) 68-PAGE SPECIAL * Centennial SOUVENIR ISSUE THE JOURNAL / ^Ika Jlom * Hawbfiap&i 0 OcJtolLU and *1^lalya* O A K V IL L E , O N TA R IO , TH U R SD A Y , JUNE 37, 1957 PROGRAM FOR YOUR Centennial IN FULL DETAIL 5 cents a copy. $2.60 per year in advance Authorized m --cond class mail, Port Office Dept., Ottawa Oakvillians - In -Exile Hie Home For Party Ex-Warden After Horseshoe Game Greetings from the Lord Mayor o f Hamilton, Bermuda in one hand, and acceptance o f his horseshoe game challenge " if the horse .is removed first" in the other, Mayor William Anderson extended a fin al invitation to all O a k v illia n s-in exile to return home for the Cen tennial party, which gets under way Saturday. Indication that his plea to the town's wandering sons and da ugh Ijers w ouldn't fall on deaf ears was taking physical shape days before the opening festivities, as home coming ex-Oakviilians started arriv ing from Bermuda, Vancouver, even England. And more were to arrive before the first racing sailboat crossed the line on opening day. Already home was Mrs. G eoffrey Bide, sis ter o f Centennial committee chair man Hrbert Merry, who arrived by plane this week from London, Eng land. Mrs. Donald Shanks, before her Joum al Photo by Dick Murphy departure a nurse at the T e m p o r ary Hospital, returned home with greetings from the Mayor of-Ham il ton, Bermuda fo r Oakville's head Deputy Reeve Merry heads Little did Col. William K. Chis day. man. Shown beside one of the welThe photo of founder W. K holm, founder of Oakville, and his Deputy Reeve A lex Phillips re son George King Chisholm, who coming beacons, which have been Chisholm (1788-1842) was taken ported his relative, Dr. Oliver An was to become first mayor, think placed on all approaches to the from a daguerrotype. Mrs. Arthur VM M has the original photo of drew, who lived on the west side their efforts would be commemor town, is Deputy Reeve Herbert Chisholm o f the creek before heading south ated a century later by citizens of Merry, who welcomed his sister, the town's first mayor, G. K. Chis to hang out his shingle, *is com ing the town they shaped at the Mrs. G epffrey Bide at the light holm, (1814-74), shown at extreme ' home from Hollidaysburg, Pennsyl mouth of the Sixteen M ile Creek. house symbol shortly after she right. The founder and his busy son, arrived home by plane from Lon vania. A ll the way from Vancouver shown at his desk with quill in don, England for a Centennial cele is com ing W . E. Hodge, his wife hand, started with a lighthouse, brations. and two children, while from High Mrs. Bide is shown at the wheel land Park, Michigan is coming and so it was natural that the Centennial committee should use of a small boat, and beside her Mrs. Jessie Kivell, who with three it as a symbol o f the 100th birth is Mrs. J. C. W orrell, who is on other friends w ill be staying at day party, to get underway Satur- the Centennial Committee which the Cedar Oroft cabins. Due in from Fort Wayne, Indiana are Mrs. Oakville Citizens' Band won out Journal Photo by Dick Murphy Edwin L ee (nee Emily W illiam s) over half a dozen other bands to FOUNDER COL. W . K. CHISHOLM FIRST M AYOR G. K. CHISHOLM and her husband. take first prize in the class for W orrying Mayor Anderson is the brass and reed bands at the Fort problem of m atching the 90-minute Erie band festival Saturday eve St. Jean Baptiste parade he and T TV. v>/> n r » £ » +V > a. highlights, day by day, of Oak- ning. The award is about $80 cosh. 13 others witnessed, with the May m Here are .. eight-day Centennial celebra- A bout 22 bandsmen took part. ' ors o f Montreal and Victoria, B.C. ille's wng long a awaited,', The:; were accompanied by Barni lues w a i t e d , ,, J , h nro^ram.will during a " twinning" visit last tion. A detailed description ot thr Program ^wiDe master Prank Loeksiey. week-end. * -- -a- J ' - , J * ,, , TI ,, _ *T , I " The hospitality was out o f this found on Page 2 of the third section <' ms t enten- W,«jiinGsd<iy ana Friday w e n m ® A subdivider who took an offer |when Harry E. Foster told the , wor)ld;- said the miyor who added th is'w eek the bard is player, ff a, to puichass, went out o f the coun-! board o f his troubles with his En- H inc|ludm j, CPUSe on a ?50,000 nial souvenir issue. the Milton Centennial. During the , try, anH did not. return the money i nisctare Drive property, I M an<j R pliMie ^ o w r , h(> F n day afternoon m 2 sec, Ihe Saturday, June 29-- Opening Day Oakville Centennial celebrations Oil v'ht-r^ d g e w i c k a'-cu sed, paid ·n deposit, was the subject | The board found it could take gt Lawrence Seaway project. Beend of the scheduled ihrwe-ady Mr ' Mewberrv Of r^evsir.T his j » V-cwiolaiut t* the T rafalgar; no action in the matter but agreed |s, ide!. the ^.m ncil, Jaycee David 9 a.m.-- Registration, booth on former Finch-Noyes it w ill play on six days. hearing into the rezoning o f lands ----- --- -is ia e s ine £<nmci], Jaycee David Mondav evidence on Tuesday I Planning - oi.ri MonclajT n-flirt. t« supply Mr. Foster with w p ie s ® f! acD onald/and Chamber t,i supply Mr. Foster wl.h copies !M MacDcnaldJand Chamber o f Comwest o f Bronte for two proposed property. ' J .s^rrespondenct requested. merce t Al iss ('.rrespondenct: he he requested. mei'ce P Pi'fid n fide en m Al M Mfissor» oil refineries, and again, j't may morning after an overnight ta lk ' " 9:30-- Arrival of Dorval Party at Oakville station. with Peter White QC, for the | W n 1 1 At the time , guests f 1 porval, Quebec. e ol f approval by t h e c ,o ,,, ^ i,, o ..r not, Robert C. Rowland, QC, vice- South Trafalgar United Residents j board of Teubner subdivision -- Registration of visitors to Oakville Power board js f the the T e u b m - sulxuvisiot' Thi> w.f.k Dorvai Mayor John chairman o f the Ontario Municipal Committee. plan, he told the board, it was Board said Tuesday. Pratt an<f party w ill return the O akville's appeal o f the county agreed that Block B, a small tri . Boat Club regatta. On Tuesday, an expert witness " twinning" call. Besides his an If it is necessary to s*ntinue the who refused to give some of his equalized assessment will be con angular piece o f land o f less than 10:00-- Midway opens, Central Common. xiety to match D orvai's hospitality. hearings after this week, Mr. Row sources of information was re sidered by the Municipal Board, an acre, would be deeded to Mr. -- Cutting ribbon ceremony, Lakeshore Rd. E. Mayor Anderson wonders how he land said, it will depend upon the buked by the chairman, who re and not by a county court judge, Foster. can beat Halton's ex-Warden Stan board's program as to when they fused to accept Mr. W hite's sugges as was the case a few years ago at Eighth Line. Mr. Foster said he made an o f Third baseman John Henley may be resumed after the Domi tion that the question be with when the town and Burlington ob Allen, and Bronte Reeve Thomas fer to purchase, paid a deposit, and 10:30-- Special council meeting, officially opening broke a 2-all deadlock in the third nion Day holiday. M illia rd at horseshoes. drawn. Ray Irwin, oil consulting jected to the assessment. then the subdivider went away to Centennial Week, and officially "twinning" inning with a solo clout over the In apparent anticipation o f pub engineer did not have to answer, The form er w arden's only stipu " The hearing can be before a Europe. left field fen ce to give Oakville lic restlessness, the three board however, when counsel did not single member of the Municipal lation was that " the horse must That, he said is as far as he can Oakville and Dorval, Quebec. Little Oaks a 3-2 victory over Mil m em bers' were accompanied by press the question. play starts" . Board," said Warden Thomas Mill- get with the matter. The board ad be rem oved bfore -- Sailing regatta, Lakeside Park waterfront. ton Red Sox, in a Halton County their own uniform ed special con Mayor Anderson wonders first o f all ward this week. Oakville pays the vised him that his recourse is to Something fewer than 100 per if he can find a horse to de-shoe. 11 :(X)-- Semi-finals, Centennial tennis tournament, Intermedaite C twilight baseball stable ,who kept order in Trafalgar sons attended each o f the m orn county about $90,000 a year. the civil courts. game at W allace Park Tuesday. However, as during the courtship Hall from the outset, and who con ing and afternoon sessions, and Oakville Club. with Dorval he managed to *urA ll Oaks runs w ere scored on stantly enjoined the public to keep apart from some talking, maintain mount the French language prob Civic Tour for Dorval visitors and special homers. Ken Brown smashed one order when talking and shuffling ed order. # lem, despite his burr, the town's interfered with the board's hearing in the third to tie the game. g U 0 stS . On Tuesday afternoon, however, Scottish mayor from W ick isn' t M ilton's counters came in the o f any o f the 14 special counsel re someone attempted to interrupt 12 noon-- Arrival Civic Party at Octkville Club. worrying too much about acquiring second and third innings on an presenting both sides o f the case. from the floor, but was quelled by a few horseshoes to beat all chal Highlights o f the first two days 12:30-- Centennial Luncheon, Oakville Club. error to Shepherd, with first base lengers next Thursday. included a brush between B. C. the cry o f " Order" from the man M. Gyokery smashing a triple 1 p.m.-- Hydroplane regatta, waterfront and river. board's special officer. to bring in the first run. Don Newberry, pollution expert, and (See REFINERIES, P. 10) 1:30-- Centennial Luncheon concert, Oakville Club. Joyce, the catcher, reached first on Joseph Sedgewick QC, fo r Shell Halton's county town, Milton, Legion's parade w ill take place at an error by short stop Bunk Law -- Garden tours, OTMH Women's Auxiliary. this Wednesday began a six-day 2 p.m. Parades are also planned rence, and crossed the plate on Art 100th birthday celebration, which fo r the Dominion Day afternoon. 2:00-- Water skiing demonstration, waterfront. Melanson's blow that went fo r an will include six parades and 14 -- Centennial archery contests, OTHS campus error to Henley a third. A dozen Oakville police officers, bands. as well as members of the Tra 2:30-- Planting of Centennial oak, Lakeside Park. Shepherd on the mound for the Wednesday was "W elcom e Home falgar, Bronte and Provincial P o allow ed only three hRs in Day," with a parade o f visiting 3:00-- Preliminaries, contest to declare Miss Oak Oaks lice, Oakville detachment w ill going the distance, and struck out mayors, a Lorne Scots guard of march with war medals up in the ville Centennial, pier at creek mouth. O a k v i l l e 's independent mer clined to go along with us." seven while issuing no free passes. honor of 100 men, six bands and a Nine entries have been received Legion parade to the cenotaph this chants, who last week voted 60 to So there w ill be no trial period stage coach. 3:30-- Finals, Centennial tennis tourney, Oakville Bob Bishop did the catching. at Oakville Public Library fo r the Sunday afternoon. 9 in favour of Monday closing of for Monday closing during July This Thursday there was a children's " Happy Birthday" essay Bruce Marshall on the hill for Club. Water Skiing demonstration, for gar " W e'll have 12 Oakville force all shops, this week reluctantly re and August, Mr. Warrington rue school parade o f some 2,000 chil contest in connection with Oak the Red Sox gave up five hits, members on parade," said Chief versed their field. den tourists, off beach of Fred Smye. fully admitted. " W e've decided to dren, with the Trafalgar Boys' fanned six and walked none. ville's Centennial. The essays are Len Brown, " and we have incited " It appears that some o f the big forget about it for the present," Band taking part. Friday w ill be being judged this Saturday by Mrs. 4:00-- Junior All Star Soccer, OTHS campus. This was Oakville's sixth win Chief Fred Oliver of Trafalgar and he said. chains are just too powerful, as far " Pioneer and Recognition Day, Gwen Clarke, o f Erindale, author Chief Howard Nickling o f Bronte against one defeat to remain atop 5:00-- Water Skiing, Lakeside Park waterfront. as we are concerned," explained with a large evening parade plan The retailers' chief added that the league. o f " Halton Pages o f the Past," Ber to have members o f their forces in Charles W arrington, chairman of it would be " very confusing" to ned, and featuring the 90-piece nard Kim bel o f the Burilngton Ga 5:30-- First match, Centennial senior soccer tour the parade." The parade is sche the Oakville-Trafalgar Chamber o f the public if some merchants Grantham police trumpet band. zette, and R. F. Sanders, form er duled to form up at 2 p.m. Sunday HOSPITAL BY-LAW nament. Commerce retail section. " Unless closed shop on Mondays and others Promoters boast this parade will principal o f Central Public School. on Chisholm Street South. Rear A by-law authorizing Halton the Monday closing was supported didn't. So there'll be no long exceed five miles in length. 7 00-- Centennial banquet, Oakville arena. The prizes, which are books, will Adm iral Hugh F. PuUen, Flag O ffi County to assume $6,000 per bed just about 100 percent, we feel it weekend for store clerks, and town Again this Saturday a calathum- be given out on Wednesday, July 3, cer, Pacific Cpast, a native o f Oak -- Community sing and amateur show, Busby capital cost o f hospitals within the just couldn't work out. And while shops w ill close Wednesday after pian parade featuring fun-making Children's Day o f the Centennial ville, w ill take the salute as the Park. county w ill be considered by coun we gained the agreement o f one noons -- and stay open all day clowns w ill be staged in the afterby the sponsoring Historical So veterans mai-ch past the post or two chain stores, the rest de every Monday. 8:30-- Centennial Ball, Oakville arena. Crowning of ty council July 9. I noon, and on Sunday the Milton ciety. . ________ office.______________________ : AT OPPOSITE ENDS OF A CENTURY Town Band Best At Erie Festival Centennial Program Refineries Fearing likely W eek Planners Refuse Harry Foster Aid To Buy Ennisclare Triangle Henley's Homer Wins Out For Little Oaks iVP'DGdi 10 board ; j 14 Bands Help Milton Start Second Century Retailers Reverse Close Monday Verdict As 'Chains' Won't Agree District Policem an In Legion P arad e Nine Essayists W ish Town H appy Party Miss Centennial by Joan Fairfax. Sunday, June 30-- Legion Day 9 :00-- Registration. 11.00-- Special church services. ^ 1:30-- Garden tours. 2:00-- Canadian Legion parade, dedication of nev^ Trafalgar's outright ban on lawn addition to town's cenotaph in George's watering has been partly lifted, but there'll be rigid restrictions Square. summer. 4:30-- Unveiling of memorial scroll, Oakville-Tra- all F or in an exchange o f " notes" falgar High School. Oakville and Trafalgar Public Util 7:00-- Open House, Oakville Power Boat Club. ities commissioners have revealed that the township to east and west Cruises for all up Sixteen Mile Creek. of town can't expert practically unlimited water until larger mains 8:00-- Military Band Concert, Busby Park. are laid. Monday, July 1 -- Dominion Day And Oakville has admitted that 9 :00-- Registration. until contractors find a way to lay a new 36-inch main across the 10:00-- Lions midway opens. seem ingly bottom less Sixteen Mile 12:15-- Church Concert, St. Jude's Church. Creek, there can be no- larger featuring prominent organists and vocal so mains in the township east o f Oakville. They've been trying for loists. a solution for the past five months. 1: 30-- Garden tours. " If w e had attempted to keep half-million-gallon res 2:00-- Giant Dominion Day Parade, south on Kerr Trafalgar's ervoir on the township's terms, and east on Colbome. then w e'd have blown the town's See Centennial Program Page X TRAFALGAR ALLOWS A DRIP Larger Mains Before Township Lawn Wetting Unchecked drought Trafalgar diverted some o f the reservoir water into the south portion o f its system, and the pump on Davis Road just could not keep up with the demand o f both sections o f Trafalgar. To have used the pumps supply ing the southern area to supply the north, via the reservoir would have meant a pressure o f some 120 pounds in the south to provide 85 pounds in the north. Which in Mr. Lofquist's estimation would have blown the downtown system sky high. In a letter to the Trafalgar PUC the town's Utilities mention that the township was trying to supply the township homes to east and west o f town with six-inch mains, despite the fact allowance fo r a 20-inch outlet on K err Street had been available for the past five years. The letter added that Tra r falgar PUC would have to make " suitable capital expenditures to install trunk mains east and west o f Oakville, together with the in stallation o f check valves to di vide your system into two pres sure areas, if a satisfactory service is to be maintained in your area." Trafalgar PUC Commissioner P. J. Blundy in a letter to township water users admitted this week that larger mains must be installed to east and west o f Oakville, to re place the six-inch mains in use. " Your commission plans to end this shortage by the installation o f larger mains in the east and west o f the township water area," states the letter. It adds that a 36-inch main is being installed in Oakville, which would have enough capacity fo r a city o f 50,000 people, and which should be erampWfcad b y September. From this w ould be run 20-inch mains to the Ninth Line area. An other 20-inch main was planned to supply the area west o f town. " These additions w ill provide an abundant supply for all our cus tomers," stated the letter. However, while the twice-a-week Trafalgar lawn waterings were re sumed, districts were split up, and the watering sessions shortened three hours a week, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., and continuing till 10:30 p.m. Now Monday and Thursday nights those living from the east town boundary to west side o f Mor rison Road, and north -to Q.E. may use the hoae or wash the car. Tues day and Friday nights those west o f town to east side o f Suffolk Ave. and ea«t side o f Burton have their inmngB. W ednesday and Saturday from east side o f Morrison Road to east township line and from the west side- o f Suffolk Avenue and Burton to township's west border are in for a hosing. Sunday shall be known as Sahara Day. Trafalgar Chief Fred Oliver said residents were " co-operating fully." His men had warned a few, who had seen the reason for their argu ment that ample water fo r fire protection was more important than a well-watered lawn. Oakville PUC Commissioner Hil mer Lofquist said Tuesday Oakville didn' t intend to follow Trafalgar's move, and shorten the hours for watering lawns in town. So Oakvilleites twice-a-week start water ing the grass at 6:30 p.m., while their Trafalgar neighbors must wait until 8 p.m. -- that is, until Trafalgar gets bigger mains. and burst every hot water tank in Oakville," summed up Oakville PUC chairman Hilmer Lofquist this week. Last week Township Engineer G .Briscoe claimed it was dry several times. Mr. Lofquist explained that Oak ville's water system was actually in two separate sections, one to supply the southern portion of Oakville and Trafalgar, as far north as Division Street. The sec ond system supplies the area north of Division, including Oakville and Trafalgar's industrial sections. Oakville supplies Trafalgar's north portion and the 500,000-gal lon Seventh Line reservoir via a special pump on Davis Road, pumping from a large main ex tending north on Dundas St. Thus the reservoir keeps a constant 85 pounds pressure in the north. water system out o f the ground, However, during the recent i i