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Oakville Beaver, 17 May 2000, Classified, C4

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T h e O akville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C la ssified houses for sale houses for sale HaltonSea franchise franchise 198 9 O ld s 98 R e g e n c y Brougham. 4-door, loaded, 1 owner. Certified, e-tested 190.000K, $3200 evenings (905)634-4923____________ 1990 Ford Aerostar XLT- all w h e e l d riv e , 19 0 ,0 0 0 km , ne w tra n s m is s io n , tire s , brakes, $2,500. 827-3647 1986 O lds 98, grey, ce rti fied/em issions tested, air, pow er accessories, clean, ru n s w e ll, to p n o tc h . $2,900. 335-8888 (Dennis. message please)__________ 198 5 B U IC K P a rk A v e ., 15 9 K ., lo a d e d , L e a th e r, g o o d c o n d itio n , e -te s t passed & c e rtifie d , $ 3 3 0 0 .0 6 0 . ( 9 0 5 ) -8 4 2 9226._________________ 1996 In tre p id - black, V6, 3.3L, 95,000km , certified, em ission tested. Extended w a rra n ty 6 y rs . or 160K. $10,700. (905)257-2281 1990 Acura Integra LS, red, 5-spd. 183,000 kms, load ed, pwr sunroof. $4,200. 332-8778._________________ 1998 S u n fire - 2 d o o r$ 3 1 8 ./m o n th le a s e ta ke o v e r, 14 p a y m e n ts le ft. 3 7 ,0 0 0 k m . C D , k e y le s s entry, Full warranty, Shawn 416-433-2809_____________ 1998 Sunfire GT- Red with black in te rio r. 35,000km ., sliding sunroof, new brakes. T ake over lease @ $345/ mo. 335-4659_____________ MUST sell! 1995 Trans-AM convertible. Mint condition. New tires, new brakes, only 100,000km., $19,500. obo 335-4659_________________ 19 8 9 T e m p o , e x c e lle n t shape. 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 km s, $ 1 8 0 0 ./b e s t o ffe r. 6 3 7 8 5 7 0______________________ C A R S a n d T ru c k s fro m $500. C all for Inform ation: Toll Free. 1-888-346-0700, Ext.N200 W* The site your community clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 For S ale By O w n e rs > U nique h o m e w ith ch aracter & e le g a n c e > Bronte H arbour »2-storey detached > Beautifully decorated »O versized room s throughout > M aster B R with ensuite, ja c u zzi, balcony 3 baths · Victorian Front porch · Large screend in sunroom · W rap around deck with hot tub > Large out building p erfect for hobbies · T re e d lot 184ft x 64ft DOWNTOWN O A K V ILLE - 2100 sq.ft office space, South of Lakeshore, modem building, $14.50/ per sq.foot, gross including utilities. 4000 SQ.FT RETAIL ~+basement,lakeshore area, $20/per sq.ft, gross lease. Fantastic location/ price. BURLINGTON PLAINS RD. NEAR Q EW - 1400 sq.ft, excellent visibility from Rd., $12/per sq.foot net, being newly renovated. F o M l'fy lilH tlp / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 P r o s p e c t S t. · 632-2601 3 B edroom s · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · P layground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited LA R G E 3 -b e d ro o m from $1129/mo. (+ utilities), July 1st. 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 0070______________________ EXECUTIVE C ondo tow n house, North Oakville, 2300 s q .ft., 3 -b edroom s, 2-1/2 baths, fa m ily ro o m , 5 a p pliances, fireplace, air, ga rage. J u ly ls t. $1675/mo.+ utilities. Trafalgar Property Management, W arren Hill, (905)338-1130 M O V IN G S o u th ! S e a rs s n o w b lo w e r, 9H P , 2 7 ", used 2x, bought for winter 2 ,0 0 0 . U n d e r w a rra n ty . Mint. $1200.; S e ars K en m o re H .D . d ry e r, w h ite , $150.; M offat dishwasher, A lm o nd, p o rta b le , $150.; white patio table, 6 chairs, $40. O a k v ille . (4 1 6 )8 0 2 7552______________________ M O V IN G - 2 se ts o f L/R furn., bedroom suite, D/R suite, fridge, call 905-8254164______________________ M O V IN G - 3 p c e w a ll unit (fro m D e B o e rs ), $65 0; Smoke glass kitchen table, chrom e base, $145.; King size bed, m attress, head b o a rd , b o x s p rin g , $50 0. 632-5776__________________ MOVING. Black lacquer Di ningroom set, 9-pce. Alan W hite striped loveseats, w/ lamp, glass top tables, mint condition. All $1400. obo. Wedding dress, Size 11-12, 'P a lo m a B a la n c a , cord la ce , w /b e a d in g , s ilk d u p io n , S a c rific e $50 0. (905)466-2331.___________ MOVING: double mattress/ boxspring/ frame, like new, $1 2 5 .; m a tc h in g ru g s, Leons, Dusty Rose, floral design, 130"x94", $100. & 90"x68", $50.; leather sofa s e c tio n a l w ith s o fa b e d & Lazy-Boy, m atch ing loveseat, Beige, hardly used. P a id $ 7 0 0 0 . S a c rific e $3500. O akville (416)8027552___________________ PATIO Furniture - table, 6 chairs, 1 lo unge and um brella. Best Offer. (905)8448064 or (905)844-6707. SPEC TAC ULAR P ia n o Sale- O nly on May 25-26, 9am -9pm ; M ay 27, 9am 5pm. ALL TAXES INCLUDED. O ver 65 used Pianos and Grands by Yamaha, Kawai, Steinw ay +others. pianohouseburlington.com. 5205 Harvester Rd., Burlington. 905-631-9259_____________ SO FA and loveseat, tradi tio n a l, d u s ty ro se , w ith taupe/ green accent. Excel lent condition. $750 firm. 2 m ahogany solid wood end tables brass feet $375 for pair. (905)634-0335 ROSEW OOD O riental din in g room , c o rn e r h u tch , seperate buffet, round table w /9 chairs. $4,200. 8 2 9 4120, after 6p.m.___________ SO FA'S , dressers, chairs, kitchen table, beer stiens, bikes, crutches, doors- in t e r io r / e x te r io r s c re e n / show er/ b i-fold , .reco rds books, m agazines. G reat deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W /Th/F1 2 -8 p m ;S a t-9 -5 p m ; Sun12-4pm.___________________ TR E A D M ILL, $350; exe r cise bike $125; patio furni tu re $350; BBQ $125. All e xce lle n t c o n d itio n . 6 3 9 2480.______________________ Y A M A H A o rg a n D 80, Ita lia n p ro v in c ia l s ty le , suitable for church/ school/ la rg e ho m e . E x c e lle n t soun d. $50 0.; L ig h t oak wood double pedestal desk, $50.; M offat fridge, $100, S to ve $40, bo th h a rv e s t gold. 905-337-0700 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY For these & others call Gordon Crawford, Associate Broker, Re/Max 905-842-7000 apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent $ 3 8 9 , 905-825-1376, NO AGENTS BU N G ALO W - 3 be d room, with basement apart ment. 3136 Victoria Street, B ro n te . $ 2 3 9 ,9 9 9 (9 0 5 ) 847-0413, (416)744-2300 or (416)402-7370.__________ B R A N D New S u n d a le home, Hwy.#5/ Eighth Line area. All brick 2800 sq.ft. on oversized lot, 5-bedrooms, 4 bathroom s, ce ra m ics & hardwood throughout... lots of up g ra d e s m ake th is a b e a u tifu l fa m ily ho m e . $289,900. Im m ediate pos s e s s io n a v a ila b le . (9 0 5 ) 319-2327 170 170 items under $100. GRACO Pack 'N Play fold ing playpen. Used for one child. E xce lle nt condition. $40. 639-8197____________ HALF Whiskey Barrel, $15. Phone 639-3946.__________ HIG HCHAIR- Fisher Price, 3 level adjustable. Excellent c o n d itio n , $45. C a ll 335-184 2_________________ IN T E R L O C K IN G b ric k & curbs. S ufficient qua ntity for patio & sidewalk. $100 obo. 336-1739____________ KITCHENset, wooden, ask ing $50. C a ll (9 0 5 ) 6 3 2 9409______________________ LAUNDRY basket, wicker, large size, original type with handles. Perfect condition. $50. 827-2080____________ LITTLE Tykes blue car bed$100 firm. 319-7128, after 6pm MEDIUM dog kennel, $35. Call (905)332-7012________ M ETAL Deck Railing. Six 5 fo o t s e c tio n s . E a s ily in sta lle d $20 .00 each 905844-0855_________________ O F F IC E d e s k ro s e w o o d finish, good quality and condition $100. (905)333-0904 O R IE N T A L style rug- ap prox 7 x 9 . Green/ creme/ ta u p e . L ik e new , $100. 637-7486 . ROCKING chair, arrowback s ty le , n e u tra l ha rd w o o d , excellent condition, $100. 336-0522 ._________________ R O L L E R B lades, B auer, never used, still in box, size 8-1 /2 , m en's. $75. C all 632-0068 after 6pm._______ STEPPER- Tunturi 700 tri s te p p e r. H a rd ly used . Electronic. $100. Firm 6324937______________________ STOVE- Kenmore, almond. $100. Please call (905)3192027______________________ TO OL chest- 12 drawer, 27 wide x 42 high. $80. obo 335-6018 . _____________ WATER skis good condition bindings perfect $75. 5 7 2 7166 PIZZA & WINGS ONE OF CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING FRANCHISE WITH OVER 1 0 0 LOCATIONS IS NOW OFFERING A FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY IN YOUR AREA. SOW OF OUR Sf R V ItlS Operation " rinnjw hfm kr training ll.<»<hlM' S;;;>fxit} * V i Ikku) Ad\«liMI\V, SujijKifi " f HM'Kifti Av *·>«.· · ?<>k Minimum Ki-qnirerl A LH M y S A B F T T U t H Z Z A " Full " O A K V IL L E . Q E W / Trafalgar. 1-bedroom from $779.; 3-bedroom from $959/m o. P a rk in g in c lu d e d . W e ll m a in -ta in e d b u ild in g . (905)338-2276_____________ 2 -B E D R O O M S u ite s am ong re fin e d te n a n ts in lu x u ry b u ild in g s c lo s e to Burlington Mall. C all "The Princess", 639-8009 or "The Regency" 681-8115. 1&2 Bedroom Suites avail able June. QEW / Trafalgar Road. In d o o r p o o l. From $850/mo. 844-1106________ SHORT-TERM Rentals. 3+ m o n th s . S p a c io u s O ne Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor P o o l, W o rk -o u t R o om . B u rlin g to n T o w e rs . 6 3 9 8583______________________ C O R O N A T IO N Park. P ri vate 1-bedroom basem ent a p a rtm e n t, a Ac., p a rk in g , laundry, cabei, appliances. S u it s in g le , $ 7 2 5 /m o . (905)825-0223.____________ R E F U R B IS H E D A p a rt m ents. Downtown B urling ton. Elizabeth Manor, 477 E liz a b e th S tre e t. 1 .2& 3 Bedroom A p artm ents with spectacular view. 634-9374 D O W NTO W N O akville, 2b e d ro o m s , $ 1 0 5 0 /m o ., A v a ila b le J u n e 1st. C a ll Forbes, (416)420-3952 or (905)842-9275____________ C A N A D IA N A .Q u ie t, w e ll m a in ta in e d la k e fro n t b u ild in g . V e ry s p a c io u s 1 & 2 -b e d ro o m s a v a ila b le . 5220 L a k e s h o re R d., Burlington. (905)632-5486 B R O N T E -O N -T H E -LA K E : O akville , im m a cu la te , 1 bedroom, all inclusive: ca ble, parking, brand new ap p lia n c e s . $ 1 ,0 5 0 ./m o . Evenings (905)827-2266. D O W NTO W N O akville. 2bedroom, Reynolds St. A/C, 6 a p p lia n c e s , fire p la c e , $1220./m o.+ Available J u n e l s t & J u ly 1 st. C a ll Forbes (9 05)842-9275 or (416)420-3952 Stccottwllv pfwc» CtMKtpt · irnnmdoiK (.ton Hi Potr-nii.*! AUWWS A BETTER BEAL FURNISHED room for rent in la rge apartm ent, board available- Burlington near GO. 631-9400____________ B R IG H T fu rn is h e d room . Share k itc h e n / bathroom / laundry. $450/mo. all inclu sive. No Parking. Available immediately. (905)842-8958 UPPER Middle/ Sixth Line. Large room in townhouse, near bus, walk to Sheridan College. 845-8693.________ N IC E room N ew S t./ Guelph. Line. Air, parking. $375/mo. (905)637-6508 FOR FRANCHISING INFORMATION CALL 1-S88-69S-8888 N EW N o rth B u rlin g to n to w n h o u s e , lo a d e d w ith upgrades, pot lights, G/F, H/W, A./C, 9' celing, 1700 sq ft. $181,900 will pay your legal fees (905)331-3017 RESOURCE PROGRAM M ANAGER This full-time position w ill commence July 4,2000. The successful candidate w ill be responsible for program registration and service delivery at the Centre. Tasks will include development & implementation of a strategy for volunteer recruitment. The candidate w ill have the following skills and qualifications: Excellent organizational skills Strong communication skills & leadership abilities Experience in public relations Knowledge of the Day Nursery Act Computer skills to include Win98/ Microsoft Office Send resume, salary expectations by May 24, to: PIN E D A LE E s ta te s - spa c io u s "S im c o e M o d e l" 2 b e d ro o m s , 2 b a th ro o m s , e a t-in k itc h e n , in -s u ite laundry w /stora ge, so la ri um, balcony, 5 appliances + upgrades. Features 24/hr s e c u rity , e x e rc is e ro o m , sauna, hot tub, indoor pool, te n n is c o u rt. A s k in g $164,500. Call (905)-3352325._____________________ WE s p e c ia liz e in C o n d o m inium Sales. Lin d a D a vies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, 333-4347, 827-7728 K k u l lots & acreages TO lease or buy, 1/2 to 1 a cre lo t. w ith o r w ith o u t b u ild in g s , S o uth M ilto n , North O akville/ Burlington, s u ita b le fo r la n d s c a p in g c o n s tru c tio n co m p a n y. (905)825-5642.____________ 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lofts · Studios · 1-Bdrm · 1-Bdrm + Den · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths · Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access QEW and Dorval to share 2 be d ro o m a p a rtm e n t. $500 utilities included. Pro fe ssion al preferred. (905) 825-2252 Ext268.__________ M A T U R E , n o n -s m o k in g m a le to s h a re b e a u tifu l hom e in R iver O aks. U p stairs bedroom, full house privileges. June. 1st. $525/ mo. 905-257-1428________ R O O M M A T E w a n te d to s h a re 2-b e d ro o m a p a rt m ent. $450/m o. w/parking New/ Guelph. Single work ing professional female, no smoking/ pets (have cats). Available June 1st. 6 3 9 3250 leave message. m shared accommodation [ | ] r l cars wanted 40 3 A u to p a r t s - - C ity o f B u rlin g to n B u sin e ss Lie. environm entally com pliant. S c ra p c a rs w a n te d . W e pay cash. 9 0 5 -63 7-23 19 Pick-up/ Drop-off. M-F. 8-5 I trucks for sale 1998 F 150 p ick up, lo ng box, s u p e r c a b , 5 5 ,0 0 0 kms., teal, air, A1, $20,500. 335-6018. I careers AUTO MATIO N and Robot ics firm in M ilton requires M echanical and E lectrical D e s ig n e rs fo r im m e d ia te p e rm a n e n t o r c o n tra c t e m p lo y m e n t. A u to c a d or Solid W orks an asset. We a ls o re q u ire a fu lltim e Receptionist/ Administrative A s s is ta n t. C o n ta c t T w o S ta g e In n o v a tio n : Fax: (905)876-3901; email:steve @twostage.com B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (905)639-4677 M on-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm · Executive Director, Oakville Parent-Child Centre 337 Kerr Street, Oakville, On L6K 3B7 _______ Please, ao phone calls BURLINGTON, units avail able 1600 and 3000 sq.ft.. offices, lots of power, over head door. (905)333-6525 ^ industrial /commercial space Burlington Towers The H o tel A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED · · · · F u rn ish ed D esigner A partm ents Fully E q u ip p ed Kitchens M agnificent Ind o o r Pool Sauna & Fitness C entre 1285 Ontario St. F T .M Y E R S , F lo rid a . For sa le / rent, fu lly furn ish e d professionally decorated, 3be d ro o m c o n d o , 2 -fu ll baths, la nai, o v e rlo o k in g 1 8 -h o le g o lf c o u rs e p lus yacht club, fitness centre, pools, minutes from beach. Contact Bill daytime, (416) 434-4883; (905)624-8218. 1870SQ.FT of prim e m od em office space. Clean, at tra c tiv e , gro u n d flo o r a c cess, free parking. Dorval/ QEW $12 all inclusive. By Owner (905)338-3444 K V r t t J mortgage. k>ans ACCESS M oney -P riv a te F in a n c ia l A s s is ta n c e , re q u ire d to be a p p ro v e d $10,000 and up financing, R.R.S.P., Lira, Rif, Pension fund from Ex-employer. Call toll free; 1-888-657-1062, Toll Free Fax 1-888-7031492, We act as consultants on your projects. 7 days per week. CFM Walk to Spencer Smith Park on the Lake & JBMH Spacious 2 Bdrm Apts from $825./Mo. All freshly painted & carpeted with new windows and baths. No pets please. Sat.: 10am-5pm Sun: llam -5pm www.ontim .com · btow ers@ lara.on.ca BU RLIN G TO N Downtown. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl S treet. N e w ly d e c o ra te d 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments w ith s c e n ic v ie w s . 632-1643_________________ T O TA LLY charm ing apartm net in century old hom e (B u rlin g to n ) on T he Bay. C o m p le te ly re m o d e le d , ideal for couple or single. Heat included. $1295/m o. Call (905)333-0868 639 · 8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm S A U B L E B e a c h - 3 -b e d room - 4 -pie ce bath. S e c onds to water, Aug.5th-Aug. 12th & Aug. 26th-Sept. 2nd Greg, 637-1430.___________ E L L IC O T T V IL L E - g o lf, b ik in g , s o c ia liz in g , sta te park, weekend or w eekly, $ 5 0 -$ 1 25 U S /d ay. h t t p : / / w e b h o m e . id ir e c t.c o m /- p a r tin g to n / (905)332-4152 FR EE E s tim a te s ... G ot w o b b ly c h a irs ...w e a k springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Cus tom wood refinishing/ furni ture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 6 3 2 9090______________________ ANTIQUES & Collectibles, Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service. Burl. W / T h /F -1 2 -8 p m ;S a t-9 -5 p m ; Sun-12-4pm.______________ A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e . 2 d o o r; S to v e ; a u to m a tic w a s h e r & d ry e r. A ls o , apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 ARMOIRE, custom fabricat ed, high quality oak, ebony stained,79"x27"x48". Nordi Track excellent condition w/ in s tru c tio n v id e o , $ 20 0. 315-8193 evgs.___________ B A B Y ite m s - e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n : C rib - w h ite $125.; Peg Prego highchair $45.; Graco playpen $30.; Baby tub $5.; potty $5.; cat carrier $10.; 681-2550 B E A U T IF U L crib, change table, rocking chair. Extras. B a s s in e t, fin e b e d d in g , stand. Graco swing, Evenflow phase 2 car seat. Ex c e lle n t c o n d itio n ! 3 3 1 0024______________________ LO VES EA T- Camel back, primarily white w/ lilac flor al. C u s to m m ade, $250. E xce lle nt c ond ition. 3 3 3 2784. Must see!___________ B E D S , N ew - C o m p le te : D o u b le , $ 2 2 0 ; Q u e e n , $240. Complete with frame. Free D elivery. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 9496______________________ BIKES: RALEIGH Monger. S IS ; G e n e s is Z 2 H y b rid Won in draw. $300 value; S p e c ia liz e d C ro s s ro a d s , $500 value. 336-7139. B O LEN S 17hp lawn tra c tor, re b u ilt K o le r e ng ine, hydrastatic drive, 4' mower deck, g o o d c o n d itio n . $1900. Phone 6 3 2 -0 0 6 8 after 6pm. BUNKBED : Hunter green m eta l, double on bottom , m attresses included. $250. Computer desk with hutch. $100. 847-1555___________ SIT On I t- Don't Sit In It! R e p la c e m e n t foam fo r c u s h io n s . R e s id e n tia l/ c o m m e rc ia l. F ie ld s U p h o ls te ry , 9-9, 7 d a y s / week! 632-9090___________ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no G S T! Lo ve y our fu rn itu re ... h ate y o u r c o lo u rs ? S o fa & m a tc h in g chair from $788. Loveseats fro m $44 8. C h a irs from $19 9. F re e E s tim a te s . S e n io r D is c o u n ts . F ie ld s Q u a lity C u stom U p h o ls tering, 9-9, (905)632-9090 C A R P ET - I have several 1,000 yds. o f new S tainm aster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do liv in g ro o m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 D IN IN G R O O M ta b le w/2 le a v e s , 6 c h a irs : 2 arm chairs, 4 side. Tutor oak. Excellent condition. $1200. (905)842-5674.___________ F R ID G E , 2 -d o o r; S tove, 30"; A u to m a tic W a s h e r/ Dryer also apartment size. R easonable. U nder w arranty. Call (905)-549-1911 G O W N S : D e s ig n e r, rose w /ro s e /g re y overla y, size 10, floor length, flared skirt. $100. Royal Blue cocktail gown, shirred and draped, w/hat, size 10 $90. Peri winkle blue, mid-calf gown, with hat, ideal for wedding, size 10. $90. 827-3210. The Oakville Club hiring summer staff We looking fo r som eone w ith a m inim um o f 3-5 y ea rs' experience for o u r C o n tr a c t A d m in istra tio n T eam . Initial involvem ent w ill be focused on o u r secondary roadw orks program w ith a scope o f w ork to include coordination and inspection o f curb, sidew alk and asphalt, lot grading inspection and certification, and coordination and follow through o f m unicipal and regional assum ptions. We offer a very positive, fast-paced team environm ent w here staff m em bers are m otivated to be creative thinkers and high achievers, and a chance to be part o f one o f the fastest grow ing en gineering consulting firms in the GTA. Forw ard your resum e to: C O SB U R N PA TTER SO N M A THER 2624 R oyal W indsor Drive, 2nd floor, M ississauga, O ntario L5J 1K7 Fax: 905-822-6882 Email; general @cc>st>urp.cQni We thank all applicants, htrwever, only those selectedfor an interview will he contacted. 480 Maple Ave., Burl. Tel: (905) 6 3 9 -5 0 7 9 UNUSUAL 1 bedroom- pri vate home, central Oakville. View, walk to GO, suit quiet n o n -s m o k in g fe m a le . Lease, references. $875. includes utilities. July 1st. 845-1036_________________ 1 bedroom apartment (Bur lin g to n ) a ll a p p lia n c e s , $750/m o. + utilitie s. F irst/ la s t. A v a ila b le J u n e 1st (905)639-6749____________ _ 1 bedroom basement-apartm ent $ 6 5 0 /m o .in c lu s iv e . Close to Sheridan College. Non-smoker/ single. No pet. 849-5915 or 844-3105 B U R L IN G T O N - 1 b e d room basement apartment, separate entrance, laundry, parking, satelite TV, all util itie s in c lu d e d , $ 7 0 0 . J u n e l s t . 6 3 9 -1 0 6 5 , le a v e message.__________________ 1 b e d ro o m basem ent apartment. Suit single per son. A/C, parking, laundry, c a b le & u tilitie s . N ons m o k e r $ 6 5 0 . J u n e 1st. 331-0512______________!___ 1 bedroom basement apart m e n t- new, Bronte, every thing included, non-smoker, no pets. $ 75 0/m o. Im m ediate. (905)827-0032 BACH ELO R basem ent a p a rtm e n t, q u ie t m a tu re person, downtown Burling ton. $49 5/m o. 1-bedroom Hamilton Beach. (905)7301560 after 5pm Q U IE T, C onvenient. W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd.. Burlington. V ery spa c io u s 1 -b e d ro o m .. O ne available Ju ly ls t. (905)6373921_______________________ BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom C le a n , q u ie t, w e ll- m a in tained. Excellent central lo cation. Parking. From $720/ mo. +hydro. June/ July 1st. (90 5 )6 6 4 -2 6 5 9 ; (905)5727631 houses for rent EXEC U TIVE Lease, W est O ak T rails. Brand new 4be d ro o m op e n c o n c e p t hom e. J u ly ls t. $2500/m o. Cindy Avis, Sales Rep., Re/ max Aboutowne, (905)8427000 12' B o naire 1200, 1989. Sleeps six, propane stove, G ood c o n d itio n . A s k in g $2500. (905)825-3271. W ANTED All-China, Silver, Crystal, sewing machines... Doulton, Moorcroft, Quilts, Glass, Watches, dolls, es tates, C o lle ctibles. John / Tracy-905-331-2477 P A IN T IN G S , A n tiq u e s W anted: Furniture, Glass. China, Silver Ring Boxes. A d d is o n ra d io s . E s ta te s purchased. Karl (905)6816939 Burlington.___________ AN TIQ U ES wanted- fu rn i tu re , g la s s ch in a , s ilv e r, je w e lry , clo cks, w a tche s, p a in tin g s , o ld p h o to s , canes. B e st c a sh ! (905)-522-4727____________ C l | ! 1 craft sales BABY crib/ mattress $100.; P e re g o s tro lle r . $ 1 0 0 .; Even-flo exersaucer $50.; C o stco carseat $50.; D e lu xe b a s s in e tte $ 10 0; b o u n ce r c h a ir $10 .; F.P. Monitor $10.; 905-319-8609 W*f · WAIT STAFF · LIFEGUARDS/ INSTRUCTORS · MAINTENANCE/ JANITORIAL · SOUS CHEF · LINE COOK Please reply by sending a resume to: 56 Water Str., Oakville, Fax-(905)-845-3186 S U P P O R T S ta ff N e e d e d by Elizabeth Interiors, Bur lington. Person Frida y -to supp ort sales team . M ust be com puter lite ra te , e ffi cient, self-m o tivate d, able to b a la n c e m a n y ta s k s . W arehouse Assistant -Must be com puter literate, wellorganized, efficient. Heavy lifting involved. C all for in terview: (905)333-6670 The E m p lo y m e n t Solution Finding a job is difficult...Let us help! receptionists, admin assistants, CSRs, clerks and others ... we can offer you: B R O N T E , b a c k in g o n to c o n s e rv a tio n a re a . N ew large 2-bedroom basement apa rtm e nt $850/m o. in c l u s iv e , J u ly 1st. N onsmokers. 465-0363._______ LARG E 2-bedroom - close to lake, G uelph Line/N ew St. area. June . 1st. $78 0/ m o.+ h yd ro . No do g s. (905)634-0865_____________ B U R L IN G T O N . 2 -b e d rooms, new kitchen & bath room, 3 appliances, balco ny, basem ent. $925/m o.+ utilities. Quiet 4-plex. 3 3 2 1029______________________ 2-B E D R O O M A p a rt m ents $790. (U tilitie s in cluded). 238 6 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11 -8pm. 639-5761 LARG E 2-bedroom , 2 bal c onies, 1305 O n ta rio St., Burlington. Quick rental in c entive . Im m e d ia te / June 1st. $ 9 9 5 ./m o. (9 05)6380406 B U R L IN G T O N M a ll- 2 bed roo m , gro u n d flo o r, 4 appliances. $820/mo. 6 3 2 5 6 9 0 , A lb e rt M c D o n a g h Ltd. Realtor. W AN TED 3 or 4 bedroom h o u s e to le a s e in B u rl ington, for family of four, no pets, non-smokers. July 1st/ A u g .1st. R e fe re n c e s . 336-6204 MINDEN area, waterfront 3bdrm cottage, canoe, good fishing/ swimming. Quiet lo c a tio n . A v a ila b le J u n e Sept. 336-1058 short & long term contracts; jr., int & sr. positions; p/t work & more Job of the day: Bilingual, Jr. CSR, Oakville, max25K Fax: (905) 639-4998 email: ritas@tes.net christines@tes.net · The Employment Solution (TES) 2021 James Street Burlington, 0NL7R1H2 G L E N A b b e y 3 -b e d ro o m Condo , 5 appliances, fire p la c e , p a rk in g . M ay 1st $ 1 2 0 0 /m o . + u tilitie s (905)825-3327____________ BRAND new Lakefront con d o , S to n e y C re e k , 1200 sq.ft. with panoram ic view o f L a k e O n ta rio . 2 -b e d room s, ensuite, garage, 4 a p p lia n c e s . N e v e r bee n liv e d in! $ 1 3 0 0 /m o .+ u ti litie s . J u n e ls t . M aureen Carr-G abriele, Sales Rep., R oyal LeP age, (905)5747441, (905)662-6666 GLEN Abbey, unfurnished, 3-bedroom, all appliances, A /C , No pets. A v a ila b le June 1st.. $1350/mo.+ utilities. 416-804-7692.________ FR ESH LY Painted 3-bed room to w n h o u s e m a is o nettes. 1 parking. Available im m e d ia te ly . $8 5 0 - 9 0 0 / m o.+ u tilitie s - N orth Burlington. (905)319-9104 S A L E or R e nt: F re s h ly painted 3-bedroom , 2 ap pliance s, garage, Im m e diate. $1,200/mo.+ utilities. N o rth B u rlin g to n . Noe Pacheco, (905)568-2121. SOUTH B urlington- A va il able Mid-June. 3 bedroom. 4 appliances. C/A, garage, K a th y C h iu , S a le s Rep, Sutton G roup Results Realty, (905)-332-4111. P A R K like setting. 2-bed room to w n h o u s e n e a r Tyandaga G olf Course. 11/2 baths, fin is h e d ba se m e n t, h a rd w o o d flo o rs , frid g e , s to v e . A v a ila b le June/ July. (905)335-3001. 2155 D uncaster. July 1st. E xe cutive 140 0sq.ft., air, fire p la c e , 3 -b d rm s , 2.5 baths, garage. $1350/mo.+ utilities. No pets/sm okers. 335-6172__________________ 3-BE D R O O M with fa m ily ro o m , 4 a p p lia n c e s , gas heat, Francis Rd/ GO, Bur lington. $950/mo. +utilities. June 1st. (905)560-6583. NORTH O a k v ille . 3b e d ro o m to w n h o m e s . 3 bathroom s, 4 app lia nces, W ater, cable. $1,125./m o. A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly (905)331-1987____________ B U R L IN G T O N : 3 -b e d room fro m $ 1 0 2 9 /m o .+ u tilitie s . A u g .1st. 3 a p p lia n c e s , 1.5 b a th s . O ne o u ts id e p a rk in g . N ear schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190._________ B U R L IN G T O N , "B ro w n stones" 2-bedrooms, 5 ap p lia n c e s , g a ra g e . C /A , patio. $99 5/m o.+ u tilities. J u n e 1st. C a ll A c tiv e M a n a g e m e n t, (9 0 5 ) 3 3 3 5506, Ext.52_____________ BURLING TO N- Tyandaga, e x e c u tiv e fre e h o ld . 3+1 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, eat-in kitchen, walk-out Fam.rm to private yard, garage, C/A, 4 a p p lia n c e s . J u ly . 1st. $ 1250/month +utilities. 905335-4843 B U R LIN G TO N . Executive to w n h o u s e & s e m i d e ta c h e d n e a r F a irv ie w G O . 3 -b e d ro o m s , 2 -1 /2 b a th s , FP, C /A , 5 a p p l ia n c e s , g a ra g e , d eck. $ 1 2 6 0 . & $ 1 3 5 0 .+ u t ili ties. A va ila ble June 1st & July 1st. (905)681-5527 16' Canoe Bluewater Pros p e c te r, c a rb o n / k e v la r, $ 3400. S a c rific e $1900. 905-628-9056_____________ 16FT. cedar canoe, canvas c o v e r, lik e new , a s k in g $1200. 14ft. Surf & Ski kay ak, $350. Good condition, paddles included for both. 332-0404 after 6pm._______ | C T | V ] items under $100. 2 M ichelin X radia l tire s P215R 15 & v e h ic le m ounted cell phone, $75/ both items. (905)469-6055 BBQ, gas, Sunbeam , use d tw o s e a s o n s . F u ll propane tank. $64. 827-2080 BEAN IE Baby: Maple $80 efenings (905)331-2669 BE A S N IE baby: The End $50, e v e n in g s (9 0 5 )3 3 1 2669______________________ B IK E - L a rg e m e n 's 12 speed racer. $75 obo 335 6018______________________ BUNK beds- Amisco, white tubular with attached shelv ing, L-Shaped or Regular. $80. 632-4937____________ C A R to p c a rrie r, b e ig e / brown, excellent condition $30. (905)827-2837 CCM Stationary Bike- $40. 905-632-4937_____________ C E IL IN G fa n , H a m pton Bay, new, white/ wood. 37" a c ro s s , a s s e m b le d . $55. 827-2080_________________ C O M P L E T E b la c k oak kitchen cupboards and ap pliances. All under $100.00 Call 905-825-9107_________ C O M PU TER desk asking $75. Call (905)632-9409 COSCO car seat Touriva, 0-40lbs. excellen t c o n d i tion. $45. used for 1 child. Call 639-8197_____________ C R E D E N Z A , m ap le , 6ft. long, 2 file drawers & cabinets. $50. obo 335-6018 DESK & hutch, oak wood grain, 60x29x29 excellent condition. $100. 336-0522. DOG kennel- Dogloo Furra rra M o d e l 350 . Large. U se d o n c e , a irlin e a p proved. Excellent condition $75. (905)845-2662. ELECTRIC lawnmover. ex c e lle n t c o n d itio n , new blade. $75. (905)637-0183 F R ID G E , go o d w o rk in g condition, suitable for sec ond fridge or cottage! $75. (905)336-0689____________ FU TO N , Pine, Q ueensize with cover, $100. (905)3327012 l l l l cars for sale help wanted FRESHLY DECORATED Tyandaga Terrace, Burlington! 2&3 Bedrooms Avail. Now & June. Private landscaped patios. Low-rise building in a garden-like setting. 336-0016*336-0015 D O W NTO W N, B u rlington. 1,2& 3 B e d ro o m s fre s h ly painted with new cabinetry available. Well maintained, q u ie t b u ild in g . W a lk to shopping, H ospital, Lake. 637-0321__________________ W H IT E O a ks. O a k v ille . S p a c io u s 2 -b d rm + den , $1190- $1290/m o.; Im m e d ia te . W e ll- m a in ta in e d complex, full rec. facilities in c lu d in g in d o o r p o o l, sunken livingroom ... some w ith fire p la c e ! C a ll Jeannette, (905)815-1628 1999 FORD Mustang Con vertible, V6, Yellow, black top, black le ather interior, CD M ach S y s te m , s ta n dard,A/C, 30,000 km. Very well taken care of. Excellent condition. Oil changed al ways with Synthetic. A sk ing $ 2 5 0 0 0 or b e st o ffe r (905)333-9171____________ 1987 J ETTA, 175,000 km, sunroof, 5 speed standard, ski bag. $1200. C all 6329795 after 5 p.m. 199 9 C A R A V A N fu lly loaded, w ith accesso ries, CANADA CARTAGE SYSTEM STRAIGHT TRUCK DRIVERS - VAN AND FLAT DECK All The Advantages of Condo Living 1-BDRM + DEN & 2-BDRM SUITES w/solarium! Rec. lac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! Avail. July & Aug. $20,200. 1995 Sunfire, low kilo m e te rs , s p o rty te a l c o lo u r. $9,100. (905)845-1421. 199 2 T O P A Z - AC , CD . 9 9 ,0 0 0 Km, a u to m a tic , 4 door, $5500, w ill certified. Terry (905)842-9702. 1991 HO N D A C ivic LX, 4 d o o r se d a n , A u to ., PW , PD L, C ru is e , c e rtifie d , em ission tested, one ow n er, e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . $4750. (905)849-9706. 1986 A U D I 4000. B lack, good condition, needs work, 5-speed manual, $700/B0. Geoff (evenings)___________ 1 9 9 3 M azda 3 2 3 - 5sp d , 190K , goo d c o n d itio n . $3,500. W ill c e rtify . 905875-4909 after 6pm. 199 4 J e e p G ra n d C h e r oke e , s ta n d a rd , lo a d e d , w h ite , one o w ner. 139K. C e rtified / em ission tested. $13,500. (905)319-6432 2000 Acura, Integra GSR, black, 32K, loaded, leather interior. Baby coming -must s e ll. $ 2 4 ,2 0 0 ( 9 0 5 ) 6 3 9 0267______________________ 198 9 M azda M PV, passenger V-6, air, excel le n t c o n d itio n . E m is s io n te s te d . 1 9 0 ,0 0 0 k m s . $4,000. obo. 827-1229 1993 Ford Escort, original owner, 2-dr, standard, air, w hite, 125,000km s. C e rt ified. Emission tested. Good c o n d itio n . $ 3 8 0 0 . 905 8 2 9 -4 8 3 8 a fte r 6pm / weekends. 199 5 W in d s ta r G L, fu lly loaded. 107,000km s, m int co n d itio n . $9,950. C e rti fied. Emission tested. Nonsmokers car. 827-0437 =416-390-6279® HIGHRISE near Lake, (Burlington), harbour view, Ju n e ls t. 2-bedroom + den, 5 app lia nces, all am enities. $1295/mo. includes utilities & parking. (905)333-5506, X53, Active Management l ! u v houses for rent G L E N A b b e y : 3+1 b e d room, double car garage, 21/2 b a th , fin is h e d b a s e ment. $1950./m o. July 1st. (905)825-9917.____________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative finan cing a va ila b le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, A ssoc. B roker, (905)6395258 Re/M ax Escarpm ent Realty Inc., Realtor________ LO V E L Y 3-bedroom b u n galow, walk to lake & shop ping, large fenced yard, ga rage, laundry, all utilities for $ 1 150/m o. fo r m ain flo o r only (basem ent separate), n o n -s m o k e rs , no p e ts , a v a ila b le J u ly 1/00. 8 2 5 3568.______________________ $ 1 6 0 0 /M 0 . + u tilitie s . 3 b ed ro o m h om e a v a ila b le July 15th. Tuck & Nelson School District. Call Verna R o bson, R e /M a x G a rd e n City 333-3500_____________ 3 b e d ro o m s e m i, 11/2 baths. Trafalgar/ McCraney a re a . A v a ila b le J u ly 1st $1100 + utilities. (905)8496533 We are looking for responsible, motivated, enthusiastic individuals to become part of our team. Full and Part time opportunities available - Excellent equipment - Good starting rate * Uniforms and Safe Driving Awards available - immediate openings for qualified Drivers. We require a valid DZ license and a Drivers abstract. Knowledge of Dangerous goods, Van and Flat deck. Customer service skills and operation of a Moffet would be an asset, however, training will be available in areas required. Apply -1561 The Queensway Toronto or call 416-259-5454 for an appointment and interview Please note: weekend work required, with rotation of days off during the week at some locations BEAUTIFUL WATERD0WN! Edith Court Bachelor & 2 Bdrm Apts. Avail. June TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors Irom $689.* 1-Bdrm from $779.* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 Ravine View! Includes utilities. Parking Available (905) 6 9 0 -1 8 9 6 O L D O a k v ille - B e a u tifu l building, very quiet, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 1bedroom from $925./mo.; 2bedroom from $ 1 125/m o. Call (905)845-8254, leave message. TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Required by Canada Cartage System Limited Fufl/ Part Time Positions Available Immediately "(2% disc, included) G E O R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts. June/July/Aug, 1,2&3 Bed room s. H e a t/ h y d ro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm LU X U R Y a p a rtm e n ts in downtown Hamilton, start ing at $750./mo. 1&2 bed rooms, availab le J u n e ls t. A /C , frid g e , s to ve , d is h washer, security, exercise room, above/ underground parking. Quiet, clean, newly renovated. C all 905 -52 37794. Waterdown SO & 75 John St. W. Large 1 ,2 ,3 Bdrms All Renovated New appliances, etc Walk to everything Util. incl. from $695. (9 0 5 ) 6 9 0 -4 4 5 4 (9 0 5 ) 6 8 9 -1 6 4 7 -- APPLY NOW-- ** SUMMER EMPLOYMflffl . AVAILABLE FULLTIME UNTIL Class AZ License, Qanpipus.Goods City/ Highway- Fiat Deck; Vans Days/Nights - Some hand bombing required; Apply Canada Cartage System Ltd. 1561 The Queensway Toronto, ON M8Z 1T8 or calJiforappoiritme nt '4 Hmk............. ......

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