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Oakville Beaver, 17 May 2000, A2

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A2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W ednesday M ay 17, 2000 C O M E W "J O C E T H E R T I S O U R C E F I E D P o lic ie s r e s p o n s e to c r is e s (Continued from page A1) AND OAK- LAI MD CERTIFIED PRE-OW VEHICLES 1 9 9 5 OLDS ACHIEVj 1 owner, auto, V-6, power group, certified & drive cleaned. Sik. #01041 i 1 9 95 ESCORT LX Sport package, A/C, 5 spd., certified & drive cleaned. Stk. #C0088A 1 9 9 8 FORD ESCORT WAGON SE l owner, auto, to, pwr group, 36,000 kms, f r i c Q wagon group, p, A/C, plus more. S* #Rl038 | 1 9 9 7 MERCURY SADLE GS f ] C comforted, a teacher feels the need to keep their distance. He described a typical situation for a teacher: "A guy comes home from his day at school and his wife says, `How were things at school today honey?' He says, `They were terrific - 1 hid under my desk and didn't get into any trouble.'" Solomon said schools need governments to react in a reasonable manner when creating edu cation laws- not in panic. The conference, which was sponsored by the Halton Regional Police Services Board and the Halton Region Health Department, also had pre sentations ftom Dawna Speers - the mother of Monica Speers who was stalked and killed by her ex-boyfriend - who spoke about the warning signs of partner abuse; Donna Messer, President of Connect Us International Inc., who talked about effective networking; and the Halton Regional Police Service Intelligence Bureau, who did a pre sentation on Organized Crime. It also included workshops on several different topics including alternative measures for young offenders, date rape drugs, homophobia, teaching kids to deal with teasing and anger, domestic abuse and senior abuse. Sergeant Ray Hendry, Community Policing Coordinator said the conference was a success. `T his one went so well, everyone wants to do it again next year but I have a feeling that we might do it even sooner than that," he said. For the next conference, the committee is con sidering a theme on hate and hate-crimes, which will be called Hate-less. Hendry is interested in hearing from anybody who has resources that would deal with issues of hate. Feel free to contact him at ray.hendry @hrps.on.ca. Photo by Peter J. Thompson Les Zacny, Chevy/M ariner Bass Angler o f the Year, gives David Leslie some fishing tips on Saturday at the Oakville & District Rod and Gun Club. The Club, along with the O ntario Federation o f A nglers and Hunters, has initiated a Tackleshare pro gram which puts rods, reels and basic tackle into the Oakville Central Fire Hall and Bronte Creek Provincial Park for young anglers to use. The local program was made possible thanks to the Oakville Civitan Club, the Upper M iddle Road C anadian Tire store, M errill Lynch Canada and OFAH. FISHING BUDDIES: 1995 MERCURY GRAND MARQU 1 owner, 4.6L EFI, V-B, A/C, Oak-land j j t f f i certified, money back guarantee. | Slk. #0QG19A 1999 MERCURY COUGAR 1 owner, 5 spd, moonroof, rear spoiler, te/SfC f i f l i f l chrome wheels, 26,900 kms, V-6, ^ ilf ilv tH ) showroom condition. Sik. #O G O S9A O f \f G> C o u n c il O A K V IL L E & S t a n d in g 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 C iv ic Scene W e d n e sd a y , May 17th: The Halton District School Board meets at 8:00 p.m. at the J.W. Singleton Ed u c a t i o n Centre, 2050 Guelph Line, Burlington. T h u rsd ay, May 18th: The Oakville Youth Advisory Com m ittee is holding a youth forum in the O a k v i l l e , Trafalgar and Bronte Rooms at 8:30 a.m. in the O a k v i l l e M u n ic ip al Building, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. Tuesday, May 23rd: The Halton Health and Social S e r v i c e s Committee meets at 9:30 a.m. in the Halton Room at regional head quarters, 1151 Bronte Rd. O a k v ille 's Community S e r v i c e s Committee meets at 7:30 p.m. in the O akville Room of the Oakville M unic ipa l Building. O a k v ille 's A d m in is tra tiv e S e r v i c e s Committee meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Bronte Room o f the Oakville M u n ic ip al Building. The Oakville C hapter o f the S c h iz o p h r e n ia Society of Ontario meets at 8:00 p.m. in the Kitchen Hall at St. Judes Anglican Church, 160 W illiam Street. Bill McPhee, publish er of The S c h iz o p h r e n ia Digest, will be a guest speaker. W e d n e sd a y , May 24 th: The Halton Region Planning and Public Works Committee meets at 9:30 a.m. at regional head quarters. The Halton R e g i o n A d m in is tra tio n and Finance Committee meets at 1:30 p.m. at regional head quarters. Town Council m eets at 7:30 p.m. in the C o u n c i l Chambers of the O a k v i l l e M u n ic ip a l Building. C o m m it t e e M e e t in g s Tuesday, May 23, 2000 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Bronte Room Wednesday, May 24, 2000 "C ouncil Meeting** Council Chambers - 7:30 p.m. **Note: Changed from a P&D Council Meeting 1998 VILLAGER GS 1 owner, quad captain chairs, hi capacity A/C & heater, low kms, quality certified, warranty up to 80,000 kms incl. s*. #40669 1997 EXPLORER XL 1 owner, 4X4, factory running boards, Spji f i i A/C, power group, 58,000 kms. II Slk. #W205 Monday, June 5, 2000 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 12, 2000 Planning & Development Counci Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. fj A A A | C J j- f l | IJ C o u n c il & C o m m it t e e T o u c h t o n e P h o n e L in e 8 1 5 - 5 9 5 9 PROCLAMATION DRINKING AND DRIVING AWARENESS WEEK 19 99 GRAND MARQUIS GS Quality certified, power group, 4.6L EFI V-8, anti-lock brakes, all trades welcome, Slk. #*0600 1999 EXPLORER XLT 4X4, S.O.H.C. V-6, keyless remote entry, quality certified, money back guarantee, CD & more. Stk.#A0688 May 1 4 -2 0 , 2000 Ij I u j f j |B | f ' ft ftft j[J f lr ll WHEREAS the problem o f impaired driving continues to be a serious social issue; AND WHEREAS the Town o f Oakville is committed to encouraging everyone in the community to become involved in the fight to end drinking and driving; AND W HEREAS the week immediately preceding the Victoria Day holiday weekend, which traditionally signals the beginning o f summer and a higher incidence o f impaired driving; AND W H EREAS during DRINKING AND DRIVING AWARENESS WEEK public attention will be focused on drinking and driving with the objective o f preventing the many needless deaths and injuries it causes: AND WHEREAS the Town o f Oakville and its Special Committee Against Impaired Driving are committed to measures to reduce impaired driving and to encourage the citizens o f Oakville to drive sober; NOW THEREFORE, I, Ann Mulvale, Mayor o f the Town o f Oakville, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM the week o f May 14 to 20, 2000 as DRINKING AND DRIVING AWARENESS WEEK in Oakville. ANN MULVALE MAYOR TOWN OF OAKVILLE T H E C O R P O R A T IO N O F T H E T O W N O F O A K V IL L E TEN D ER FO R: T h e S u p p ly a n d In sta lla tio n o f a S p rin k le r S ystem a t th e O a k v ille M u seu m , 8 N avy S tre e t, O a k v ille T -I6 -2 0 0 0 Proud Sponsor of the U lisag ag lSunday. May 28th Ook-Ldi TRAFALGAR R O A D , OAKVILLE a t th e Q .E .V V . www.oak-land.com 8 4 4 - 3 2 7 3 It does not get better than this. D e s s e r t & L iq u e u r L o u n g e a n d T h e O a k v ille C e n t r e D in n e r S h o w S p e c ia l TEN D ER NUM BER: n c v r SE A L E D FEN D ERS on form s provided w ill be received by the Town C lerk. 1225 T rafalgar Road. O akville. O ntario. L6J 5A 6 until 2 :0 0 p .m ., local tim e, on TU E SD A Y , JU N E 6, 2000 A sleek look with glove-soft leather, LANCER has the up-to-theminute style that fits right in. Leather-Finesse® R eclina-R estC haise R ocker R ecliner Piano-YoYo-A-Go-Go Inthe Studio Theatre Twopianos, two funny guys, a fe w champi onship yo yo tricks, flashy 'piano playing and lots o f laughs. for the supply and installation o f a new dry pipe sprjnkler system for the O akville M useum build in g com plex. 8 N avy Street. O ak\ ille. O ntario. Specifications and ten d er form s are available from the T ow n o f O akville Purchasing D epartm ent. 1225 T rafalgar Road. O akville. O ntario: T elephone 905-338-4197. N O T E 1: A n o n-refundable adm inistration fee o f $25.00 via cash or certified cheque. payable to the T ow n o f O akville, w ill be required. Intcrac direct paym ent is also available. N O T E 2: T h e re w ill be M A N D A T O R Y P re -B id site visit m eetin g s held on: W E D N E S D A Y , MAY 24, 2000 " A N D /O R " T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 25 2000. a t 1:00 p.m . a t th e O ak v ille M u seu m . P R O S P E C T IV E B ID D E R S M U S T R E G IS T E R A N D A T T E N D ON O N E O F T H E S E D A T E S IN O R D E R T O HA VE T H E IR T E N D E R C O N S ID E R E D The C ontractor w hose tender is accepted shall be required to post a P erform ance B ond satisfactory to Tow n C ouncil, equal to 100% o f the contract price, and a L abour and M aterial B ond equal to 5 0% o f the contract price. A lternately, the co n tracto r m ay provide an irrevocable u nconditional letter o f credit for 100% o f the contract price. An A greem ent to B ond or L etter o f Intent w ill be required w ith the ten d er subm ission. A certified cheque. B ank/T rust Co. draft, or bid bond for the am ount specified in the tender docum ent M U S T accom pany each tender. T enders will be opened publicly at a m eeting o f the T ender O pen in g C om m ittee at the O akville M unicipal B uilding. 1225 T rafalgar Road. O akville. O ntario on T uesday. June 6. 2000. at 2:30 p.m. local tim e. T he Town o f O akville reserves the right to reject any or all ten d ers and the highest or low est as the case m ay be will not necessarily be accepted. R.J. C ournoyer. C .I.M .. P.Mgr. D irector. Purchasing and O ffice Services Tender advertisin g m a y be v ie w ed on the O R B A. w ebsite, h u p va.x.xine.com opba Friday M ay 26 at 8:30 p.m . MENU Soup or Salad FOLLOWED BY CHOICE O f . .. 999 Look inside today's paper for our flyer - offering great savings on great furniture 5aked Salmon in Dill Wine Sauce, M ini R ed potatoes and Coasted Spring Vegetables OR Chicken Supreme in a Lemon Pepper Sauce and Roasted Spring Vegetables OR Jumbo Shrimp in a Creamy Lim e Rosemary Sauos with Fettuodne Noodles FOLLOWED BY DE&SEBT COrFEE © TEA $45°° PER TICKET ·Gratuities not included DINNER @ 6:30 P.M. PERFORM ANCE @ 8:30 P.M. C A L L 905-815-2021 FOR TICKETS & RESERVATIONS * LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE LA-Z-BOY F U R N I T U R E GALLERIES O a k v il l e CENTRE tfe S J C -> ] L # W e M m The Rooms That Make A Home!- T f B R EA ra v b 1o Ht? En U* AK Kv Vn UiiiS Vf ER proui m ed iaspm sor °f The Oakville C entre 1225 TRAFALGAR RO A D · OAKVILLE, O N T A R IO · L6) 5A6

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