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Journal (The Home Newspaper of Oakville and Trafalgar) (Oakville, ON), 27 Jun 1957, p. 22

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Oaks Drop Toughie To Elgins To Slip Half Game Off Pace A fter edging K itchener Dutch m en 4-1 last W ednesday night to take over top spot in Inter-County play, Bud Corbett's Oakville Oaks THE JOURNAL. Oakville-Trafaigar, Centennial Issue, June 37, 1957 Greenidge Selected For Ont. Squad In Annual Lord Atholstan Match A strong team has been chosen by the Ontario Cricket association to represent the province in the Announce Fish Derby Dates Scheduled a week later than usual because o f the Centennial festivities, the Oakville R od & Gun Club's annual fishing derby for boys and girls w ill be staged on Saturday, July 13. Format o f the derby w ill be the same as in past summers, with fishing commm encing at 7 a.m. in both Bronte and Oakville creeks. Lines w ill be pulled in at 12 o 'clock noon, when prizes w ill be d i s t r i b u t e d and refreshments served. President Ernie Taylor heads up the com m ittee in charge, and w ill be aided and abetted by Jim and Ken Johnson, Nat Ferguson and Sandy Burrell. LOSE TO GERM ANIA Seppi Matthis and Helmut Luksch scored once each as Toron to. Germanias picked up a 2-0 vic tory over Oakville Soccer Club at Oakwood stadium last Wednesday night. O.S.C. are slated to meet Maple Leafs in Toronto on W ed nesday evening, July 7. slipped a half game o ff the pace day evening. Saturday night when they dropped One Bad Toss an airtight 1-0 decision to St. St. Thomas clim bed into the Thomas Elgins in 12 innings Saturloop leadership on a single bad throw by Oak hurler Rene Bouch ard, whose attempt at a pick-off play in the fateful twelfth frame backfired on him. W hen the ball went wild into right field, Elgin's Bill Jamieson scampered home with the game's only tally, com ple annual Lord Atholstan trophy tely spoiling Bouchard's otherwise match against Quebec at Toronto, tidy four-hit effort. June 29, and 30. Torrid twirling and sharp field Jackie Greenidge, a mem ber of ing by both clubs m oved the game the Oakville Cricket Club entry in along at a remarkably speedy pace, the first nine cantos requiring only the Toronto and District league, one hour and 25 minutes to com was one o f the fortunates selected plete. And, although Oaks outhit to the all-star squad. Included on the winners five to four, neither the team are tw o players from team could take any advantage of the scattered safeties until the big Ottawa; eight from Toronto; and St. Thomas break in overtime play. one from London. Johnny Princippi, Jim Johnson, Born in Barbados, 26 years ago, Bouchard, Ken Pollock and Bill Greenidge is the most consistent Hannivan were the Oakville hit bow ler and batter on the O.C.C. ters, all going out singles. first eleven, ahving scored five D ifferent Story half centuries in the past six Against Dutchmen at Wallace games. Park on Wednesday, it was an en The all-rounder is in his first tirely different story. Ross Paton year with the local club and has was in top form as he contrived a proven a good replacement for 5-hitter, fanning an even dozen brother Ken, who was an outstand Dutchies in the process. Only Kit ing bow ler with the O.C.C.'s the chener run resulted from Nick past three years. Ken is now play Binchie's hom er in the second ing all his cricket in the West inning. Bob Salvisburg settled the issue Indies. Ontario has held the trophy in the very first fram e when he since 1954. Matches are played slammed a 330-foot, two-run hom er each year, alternating between the over the left field fence. It was Sally's fourth circuit clout o f the two provinces. young summer. Grant Redshaw The team is as follow s: A. B. walloped another fourm aster in the Lang, captain, and P. Hobson, fifth, while Ken Pollock and Fred Ottawa; I. Anderson, M. Berry, die Thompson contributed two K. Bonadie, B. Christen, J. Chrissafeties each to a seven-hit attack tiani, C. Devereux and L. Wight, on Jim Hupp. Toronto; F. Charles, London, and May Even Count J. W. Greenidge, Oakville. Reserve Oaks may find themselves in a is V. Walker, Toronto. position to square matters with St. Thomas during Centennial W eek, as they meet Elgins here on W ednesday evening, July 3. Meantime, Dutchmen com e back this week, eager to break their present second place tie with the local club. Ollie And A1 Produce Gala Athletic Show Next Week A little o f everything fo r just about everybody-- that is a quick summation o f the varied sports program that has been lined up by O llie Johnson, A1 Tizzard and their w illing workers fo r Centen nial W eek. For, on land and on water, there'll be m ore sports action that this town has ever b efore packed into eight days. Biggest athletic days are the opening and closing Saturdays, but there w ill b e plenty in between. Land and water sports begin simul taneously Saturday morning, when a huge sailing regatta and the semi-final's o f Bruce Harrison's invitation doubles tourney get under way. A hydroplane regatta, water skiing exhibitions, an arch ery contest, finals o f the tennis tournament, and a senior soccer game at W allace Park w ill fill out the day's program. On Saturday, July 8, Ollie starts a big field day agenda at W allace Park and on the high school camp us at 10 a.m. Then, at 3.30, the epic old tim ers' ball game takes the diamond stage at W allace Park, featuring form er Oak stars o f the past (right back to mem bers o f the 1924 Ontario champs) against the present provincial titleholders. Between Saturdays, there w ill be gymnastic demonstrations; a model flyin g display; a ju n ior hot rod derby; a visit from Marilyn B ell to turn the sod fo r the Lion swim ming pool; the m inor baseball league finals, fo r w hich The Jour nal has donated trophies; a horse shoe pitching contest in which Mayor Bill Ander$on w ill take on all challengers; and more soccer. Oh, yes -- almost forgot a sports car rally and time test that Dennis Milligan is lining up for opening day! Bronte United Extends Victory Skein With Win Over Guelph Bronte United soccerites contin ued their winning ways last week end as they rom ped to a 6-1 v ic tory at Guelph over the K ing W il liam eleven. Hank De Bruin, who now is the club's top scorer, notched three goals to set the pace fo r the win ners. The other markers were booted hom e by Jim Furman, Louis Csiz and young Dave Hur ley, a 16-year-old junior. Hurley, who made the trip just to watch the game, was pressed into service when it was discovered that player injuries had left the club a man short o f fu ll roster. Missing from the lineup were Frank Jelinek, Dick Meyer, Stan Liwak and John Donk. Outstanding in this game was goalie Erich Jensen, who com plete ly frusrated the losers on all but the one occasion as he came through with several remarkable saves. United meet Welland at Bronte field on Saturday evening with kick off time being set for 6 p.m. BACK IN ACTION FOR OLD TIMERS Am ong the m ore recent " oldtimers" who w ill be perform ing in the big game against Oakville's 1946 Ontario champion Oaks, on Centennial W eek's wind-up Sports Day, w ill be A1 Y arnell and Norm an " Toubey" Carter. Yarnell, a form er Toronto Maple Leaf, and Carter both had stints at coaching the club during summers gone by, and both w ill thoroughly en joy their brief return from retirem en t O'C.C. Bats Silent In Weekend Contest The Oakville , Cricket Club's T & D League entry seems deter mined to prove the old adage that no game is won until the final whistle. On Saturday last, for the third time in five starts this sea son, OCC, let victory slip away after assuming a commanding lead in the early stages. Oakville got away to a flying start against Toronto C. C. at Appleby, when the pow erful bat ting side o f the visitors was thrust aside fo r a mere 88 runs-- due mainly to the devastating bowling of John Wiggins, who captured eight Toronto wickets fo r 47 runs. F or the visitors, only Jim Chap pell (37) and Captain John Shirr e ff managed to reach double figures. Seemingly on their way to easy victory, when half the TCC score was knocked o ff fo r the loss of only three wickets. Oakville bats men became careless, and sudden ly appeared almost in a hurry to get themselves out. So it came about that, when the final batsman was run out trying to steal another count, the OCC total was still 13 short o f catching the visitors. David Senst (27) gave the only respectable batting display fo r the homesters, as Ted W igly took seven fo r 30. Next week, OCC visits the North Toronto Cricket Club. Fred Thompson Paces All Oaks In Hitting Latest team averages released by Inter-County League statistician George Hogan disclose that Oak thirdsacker Freddie Thompson is among th e 'lo o p 's top three hitters. Thompson is having a hot tussle with Muldoon o f K itchener and Di Carlo o f Guelph. Ross Paton and Rene Bouchard are the leagues top strikeout ar tists, having so far fashioned 53 w hiffs betweei) them. Here are the Oak clouting figures: O A K V IL L E O A K S AB R H RBI A vg. Burkart Again Shows Way To Real Estate Board Linksmen Jack Burkart fired an 82 last Thursday afternoon to successfully defend his title honors among the Oakville - Trafalgar Real Estate Board's golfing members. Jack, whose closest com petitors were Don M iller (89) and Don Giles (90 ), thereby retains The Journal Trophy fo r another year. Sandy Flem ing put together the top net score to capture first prize in that division, w hile D ick H odg son (78) and Gord Coutts (73) carded the best gross and net counts among the visitors. A rt Far rington was rewarded as the most honest golfer, W ilf Houghton took the special prize fo r the card con taining the most fives, and Marg Paul was awarded a special prize as the only woman realtor com peting. Stockton Joins Nolan In Rider Brian Stockton, the fleet passcatching back who was such a standout with the 1956 Black Knights, signed an Ottawa Rough R ider contract last Saturday. Stockton w ill join lineman Phil Nolan at the Roughies' rookie workouts, which get under way July 5. k Knight workouts are slated to com m ence July 24, according to manager Jack Rogers. A s usual, however, the main w orries confonting the team manager are those pertaining to finances, and some drastic measures may be indicated if Intermediate ORFU play is to continue hereabouts. The club cleared only $300 on its boat, mo tor and trailer draw, which was hardly a bonanza. W inner o f the draw, incidental ly, was John Tisdale. STILL A THREAT By Alan Mover Little Oaks Lose First Game As Brampton Takes 4-2 Verdict W hile the senior Oakville Oaks were adding another victory to their increasing total last W ed nesday night, at W allace Park, the Little Oaks o f the Halton County Intermediate C Baseball loop were dropping their first contest o f the season in Brampton. The Flow er towners edged Billy Vaughan's crew by a 4-2 score, preventing them from winning their sixth con secutive game, on three unearned runs in the sixth fram e o f the sev en inning encounter. Pete Kennedy on the mound for the Oaks allowed on ly two hits in going the distance, but the six bases on balls he issued plus the three errors his mates committed w ere enough to bring his downfall. Bronizewski on the hill fo r the victors scattered jfjine s a f e f e fftftfiUg eight, and walking tour to capture the decision. Heatherington did the catching. The Little Oaks scored first breaking the ice in the second in ning to tally one counter, on 3 bingles, and a walk. G erry Trudell opened with a three-base hit, scor ing on Bob Bishop's single. Andy Anderson follow ed with another single, but Bunk Lawrence flied out to left field, Ray Burrell walked and Kennedy struck out to put an end to the rally. Brampton tied the game in the fourth on one walk and no hits but scored three in the sixth to sew up the game. T. Merrit led o ff with an error charged to the shortstop. Next m^n up Savage grounded out pitcher to first, and Heatherington was hit by the pit cher, follow ed by an error to the flinger to put Patton on base. Ken nedy then issued consecutive walks to McMurchie, Bronizewski, and Hayes, then settled down to strike out the next two to end the battle o f the unearned runs. Oakville rallied with a tally in the seventh on Ken Brow n's tw; out double and scoring on iT r,,j |ES jt feU b y 'th ree id' ttfeliP t(P capture the honors. On Tuesday, July 2, Acton w ill b e visitors at Wallace Park, with the Oaks travelling to Dundas for a game there on July 4. INTER COUNTY LOOP LADDER P W L Pet. St. Thomas . . . . 10 Oakville .......... . . 9 K itchener ____ 12 Galt ........................8 L is t o w e l________ 11 Guelph ............... 8 7 6 8 3 4 1 3 3 4 5 7 7 .700 .667 :667 .375 .364 .125 F. Thomson 19 8 5 4 .421 18 0 7 6 .389 The board and its guests wound Redshaw Salvisburg 29 9 11 12 .379 up their day on the fairways with Scott 19 4 6 1 .316 a dinner meeting. Locale was the Hannivan 24 7 7 10 .292 Princippi 21 Oakville G olf Club. 5 6 3 .286 B. Thompson 11 1 3 1 .273 Paton 9 0 2 0 .222 Pollock 25 7 5 2 .200 R. Bouchard 11 3 2 0 .182 A. Bouchard 8 1 1 1 .125 Johnson 10 3 1 0 .100 Banks 1 0 O .000 0 R. Thomson 1 0 0 0 .000 Sheppard 3 1 0 0 .000 Drewitt 0 0 0 .000 0 Two base hits, Principi 2, Hanni Oakville Athletics dropped their sixth straight decision in their van 2, Salvisberg, Scott 2, Pollock 2, Redshaw 1; 2 base hits, Hanni first season o f M etro League play; van, Redshaw; home runs, Hanni last Saturday, when they bowed van, Salvisburg 3, R. Bouchard. to Vikings, 7-2. L ocal forwards displayed a little better cohesion in this contest, but the defence was nowhere to be B ro n te ' s ra p id ly Im p rovin g found as Vikings scored almost at in term ed ia te b a ll clu b , in ten t will. Lutz Anders kept Athletics u pon fir m ly re-establish in g the briefly in the hunt when he snared sp ort in th e v illa g e a fte r its a rebound to counter an early Vik lo n g a b sen ce, so u n d ly tro u n c ing goal. But the visitors went e d R e x a B ile y and his D undas ahead 2-1 by half time, and Brian team -m ates f o r a s o lid 10-2 K ing's second half marker was the v icto ry la st T h u rsd a y n igh t. only ray o f Oakville sunshine as P resen t in d ica tion s are that the winners popped in five more. the B ron ton ia n s w ill b e g iv in g B ill V a u g h n ' s L ittle Oaks a In Saturday at W allace Park, tid y run f o r th e ir m o n e y v e ry O.A.C. plays host to Silverthorns, sh ortly. K ick off is set fo r 6 p.m. Athletics Lose Six In A Row In Metro Play DOWN DUNDAS Oakville Custom Swim Pools Ltd. Congratulates \ £ V £ ty T/ME -- y rzes Q P fl FA T iy w on HER FIRST M riO N AL T/TLB, THE U.S. WOMENS AMATEUR, M / 9i8, BUT WAf> ST/lL 6Q O P ENOUGH TO LEAP THE PRO IA P/E THE SCORMG AVERAGE /H/9S6 %//J in u n tm ttib yK in gfealuru tywllwlsL, 9HE^ Wo/VMO^TiJt6A ToURHE/Z, ANP / a! 7O P R A $T P /E A R 0 S)A$ B E E/i W/AHERoR POW ER-UP M $ WOH. Switch Soccer Tourney Date To Tonight SPORTS CALENDAR Senior Intercounty Baseball Intercounty Intermediate Baseball Halton Rural Softball Chicks, Minus OAKVILLE Zalba, Lose Out M U S E U M To Kress Crew (Near Lakeside Park) OPEN EVERY DAY During the CENTENNIAL 2 p.m. 'til 5 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. Trafalgar Chicks, restrained by a special regulation from using star hurler Harry Zalba, lost their first game o f the season last Fri day night. But the Chicks aren't too m iffed about it all-- because it was an exhibition affair with Gerry Kress' " all-star" squad, that at times took on the atmosphere of a social event. The Stars started out with Chick hurler Pete Smith on their mound, ended up with veteran Don Bond. The Score? Oh yes. It was 6-5. ' The Bengal light is a flare used fey signaling at sea. W ed. June 26 - Kitchener at The Centennial soccer tourna Oakville ment match between Oakville Soc Wed. July 3rd cer Club and Oakville Athletics, St. Thomas vs. Oakville scheduled fo r Saturday afternoon, has been m oved ahead to 7 p.m. tonight (Thursday), the com m it tee announces. Reason for the switch was that one o f the clubs discovered it must play a regular league contest Tues. July 2 · Acton vs. Oakville on Saturday. W iner o f this allOakville match w ill meeet Bronte United fo r the district title, on Fri. June 28 - Palermo vs Trafalgar Thursday, July 4. Tues. July 2nd Huttonville vs. Trafalgar C H IL D R E N H E L P CORNER BROOK, Nfld., (C P )-- Fire Chief Gordon Brewer says there has been " 100 per cent res ponse" in a fire-prevention prog Sat. June 28 · Welland vs. Bronte ram im plemented with children at C om er Brook area schools. Almost all the 1,500 form s distributed Sat. July 6th were com pleted and signed by Udinese vs. Oakville A.C. students and their parents. The Town of Oakville ON THE CELEBRATION OF ITS 100th BIRTHDAY 1857 1957 T h e g ro w th a n d h istory o f th e T o w n o f O a k ville r e c o r d s th e p a ra llel p r o g r e ss o f O n ta r io . . . r e fle c tin g th e ab ility o f its p e o p le t o a d a p t n ew id e a s a n d n e w m e t h o d s t o th e b e n e fit o f us all. H ^re at O a k v ille Sw im P o o ls L td ., w« S.-Ont. Soccer League Metro Soccer League Today's T r iu m p h s WATER Drilled Wells for Household or Landscape Irrigation. Phone Hamilton P k e e f c CAN'T BEAT LI. 9-9771 SMALL PUMPS SUPPLIED Are Tomorrow's Challenge! h a v e striven t o m a in ta in s o u n d w o rk m a n s h ip in o u r e v e r in cre a s in g list o f c o n t r a c t s , w h ich r e fle c t th e c o n f id e n c e o u r c u s to m e r s h a v e in » th is c o n c e r n . GAS B R E W E R YL IM IT E D You'll enjoy your drive to... MRM MARKET Lakeshore Hwy. between Oakville and Bronte Present achievements are built on the success of the past, and mark the beginning of still greater things to come. Oakville Custom Swim Pools Limited «i PhoneVI. 5-2719 iit r nni a 1 Thom as Street S. o a k v i l l e

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