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Oakville Beaver, 17 May 2000, B4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 17, 2000 Find out about y o u r , A conference th at works for women! Find out about » your employment and career options b - training programs, computers, technology «· the best job prospects for the future ® balancing work and family PTIONS Participate in... «· panel discussions sr small workshops « information sessions and displays « internet demonstrations Whirlwind Disney vacation was a dream come true "Splash M ountain!" beam s O akville's C raig Harding when asked about the best part o f the day. His eyes light up and his smile widens. Craig suf fers from congenital heart disease and needs a heart/lung transplant. He spent most o f the flight and the day on oxygen. But, thanks to the efforts o f hundreds o f volunteers and hundreds m ore who donated funds, Craig was one of 197 special children who spent a whirlwind day last week at Florida's Walt Disney W orld as part of Air Canada's Dreams Take Flight. In M arch, The Oakville Field Hockey Club which held a fu n d-raiser for Dreams Take Flight in the form of a 12-hour m arathon indoor field hockey m atch at St. Thomas Aquinas School. It Six coaches aw aited the group at O rlando A irport and, after a short ferry ride, they w ere on M ain S treet, U SA , gazing at C inderella's castle in the Florida sunshine. The ch ildren w ere divided into 25 groups of 8, w ith attending adults. Picone and Di R ollo were put to work helping to care for the children o f G roup 11. The tw o hooked up w ith the N ow ak tw ins, N atalia and D aniella, both w ith C erebral Palsy and both in need o f w heel chairs for the day. As they ap p roached G oofy's Barnstorm er, their first ride, Picone suggest ed to N atalia that roller coasters made him a bit nervous. "That's Ok," she sm iled, "if you get scared or get a tick le in yo u r tum m y you can hold my hand." For N atalia "Space M ountain" was the best. "I was scared to death," said P icone. "N atalia ju s t yaw ned when she got off!" The trek back to Toronto was largely char acterized by ex h au sted kids - and adults - nuzzled in pillo w s, cu d dled in blankets, soundly asleep. It's the 11th A nniversary o f the Dream s Take Flight project. The first trip, April 18th, 1990, was started by a group of A ir C anada C u sto m er Service staff. 68 children and 32 esco rts clim bed aboard a DC-9 and headed for D isney World. Since then, the project has grow n to include flights from 8 C anadian cities each year, three to C alifornia's D isney Land, and five to Florida. M ore than 2000 children from the T oronto area have en joyed D ream s Take Flight since its inception. As for next year? Well, T he O ak v ille F ield H ockey Club will run the Second A nnual Dream -aThon. "I'd like to have a place on the flight for one or tw o o f our a d o lesc en t field hockey players," said Di Rollo. "I think it would make an im portant differ ence if a young person, blessed w ith good health, could journey as John and I did on this trip, becom ing intim ately aw are o f and helping children who are less fortunate." T he O ak v ille F ield H ockey C lub has been invited to share their expe rien ce o f D ream s Take Flight at the Town Council M eeting o f June 5th. There will be a short slide show o f both the D ream -a-Thon and the trip to Disney W orld, as well as a presentation o f the m oney raised to Sanderson. Tuesday, May 30 & Thursday, June 1, 2000 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Holiday Inn 3063 South Service Road, Burlington, Ontario Hear from women in your community! Register today Open to Halton women at no charge. Shuttle buses available. Deadline for registration, May 23 To register, or for more information, call: Halton Region (905) 825-6000 } extension 4177 Vinnie Di Rollo (far right) joins Daniella Nowak and Patricia Osinski on Goofy's Barnstormer roller coaster. raised more than $26,000 through player pledges and a silent auction. For their efforts, two members o f The O akville Field Hockey Club were invited to take part in the day: OFHC Founder and C aretaker, John Picone, and Vinnie Di Rollo. The flight was dedicated in honour o f Di R ollo's son C hristian . A lm ost seven years old, C hristian suffers from a term inal brain dis ease. U nfortunately, he has never been well enough to m ake the trip. D ream s Take F light President, Bill Sanderson singled out the efforts o f the OFHC prior to board ing the plane and present ed Di Rollo with a plaque for her son. The inscrip tion reads: To C hristian Di Rollo: For your continued courage, and strong will to live. You are an inspiration to all o f us. D ream s Take Flight #11 is D edicated in Your H onour. M ay 10, 2000 . Developed in partnership with: l+ l Human Resources Development Canada m Directorate W n n m n V " om e n 5 The Centre SkUls D evelopm ent A Training TRADE IN YOUR OLD PHONE AND SAVE UP TO $50! vtech ». " liSaiw 9 0 0 M H z CORDLESS PHONE W ITH CALLER ID* 397241 Our Price 129.81 Trade-in Rebate -20.00 Price After Rebate Coupon code: 9488200000000000 81 900 M Hz CORDLESS PHONE WITH SPEAKERPHONE A N D DUAL KEYPAD 432707 Our Price 129.95 Trade-in Rebate -20.00 Price After Rebate WIRELESS 900M Hz' HEADSET WITH BASE STATION 4 3 2 6 9 4 O ur Price 299.66 Trade-in Rebate -50.00 Price After Rebate 109 95 Coupon code: 9 4 8 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 249 66 900 M H Z CORDLESS PH ONE W ITH INTEGRATED DIGITAL A N SW ER IN G M ACHINE 397243L Our Price 149.84 Trade-in Rebote -20.00 Price After Rebate Coupon code: 9488300000000000 Coupon code: 9 4 8 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vtech 12984 900 M Hz 2-LINE CORDLESS PH ONE Our Price 179.961 Trade-in Rebate -20.00 Price After Rebate Coupon code: 9488200000000000 40776 96 T he day began early with a 5 am arrival at an A ir C anada m aintenance h anger at P earson. T he huge building was decorat ed with thousands o f bal loons and m ontrously big inflatables o f everything from the Space Shuttle to gorillas. A parad e o f Disney characters kept the place abuzz, Tiggr leading the ch ild ren in "The Locom otion" train in and am ongst parents and wellwishers. Prior to boarding, the children in their fluores cent green hats, group leaders and help ers all posed for a group picture, first inside the dry hanger, then outside by the A irbus 340, as a helicopter with ph o tographers hovered above them. The flight crew that greeted the passengers as they boarded soon let their hair dow n, donning Goofy hats, wigs and Bugs Bunny attire. "People at A ir C anada are really anxious to vol unteer for this flight," said O akville's C heryl Flanagan, one o f the flight attendants. "In fact, the pilots buy raffle tickets to determ ine who gets to fly the plane." Som e c e le b rities on board included C raig Scime o f Fox 29's "Craig and U ," as w ell as Loonette the C low n and M olly from "The Big C om fy C ouch." B uffalo B ills star R uben B row n also jo in e d the team of volunteers. 900MHz DIGITAL CORDLESS PHONE WITH VISUAL CALL-WAITING/CALLER ID* 393851 MHz TRANSLUCENT PHONE · Blue, Purple, Teal, Green or O range 46849/46851/395386/395390/431411 JUST M O V E D ? ' Colour selection m ay vary by store O ur Price 199.93 JS d l Trade-in Rebate -50.00 Price After Rebate Coupon code: 9 4 8 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149" 69 Our Price 89.86 Trade-in Rebate -20.00 Price After Rebate BRDE-TO-BE? 9 0 0 M H z CORDLESS PH ONE 47088 Our Price 76.36 f* # 3 6 Trade-in Rebate -20.00 | Price A fte r R e b a te Coupon code: 9488200000000000 86 N E W BABY? For free information and gifts... CALL 1. SOUTH EAST Anne Phillips 842-2385 2. SOUTH WEST Carol Hagen 338-3456 3. NORTH EAST Pat Fairfield 842-1560 4. 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W W W BRAM PTON 1250 Steeles East {East of 410) · 80 Great lakes Drive · 2937 Highway 7 E. .businessdepot.com W f e L c o :M T V A ac GkO N ltd ~ r nc ot 1 « 9 )0 S iin A N eig h b o u rh o o d Tradition Since 1930

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