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Journal (The Home Newspaper of Oakville and Trafalgar) (Oakville, ON), 27 Jun 1957, p. 23

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JE2 L s ,w w - x TMMk&tvS:, W 5 W U K , #O C te in , W e aren't 100 years ... . ·· , ` y -i > : . ... t v ·: r t ' old, but w e are · k pioneers in the / MARILYN AND GUS TO TURN FIRST SOD Marilyn Bell, Canada's winsome Lady Qf the Lake, w ill make her second pu blic appearance in this area on W ednesday afternoon, July 3, at 3 p.m., when she w ill turn the first sod fo r the L ion 's sw im m ing pool. Marilyn is also ex pected to take a dip at the Oak ville Club's new p ool at 4 p.m., when a water safety dem onstration is scheduled. Lake Ontario's first conqueror was roundly cheered by 1,500 Oakville-ites ju st a fortnight after her terrific accom plishm ent, when she was the special guest o f Oakville Black Knights at a W allace Park grid coptest with McMaster Uni versity. Marilyn, lon g a Knight rooter due to her friendship with B K linem an Bun Cooke, was ac com panied on that visit by coach Gus Ryder, C liff Lumsdon and Joan Cooke (n ow Mrs. Lum sdon). The quartet were pictured that night wearing the gleam ing white stetson sported by the K nights of that era. The popular Gus, long affectionately known as Canada's Mr. Swimming, w ill be with Miss B ell when she pays Oakville her Centennial visit. A P P L I A N C EB U S I N E S S So we know that Justus Tempered Justice With Fine Old Brandy Justus W illiams, whose magic as an early apothecary went unchal lenged fo r a fu ll decade in the 1830s must have been a man who appreciated the value o f salesman ship. Records discovered in Mr. W il liams' store disclosed that many o f his treatments must have been m ore painful than the disease he sought to eradicate. F or instance, fo r ague, he advocated: One piece o f allum the size o f a nut; three nutmegs and a half ounce o f Pervuian bark; a quarter ounce o f lem on oil; a half pound o f loa f sugar-- and then, praise be -- a half pint o f brandy! In a dry town that developed shortly after Justus' time, it is al most certain that many citizens w ere suddenly stricken with ague. T he Egyptians are said to have made the first artificial eyes. They made them fo r mummies and sta tues. G IR L G U ID E N E W S bers, w hile Donna Jones, Barbara Donovan, Patricia W arren and Mi chele Munzer received 2nd yr. ser vice stars. k 10th Pack under Brown Owl Mrs. Pearce went on a picnic hike Sat urday as a windup to their season o f meetings. This Pack still needs leadership assistance. 11th Pack went on a hike on Saturday, with Brown Owl Mrs. Hosking and Tawny Owl ' Mrs. Rowe, w ho would like to thank the fathers who provided cars to trans port the girls to and from the site o f the hike. The girls studied the compass and learned new songs and games. The hike was follow ed b y an open fire and marshmallow roast. 17th Pack held an enrolm ent re cently. Roberta Adams, Gail Mar tin join ed the Pixies, Elizabeth Pepprell becam e a Gnome and Stephanie Thom pson join ed the Fairies. A picn ic was held follow ing the sale o f Cookies with Brown Owl Mrs. M itchell in charge, at the residence o f Mrs. Bum s, Lakeshore Highway. East Oakville T he com bined Guiders meeting and social w ere held W ednesday evening, June 12th at 8 p.m. when the L.A. w ill entertain the Guiders at 76 Trafalgar Drive. T h e Guide Com panies o f East Oakville have all com pleted their p roject o f dressing dolls in Cana dian G irl Guide uniform s. These, togeth er w ith scrap books on On tario, w ill be presented to girls from other countries visiting the W orld Camp at D oe Lake. A n yone wishing to sell a Guide o r Brow nie U niform should con tact the U n iform Convener, Mrs. A . W ebb, 60 Park Ave., V I 5-1206, w ho has purchasers waiting. 2nd Pack, w ith Mrs. Broadbent as Brow n Owl, and Taw ny Owl, Mrs. O. McCraney, held a m eeting on June 5th at w hich the follow in g presentations w ere m ade; G olden Bairs-- Denise Stone, W en dy Lundquist, Fiona M acleod, M ary Sauer, Barbara Price, M argaret Byrnes, K ay Glunk, Pat Robertson, Patsy Parker. Service Stars-- 2 year, M ary Lou Burr, Patsy Parker. A Sixer Stripe to Patsy Parker, and a Seconder Stripe to Mary Sauer. Skaters Badge -- Fiona Macleod, Mary Sauer. Refreshm ents w ere served by the Fairies and Sprites to the Brow nies and to the visitors, mothers, friends, and little girls who have been on the waiting list fo r the past year. 3rd Pack has Mrs. Broadbent, Com missioner visit the m eeting on the 31st o f May and she presented Golden Hand to Betsy W ood, 2nd Y ear Service Star to Linda Rut ledge and B. P. Stars to the Pack. Sharon Bruce, Gretna G am er and Donna Makuch have join ed the pack. A t an earlier meeting 1st year service stars w ere awarded to Susan Munzer and Trunsje LubONW ARD MARCH A fter selling their chapel to the Anglicans, Oakville's W esleyan Methodists held services in Tem perance Hall from 1841 until a resolution in 1850 pointed up the need fo r a new church. In 1851, an edifice was built at the c o m e r of Dunn and Randall Sts. OAKVILLE Is a Good Place in Which to Live. . . to Work. . . to Grow Back in 1933, our business w as launched w ith an idea. We felt th a t the people of Oakville and T rafalgar w anted a n ap p lian ce centre in w hich top q u ality w as the key word. We knew th at friendly, dependable service could be the cornerstone of a successful future. T hat our id ea w as good, our m erchan dise desirable and our busi ness m ethods sound is proven by our growth. We hav e ex panded and m odernized our prem ises over the y ears to of fer the u ltim ate in p leasan t HILLM ER LOFQUIST shopping a ir - conditioned a t m osphere . . . and we are confident th a t our friendly co-workers, m odern equipm ent and alert m erchandis ing policy have kept pace w ith a rap id ly m ushroom ing O akville-Trafalgar area. Our progress has been m ade possible by your acceptance of our efforts, and because Oakville is a good place in w hich to live, to work and to grow. We know ! SALUTE to 100 YEARS We at A*P c o n g r a t u l a t e Oa k v i l l e aa its 100th Birthday T r u ly t+iii re e g r e a t m ile s t o n e In th e fin e his to r y o f y o u r to w n . W e a t t h e A & P F o o d S tores 'i a r e fu etfy p r o u d t o b e a p a r t o f t h e b o o m in g c o m m u n it y a lt h o u g h we have been lo c a t e d h e r e orvty a s h o r t p e r io d . Y o u r A & P lo o k s fo r 68 Colborne St. E. VI. 4-3208 Visit Our Record Bar and Hi Fidelity Lounge Open Fri. Evening Budget Terms w a r d t o se rv in g y o u th e b e s t in Q u a lity F o o d s ( « t th e lo w e st p r a c tic a l p r ic e s. COME SEE. . . COME SAVE. . . at A&P! $AVES YOU DOLLAR $ 1W etlAT A T L A N T IC A P A C IF IC TfA COMM NV L i s t en to Our Newscast O v e r CHINO 7 : 5 0 a . m . D a i l y

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