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Journal (The Home Newspaper of Oakville and Trafalgar) (Oakville, ON), 27 Jun 1957, p. 9

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THE JOURNAL. Oakville-Trafalgar, Centennial Issue. June 27, lf>57 VI L L A GE S OCI AL S Mr. Jack Landry left the village for Nova Scotia on Friday. He will bring back his fam ily later this The Halton County Assessors' week to take up residence here. Association held their monthly On Sunday last St. Dominic's meeting in Bronte last Wednesday, during the morning a business ses School held a graduation ceremony sion was called follow ed at noon follow ed by a tea for the students by an excellent lunch catered for who w ill enter high school in the by the Afternoon Branch of the Fall. The gathering of friends and W. A. Church of the Epiphany. parents was addressed by Father A fter the repast Harry Williams Lardie and the diplomas presented o f Oakville spoke to the meeting by Mr. B. Furlong. The buffet on the D.M.A. Manual. Later di meal was prepared by the C.W.L. plomas were presented to Percy The Strawberry Tea convened Spurgeon of Oakville, Arthur Ben ton of Esquesing Township and by'M iss Clara Baker for the Eve Edgar Marshall of Nelson Town ning Branch, Church of the Epi ship, by Reeve Thomas Millward, phany, was held in perfect sur Warden of Halton County. These roundings last Thursday, the Hoey three assessors have all success Garden, a wonderful spot to enjoy (he perennial favourite-- straw fully com pleted the course set by Queen's University in assessing. berry shortcake. By EILEEN CORKE Phone Bronte 336 Guests of honor included Bronte The largest crowd of the week Councillors Charles Livingston turned out on Saturday evening to and Harry Irvine, reeves of Oak witness the Bronte fire brigade in ville, Esquesing Township and action, at the home of Mr. and Nelson. Mrs. Bert Clarke on Jennings Cresi ,^fcent. About two hundred visitors Fortunately the cause of alarm, came to Bronte on Sunday after a pot of blazing fat was soon ex noon to view the exhibition put on tinguished. and the onlookers dis by Mr. and Mrs. W.A.N. Hoey for persed still partaking of their the Oakville Arts and Crafts. cokes and cones. Bronte Chief of Police Howard Nickling now has an assistant and a few motorists who have little re gard for speed limits were made aware that Chief Nickling is a man to be reckoned with when the Ancient vehicles like venerable conditioned car is driven by town needle passes thirty. The tell-tale but sturdy 1916 Briscoe, w ill be Canvassers in the district are recorder was at work on Monday seen in the Centennial Old Timers ship engineer Gerry Briscoe, seen endeavouring to complete the cam morning. Parade, slated for THURSDAY, above with old car collector Neil paign for the Oakville Hospital July 4. Aptly enough, this air- Kennedy, of Cobourg. Other elder The Rev. W. W. Sherwin fam Building Fund before the end of ily attended a picnic held in DunJune. Response' has generally been fair, sometimes volunteers work das Park, Hamilton on Monday hard but gain little for their com organized by the United Church Ministerial Association of Hamil munity. ton. Bronte Cubs and Scouts had a The weekly bingos held in St. field day in more ways than one Saturday last, the weather was Dominic's Hall continue to draw The three-digit code assigned to Naming the new baby is a good, the games well played and large crowds on Saturday evenings, simple matter compared to choos Bronte is 8-2-7. The name chosen the weiners declared excellent by about 150 people can be found ing telephone exchange names, ac there any Saturday chasing the elu must begin with either T, U or V, all. cording to Douglas R. Oliver, Bell sive jackpot. Telephone manager for this region. the letters in the dial opening cor Bronte United Hi-C's have plan W hen dial service is inaugurated responding to the number 8; the Two local boys w ill leave on ned an exhaustive program for the Saturday morning for Camp Ipper- in Bronte, on July 7, two-letter second letter in the exchange name summer, which includes bowling, a wash, Cadets Jack Hopkins and five-figure telephone numbers -- must be either A, B or C, corres splash party, corn roast and final Keith W hitm ore o f Oakville-Tra- all beginning with the exchange ponding to 2. ly on Labor Day a dSy camp. A name beginning with " V A " falgar High Corps will be in camp name " V A lley" and the numeral then was among the posibilities, " 7 " -- w ill go into use. for the next seven weeks. Before dealing with the com and was finally chosen after many Well-known to many villagers, plexities of choosing names for other requirements were consider Mrs. Ben Young o f Balsam Drive, telephone exchanges Mr. Oliver ex ed. Thus Bronte's new exchange Oakville, form erly of Triller St. plained that " tw o-five" numbering name became " V A lley" , and the East, is progressing favourably is designed to allow for continued exchange prefix " V A lley 7" . after surgery in Oakville-Trafalgar expansion o f the telephone net Memorial Hospital. work. It conform s to a uniform Recent arrivals from England plan, being introduced progressive are Mr. and Mrs. G eoff Wright, ly throughout Canada and the Sandra and Lynn, Mrs. Wright is United States, which is essential to A N Y T H IN G I N G L A S S a sister of Mr. Eeg Towers of West faster, m ore efficient long distance service. Street. An attempt to make doughnuts Oakville Glass " Uniform numbering is an inte ended in a minor disaster Saturday gral part o f an important advance REASONABLE? & Mirror Co. evening when a pan of grease The twelve-year cost of building in lon £ distance service which caught fire at the home of M. B. H ig h w a y N o . 2 , B ron te enables operators to dial straight Oakville's harbour, from 1828 to through to telephones in distant Clarke, 219 Jennings Crescent, 1840, amounted to $38,000. Phone Bronte 499 centres without the assistance of Bronte. Firemen under Fire Chief Freeany oriier operators,' the m a n g e r said. " In a few years most tele" -1 main Bray extinguished the blaze, phone users w ill be dialing most of and damage wa\? cipnfined to badly their own long distance calls." I smoked walls in lhe kitchen. (OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM) Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin journeyed to Freelton on Sunday where Mr. Sherwin conducted the Anniversary S erfice and were later guests o f Rev. and Mrs. James Hummel. SASKATOON (C P )-- Dr. HarryThode, a scientist nurtured on a Saskatchewan farm, is responsible for construction of Canada's first non-government nuclear reactor. The reactor now is being built at the science college o f McMasters University in Hamilton, where Dr. Thode has served since 1939. He is director o f research fo r the uni versity. The 46-year-old scientist's par ents-- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Thode of Saskatoon-decribed the days when their son worked on a farm at Dumdum about 30 miles from Sas katoon, before turning to scientific work. " I guess Harry just didn't like farming," his father, a quiet, re laxed man who has made a success of working the land, said. " He liked school, though. He figured a farm er worked too long hours. " Now he's working just as many or more. He works too hard." Special Project Dr. Thode was offered the chair of chemistry at McMaster Univer sity at the age of 27. The young scientist accepted and took over in 1939. The Second W orld W ar resulted in tremendous development in the ly items in the parade w ill in field of nuclear research, and be cause of his special work on iso clude a model T " black maria" , an topes the National Research Coun authentic stage coach, and a hand- cil sponsored Dr. Thode and his drawn firereel. colleagues in top-secret research. Once Saskatchewan Farmer Now Boss Of Nuclear Reactor This was part o f the Manhattan project, which led to the develop ment o f the atomic bomb. For his part in this work Dr. Thode was awarded a membership in the Order o f the British Empire. Dr. Thode, the senior in the Mc Master nuclear research team, long had dreams o f building a nuclear reactor on the campus. The O.T.M.H. Medical Staff wish to announce that Dr. Norris E. Hart will o p e n his ow n o f f i c e fo r th e p r a c tic e o f g e n e r a l m e d ic in e T h u r s d a y , August 1st, 1957 SUITE 10, MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING 2 3 4 R E Y N O L D S ST. N . O A K V IL L E I 1916 BRISCOE FOR BRISCOE Bronte's Valley Dial Number Result Of Code Y' Sparks Pool Hunt To Stage Safety Course A committee to investigate ways of publicising methods of water safety and of setting up demonstra tions for the benefit chiefly of the youth of the district was named at a special meeting at the YMYW CA Monday morning, under the chairmanship of YM-YWCA executive director Ted Sexsmith. A second committee which will try to obtain the use of local swimming pools for demonstration purposes was also form ed, both committees to report back to a fur ther meeting of the group imme diately follow ing the Oakville Cen tennial celebrations, at which time members of the area parks boards will also be asked to join in. Attending Monday's meeting were: Mrs. Hunter Reid and Mrs. J. A. Auclair, representing the Oak ville branch o f the Canadian Red Cross; Oakville Chief Cons. Len Brown, as harbor master; Harold Bartman. assistant searchmaster of TOW ARF; Norman Carlson, of St. John's Am bulance , Association; Ralph Wakely, Oakville Recreation Commissiion; Gil Coombes, Lions Club; A1 Seaton, Optimsits Club; Duncan McTavish, YM -YW CA; and Trafalgar Constable John Robson, o f Trafalgar Police. Appointed to the committee to investigate ways and means of im proving water safety, particularly in reference to Oakville piers and parks, and also to study methods used in neighbouring municipali ties, were: Messrs. Seaton, Brown and Bartman. Form ing the committee to obtain use of local swimming pools was: Mrs. Auclair, with Messrs. Carlson, McTavish and Robson. URN AT LIBR ARY A flow er-filled urn was placed in front o f the Oakville Public Li brary last week by the W hite Oak Horticultural Society. It w ill be kept filled with flow ers as long as the weather permits. The Society plans to landscape the space in front o f the library building next year. Mrs. H. W. Scruton is chair man o f the Society's planting com mittee, which w ill carry out the project. Telephone Victor 5-0825 C O N S U L T A T I O N by A P P O I N T M E N T S M A R T ME N KNOW . . . . . . th a t in b u sin ess y o u r a p p e a r a n c e will h e lp y o u g e t a p r o m o tio n , a n d w e ta k e p rid e in g iv in g y o u r c lo th e s e x p e r t d ry c le a n ing a n d p ressin g to m a k e th e m lo o k w e ll-g r o o m e d , n ew er, lon g er. a n d sta y ] GUM INSTALLED. Firemen End Doughnut Bee Call us today! Bronte 586 OAKVILLE TO BURLINGTON SAME D A Y BRONTE CLEANERS (TRILLER ST. BRONTE) COLD STORAGE C arl'sL u m b e r OPENS A LUMBER YARD at BRONTE CHURCH NEWS The annual congregational and Sunday school picnic o f the Church of the Epiphany, Bronte, BRONTE RAILWAY STATION SPECIAL OFFER KILN DRIED PP NO. 2 PINE 1 x 6 ,1 x 8 ,1 x 1 0 ................. $80 M Bd. Ft. 2x4s 1st G ra d e ..................6c per lineal foot 2nd G ra d e ................. 5c per lineal foot dren direct to the pack. C$rr- for those without <transportation will Oakwood Public School's 45 leave the church at 2 p.m.' " gfrads" were/ banqueted Fridaj The Advisory Board o f the night by the Home and Schojbl As is being held at Coronation Park Church of the Epiphany is meeting sociatiion, when guest speaker Gor this Saturday at 2 p.m. Parents at the parish hall this Thursday don Nairn described Canada as are requested to take their chil evening at 8 o 'clock. land of opportunity." Pupils under the watchful eye of Mrs. Donald James danced, Mrs. R. I. French, president of the par ents' group, extended a welcom e, pupil Ronald Stover proposed a toast to the queen, and Rev. W . H. T H E Y 'L L S A Y Y O U McWhinnie said grace. CAN ACTUALLY Toast to the Home and School was made by pupil Michael McTA S T E THE Innes and responded to by in com ing Presiident Cyril Meilton. DIFFERENCE W H E N Susan Hogarth proposed a toast to her school, and Principal A. A. Y O U D RINK Balfour replied. School Board Chairman Stuart Wark toasted the graduating class Oakwood School Parents Stage Banquet For 45 "Graduates" and. pupil Robert Taylor replied. Am ong speakers were Inspector R. F. Bornhold, Trustees Jack Bed ford, and A. J. Fish. `A FINAL THOUGHT A PRECIOUS MEMORY' ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS THIRST0N Insurance Agency · A L L K IN D S OF IN S U R A N C E ROYAL OAK QUALITY Phone Bronte 62 Every remembered word, every small kindness, every thoughful act that you recall of your loved o n e s , helps to keep you from loneliness. A s symbols of loved qualities, they speak to you over and over . . . help you to renewed strength . . . fortify your faith . . . and bring you peace. W h e n y o u p u r c h a s e a m e m o ria l fr o m us y o u a re a s su re d o f q u a lity a s w ell a s a r e a s o n a b le p rice . W e e m p lo y th e m o s t m o d e r n m e t h o d s to e n a b le u s to o f f e r m e m o ria ls a s r e a s o n a b ly a s p o s sib le w ith o u t s a c r ific e o f q u a lity . CARL'S LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLIES STATION ROAD -- BRONTE Firem en To M arch At Oakville, Milton Oakville's 39 firem en soon should reach mid-season marching form , as not only are they slated to take part in Milton's Centennial parade this Friday evening, but on Sunday afternoon they also w ill participate in the Oakville Legion's war m em orial unveiling parade. The otwn firem en decided to take part in the two parades at a meeting last Wednesday. Last Sun day they marched behind Chief Fred Shaw to Knox Presbyterian Church on their annual church parade. PHONE BRONTE 619 I L K Serving the area ea st o f M a u rice Drive, O akville, e n d T r a fa lg a r 100 YEARS OF SERVICE We Extend G re e tin g s to the For Delivery BURLINGTON CALL COLLECT NE 4-3733 · IF IT'S « WE HAVE IT! FREE ESTIMATES FREE D ELIVERY LU M B E R M illia fa v m id w a y BUILDERS* supply Manufacturers and Designers of the Finest Monuments Available Anywhere. -- DESIGNS ON REQUEST F or inform ation: CALL MR. M cKELLAR -- VI 4-6243 Cemetery Lettering CROSSES C O N T IN E N T TO A T T E N D THE M E T Town of Oakville and LUMBER LTD. Station Road FEDUCK'S - BRONTE Rolled Shoulder Veal Pork Liver - - Hamburger - HOME MADE POTATO SALAD COLE SL A W lb. 39c lb. 35c 4 rolls 99c It took John Wright, Univers ity of British Columbia student, two weeks to hitch-hike from Vancouver to Toronto but he ar rived in time to realize his ambi tion-- to attend a Metropolitan opera. Not only did he attend the opera but he will participate in it as actor and stage hand. His hitchhiking was started with $8.50 and a pack-sack. B R O N T E PHONE BRONTE 330 O a k v ille M o nu m ent W o rk s 90 Colborne Street West Oakville A t the Lakeside Marketeria the value we offer has earned us a reputation for quality. In the years to come we will continue t o serve our customers in the light of this reputa tion, to guarantee you satisfaction. - - lb. 59c - lb. 29c · lb. 29c FINAL W. J. Hill and Staff COTTAGE TOILET ROLLS Lakeside Marketeria Bronte 204 -- -- -- Bronte F E B U C K ' S GROCETERIA PHONE Bronte ANNIVERSARY SALE CONTINUES UP TO 50% SAVINGS LADIES' and CHILDREN'S DRESSES-- BOY'S and M EN'S W EAR SPORT SHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, SOCKS, TOWELS, SHEETS CHAPPLES of DAYS! Bronte 34 Bronte FREE DELIVERY Phone Bronte 353 OPEN TO 9 n.m. F R ID A Y Triller St. Bronte

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