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Oakville Beaver, 17 May 2000, Business, D5

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Wednesday May 17, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 YOU WOULDN'T TRUST JUST ANYONE TO DRIVE YOUR CAR, SO WHY TRUST JUST AMY COMPANY TO INSURE in 2345'O C ^aoftR d. #21, O ak v ille 847-5671 W a y n e M c G ill Business To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Centre has jobs, needs students By Scott MacArthur SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Seasonal allergy sufferers!! D o you suffer from spring seasonal allergy? S ym ptom s include runny, itchy nose and red, w atery and itchy eyes. W e are lo oking for v olunteers to take part in a clinical trial using an approved m edication. R e m uneration up to $200 will be provided at the conclusion o f the study. It's May, which means the weather is getting warmer, leaves are blossoming on the trees, and university students are returning home from a long school year looking for work. Many young men and women struggle to find employ ment at this time of year, and for that reason there exists places such as the Student Job Centre. The centre, operated by four university students hired by the government, provides helpful advice on how to prepare a proper resume, has a list o f available jobs in Oakville, and offers free access to facsimile and the Internet to aid those looking for work. "A lot of students (high school and university) come in here in need of work and they don't know where to start," said Heather Clay, 21, an Honours English student at Wilfrid Laurier University and a Student Employment Officer at the centre. "We help them with anything they need and make them aware of different government programs." The centre works with prospective employers and offers subsidies to those who apply. "We are always in contact with various employers, and it helps, because students will come in with specific skills and we can match those skills to a certain type o f work," said Richard Young, 21, a Student Employment Officer currently taking psychology at Queen's University. "We also offer sub sidies. However, they are often scooped up early in the year, so we're taking applications for next year." Last year over 1,200 jobs were reported available to the centre and they managed to fill about 85-90% of the open ings. There are jobs available and this year they expect sim ilar numbers. "It's still very early, but to this point we have been made aware of about 50 available jobs," said Matt Edwards, 22, the Lead Student Employment Officer and a student of the Business program at Wilfrid Laurier University. "We have had about 25 students come in for help so far, so once again there are more jobs than students." "The labour market is incredibly hot right now," said Trevor Buttrum, 21, a Student Employment Officer taking History and Teacher Education at Trent University. "There is a real demand in many different markets for students with specialized skills." Matt Edwards a summer employment officer helps Heather Clay with her resume. P h o to by B arrie E rskine Call Harriet for more information at (905) 629-5782 Allied Clinical Research Inc. www.alliedclinical.com CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 4th Annual The centre will help students of any age find work. "You have to be 14 to legally work in Canada," said Buttrum. "But we will help students younger than that pre pare to enter the workforce if they come to us looking for advice." The Student Job Centre is located at 1090 Speers. Rd. and operates Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. For more information call the centre at 845-3601. "Some students are intimidated when they first come in here because they don't know what to expect," said Edwards. "But once they find out that w e're students just like them and remember what it was like to be looking for jobs, they become more comfortable and we're able to help." Business fined $7,500. by WSIB The ow ner o f an O akville firm has been fined $7,500 for acts o f noncom pliance by the S pecial In v estig atio n s B ranch of the W orkplace Safety and Insurance Board (W SIB). Chamber hosts Wellness Fair on Sat. May 27th The O akville C ha m b er o f Commerce Wellness Com m ittee has all the answers on how to get your summer off to a great start. On Sat. May 27th, the Cham ber Wellness Com m ittee will host a "Spring Into H ealth" W ellness Fair in the parking lot o f A lternatives Food Market (579 Kerr St.) between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The fair will feature 30 booths providing inform ation on various health and nutritional issues includ ing chiropractic, herbal remedies, shiatsu, energy nutrition and foot care. Dr. Joseph Krop will be on hand as the keynote speaker. He will touch on various issues, discussing Attention Deficit Disorder and aller gies at 11:30 a.m. and anti-aging secrets for seniors at 1:30 p.m. Interested parents are encour aged to bring their kids. There will be a raffle for prizes, a live band, a fashion show, face painting and a dog show, where families can show o ff interesting tricks their pet can perform . A barbeque and refreshm ents will be provided courtesy of A lternatives and parking is avail able in front of the Canadian Tire across the street. A d v e r t is in g f o r u m o n F rid a y The H alton P eel E nterprise Development Centre will be holding a Free Internet Chat Forum-on Advertising; Getting the biggest bang for your buck (sign up at www.enterprisecentre.com/links.htm. to partici pate in this May 19th session). For information and registration, call 825-2345. Note that seating is lim ited. The Centre is located at Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St., unit 34. In N ovem ber 1998, the WSIB received information that 1263854 Ontario operating as A ce Autom otive (of 572 Argus Rd.) was not registered with the WSIB. A three-month inves tigation, determined that the business employed workers and was not regis tered with the WSIB. A ce A utom otive and Peter M isheal, 45, were charged with one count each of failing to register with the WSIB within 10 days of becom ing an employer. This is a violation under section 151(1) of the W orkplace Safety and Insurance Act. On April 17th, 2000, Ace Automotive and Peter Misheal plead ed not guilty to the charges. At the conclusion of the trial, Peter Misheal was found guilty and fined $7,500 w ith two years probation. Ace Automotive was found not guilty. The W SIB's zero tolerance fraud prevention strategy includes an anonymous, toll-free action line 1888-745-3237, and an e-mail address sileads@ w sib.on.ca for the reporting o f fraud and non-compliance. Mayor Ann Mulvale was the initial recipient o f the ATHENA AWARD in 1997. One nominator described her as (embodying) what ATHENA is by nurturing and caring for the community. Mayor Mulvale encourages 2000 nominations. "People need to realize the power and importance in mentoring people, and in encouraging others to excel." Mayor A nn Mulvale The ATHENA Award program celebrates the potential of all women as valued members and leaders of the community and recognizes those who support them. The ATHENA Award honours individuals who strive toward the highest levels of professional accomplishment... women and men who excel in their chosen field have devoted time and energy to their community in a meaningful way, and who also open paths so that others may follow. TH E CRITERIA Athena recipients must meet each of the three specific criteria. They must: · Assist women in reaching their full leadership potential. · Demonstrate excellence, creativity, and initiative in their business or profession. · Provide valuable service by devoting time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community. Nomination form will be posted on Oakville' s Com m unity Website at www.oakvillebeaver.com Nomination forms available at A TOWNE | ROYAL BANK TH ECfeK VIIlEB E A V E R Classifieds · Community Hews Horoscopes IMmng Uu-i-ife « Vfeafchsr ffector,v Real Estate 'atjr Profiles is B w nte ·T X ty P are n t Forever Y P rem ier Consum e 2000 CALL FOR N O M IN A TIO N S r y · Cniiiii© Coupons Me m YO ^ ith z e n s A ^ iJit W S o you know an individual or organization Jdeserving of recognition fo r helping newcomers -- adj ust and integrate in to Canadian society? If so, they may qualify fo r one o f 20 Citations fo r Citizenship from Citizenship and Im m igration Canada. f Can&c « iT i *VX> To get an inform ation brochure and nom ination form , visit our Web site (www.dc.gc.ca) or contact: l t d Direct >ry /S e ta K v < J u r t ^ ent< » » v ie I J l T O W ti ' T0UI({ · jjm e Oakvfila Bea .*er a i a d t a C ham pte · Irfe · ciijDjppUjg Hi vis Integration Branch Citation for Citizenship Citizenship and Immigration Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1LI Telephone: (613) 957-9313 Fax: (613) 954-9144 Nom inations m ust be received o r postmarked by June 16, 2000. vv vv vv OakvuleE a division of HaltonSea C o im o c t iiig m y o u to y o u r c o m I CMzanahip and Cltoyennat* Im m igration 1 u n it y . Canada » Classifieds * Oonanunity News · Vveatter » Dming Chads · AuforaoUva * Real S stcte Pireetory · .Real Estate Otea Houses » Ooirmvunity PraTtes Events * m Listing} Fud City P a re n t » Forev&r Youc* Prem ier Cdnm snar Shows » The Oakvfite Bes ?er * Burlington Post · Canadian Cha*npfcjt. Flamborough Post » Kaaion Life · Stopping Hi *r>: * Business Directory « Online Coupons * W iia Sponsors * N&ssagawaya. Hews Business & "i wr Finances Oakville Beaver Real E state Onto j ·

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