lieut. W alter and brings hope and healing will be Home League at the Salvation Mrs. B. Waugh. set forth at Christian Science servHow spiritual understanding of Arm y are attending a Conference Scriptural readings in the Lesthis week at Jackson's Point Camp. the inspired Word of the Bible son-Sermon on " Christian Science" will include the follow ing from R o mans (15 :4 ): " For whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning, that we through patience and com fort ices on Sunday, June 30th. of the Scriptures might have hope." Che (5o l6 c tt (T e x t Chisholm's First Restrictions Easy A t the first public sale o f town lots, William Chisholm asked only | that the purchaser agree to build a stone, brick or frame structure, 24 feet by 18 feet, within 18 months of com pleting the tran saction. FIN A L T A LL TALE The final children's story ses sion o f the season on Saturday morning w ill be an Indian tale titled, " Story o f The First Mos quito." Starting Saturday, July 6, the first of a series o f readings for youngsters w ill be staged at the Oakville Library. Seoul has been the capital of Korea for more than five and one half centuries. LET US SMOOTH the WAY! We can supply all sizes of crushed stone for your drive or garden path. Fill -- Top Soil Gordon Bartholomew VI. 5-1547 CANADA WEEKLY -jc REVIEW to day BE SURE AND L OOK AL L T H E sV oT E R ! Right now vve have a selection that includes about any size, style and price range that you might need. Now is the time to buy at Farley's and take advantage of these wonderful USED CAR BUYS. 1955 METEOR * N IA G A RA COACH Finished in Alaska white and equipped with custom radio and new slip covers. Covered by our O.K. Warranty. 1955 CHEVROLET BELAIR SEDAN In new car condition and 1955 DODGE SEDAN A one-owner automobiile since new, in exceptionaly good condition and spotless inside and out. Very low mileage, fin ished in a cool medium blue. protected by our O.K. W ar ranty. 2-tone turquoise end ivory, all new whitewall tire* -- automatic transmission, Jr. BAPTIST B R O N T E , ______________________ Jones St. S., Pastor B ob Patchett C A L V A R Y .................. C olb orn e St. W ., Rev. A llen C raw ford CENTRAL, W . H. M orden S ch o o l, Rev. W . H. M cW hin nie F A IT H , ________ -- 6th Line, opp osite Sunningdale CATHOLIC ST. D O M IN IC ' S. . . . . · R eb ecca St., B ronte. Father M. W . Straus ST. A N D R E W ' S ....................... R eyn olds St. S., Father V. A. P riester CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ---------------Reynolds St. North GOSPEL HALL GOSPEL HALL ______ Kerr St. N,, Rear Singer Sewing Centre LUTHERAN G R A C E ,__________ Masonic Hall, Thomas S. N.. Rev. Roy Grosi PRESBYTERIAN KNOX, _________ Colborne and Dunn Sts., Dr. C. K. Nicoll KNOX SIXTEEN, Dundas Highway West. Rev. D. K. Perrie HOPEDALE - Orr School. Rebecca West. Rev. T. M. McKennel SALVATION ARMY Dundas St. N., ____________________ Lieut, and Mrs. S. G. Walter UNITARIAN SOUTH PEEL, Port Credit Clover Leaf, Rev. Donald R. Stout UNITED ST. JOHN'S, ____________________ Dunn St. N., Rev. J. A. Terry ST. PAU L'S, ___________________ Suffolk Park. Rev. J. A. Terry MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL, 9th Line. Rev. J. A. Terry WALTON MEMORIAL, Triller St.. Bronte. Rev. Wm. Sherwin PALERMO, __________ ... Rev. Wm. Sherwin MUNN'S, _______________ Dundas Highway W.. Rev. M. R. Brown SNIDER'S _____________________ 9th Line N., Rev. M. R. Brown "3HERIDAN _____________________ ^________ Rev. M. R. Brown Rev. Vincent A. Priester, new pastor o f St. Andrew 's Roman Catholic Church, conducted Sun day's seri/ices at thefchurch. Fath > er Priestpr w ill continue as execu tive director and secretary o f the English Catholic Education Asso ciations. Knights To Communion The Knights o f Columbus is holding a Corporate Communion at the 8 a.m. Mass at St. A n drew 's Church this Sunday, to be follow ed by a communion break fast at the Towne Restaurant. Guest speaker w ill be James G aff ney, State Deputy o f the Knights of Columbus. A ll men of the par ish are invited to attend. Regular Sunday school classes at St. Aidan's Anglican Church are being discontinued fo r the sum mer months. Rev. John Bothwell, the recor, w ill conduct a short service fo r the children at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday. A meeting o f St. Aidan's parish council is being held at the church at 8 p.m. this Wednesday. Rev. Allen Crawford is conduct ing a special Centennial worship service at Calvary Baptist Church this Sunday at 11 a.m. A workshop for Vacation Bible School workers is being held at Calvary Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 2. The schopl will be held July 8 to 19. A w om en's sewing meeting is be ing held at Calvary Baptist Church this Thursday evening at 7:30. An All Church prayer meeting is b e ing held Friday at 8 p.m. There will be a recreational program for the Senior Young People at the church at 7 p.m. Monday, July 1. custom radio, V 8 engine and 1954 FORD · SiSSf * 98 HOLIDAY COUPE dual exhausts. Here's a car in remarkably good condition, fully recondi tioned and O.K. Guaranteed. 1953 1954 OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET BELAIR COACH Equipped with custom radio and new whitewall tires and sporting a two-tone green A real standout at a terrific saving. An executive driven car that is fully equipped with all power extras. Reconditioned and O.K. Guaranteed. * paint job . An exceptionally fine car that should be seen COUPE de VILLE and driven. 1952 CADILLAC Lovely two-tone brown and beige finish, fully equipped with the full Cadillac treatment. Covered by our O.K. War ranty. 1952 1950 METEOR * COACH CHEVROLET 2 DOOR SEDAN In good condition, 2-tone tirei. Here is an auto that is in outstanding condition for its year. Still many, many thousands of safe, dependable miles in it. Be sure to test-drive this beauty. green and* excellent Must really be i/a-TON PICK UP appreciated. seen to be ST. JUDE'S WAS ON COLBORNE 2-col outlines ST JUDES W AS ON There are few people left in Oakville who can recall the stately church shown above, although for many years it was an outstanding landmark of the town's business district. It was built in 1835 by the Methodists, on the north-west corner of Colborne and Thomas Streets, where the Bank of Mon treal now stands. Colonel William Chisholm, the founder of Oakville, was chairman o f the opening cere monies. A short time after the church was built the Methodists sold it to the Anglicans, w h» alter ed it extensively and re-named it St. Jude's Church. At first, music for the services was supplied by an orchestra of three or four musi cians, who played from a gallery. They were replaced by a harmo nium, and some time later a pipeorgan was built by an old gentle man who lived on the lakeshore. The church was vacated when the present St. Jude's was opened in 1884. H« YOSI 1953 MERCURY * A real dependable truck, recently painted in a dark green, fully reconditioned. Be sure to see this beauty. HEARD How You Can Have MORE · SEDAN 1951 1952 STUDEBAKER This car has been well taken care of by its original and only owner. Equipped with overdrive and very good tires. CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN This is one of the cleanest cars for its year we have had i CAN'T BEAT MONEY Today and More $575. $245. GAS | Oakville Garbage Collection | THERE W ILL BE NO MONEY Tomorrow Through Crown Life's Special Premium ENDOWMENT 1947 PONTIAC to offer in a long, long timfc. SEDAN Be sure to see this beauty. I GARBAGE COLLECTION on Monday, July 1st, 1957 Low cost, dependable transportation and low mileage make this unit outstanding at its price-- only Garbage will be collected on Tuesday, jjE July 2nd from the area generally collected S on Monday. CH EVRO LET - plDSMOBUE - CH EVRO LET TRUCKS M H THROUGHOUT CENTENNIAL W EEK, GARBAGE COLLECTIONS FROM THE BETW EEN THE HOURS OF 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Call or write Ewart F. Oaitery 76 WATSON AVE. f e d AND SON LIMITED O A K V ItlE O N T A K tO Oakville V I 5-4322 KfRR & SHEPHERD I STS VJ 4 3276

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