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Journal (The Home Newspaper of Oakville and Trafalgar) (Oakville, ON), 27 Jun 1957, p. 5

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PEOPLE and EVENTS Please Phone Items of Interest For This Column To MRS. L. B. REYNOLDS, VI 4-9735 On Thursday afternoon, at the home o f Mrs. C. F. MacKenzie, Palmer Ave., Group 5 o f St. John's United Church held a highly suc cessful Centennial Tea in the gar den. Mrs. Angus McMillan con vened the affair and presiding at the tea table w ere Mrs. James Terry and Mrs. T. H. Smith. As sisting them w ere Mrs. Allen Fish, Mrs. H illm er Lofquist and Mrs. R. J. Langley suitably attired for the occasion in quaint old-fashioned costumes. Members o f the refresh ment committee were, Mrs. H. Reid, Mrs. T. Smith and Mrs. M. D. Cates. In charge o f the Home Baking table was Mrs. Cecil Fish and Mrs. James Ashm ore. White elephant table, Mrs. Gil Coons, D oll table, Mrs. A. W . Callver. G. M. C. W right attended the an Diane Langley sold Booster buttons nual convention o f the Top Pro and wooden nickels and Mrs. Olive ducers' Club o f the M anufacturers' W allof was in charge o f the coin L ife Insurance Co. at Jasper Park, basket. A delightful afternoon was enjoyed by all. Alberta, last week. Friends o f Mr. Larry Reynolds surprised him with a party at his home on Saturday evening, prior to his leaving fo r London, Onta rio where he . is spending the summer acting with the Maple Leaf Summer Theatre. Am ong Mrs. S. D. Hill and daughter those present w ere the Robert Bar Susan o f Gimli, Manitoba, are stay nard's, the Lloyd M acdougall's, the in g with the form er's mother, Doug Caldwells, the Wm. Glovers, Mrs. F. Hughes, w hile Sgt. Hill is the Don Macdonalds, the Ken Fostaking a course at the R.C.A.F. berrys, David Eaglesham and Pe station at Aylm er. F l./L t. and Mrs. ter Anstruther. R . O. Hughes and daughter Joan are expected to arrive in Oakville Friends o f A rchie and Fran from Baden-Baden, Germany, in Johnston, form er residents o f Oak July. ville, who have been living in Van couver fo r the past few years, w ill Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Philip jou r be glad to hear that the Johnstons neyed to Banff follow in g the p u b -, w ill be returning to Oakville to lie utilities convention in W inni live next month. peg, and w ill proceed this week to V ancouver and San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Martin are ex Larry Reynolds has gone to Lon don, Ont. fo r the summer, where he w ill act with a professional theatrical company. Mrs. Reynolds and fam ily are spending the sum m er at Port Perry. Count Francisco de Rege-Thesauro, Italian Consul General in Montreal, and Countess Rege-Thesauro, w ho are frequent visitors in Oakville, have sailed from Quebec to spend the summer in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Len Papple, Mac donald Rd., have returned home after holidaying for a week in N ew Y ork City. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey of M oose Jaw, Sask., spent the week end as the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. P . Bovair, Fourth Line. T he Linbrook School, Grade 8 students are being entertained at a banquet in the school auditorium on Thursday evening. Mrs. Alan McKenzie is the convener. A m ong the out-of-town guests w ho attended the Stansbury-Rasich w edding on Saturday w ere Mr. and Mrs. W illiam D e Anglis, Norris town, Pennsylvania; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pecaric, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. V ictor Urbarnc and Mr. and Mrs. John Urbanic, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. T h eodore Lovsin, Beam sville; Mr. and Mrs. R. Macks, Miss A nne Badovinac and Miss Rose M yteovich, Sudbury; Mr. and Mrs. John Horvat, W indsor; Mr. and Mrs. Em il Badovinac, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. N ick Glavas, Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson, T oronto; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miehelic, Pittsburg; M. Perko, Val d 'Or, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. W. Peterson, Azilda, Ont. Jamie Arm our leaves on Friday to spend the summer at Camp Kagawong. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. W. Cooper, Park Ave. returned this week from Bermuda where they have been for the past few weeks. Camping time has arrived again! On Tuesday, Nancy and Mary Wells, Suzanne and Cathy Armour, Janet Blakelock, Elizabeth Elson and Jeanine Tough leave fo r Camp Shawanaga. Teenagers who have been having parties for their friends include Doug Ballingall, Marilyn Lakey and Barbara Dappler. Hollis Ryan, Sherrill Moyes and Nancy Cope have gone to Western University as representatives of Oakville-Trafalgar High School at a gathering of United Nations groups. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall, Sec ond Ave. returned home this week from a trip to Bermuda. Hugh Jenney held a party at his home fo r Grade 13 students on Saturday night. Gail Pidgeon celebrated her tenth birthday with a dinner party and m ovie fo r her friends. Am ong those who entertained last week for Mr. and Mrs. Cam Hillm er were, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arm strong and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hamilton. John Alexander is spending the summer at Camp Comae as the water ski instructor. THE JOURNAL, Oakville-Trafalgar, Centennial Issue, June 27, 1957 P AL E RMO SOCI ALS The annual meeting o f the Pa lerm o Community Hall Board was held in the hall Saturday evening. The follow ing directors were elect ed: John Vansickle, W illiam Tovell, Ivan Ells, W illiam Fox, and Clarence Kingston. The euchre and dance parties w ill be resumed in the fall. The Hopedale Presbyterian con gregation held a strawberry tea at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Booth Friday evening. Mr. L o m e Cossick, young son o f Mr. and Mrs. H. Cossick, Queen Elizabeth Way, fe ll while playing at his home last week and frac tured his collar-bone. H e is mak Mr. and Mrs. A. Gump enter ing a good recovery. tained at a weiner roast Saturday Garry W ettlaufer, -year-old son on the occasion of their daughter, o f Mr. and Mrs. Harold W ettlaufer Joy's, 12th birthday. returned home Sunday from Ham Rev. James Hummett, o f Freel- ilton General Hospital after receiv ton, conducted Sunday's service in ing treatment for head injuries the United Church. Rev. W. W. received while playing. Sherwin, the pastor, conducted the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broughton anniversary services at Freelton. and Mr. and Mrs. Blight Brough Palerm o Baseball team defeated ton and their young son, Tommy, Hornby 6-5 in a game at Palermo of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brough ball park Friday evening. ton. Pupils o f Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, Palerm o public school, went on a bus trip to Niagara Falls on Mon day. They were accompanied by W illiam Nediger, principal, and Home economists say the chilled R obert Kaley, of the teaching apple ju ice keeps the other foods staff. in the picnic basket cool and fresh. George S. Atkins left by plane Greens w ill stay crisp in plastic Monday fo r Montreal, to attend the bags. The salad and washed straw first 4-H Clubs conference at Mac berries can also be packed in plas donald College. tic containers. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Mrs. A. G. Nairn, Douglas Ave., entertained at a coffee party on Monday morning in honor o f Mrs. pected home this week from their R. L. M iller. trip to Europe. Mrs. T. H. Blaner, Ennisclare, The winners o f the sports evehts has returned home from a visit at the Linbrook Field Day and to Ohio. Strawberry Festival were Ted Dr. and Mrs. G. B. W ilson and Groothand who won 4 events, Elaine Humphrey and Diane A t their two children o f Lansing, kinson who won 3 each. Mr. A. W. Mich, w ere weekend guests o f Dr. Jeffries was in charge o f the sports and Mrs. R. W. Ford, Dundas St. and Mrs. E. Salmon convened the Mrs. G. Parkinson, Douglas Ave. tea. Jane and Martha Ann are spend Mrs. Arthur Ross o f Kingston ing a week at Lake Simcoe. who has beerrvisiting her son and Mrs. Andrew Lessels has arrived daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Ross is returning home this week from Glasgow-Scotland and is the guest of Mrs. Nan White, Robinson end. Street. Mrs. Lessels is here to at Mr. and Mrs. R. Mason, Alscot tend the marriage o f her daughter Cres. have returned from a week Margaret to Mr. W illiam Grief, 9th Line on Saturday, June 29. in Montreal. 'LYRE' LOOK, BLOUSED BACK peg-top^slcirt°hfghligh't t h e ^ T ^ n f s u T t ' lefL o f grey and White lightweight tweed, it can be worn with a variety o f colored accessories. t^ 0 W t is d^ atized ^ navy silk and w ool dress, right. It is a perf e°t tod fo r a sophisticated hat and long gloves. Mrs. Donald Shanks and her daughters, o f Bermuda are in town for the Centennial celebrations, they are staying with Mrs. Shank's brother, Mr. Hugh Rayburn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones and their son, Charles o f New Delhi, India are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hardy, Highland Road. Mr. and Mrs. Robin C. A rm strong, Birch Hill Lane, entertain ed at a cocktail party on Saturday evening. Friends o f Miss Linda Whiting w ill be glad to know that she is recuperating nicely from her re cent operation. She w ill be in the hospital fo r at least another week and will welcom e visitors. Mrs. A. W ismer, Gloucester Ave. and her children are visiting in England for the summer. O a k v ille · On t h e o c c a s i o n o f y o u r The children o f Damon M iller's The new drama group o f the car pool entertained at a party Oakville Recreation Commission, fo r him at the home o f Dr. and as yet unnamed, meets at the Mrs. John Cloke, Ennisclare. offices in the Trafalgar Building on Wednesday evening to elect its Mr. and Mrs. Colin Daubney officers fo r the fall and winter and son Jimmy are arriving this season. Mrs. Douglas Caldwell is weekend from Banff to spend two chairman o f the nominating com weeks with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. mittee. Daubney, Cross Ave. Rev. W. H. McWhinnie, Watson Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lane o f Van Ave., spent last week in Ottawa couver are arriving this weekend attending the Assem bly o f Bap to spend some time with their tist's Convention. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Osbourne Sr., Ninth Line, Mrs: Wm. Allen, Suffolk Drive. is opening her home on W ednes Wayne Hitchcox has gone to day evening fo r the Strawberry Colorado Mts. fo r two weeks with Tea and Make Sale o f the W om en's his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Guild o f St. Cuthbert's Church. B. L. Sargant, Jororito. Sir Syney Littlew ood and Lady Mrs. G. R. Bide o f London, Eng Littlewood of London, England are land has arrived in Oakville to arriving in Oakville this week to visit her brother Mr. H erbert spwnd.'some time with Mr. and Mrs, Mjerry, and to enjoy the Centennial R. K . Slater, Dundas St. r celebrations. f 1 0 0 t h b i r t h d a y we s a l u t e yo u and t ip o u r h a t (a ). s To c e l e b r a t e t h is fe s t iv e $ o c c a s io n we are red u cin g &H our b a t a, + ? * F r id a y June 2 8 th , and S a tu rd a y * Mrs. Douglas Robertson, enter tained inform ally at lunqheon on Sunday in honor o f Mrs. G eoffrey Bide. Carolyn Anderson entertained at a party fo r her friends on Sat urday evening. Peter Barnard and Duncan Appleford spent the weekend at Pres Qu'il Point. Mrs. L. B. Reynolds, Tony, Jeff, Cathy and Sally are leaving th is' weekend to spend the summer at Sturgeon Lake. Sgt. and Mrs. R. Gurney o f Kingston will be occupy ing their home during their ab sence. Mrs. P. K. Willan, Eighth Line, entertained at coffee on W ednes day morning. The wives o f the Sigma Chi fra ternity men are being entertained at the tea on Thursday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ryland New, Lakeshore Highway. Mrs. W. T. Turnbull and Mrs. A. Jenks have returned from a visit to New Y ork City. New Versioii Of Chkmois Leather Made Of Specially Chosen Skins By ELEANOR ROSS chamois cuts a half-hour from the Alm ost everything is under sci time required to wash eight win entific scrutiny these days with an dows and cuts a third from the eye to improvement. This even time required to polish all the goes fo r that good old standby, furniture in an average home! chamois leather. Homemakers and car-cleaning Although " Ohammy" has been around a long time, its new ver males w ill be interested in timesion is the culmination o f five saving chamois ideas garnered years o f research by the tanning from experts. industry o f this country. The new variety is made from selected skins which are specially oil-tanned to produce an ultra-soft, supple feel that gives high gloss to both wood and glass surfaces. If you haven't used a chamois leather around the house for some time, give yourself a pleasant sur prise and select one o f the new crop. It w ill soon prove itself in valuable as a household aid. According to a recent survey by the home econom ics department of a teaching university, the new June 2 9 th . o n ly . $ 2 ,9 9 each* f u r s ,m i l l i n e r y 9 dunn stre e t ' me : ' tm m Summer Hair FOR T R U E B E A U T Y S T A R T W IT H A W O M A N 'S H A IR . W e a r e p r o u d to b e a p a r t o f ROSS HAIRSTYLING VI 4-6641 PEOPLE Do Read Small Ads YOU ARE! 100 WONDERFUL Y E A R S IN OAKVILLE In just 100 short years . . . from a village to a town . . . Oakville stands as a symbol o f progressive Canadian spirit. We are proud o f the role THE Toronto-Dom inion BA N K has played in the town's growth and develop ment . . . and look forward to the opportunity o f playing an even more important role in community affairs during the town's second century. M . E. K E R R , M a n a g e r C o lb o u r n e t, T h o m a s St*. F. B. H A R R I S O N , M a n a g e r C o lb o u r n e & D u n d a s Sis. WHY?... Because you are interested in Quality. EXTR A Stitching in SHIRTS SAVES YOU M O N E Y . . . B ro n te B ra n c h : W . L. A S H E N H U R S T , M a n a g e r OUR BIG WEEK HAS ALL THE TRIMMINGS A special fun feature o f the Centennial W eek show w ill be the mammoth midway, w hich w ill operate every day, starting at 10 a.m. Central School Common will this year be augmented by extra space taken by pulling Navy St. North into the carnival square. A ll rides, o f course, w ill be provided by a concessionaire-- but games of skill w ill be operated by local people. A highlight o f the carnival will be the appearance o f a size able gal who is reputed to be the most substantial and rotund lassie in North Am erica, while such popular standbys as ferris wheel and candy flu ff w ill be readily available. W H Y NOT LET A N EXPERT ON MEN'S W EA R EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE. MORDEN'S MEN'S WEAR VI. 4-9481 174 Kerr St. T O R O N T O -D O M IN IO N T H E B A N K T H A T L O O K S A H E A D BANK (» M M . E. KERR, M a n a g e r C o lb o r n e & T h o m a s B ra n ch F. B. H A R R IS O N , M a n a g e r C o lb o r n e & D u n d a s B r a n c h

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